Isoland: The Amusement Park
Game Details: Fantasy, 2020
Steam Achievements: Completed (9/9)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 6/6/2021
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Round 1
From the Options menu, cycle through all available languages Travel the World.
Start a new game. Pick up the pocket knife and use it on the envelope, then take out the postcard to travel to Isoland.
You start next to a big Carnival sign. Go right and enter the Magritte cafe. Look at the plate of food and grab the wire. Now look at the power box on the wall and take the key. Continue through to the kitchen. Pick up the bottle from the bench, the videotape from the hotplate, and the shell from inside the aquarium. Return outside. Go forward into the alley, then up the red ramp to the theatre. Grab the spring from next to the person sitting on the ledge. Go back down the ramp, then back through the alley. Now head right, then continue left twice to find a large clock. Examine the suitcase and insert your wire, then pick up the yellow rock from inside.
Return right and enter the store. Use the key to open the green box, and take the tape from inside. Click on the wall to the right of the clerk to find the Dali artwork (1/7). Go back to the Magritte cafe and examine the power box. Use the tape to repair the wire. Go outside and notice the symbols on the lights, then return inside. Examine the radio and press the buttons according to the lights: right, right, left, left, right, left. Now take the green tea and give it to the diner. Wait until they drink it, then examine the plate of food again. Take the pocket knife, and note the sausage segments.
Leave the Magritte cafe and go back to the big Carnival sign. Examine the door here and enter the code based on the sausage segments (111312). Enter the building and click on the left wall to reveal the Morandi artwork (2/7). Go upstairs and pick up the bulb. Use the spring on the boy's head, then turn it and note the colored lights. While you are here, also notice the colored painting to the left.
Return outside, then go to the store and put the bulb in the lamp - the clock will melt, and the hands will point to 6:55. Go back outside and left, and adjust the hands on the big clock to the same time of 6:55. Look at the posters on the wall and use your pocket knife, then pull open the panel and take the ticket. Click to the left to find the Chirico artwork (3/7). Now head through the open door to reach the train platform. Look at the star on the building to see it is a compass with 4 additional numbers. Leave here, and head up the ramp to the theatre. Examine the door and set the colors according to the lights you saw upstairs in the house:
Go inside and pick up the shovel from the left, then take the badge from the painting on the right. Put your ticket in the lady's head, so the tree disappears. Click on the left wall to find the Miro artwork (4/7). Examine the box on the floor to see it has 4 dials, and the 8 letters of PASSWORD show you should only take note of the P, S, O and R. Based on the sign back at the base of the ramp, open this box by setting the dials to 3, 5, 0 and 2. Take out the camera (a new icon will appear at the top of the screen that allows you to take pictures). Take a photo of the woman (1/10). Look at the door ahead and move the laser sources around so they reflect their beams into the detectors:
Go through the door and put the video tape into the projector. Take the coin from the right viewer's head, and watch the video to see a sequence of numbers and symbols. Take a photo of the viewers (2/10). Go outside the theatre and take a photo of the boy (3/10). Leave here and head to the store. Take a photo of the clerk (4/10). Give the coin to the clerk, then take the fish feed. Go to the Magritte cafe to take a photo of the chef and patron (5/10). Head into the kitchen and take a photo of the chef (6/10), then use the fish feed on the aquarium so you can pick up the magnet. Next go back to the big Carnival sign. Head inside the house again. Go upstairs and take a photo of the boy (7/10). Now go back downstairs and look at the box on the table of jars. Move the symbols to line up with the numbers as shown in the video:
Take the lever from the box. Go up the ramp to the top of the theatre and use the lever in the slot here, then go down the side ramp. Continue left to find a beach, and take a photo of the boy (8/10). Pick up the stonefish. Give your shell to the boy, then pick up his coin. Go left along the beach and wait here for 1 minute Delayed Ferry. Climb up to the observation tower and take the cardinal. Climb back down and return down the alley, then approach the gallery door. Insert the cardinal and head inside. Remember the colors on the colored painting for later. Look at the plain painting and color it according to the painting upstairs in the house from earlier:
Take out the frame that is revealed. Click on the ceiling above here to find the Mondrian artwork (5/7). Go upstairs and put the stonefish on the scale, then grab the hammer. Leave the gallery and return to the house near the Carnival sign. Go inside and use the hammer on the left jar A Novice Hero. Notice the picture of the tower surrounded by 8 symbols here. Next head back to the store. Give the coin to the clerk, then take the bird feed. Outside again, go left and through the door to the train platform. Take a photo of the man (9/10). Examine his newspaper and color it according to the painting in the gallery:
- Bottom-left: Blue
- Top-right: Red
- Bottom-right: Yellow
Take the wooden horse. Use the bird feed on the bird here, then take the wheel. Return to the beach and use your hammer on the statue, then pick up the strange ball. Go to the theatre and drop this at the top of the ramp, then follow it down to see it has knocked over a pot plant Strike!. Pick up the strange ball again. Head forward into the alley and attach your wheel to the pipes at the base of the ramp. Turn the wheel, then collect the steam in your bottle. Collect the cloud-filled bottle. Go to the kitchen in the back of the Magritte cafe and give this to the chef, then take the apple.
Go back to the beach and go left. Climb up the observation tower and approach the door. Enter the numbers according to the seats of the 2 viewers in the theatre: 14-12. Head inside and take a photo of the man (10/10) Lost Memories. Put your strange ball in the machine here, then take the hourglass. Click on the wall above the doorway to find the Magritte artwork (6/7).
Go outside and climb down again. Approach the door to the Amusement Park. Insert the badge in the middle. Now there are 4 dials around the edge. These correspond to the 4 numbers you saw at the train station, and to 4 posters at various places around the island. You need to find these posters, notice the direction the eyes are looking, and set the dials accordingly:
- Top-left: 1975, outside theatre (left)
- Top-right: 0028, upstairs in gallery (down)
- Bottom-left: 0156, bottom of ramp (up)
- Bottom-right: 1997, platform towards beach (right)
Go through the door into the Amusement Park. Head left and insert the wooden horse to start up the merry-go-round. Notice the 5 symbols that light up across the top; they have 4, 3, 6, 1 and 2 spikes on them. Retrieve the wooden horse again. Continue left and examine the control panel here. Adjust this so the colored circles are within their matching colored discs. Now watch the countdown timer and press the button to explode the fireworks when the timer hits 16 My 16-year Old Self. Wait again until the countdown timer reaches 0, then press the button. Pick up the red triangular piece.
Head right 3 times. You now have access to 5 places that you may find a dragonfly:
- Pole near the roller-coaster
- Rocks at the beach
- Gate outside the gallery
- Sign at base of theatre ramp
- Machine near Carnival sign
Click on the dragonfly at all 5 locations When I Was Seven. Come back to the pole near the roller-coaster, and dig in the ground where you see the eye symbol, using your shovel. Pick up the blue stone. Now head right to see some glowing orbs over the ocean. Just press the 3 numbered ones as shown below, to turn them all green:
Take the piece shaped like an hourglass from the rowboat. Return left and examine the base of the tower. You need to set these symbols according to the picture in the house. Starting from the 1 o'clock position and going clockwise, these should be: cross, filled circle, circle, cross, circle, filled circle, circle, circle. Enter the tower. Put the blue stone, yellow rock, and magnet in the recess to the left. Click on the right wall to reveal the Picasso artwork (7/7) Surrealistic Manifesto. Now insert the red triangular piece above the doorway. Examine the doorway and set the lights according to the symbols over the merry-go-round: 4, 3, 6, 1, 2. Enter the elevator to go up the tower.
Insert your piece shaped like an hourglass on the right. Now you need to place 4 objects on the panels on the floor. The hints for these are on a poster on the platform towards the beach:
- Top: Apple
- Left: Wooden horse
- Right: Frame
- Bottom: Hourglass
Watch the credits to see the final scene Yesterday Once More.
Round 2
Back at the main menu, choose to continue, and the game will start again. There are quite a few differences in game-play during this second round. Pick up the pocket knife and use it on the envelope, then take out the postcard to travel to Isoland.
You start next to a big Carnival sign. Go right and enter the Magritte cafe. Look at the plate of food and grab the wire and the pocket knife. Now look at the power box on the wall and take the key. Continue through to the kitchen. Pick up the videotape from the hotplate, then return outside. Click on the pot plant 5 times, then take the seal. Head right, then continue left twice to find a large clock. Examine the suitcase and insert your wire, then pick up the yellow rock from inside. Look at the posters on the wall and use your pocket knife, then pull open the panel and look at the paper fragment inside.
Return right and enter the store. Use the key to open the green box, and take the tape from inside. Also take the fish feed from the shelves. Go back to the Magritte cafe and examine the power box. Use the tape to repair the wire. Look at the paper fragment that falls to the floor. Head into the kitchen, then use the fish feed on the aquarium so you can pick up the magnet. Come back out to the main room and look at the plate of food again. Using the sausage segments and the 2 paper fragments will give you the formula 1+1×1÷3-1÷2, which is equal to 5/6. Go outside and notice the symbols on the lights; following the pattern, the next time is 6:00.
Leave the Magritte cafe and go back to the big Carnival sign. Examine the door here and put your seal in the hole. Enter the building, go upstairs and look through the telescope. Shake the man's car and he will draw a symbol for you. Back out from the telescope. While you are here, notice the colored painting to the left.
Return outside, then go past the store to the big clock. Adjust the hands on the big clock to the time of 6:00. Now head through the open door to reach the train platform. Look at the star on the building to see it is a compass with 4 additional bird symbols. Pick up the wooden horse. Leave here, and head up the ramp to the theatre. Examine the door, and set the numbers to show the fraction 5/6. Go inside and pick up the shovel from the left, then take the badge from the painting on the right. Go through the next door and put the video tape into the projector. Watch the video to see a series of waveforms. Return outside and use the lever following the pattern from the video: down, up, up, down, down, up.
Go down the side ramp. Continue left to find a beach. Pick up the stonefish. Go left along the beach. Climb up to the observation tower and take the cardinal. Climb back down and return down the alley, then approach the gallery door. Insert the cardinal and head inside. Go upstairs and put the stonefish on the scale, then grab the hammer. Go left and notice the 4 birds; in particular look at their positions in the windows (left, down, up, right). Continue left again and pick up the strange flower.
Return to the beach and use your hammer on the statue, then pick up the strange ball. Go left and approach the door to the Amusement Park. Insert the badge in the middle. Now there are 4 dials around the edge. These correspond to the 4 bird symbols you saw at the train station, and the 4 birds in the gallery. Set the dials accordingly:
- Top-left: Second bird (down)
- Top-right: Fourth bird (right)
- Bottom-left: Third bird (up)
- Bottom-right: First bird (left)
Go through the door into the Amusement Park. Head left and insert the wooden horse to start up the merry-go-round. Notice the 5 symbols that light up across the top; they have 3, 2, 1, 2 and 4 segments. Continue left and examine the control panel here. Adjust this so the colored circles are within their matching colored discs. Now watch until the countdown timer reaches 0, then press the button to explode the fireworks. Pick up the red triangular piece.
Head right 3 times, and dig in the ground where you see the eye symbol, using your shovel. Pick up the blue stone. Plant the strange flower here, and look at the position of the buds on the stem once it grows.
Go inside, but you need a coin to operate the viewer. Return to the Amusement Park and go right. Now examine the base of the tower. You need to set these symbols according to the poster on the platform towards the beach. Starting from the 1 o'clock position and going clockwise, these should be: cross, circle, filled circle, cross, cross, filled circle, circle, filled circle. Enter the tower. Put the blue stone, yellow rock, and magnet in the recess to the left. Now insert the red triangular piece above the doorway. Examine the doorway and set the lights according to the symbols over the merry-go-round: 3, 2, 1, 2, 5 (this seems to be incorrect). Enter the elevator to go up the tower. Take the coin.
Leave the Amusement Park and climb the observation tower. Highlight the positions of the buds from the strange flower plant:
Go inside and insert your coin into the viewer. Now you need to set the values according to a series of posters around the back of the theatre. There are 4 lighthouses here, and you need to count the number of windows to give you the order, then the number of lines leading to them to get the values (3, 6, 4, 5). Enter this code on to the viewer here: 3645. Carefully watch the sequence of short and long flashes of light from the lighthouse.
Return around the back of the theatre and go up to the top. Examine the door here and draw the symbol you saw through the telescope from the top of the house (reflected horizontally as he drew it on the inside of his car). Go inside. Now you need to send the signal that you just saw from the lighthouse, by clicking on the golden pyramid: long, short, long, short, long, long, short, long.
Watch the credits to see the final scene.