Isoland 4Isoland 4

The Anchor of Memory

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2024

Steam Achievements:  Completed (21/21)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  3/10/2024

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Isoland 4: The Anchor of Memory is the fifth in a series of fantasy adventures that begins on an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean, in Isoland, and comes after the previous game, Isoland: The Amusement Park. This game features more in-depth exploration of the characters of the lost island. To complete the game fully, you must play the game twice.


Look in the boat. Pick up the battery and put it into the flashlight.

Round 1

Start a new game. Click on the astronaut Smooth landing.


Examine the blue flower, then head right to see a large planet statue. Continue right again. Pick up the flashlight, then return left twice and use the flashlight on the astronaut, who will end up taking a white fruit from inside the blue flower. Take the white fruit from the astronaut. Head right and then down.

Talk to the sailor repeatedly, then give him the white fruit Time Travel. After he leaves, pick up the moon rune. Continue down and talk to the hooded figure twice. From here, go up twice and place the moon rune on the ground over the moon symbol. Head right and click on the closed window repeatedly until it opens, then go through. There is a deer with one antler in here. Back out and go right to a room with a fish bone.

Pick up the iron bucket. Look at the apple on the table and pick up the olive. Back out and talk to the man. Go down from here and pick up the poetry book. Go up twice and talk to the engineer, then give him the poetry book. Grab the pliers and go up again. Take the antenna from the left tank. Click on the broken glass of the right tank repeatedly, until you can take the antler from inside. Talk to the scientist 5 times until he mentions needing a controller.

Go down twice, left and forward, then give the antler to the deer. Take the blue flower. Now head down, left and down twice. Give the blue flower to the hooded figure The Memory of a Butterfly. Pick up the ticket and head left. Talk to the boy, then give him the iron bucket. Pick up the shovel.

Head up. Grab the blue feather, then talk to the musician. Go down, right, up twice, right twice and down. Use the antenna on the TV, then watch the scenes that are displayed. Use the pliers on the padlock and take the dung beetle out of the jar. Now you can head down.

Talk to the woman several times. Pick up the star rune, then put the blue feather, dung beetle and olive into the bowl. Go left and pick up the cheese from the floor. Talk to the man with the prayer beads, but he won't give them to you. Return right and give the cheese to the bird Clear and bright.


Walk down and right twice. Talk to the man in the top hat, then give him your ticket. Pick up the group photo. Click on the bird to make it fly 3 times Perseverance. Examine the green suitcase, but you don't have the code to open it yet. Use your map to travel back to the musician.


Place the group photo in the frame here Make the most of one's strengths. Pay attention to the number of blue flowers that are in each of the flower pots. Go up and talk to the swami, who wants you to find the 4 items depicted on the walls here. Use your map to return to the man in the top hat.


Examine the green suitcase, and open it with a code based on the blue flowers: 21314. Take the ship photograph, then click on the suitcase and watch the number go up to 18 - take the time slip. Keep clicking and there will be an eye instead of the number 50. Keep clicking to reach number 99 Time flies. Return left twice, then go forward to see eyes in the sky Gazing into the deep space. Use the map to travel back to where you found the sailor.


Use your time slip on the symbol on the right wall Edge of spacetime. Use your map to return to the large tree outside.


Go left and take the hourglass sticker from the fence. Walk up to the left, then to the right. Pick up the starfish fossil and ichthyolite from the rocks on the right. Return left and examine the door of the spaceship. The goal here is to fill the entire grid with blue spheres. Number the ships as follows on the starting grid:


One solution is as follows:

  • 1, 1, 1
  • 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1
  • 3, 4
  • 2, 2, 2
  • 3, 1, 3, 3, 3

Enter the spaceship. Pick up the planet sticker from the poster, and the brown controller from the floor. Climb up the ladder and take the lighthouse. Go back down and out of the spaceship, then continue down and up the hill. Put the lighthouse into the water, which will make the black bird (1/4) fly away. Look inside the lighthouse. Take the "Sea Story" badge. Look at the controls on the beacon. Just continue alternating between pressing the red button and the right arrow and eventually the light will activate Guiding beacon.

Examine the shell and open it to find a red pearl. Also pick up the match just to the left. Back out and look at the ship in a bottle. Use your match on this to burn the ship, then take the coin. Make note of the red die here. Use your map to return to the man with the prayer beads.


Give the man the coin, then take his prayer beads. Go right and up, and examine the paper in front of the boy. Add your planet sticker and hourglass sticker. Now arrange them as follows:

  • Top Row: Hand
  • Middle Row: Arrows, Hourglass, Bird, Planet
  • Bottom Row: Triangle

Take the miniature pyramid. Head up and give this to the man with the fish bone. After the fish comes to life, pick up the knife. Examine the apple on the plate again and use the knife on the apple, paying attention to the seed pattern inside. Use your map to head to the spaceship.


Climb up the ladder and look at the brown device. Adjust the red and white lights to match the apple seed pattern you just saw:

After the white bird (2/4) flies away, use your map to travel back to the scientist.


Give the brown controller to the scientist, then take the plant seed. Continue up into a new room. Put your red pearl into the mouth on the left wall, then look at the puzzle on the far wall. You need to angle the barriers so the red pearl hits all the blue balls makes it to the far side:


Now pick up the blue pearl. Use your map to return to the spaceship.


In the bottom of the spaceship, place the plant seed in the container on the left, then pick up the lotus. Leave the spaceship, then head down. Put the blue pearl in the hole in the mountain, then go through the door. Pick up the firewood. Examine the puzzle on the door ahead. There are blue markers on the edges of some of the tiles, and there are brown holes in the middle of others. You need to have the blue markers pointing towards brown holes so that all the holes are filled:

  • Place the tiles with 1 hole and 2 hole facing each other at the bottom left.
  • Place the other 3 tiles on the far right, with the tiles with markers facing towards the file with 5 holes.

The door will now open Open Sesame!. Go inside and pick up the axe. Use your shovel to dig on the atom symbol to the left, then take the sun rune. Use the map to travel back to the engineer.


Put your firewood in the stove. Talk to the engineer several times, then pick up the iron ball that he offers. Now keep talking to him until he mentions autumn leaves and says you should leave. Go down, left and up to the deer Autumn is in the air. Continue down, left, down twice and left. Put the iron ball in the top hole of the sand pile, then talk to the boy. Give him your "Sea Story" badge, then pick up the ivory. Also grab your iron ball again. Put the iron ball into the lower hole on the left, then pick up the blue controller.

Head up twice. Now place these four objects in the four circles:

  • Top Left: Axe
  • Top Right: Ivory
  • Bottom Left: Prayer beads
  • Bottom Right: Lotus

The swami will rise up into the air Raiders of the Isoland. Take the green photosphere. Use your map to return to the scientist. Give him the blue controller, then take the tentacle. Use your map to return outside the spaceship.


Attach the tentacle to the large alien Sleeping Bird. The pink bird (3/4) will fly away. Now go down then right twice. Use the green photosphere on the statue to the left, and it will crumble away. Count the numbers of the various symbols on the rock face, then approach the door up the stairs. Set the sliders as follows:


Go through the door to find a campfire. Burn your ship photograph in the fire, then pick up the bidirectional ring. Use your map to go back to the large planet statue.


Place your star rune and sun rune on the ground over the matching symbols. Examine the car that appears, then look at the controls. Back out and go right, paying attention to the various signs. Return left and look at the car controls again, setting them according to the signs:

A piece of paper will fly out the window, and the car will star driving around the planet Round-the-World Travel. Pick up the scribble paper after it finally lands. Use your map to return to outside the spaceship.


Go up to the right, and examine the stone bird carving. Attach the scribble paper to its eye, then place the starfish fossil and ichthyolite inside. This will make the pink/blue bird (4/4) fly away from the transmission tower. Go left, down and right twice to see all 4 birds sitting in the tree Birds of a feather flock together. Count the number of leaves on the 4 main branches associated with each bird.

Now head left and forward through both doorways. Examine the glowing circles on the ground. Now you must enter the number of leaves on each branch of the tree, based on the birds sitting on each one (note that a circle is worth 6 in the symbols here):


Open the suitcase that appears, then go down the stairs inside it to find a bedroom. Use your bidirectional ring on the book, then click on the white feather Return to the stars.

Round 2

Back at the main menu, start a new game - don't worry about the warning. There are quite a few differences in game-play during this second round. Click on the astronaut.


Examine the blue flower, then head right to see a large planet statue. Continue right again. Pick up the flashlight, then return left twice and use the flashlight on the astronaut, who will end up taking a white fruit from inside the blue flower. Take the white fruit from the astronaut. Head right and then down.

Talk to the sailor repeatedly, then give him the white fruit. After he leaves, pick up the moon rune. Continue down and talk to the hooded figure twice. From here, go up twice and place the moon rune on the ground over the moon symbol. Head right and click on the closed window repeatedly until it opens, then go through. There is a deer with one antler in here. Back out and go right to a room with a fish bone.

Pick up the iron bucket. Look at the apple on the table and pick up the olive. Back out and talk to the man. Go down from here and pick up the poetry book. Go up twice and talk to the engineer, then give him the poetry book. Grab the pliers and go up again. Take the antenna from the left tank, and the planet sticker from the left wall. Click on the broken glass of the right tank repeatedly, until you can take the antler from inside. Talk to the scientist 5 times until he mentions needing a controller.

Go down twice, left and forward, then give the antler to the deer. Take the blue flower. Now head down, left and down twice. Give the blue flower to the hooded figure. Pick up the ticket and head left. Talk to the boy, then give him the iron bucket. Pick up the shovel.

Head up. Grab the blue feather, then talk to the musician. Go down, right, up twice, right twice and down. Use the pliers on the padlock and take the dung beetle out of the jar. Now you can head down.

Talk to the woman several times. Pick up the star rune, then put the blue feather, dung beetle and olive into the bowl. Go left and pick up the cheese from the floor. Talk to the man with the prayer beads, but he won't give them to you. Return right and give the cheese to the bird.


Pick up the hourglass sticker from the ground on the left. Walk down and right twice. Talk to the man in the top hat, then give him your ticket. Pick up the group photo. Examine the green suitcase, but you don't have the code to open it yet. Use your map to travel back to the musician.


Place the group photo in the frame here. Pay attention to the number of blue flowers that are in each of the flower pots, as well as the shapes of the pots. Go up and talk to the swami, who wants you to find the 4 items depicted on the walls here. Use your map to return to the man in the top hat.


Examine the green suitcase, and open it with a code based on the blue flowers: 32123. Take the key. Go left 3 times. Walk up to the left, then to the right. Pick up the starfish fossil and ichthyolite from the rocks on the right, and the film from the base of the transmission tower. Return left and examine the door of the spaceship. The goal here is to fill the entire grid with blue spheres. Number the ships as follows on the starting grid:


One solution is as follows:

  • 1, 1, 1
  • 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1
  • 2, 4
  • 3, 3, 3
  • 2, 1, 2, 2, 2

Enter the spaceship. Pick up the brown controller from the floor. Climb up the ladder and take the lighthouse. Go back down and out of the spaceship, then continue down and up the hill. Put the lighthouse into the water, which will make the black bird fly away. Look inside the lighthouse. Take the "Sea Story" badge. Look at the controls on the beacon. Press the buttons in this order:

  • Red, right twice
  • Red, right twice
  • Red, right twice
  • Red, right
  • Red

The light will activate. Examine the shell and open it to find a red pearl. Use your map to return to the scientist.


Give the brown controller to the scientist, then take the plant seed. Continue up into a new room. Put your red pearl into the mouth on the left wall, then look at the puzzle on the floor. You need to angle the barriers so the red pearl hits all the blue balls makes it to the far side:


The barrier marked with a red square above needs to be switched near the end of the passage of the red pearl. Now pick up the blue pearl, then go up into a new room. Pick up the camera and clockwork spring. Use your key on the window to the left, then head left. Use your clockwork spring on the robot, then pick up the match. Insert your film into the projector Everything in its place. Take note of the items shown on the screen around the swami, as well as the images on the far wall.

From here, go right and then down 5 times. Examine the paper in front of the boy. Add your planet sticker and hourglass sticker. Now arrange them as follows:

  • Top Row: Bird at far left, pyramid in middle, planet at far right
  • Middle Row: Hourglass in middle, hand just to the right of middle
  • Bottom Row: Arrows just to the left of middle

Take the miniature pyramid. Head up and give this to the man with the fish bone. After the fish comes to life, pick up the knife. Examine the apple on the plate again and use the knife on the apple, paying attention to the seed pattern inside. Use your map to head to the spaceship.


Climb up the ladder and look at the brown device. Adjust the red and white lights to match the apple seed pattern you just saw. To do this, click the nodes indicated in green on the second diagram below:

After the white bird flies away, climb down the ladder. Place the plant seed in the container on the left, then pick up the lotus. Leave the spaceship, then head down. Put the blue pearl in the hole in the mountain, then go through the door. Pick up the firewood. Examine the puzzle on the door ahead. There are blue markers on the edges of some of the tiles, and there are brown holes in the middle of others. You need to have the blue markers pointing towards brown holes so that all the holes are filled:

  • Place the tiles with 2 holes and 2 blue markers pointing at each other in the middle.
  • Place the other tiles with 1 hole and 2 hole facing each other at the bottom left.
  • Place the other 3 tiles on the far right, with the tiles with markers facing towards the file with 5 holes.

The door will now open. Go inside and pick up the axe. Use your shovel to dig on the atom symbol to the left, then take the sun rune. Use the map to travel back to the top of the lighthouse. Look at the ship in a bottle. Use your match on this to burn the ship, then take the coin. Use your map to return to the man with the prayer beads.


Give the man the coin, then take his prayer beads. Go right, then up 3 times. Put your firewood in the stove. Talk to the engineer several times, then pick up the iron ball that he offers. Use your map to return to the boy with the bucket. Put the iron ball in the top hole of the sand pile, then talk to the boy. Give him your "Sea Story" badge, then pick up the ivory. Also grab your iron ball again. Put the iron ball into the lower hole on the left, then pick up the blue controller.

Head up twice. Now place these four objects in the four circles:

  • Top Left: Lotus
  • Top Right: Axe
  • Bottom Left: Ivory
  • Bottom Right: Prayer beads

The swami will rise up into the air. Take the green photosphere. Use your map to return to the scientist. Give him the blue controller, then take the tentacle. Go down twice and left twice. Place your star rune and sun rune on the ground over the matching symbols. Examine the car that appears, then look at the controls, noting the butterfly symbol at the bottom. Back out and go right, paying attention to the various signs, ignoring the numbers but counting the butterflies instead. Return left and look at the car controls again, setting them according to the butterflies on the signs:

A piece of paper will fly out the window, and the car will star driving around the planet. Pick up the scribble paper after it finally lands. Use your map to return to outside the spaceship.


Attach the tentacle to the large alien. The pink bird will fly away. Go up to the right, and examine the stone bird carving. Attach the scribble paper to its eye, then place the starfish fossil and ichthyolite inside. This will make the pink/blue bird fly away from the transmission tower. Take note of the 4 symbols on the left rock wall. Use your map to return to the room with the TV.


Use the antenna on the TV, then adjust the dials based on the rock wall next to the transmission tower. From top to bottom, set the dials as follows:

  • Top left
  • Right
  • Bottom left
  • Left

Watch the entire film. Use your map to return to the staircase.


Use the green photosphere on the statue to the left, and it will crumble away. Count the numbers of the various symbols on the rock face, then approach the door up the stairs. Set the sliders as follows:


Go through the door to find a campfire. Head left and down to see all 4 birds sitting in the tree. Count the number of leaves on the 4 main branches associated with each bird.

Now head left and forward through both doorways. Examine the glowing circles on the ground. Now you must enter the number of leaves on each branch of the tree, based on the birds sitting on each one (note that a circle is worth 6 in the symbols here):


Open the suitcase that appears, then go down the stairs inside it to find a bedroom. Look at the pictures on the walls of this room. Use your map to head back to the puzzle room at the top right.


Go up and look at the numbers associated with the pictures hanging in this room. Use the map to get back to the bedroom.


Click on the pictures in the order they were numbered:

  1. Tree
  2. Eye
  3. Sun
  4. Moon
  5. Flower
  6. House

Take the disc from the cabinet on the wall. Use the map to return to the man in the top hat. Put the disc into the suitcase Seaside Sonata. Give your camera to the man, then take the ship photograph. Go left and through the door at the top of the stairs. Burn your ship photograph in the fire, then pick up the bidirectional ring. Return left, and then go right to see that the man has left. Click on the suitcase and watch the number go up to 18 - take the time slip. Use the map to travel back to where you found the sailor.


Use your time slip on the symbol on the right wall. After the tentacles leave, a series of name badges will appear. Use your map to go back to the bedroom.


Use your bidirectional ring on the book, then click on the white feather The Secret of the Cabin.

Back at the main menu, go to the settings screen and click on the man in the top hat repeatedly Listen attentively.