Paper TrailPaper Trail

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2024

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/5/2024

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Paper Trail is a puzzle adventure game where you must fold a paper-based world into different shapes to solve puzzles and progress the story. You control the fate of Paige, leaving home on an adventure to pursue her academic studies. There are 35 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.


Journal Entry 1

  1. Fold the paper out to the sides to show the house, then back into the middle to show Paige.
  2. Reverse this picture The Story Unfolds. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  3. Fold the top-right corner to the far left, then back out again.


Talk to your parents, then head west to see Jimmy. Fold the bridge image down from the top, cross over the bridge, then fold it back up. Next head east twice to see Maude. Stand south of her, then fold the image from the right side. Walk up so you are just left of the house, then fold it back out to the right. Maude will tell you about Winslow at the lighthouse to the south.

Return to the screen with your parents and stand on the broken path at the southeast. Fold the image down from the top so you can walk to the next section of broken path to the west. Open this out, then fold in from the right so you can walk to the south and see Winslow. Stand on the left side of the jetty, then fold the top-right corner down to the left. Stand immediately next to the lighthouse, then open the scene out to talk to Winslow. Keep talking to him multiple times Crumply Old Man.

Stand next to the lighthouse and fold down the top-right corner to return to the left side of the jetty. Open out the scene, then fold the right side in so you can get the cat origami (1/2). Open out the scene and return to the north. Make your way back over the broken path to return home to your parents.

Journal Entry 2

  1. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  2. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  3. Fold down from the top to close the trunk, then open it again.

Go east to see Maude's house. Fold this scene from the right so you can stand just left of the house. Open the scene out, then fold down from the top just a tiny bit so you can stand on a ledge here. Now fold up from the bottom so you can get the star origami (2/2) Ah, Home Sheet Home!. Retrace your steps to return home to the west, then go north.

Press H, but then back out without using the hint. If Ollie the cat is here, go and pet him - if not, go and find him wherever he is and pet him Paper Tail. Now stand in the middle of the northern area. Fold the bottom side, and the top-left and top-right corners in to complete a circle pattern. Head up into the cave Fold Over a New Leaf.


Talk to the man by the fire. Fold down the top-left corner to match the 2s, then cross the bridge. Open out the scene and continue north.

On the next screen, fold down from the top to match the 1s and 2s, then walk to the right side of bottom right platform. Unfold the scene, then fold from the right so you can cross the 2s and 3s and stand at the very top. Unfold again, then fold up from the bottom so you can cross the 2s and 4s, standing at the top left corner. Unfold and fold up from the bottom-right corner, then cross the 2s and 5s and head west.

Fold in the top-right and bottom-left corners, then cross the 4s to reach the top left. Fold out the top-right and fold in the bottom-right, then go over and push the stacked stones (1/3). Open everything out, then fold from the left so you can collect the moth origami (1/5). Unfold again, then fold in the bottom-right and bottom-left so you can continue west.

Roll the rock up, then fold the bottom up. Pull the rock down then stand to the north of the rock and pull it up so you can unfold again. Now stand at the very top and fold up the bottom-right corner so you can reach the deer origami (2/5). Head north.

Fold down from the top-right so you can cross the 4s and roll the left rock to the left, before unfolding again. Go over to stand next to the right rock, then fold in from the left and the bottom-right. Pull the right rock down, then walk around and go north.

Move up to the main platform, then fold up from the bottom and stand beneath the rock. Fold down from the top-left so you can push the rock down and then to the left. Now unfold the top-left and move the rock onto the large pressure plate so you can continue north.

Here you will see the man from the start of the cave. Stand on the right side of the bridge and fold in all 4 corners to complete a circle pattern. Stand on the bridge and unfold all 4 corners again, then go west.

Fold in from the left and push the rock to the left over the 4s. Fold in from the right and pull the rock over the 3s, then unfold the right side again. Push the stacked stones (2/3), then push the rock onto the pressure plate so you can go north.

Fold up from the bottom-left so you can go over the 1s get the key. Return to the bottom right and unfold, then fold down the top-right and cross the 1s to open the lock. Continue west.

Fold in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners, then cross the 1s and 2s to be able to go left. On the next scene, stand in the middle before folding in the left and right sides. Collect the key and then stand at the very bottom of the area. Unfold the sides, then fold down from the top so you can take the bat origami (3/5). Fold the top back up and the sides in, then return to the top, unfold and head east. Unfold the bottom-left. Fold the bottom-right in further and the top-left to meet it, so you can cross the 1s and open the lock. Head north.

Fold down the top-right corner so you can cross the 1s and head left. Take the key, then fold in the bottom-right corner and the left side. Collect the mouse origami (4/5) from the 4s before returning east. Open the lock and stand just to the east so you can fold down the top-right corner and match the 2s. Return west and unfold the top-right corner, so you can go up over the 2s and continue north into a larger area.

You will see the doors close in front of the man from before. Fold in the top-right corner of the central area, the top-left corner of the top-left area, and the bottom edge of the bottom-left area. Walk around to be just above the 1. Unfold the central area, then fold over the right edge. Walk over the 1s to get the rat origami (5/5) Rocks, Paper, Scissors. Go back to the top-left area. Unfold the bottom-left area and central area, then fold up the the bottom-right corner of the central area and you can make your way around to get the key. Return to the central area, then fold up the bottom-left corner of the bottom-left area, while unfolding the top-left area. Pull the rock down onto the left pressure plate.

Go back around to the upper left part of the central area. Unfold this, then fold up from the bottom edge so you can go over to the right and open the lock. Pull the rock back out to the central area. Unfold the central area, then fold in the top-right corner of the top-right area, and the bottom-right corner of the bottom-right area. Push the rock around to the bottom-right pressure plate.

Walk to the top-right area. Unfold the bottom-right area so you can push the stacked stones (3/3) Folding Stones Gather No Moss. Go around to stand on the right part of the central area. Fold this up from the bottom so you can head north through the door. Talk to the man by the fire Journey to the Centerfold.

Journal Entry 3

  1. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  2. Fold up the bottom edge, and fold in the top-left and top-right corners, then fold them all out again.
  3. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.


Go east and talk to the girls in the boat repeatedly Fold Shoulder. Drag the moving platform down and stand on it, then drag it up so you can reach the top jetty. Fold up from the bottom edge, then get on the moving platform so you can go back down and head east.

Stand on the moving platform and move it 2 spaces to the right. Drag the left side in so you can walk around to the top jetty. Drag the right side in so you can reach the bottom jetty. Unfold everything and move to the grass at the bottom-right, then drag the bottom-left corner up so the 1s are lined up near the top-right. Head east.

Get on the bottom horizontal moving platform. Drag the bottom-right corner up so you can get on the curved jetty here, then continue onto the vertical moving platform. Drag the top-right corner down so you can make your way to the top horizontal moving platform and drag it to the far left. Unfold the top-right corner, then drag the bottom-right corner as far as possible. Grab the key, then continue west and collect the frog origami (1/5). Return east and get on the top horizontal moving platform. Unfold the bottom-right corner and drag the top-right corner down so you can head east again.

Push the rock onto the horizontal moving platform. Drag the bottom-right corner up so you can slide the platform with the rock into the gap in the vertical jetty. Drag up the bottom-left corner, then walk around and push the rock up onto the grass and then left onto the wood. Unfold everything, then push the rock onto the top horizontal moving platform. Make your way back to the starting platform, then use the bottom horizontal moving platform to reach the far right. Pull the rock down onto the pressure plate. Stand on the top horizontal moving platform. Drag the bottom-left corner up until you can slide over to the left and grab the pig origami (2/5). Go back to the far right on the top horizontal moving platform and unfold everything, then slide to the left and head north.

Walk to the horizontal moving platform and slide it left, then get on the vertical moving platform and pull the left rock down. Fold the right side to the left to create a bridge that allows you to get the left rock down to the left pressure plate. Unfold everything. Get back on the horizontal moving platform and slide it to the right. Fold the left side over to the right to create another bridge that allows you to move the right rock down to the right pressure plate. Go up through the opened archway and head east.

Stand on the top-left of the stone platform. Fold up the bottom-left and bottom-right corners to form 3 circle shapes. Walk to the right, then unfold and continue east.

Slide the moving 1 platform to the left to form a bridge, then cross over it. Fold the right edge inwards to create a bridge around to the 2s; to get there you will need to slide the moving 1 platform to the right. Stand on the small jetty just above the 2s. Unfold, then walk as far right as you can. Slide the moving 1 platform just above you, then fold the left edge in so you can cross over the bridge going up. Unfold, then fold up the bottom-right corner so you can go right over the 2s. Unfold again and drag the moving 1 platform to the right, then fold up the bottom-left corner so you can cross the 2s. Slide the moving 1 platform to the left so you can collect the butterfly origami (3/5). Go back over the 2s and drag the moving 1 platform to the right, then cross the 1s and exit to the east.

Stand on the end of the jetty, then move onto the moving platform. Fold in from both the left and right sides, then gradually make your way to the top of the scene and head north.

Move the vertical moving platform down, then fold the top edge down most of the way; now use the vertical moving platform to get over to the bottom left platform. Unfold the top edge most of the way, then use the vertical moving platform to head over to the right near the locked door. Unfold completely, then move up to stand to the right of the top house. Move the vertical moving platform up to the top, then fold up the bottom edge so you can get the key. Return to the right of the house, unfold completely, then open the lock and head east.

Slide the moving 1 platform to the bottom, then head over the 1s to go east. Fold the top-right corner down as far as possible, then return west. Move both moving platforms so you can head east just a little higher, then stand on the bottom part of the platform and unfold. Pick up the key. Keep going up to the top of this platform, then fold up the bottom-right corner. Go west and move the moving 1 platform up slightly, then return east so you can take the snake origami (4/5). Unfold then go west again. Slide both moving platforms as far up as possible. Stand on the 1s. Fold up the bottom edge as far as you can, then move the other moving platform so you can make your way to the lock. Head through, slide the moving platform up and continue north.

Move all of the moving platforms so they line up. Make your way up to the top-left. Move all of the moving platforms up further to line up again, then go up to the top-right. Fold the bottom edge up. Move all of the moving platforms down so you can collect the dog origami (5/5) Snakes on a Non-Euclidean Plane. Now head north into a larger area.

You will see the doors close in front of the girls in the boat. Fold the top left corner of the central area all the way down. Drag the moving 1 platform to the left so you can cross over the 1s and head east. Keep dragging the moving 1 platform to the right so you can collect the key. Unfold the central area, then drag the moving 1 platform back to the left. Pull the rock from the central area towards the right, until you are standing on the 1s again. Now fold the right side of the right area in as far as you can. Move the rock around to the top left of this area, then unfold it again. Now move the rock onto the pressure plate. Head back to the central area.

Slide the central moving platform to the right, then get on it and slide it left. Open the lock so you can head west. Use the sliding platform here to reach the rock and move it down and then to the far left. Fold the right edge of the left area in. Pull the rock back so it is directly beneath the pressure plate, then use the moving platform to get up to the pressure plate. Now reposition the moving platform so you can pull the rock straight up to the pressure plate. Unfold again, then use both moving platforms to make it back to the central area and north through the door. Talk to the girls in the boat Fold your Paper, Alligator.

Journal Entry 4

  1. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  2. Reverse this picture Manifold Destiny. Fold in all 4 corners, then fold them all out again.
  3. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.


Go north and talk to the birdwatcher. Fold down from the top so you can get to the small platform on the right. Unfold and go up next to the birdwatcher, then fold in from the left so you can walk around and head east.

Fold in the top-left and top-right corners so you can go up, right and down onto a short ladder, then unfold again. Now fold up the bottom edge so you can continue down, left and up to a small platform. Unfold again, then fold in the left edge a small amount and the bottom-right corner a large amount until the 4s line up. Cross over the 4s to get the parrot origami (1/5). Return to the small platform and unfold, then fold up the bottom edge so you can walk around and exit to the north.

Move onto the first rotating platform, then rotate it so you can go right. Repeat this with the second rotating platform to end up on the right edge of the area. Now fold in the bottom-left corner, then leave to the north.

Spin the rotating platform so it is vertical. Fold in the left edge of the scene so you can reach the rotating platform, then unfold and fold in the right edge. Spin the rotating platform to be horizontal, then go around and pull the rock to the right. Return to the rotating platform and spin it so you can collect the crane origami (2/5), then continue to the north.

Push the rock onto the rotating platform, then spin it around so you can get on the other side. Leave the rotating platform to the right, then go up and around so you can pull the rock up onto the pressure plate. Get back onto the rotating platform. Fold in the top-right corner, then spin the rotating platform so you can go up and exit to the north.

Push the rock onto the right rotating platform, then get on yourself and transfer across to the left rotating platform. Fold the left edge in, so you can spin around and go left, following the path to get the key. Return to the left rotating platform, then unfold and open the lock. Fold up the bottom edge until you can see a narrow platform below the rotating platforms. Use this to gradually get the rock to the left so you can pull it onto the pressure plate. Now continue north.

Fold in the 4 corners to create an arch pattern. Go through the door then climb down the ladder and unfold. Go to the south.

Climb down the ladder and go through the round symbol door to appear at the top-left. Fold in the right edge until you see a square symbol door at the top-right, then go down the ladder and through the square symbol door here to end up at the top-right. Fold in the left edge until you see another square symbol door, then go through your door to appear here. Unfold the right edge, then fold up the bottom-right corner to match the 4s. Go over the 4s to get the squirrel origami (3/5). Unfold the bottom-right corner, then fold the right edge in until the door at the top-right is just next to the ladder. Go through your nearby door to appear then, then climb up to the north.

Talk to the birdwatcher, then go west.

Walk over to start directly below the rock. Fold in the bottom-left and top-right edges, then go through the right door to appear on the left. Unfold the top-right, then fold in the right edge so you can push the rock to the right. Unfold the bottom-left, then head west.

Fold down the top-left corner until a pair of doors open. Use the moving platform to get over to the left and head through the door. Push the rock onto the rotating platform, then go back through the door and return to where you started the scene. Unfold, then go over to the left and up the ladder. Pull the rock onto the pressure plate, then continue west.

Spin the bottom rotating platform so it is vertical. Fold in the left edge so it is close to the rotating platform, then go through the nearby door to appear there. Get onto the rotating platform, then unfold and fold in the right edge as far as you can. Head through the door at the bottom-right to appear on the left. Climb up the ladder, then go right and down the next ladder. Adjust the left and right sides so there are triangle symbol doors at the far edges. Climb up and go through the left door (using the rotating platform). Push the rock onto the rotating platform. Unfold both sides, then move the rock onto the pressure plate. Stand to the far left and fold in the right edge as far as you can. Go through the triangle symbol door and climb down the ladder to get the pigeon origami (4/5). Return through the door and head west.

Fold the left edge in to line up the 4s on the right, then cross the 4s and wait at the bottom-right. Unfold, then fold down the top-left corner as far as possible. Go through the round symbol door at the top, then head south to get the key. Return north and go back through the door. Unfold, then go to the moving platform and move it to the far left. Fold the right edge in as far as possible, then slide the moving platform to the right so you can collect another key. Get back on the moving platform and slide it to the right, then unfold. Fold in the left edge to line up the 4s on the left. Now you can make your way up the ladder to the north. Open the locks, then continue north to a larger area.

Spin the bottom rotating platform and stand on its middle, then fold both sides of the bottom area in as far as possible to open 2 pairs of doors. Go through the round symbol door on the left, then make your way to the horizontal moving platform. Fold the top edge of the top area all the way down, then slide the horizontal moving platform to the far right. Push the rock onto the right rotating platform, then spin it so the rock is at the top. Unfold the top area, then fold in the left edge as far as possible. Return to the horizontal moving platform and use it to get through the square symbol door, then pull the rock up onto the pressure plate.

Return through the square symbol door and use the horizontal moving platform to head right. Fold up the bottom edge of the right area, then use the vertical moving platform to get the right key. Go back to the horizontal moving platform. Unfold the top area, then fold down from the top again, and slide the horizontal moving platform to the far left. Pick up the second key. Return to the horizontal moving platform and slide just to the right. Now fold the bottom edge of the left area up so the 4 is horizontally in line with you, and fold the top edge down to meet it. Slide right and walk over the 4s to stand just to the left of the top one. Unfold the bottom edge so you can take the dove origami (5/5) Creased Lightning.

Get back to the horizontal moving platform and move to the right, then unfold the left area. Slide left, then unfold the top area. Make your way through the round symbol door followed by the X symbol door. Open the locks, then continue through the door to the north. Talk to the birdwatcher Leaf Me Alone.

Journal Entry 5

  1. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  2. Fold in all 4 corners, then fold them all out again.
  3. Fold in all 4 corners, then fold them all out again.


Talk to the man, then go east and talk to the girl. Continue south and the woman will ask you to look for the elder. Go west. Stand close to the right side of the bonfire, then fold the top, bottom-left and bottom-right edges all the way in. Make your way over the 1s and 2s, then unfold again and head west.

Go south and talk to the boy behind the locked fence, then return north and continue north again. Talk to the old woman at the house. Use the moving platform to get to the far right. Fold the left edge of the area all the way in, then walk around and take the key. Return back the way you came, then go south twice and unlock the gate with the key. Fold up the bottom-right corner so the 1s line up. Stand on the small right jetty, then fold the top down until the 2s line up. Now walk over and collect the flamingo origami (1/2). Go back around to the small right jetty and unfold the top, then go back up and unfold the bottom-right corner. Now head east. Unfold the top.

Journal Entry 6

  1. Fold in the bottom-left and top-right corners, then fold them both out again.
  2. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  3. Fold down the top edge, and fold in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners, then fold them all out again.

Walk south to talk to the elder, then continue east. Stand on the left end of the top jetty, then slide up the moving platform to be right below you. Fold in the right side to line up the 1s, then walk over these to the next segment of jetty. Fold in from the left, so you can reach the lowest part of the jetty, then unfold the left again. Fold up from the bottom left, then slide down the moving platform so you can stand on it. Unfold the right side and collect the tiger origami (2/2) Craftwork Orange. Step on the moving platform again and fold in the right side, then move to the bottom-right. Slide the moving platform back up to the top. Unfold the bottom-left, then fold in the left side, and return to dry land again.

Return west and head south, then go down the stairs Stop, Drop and Fold.


Go south and walk down the stairs, knocking over the vase Papering the Cracks. Fold up the bottom edge, then go over to the archaeologist and unfold before talking to him. Fold down the top edge so you can head south.

Walk to the left part of the orange flowers, then fold down from the top and in from the right. Head to the bottom-right of the path, then unfold the top and head left into the flowers. Unfold the right as well, then continue east.

Fold in from the top-right and bottom-left to create an angled path heading to the large stone. Go and stand next to this, then unfold both corners. Fold in the left edge to line up the 1s, then pull the rock down onto the pressure plate. Now you can head south.

Push the statue to the right. Fold in the right side so you can push the statue to the far right. Fold in the left side, then pull the statue to the left and down. Unfold the right and push the statue to the far right. Fold in the left side as far as possible, so you can now take the dinosaur origami (1/5). Go south.

Push the statue to the far right, then stand at the top-right corner. Fold in the left side and collect the elephant origami (2/5). Return to the top-right corner and unfold. Move the statue to the far left, then fold in the right side so you can make your way south.

Fold up from the bottom so you can push the statue right 2 spaces. Go around to the other side of the statue and push it as far left as possible. Stand next to the statue and unfold the bottom, then fold in the right side and pick up the giraffe origami (3/5). Return left to stand near the statue again. Unfold the right side and fold up the bottom edge again. Move the statue to the bottom-right corner of the path, then unfold the bottom edge. Fold in the left side, then continue south.

Stand down next to the archaeologist. Fold down the top and all 4 corners to complete a ring pattern. Go south again.

Pull the statue up. Fold in the right side, then push the statue to the left area and unfold again. Fold down the top edge, then push the statue to the bottom area and unfold again. Fold in the left side, then push the statue onto the pressure plate. Now head south once more.

Fold in the left side as far as possible. Move one statue to the right of the right pressure plate, and the other onto the right pressure plate. Unfold, then fold down the top side. Pull one statue to the left pressure plate and move the other onto the right pressure plate. Continue south.

Push the statue right 1 space, then fold in the left side to reveal a door. Pull the statue left 1 space, then fold in the right side to reveal another door. Head through the left door to appear on the right. Push the statue to the left so you can unfold the right and head east.

Push the statue onto the moving platform. Fold down from the top so you can slide the moving platform to the far right, then unfold again. Stand at the right edge of the path and fold in the left side to reveal a door. Stand in front of the door, then fold down from the top to be able to slide the moving platform into the middle. Fold in the right side to reveal another door. Go through the left door to appear on the right, then unfold the left side. Slide the moving platform to the left, then unfold the top. Stand at the left edge of the path and unfold the right. Fold down the top again, then slide the moving platform to the right and move the statue onto the pressure plate. Unfold the top and fold in the left side as far as possible. Collect the lion origami (4/5). Now head south.

Push the statue to the far right and then up once. Fold in both sides so you just reveal doors on the edges. Go through the left door to appear on the right. Pull the statue to the right 2 steps, then push it to the very top. Walk down as far as you can. Unfold the right edge, then fold the left side as far across as possible, so you can walk to the top-right, in line with the statue. Unfold, then fold up the bottom edge to match the 4s. Cross over the 4s to go east.

Slide the moving platform to the far right. Fold in both bottom-left corners and the lower top-right corner of the left region. Also fold in the lower bottom-right corner of the right region, so you can make your way over to stand beneath the statue on the moving platform. Unfold the bottom-right corner and collect the key, then go back up and fold it in again. Go back to the left until you can unfold the lower bottom corners again. Open the lock and go through the door to appear at top-right. Unfold everything and slide the moving platform back to the left. Fold up the bottom of the right region as far as possible. Move the right statue so it is on the pressure plate but you end up on its right side. Unfold the bottom, then slide the moving platform to the far right. Move this statue up next to the other one to keep it out of the way. Stand on the moving platform. Fold down the top of the right region, then slide right to get the tortoise origami (5/5) Papyrologist. Return to the moving platform and slide left, then go up to the north.

Talk to the archaeologist Jurassic Fold.

Journal Entry 7

  1. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  2. Fold in all 4 corners, then fold them all out again.
  3. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.


Go north and talk to the boys. Stand near them, then fold up both bottom-corners. Continue north through the opened door.

Fold up the bottom-left corner then make your way to the middle of the area. Unfold, then fold in the right side so you can reach the top platform near the closed door. Unfold, then fold up the bottom edge so it just covers the orange square on the left. Step down onto the folded edge, so you can fold down the top and stand on it. Unfold the bottom, then make your way over to the right to get the rock origami (1/5). Go back and stand on the orange square. Unfold the top, then fold up the bottom so you can reach the middle platform. Unfold again, then fold in the right side so you can reach the top. Now fold in both top corners and the bottom edge to complete the orange path. Head north through the opened door.

Stand over to the right. Fold in the left edge and make your way to the door, then unfold again. Fold up the bottom edge as far as possible, then fold in the right side to complete the orange path. Continue north.

Fold down from the top to activate the middle orange square, then unfold. Fold in both top corners to activate the left orange square, then unfold the top-left corner. Now continue north again.

Fold in the upper bottom-left corner, then the upper top-left corner, then the lower top-right corner to activate the orange square near you. Unfold everything, then go up and stand near the door. Fold in the right edge, then fold down the lower top-left corner to activate the orange square near the door. Unfold, then fold up the bottom edge to open the door. Head north.

Take the key. Fold up the bottom edge, then go down and stand on it. Fold down the top edge so the 4s match. Now go up over the 4s to get the bear origami (2/5). Go back down, unfold the top, go up, unfold the bottom, and return to the south. Open the lock on the right and continue east.

Stand as far right as possible. Fold in all 6 corners to complete the pattern. Unfold again and continue east.

Move to the right, then fold in the lower top-left corner. Push the statue onto the pressure plate on the right. Unfold, then fold in from the bottom, left and right edges to activate the orange light and create a bridge. Unfold the top and bottom edges. Stand to the right of the statue and push it left 5 spaces. Fold in the right side as far as you can, then pull the statue right onto it. Fold in the left side to line up the 4s, then go over the 4s to collect the rabbit origami (3/5). Return right and unfold the left. Push the statue left and unfold the right. Now head north.

Fold in the right side to power the moving platform, then stand on it and unfold. Stand on the right moving platform, then fold in from the left to power it, getting off on the right side. Unfold, then fold in the top and bottom edges to activate the orange light and form a bridge. Continue to the north.

Stand as far right as possible. Fold up the bottom-left corner and fold down the top to bring the statue towards you. Pull it to the left, then unfold the bottom-left corner again. Move the statue onto the moving platform, then unfold the top so the statue travels up. Stand to the left, then fold in the right side. Walk around so you are just above and to the right of the statue. Fold the right side in further, then push the statue down to the pressure plate. Unfold the top and head north.

Fold in the lower right side. Stand on the moving platform, then unfold again. Stand on the next moving platform, then fold in the lower left side. Walk to the top-right part of this platform. Fold in the lower right side completely and the lower left side completely, then walk on the next moving platform and step up to a small platform. Fold in the upper right side, then step on the next moving platform above. Unfold and you can go north.

Fold down the top edge. Get on the moving platform and unfold again, then walk onto the very top platform. Fold up the bottom edge to activate the orange square on the right platform. Unfold the bottom edge, then stand at the bottom-left of the middle platform and fold the top down as far as you can. Move up to the part of the platform jutting left, then fold in the left edge to deactivate the moving platform so you can stand on it. Unfold and you will travel left. Unfold the top, then fold up the bottom to match the 1s, and fold in the right side to match the 4s. Fold in from the left to deactivate the moving platform, then head right over the 1s and 4s to get the rhino origami (4/5). Go back to the left moving platform. Unfold the bottom and fold down the top, then stand on the bottom-left of the middle platform and unfold the top again. Move to the top-left of the middle platform (on a moving platform). Unfold the right and fold up the bottom so you move up, then continue north to a larger area.

Fold in the sides of the central area so you can go over the 4s to reach a small middle platform. Unfold, then fold up the bottom-right corner of the central area and head to the right. Unfold, then go down to stand on the right moving platform. Now fold up the bottom-left corner and fold down the top edge to activate the moving platform and head right. Fold in the right edge of the right area so you can push the statue up onto the next moving platform. Return to your active moving platform, then unfold the central area. Fold in the right edge of the right area further, then pull the statue onto the pressure plate.

Fold up the bottom-right corner of the central area so you can head around to the left moving platform. Unfold the right area, then fold down its top-right corner to activate your moving platform. Fold in the top-left and bottom-left corners of the left area to match the 2s, then push the statue up onto the next moving platform. Return to your active moving platform, then unfold the right area. Unfold the left area, then fold up the bottom-right corner of the left area. Pull the statue onto the pressure plate.

Stand on the bottom-left moving platform, then fold down the top edge of the left area completely. Now fold down the top-right corner of the right area so you travel left. Step to the left, then fold up the bottom of the central area to match the 5s. Go over the 5s to get the spider origami (5/5) Lara Craft. Return left over the 5s. Unfold the bottom edge of the central area and step on the active moving platform. Unfold the right area, then head north.

Talk to the boys Holy Sheets.

Journal Entry 8

  1. Fold in the top-left and top-right corners, then fold them both out again.
  2. Reverse this picture Picture Purr-fect. Fold in both the left and right sides incompletely, then fold them both out again.
  3. Fold in the top-left and bottom-right corners, then fold them both out again.


Talk to the man in the water, then head east. Go up to stand on the middle of the raised platform. Fold in from the right side, then walk around to the lower area. Fold in from the left so you can make your way up the top stairs. Unfold the left and go left to stand with the small starfish, then unfold the right and continue east.

Pull the lever to raise an underwater platform. Return up the stairs on the left. Fold up the bottom, then head east.

Fold down the top-right corner so you can reach the small bottom platform. Unfold, then fold in the bottom-right, top-right and top-left corners, so you can make it all the way around to the bottom of the stairs on the left. Unfold completely and pull the lever. Fold in the top-right corner so you can make it to the raised platform, then unfold and go to the small pink shell on the right. Fold up from the bottom-left so you can reach the small top platform. Unfold and fold up from the bottom-right so you can collect the squid origami (1/5). Go back up and unfold, then fold up the bottom left and return to the pink shell. Unfold and proceed east.

Pull the lever. Fold in from the right and push the first rock down. Unfold the right slightly so you can push the second rock up. Unfold the right side and stand beneath the third rock, then fold in from the left. Pull the rock down, then go around and push it down further. Unfold the left, then head east.

Fold in from the right so you can go up and pull the lever. Unfold, then fold in from the left so you can go down and stand 2 steps left of the pink shell. Fold down the top-right corner of the right area, then go to the top of this. Fold down the top of the central area and get the seahorse origami (2/5). Return right and unfold the central area. Return down to the left and unfold the right area, then fold down the top so you can go east.

Pull the lever. Fold in the right side to reflect the light beam down. Fold in the bottom-left corner, then the top-left corner, and a platform will rise up from the water. Unfold everything and walk to the far right. Fold in the left side so you can head north.

Pull the lever, then walk up and right to the edge of the platform. Fold in the top-right, bottom-right and bottom-left corners, and a platform will rise up from the water. Unfold everything, then go and pull the next lever. Fold in the bottom-left and top-right corners to raise up another platform, then continue east.

Pull the lever, then walk to the right. Fold in both sides, then push the statue over the 1s to the far right, then up and left. Unfold the right, then fold up the bottom-right corner so you can push the statue right, down and left onto the middle platform. Unfold the bottom-right and the left side - the underwater platform will rise up. Fold in the left and right sides so you can walk around to the top again. Unfold the right and fold up the bottom-right corner, then push the statue to the far left. Unfold the bottom-right and fold in the top-right, then pick up the whale origami (3/5). Return left and unfold the top-right, then pull the statue right so you can unfold the left side. Fold up the bottom-right and head to the top, then unfold and fold in the right side so you can walk around to the bottom. Head to the far left, then fold in the left side and go north.

After talking to the man again, fold in the 4 corners to complete a circle. Unfold them again and continue north.

Use the moving platform to reach the middle platform, then pull the bottom statue right 2 spaces. Fold up the bottom-left corner, then go and collect the key. Go back and use the platform to reach the locked door. Open the lock and pull the lever. Unfold the bottom-left corner. Use the moving platform to get back to the middle, then push the bottom statue left 2 spaces to reflect the light. Fold up the bottom-right corner, then move the other statue right and up to reflect the light down to the sensor, raising up the underwater platform. Now you can go east.

Slide the moving platform to the left, then fold up the bottom as far as possible. Get on the moving platform and move to the middle, then go up and pull the lever. Get back on the moving platform and go right, then unfold the bottom edge. Push the statue onto the top moving platform, then step onto the bottom moving platform. Slide both moving platforms to the left. Fold in the left side as far as possible. Slide the top moving platform to the right to reflect the light around to the sensor and raise up an underwater platform. Slide the bottom moving platform to the right and collect the key. Return using the sliding platform and also move the top sliding platform to the left. Unfold the left side. Open the lock and move the second statue onto the lower sliding platform. Fold up the bottom edge so you can just still slide the moving platforms to the right. Position them to reflect the light beam to the right sensor. Gradually move both statues to the right and pull the statues off so they are out of the way. Fold up the bottom-left corner of the left area, then fold down the top edge to line up the 1s. Take the top moving platform to the left and cross the 1s to get the shark origami (4/5). Return over the moving platform to the right and head north.

Get on the vertical moving platform and slide it up. Push the statue onto the top horizontal moving platform. Fold up both bottom edges to reveal the doors, then go through the left door to appear on the right. Move onto the bottom horizontal moving platform and unfold both bottom edges. Slide the platform left so you can pull the lever. Slide back to the right, fold up both bottom edges, and go back through the right door to appear on the left. Slide the right bottom edge up further, then go through the door so you are level with the statue. Pull the statue to the right and up to reflect the light around to the sensor. Now go north to a larger area.

Fold down from the top so you can head over to the left, then unfold. Go up the stairs and pull the lever. Return down the stairs, then fold up the bottom-left corner of the bottom-left area. Go up the stairs to the top-left area. Fold down the top-right corner of the main area so you can get around to the left statue. Unfold the main area and pull the statue right 3 spaces. Fold in the top-left corner of the top-left area, and the top-right and bottom-left corners of the main area to reflect the light around to the sensor near the man - this will raise up an underwater platform in the middle of the main area. Unfold everything, then push the left statue to the far left before standing over next to the right statue. Fold down the top-left corner of the main area so you can reach the bottom-right area. Unfold again and take the crab origami (5/5) They Sea Me Foldin.

Go right up the stairs. Fold down the top-left corner of the main area so you can return to the top-right. Move the right statue onto the right vertical moving platform. Go across and move the left statue onto the left vertical moving platform. Move both of the vertical moving platforms down. Fold in the top-left corner of the top-left area and the top-right corner of the top-right area. Also fold in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners of the main area - this should reflect light around to the right sensor. Head north The Fold Man and the Sea.

Journal Entry 9

  1. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.
  2. Fold down the top edge, and fold in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners, then fold them all out again.
  3. Fold in the bottom-left and top-right corners, then fold them both out again.


Go north up the ladder to see a woman and a thief. Fold down the top-right corner of the left scene, then walk to the right platform and unfold - the thief will have moved to the other scene. Fold up the bottom-right corner of the left scene, then walk to the bottom platform and unfold. Go to the very bottom-right corner of the platform, then fold down from the top so you can walk over to the right scene and unfold again. Go to the right of this platform and fold up from the bottom left so you can reach the left platform. Stand at the bottom-left of the platform and fold down from the top-left, then move to the top platform. Unfold, then fold up the bottom edge so you can go east.

Fold up the bottom-right corner of the left scene and move to the top platform, then unfold. Now fold in from the left side and cross the 1s to reach the bottom of the right scene. Unfold, then fold in the top-left and top-right corners of the right scene. Stand in the folded top-right corner. Unfold the top-left corner, then fold up the bottom edge of the right scene so you can take the fox origami (1/5). Now head south.

Fold up the bottom of the top-left scene and walk to the right, then unfold. Make your way to the bottom of this path, then fold up the bottom-left and bottom-right corners of the bottom-left scene and go around to the top of the ladder. Unfold and climb back down the ladder, standing to the left. Fold down the top edge of the bottom-left scene and head across to the bottom-right corner of the level. Unfold, then climb the ladder and push the snowman A Good Snowman Is Hard To Fold. Go half way back down the ladder and fold in the top-left and top-right corners of the top-right scene. Go around to the left ladder and unfold again. Climb down to the bottom of the ladder. Fold down the lower top-right corner of the bottom-right scene, then continue south.

Fold up the bottom-right corner of the top scene to match the 1s and walk over the 1s to the left. Unfold, then proceed down to the bottom scene. Fold in from the right side of the bottom scene, then go through the door and stand on the right of the top scene. Unfold again, then stand on the bottom-left of this platform. Fold in from the right side and walk over the 1s and 2s to stand at the very bottom. Unfold, then fold down the top of the bottom scene to match the 2s. Walk east.

Fold down the top of the left scene then go through the door and unfold. Go left and up the stairs, standing in front of the left side of the wide archway. Fold in the right side of your current scene, then climb up the ladder to reach the top, unfolding again once you are there. Walk to the right of these platform. Fold up from the bottom of these scene and grab the camel origami (2/5). Go back up and unfold, then head left. Fold in your scene from the right again so you can climb down the ladder and unfold. Now fold down from the top of your scene and go through the door here. Unfold again, then climb up the top of the ladder. Fold up the bottom of your scene so you can climb down the ladder and go left through a door. Unfold once again, then climb up the ladder and head east.

After talking to the thief, stand right next to the bridge. Fold in the top edge and the bottom-left corner of the left scene, and the bottom-right corner of the right scene. Unfold everything, then climb up the ladder on the right and continue north.

Fold in the right side of the left scene, then go through the door and head down the ladder. Unfold and pull the lever. Fold up the bottom-left corner of the left scene and the light will reach the sensor, forming a new platform. Unfold, then go north again.

Fold down the top of the middle scene as far as possible, then fold down the top of the left scene so the paths line up. Follow the path around to stand at the bottom of the left scene. Unfold everything and pull the lever. Move to the top of your current platform. Fold down the top of the left scene as far as you can, then fold down the top of the middle scene so the paths line up. Move to the middle platform, then unfold the left scene. Fold in the top-left of the left scene and collect the seal origami (3/5). Return to the middle scene and unfold the left one. Now fold up the bottom-left corner of the left scene so the light beam passes through the red portal and reaches the sensor - this will form a new platform that is currently hidden in the middle scene. Unfold the left scene, then fold it down so you can return to the lever.

Unfold everything, then fold down the top of the left scene and make your way over to the statue on the right. Unfold again, then pull the statue as far up as possible. Fold in the bottom-left corner of the right scene so the light beam passes through the blue portal and reaches the sensor - this will form another new platform. Head north.

Fold in the right side of the bottom scene, then climb the ladder and pull the right lever. Unfold, then fold in the right side of the top scene, so the light beam passes through the red portal and forms a new platform. Walk over this new platform, then fold the right side of the top scene in fully, climbing up the left ladder to a small platform. Unfold again, then pull the left lever. Fold in both the left and right sides of the bottom platform so the light reaches the other sensor and forms another new platform. Follow the path up to the top-right. Fold in the right side of the top scene fully and go right, then fold in the left side of the top scene fully. Go down over the 4s to get the swan origami (4/5). Go back up and unfold the left side of the top scene, then continue north.

Climb up the ladder. Fold in the right side of the far right scene so you can climb up further and pull the lever. Unfold, then fold in the bottom and top edges of the far right scene so the light beam passes through the blue portal to a sensor, lowering a bridge. Unfold, then fold in the right side of the far right scene again, climbing down the ladder. Unfold and stand on the far right side of the lower platform. Now fold in the right side of the left scene, and fold down the top of the far right scene - the light will go through the red portal to lower a second bridge. Unfold and walk to the left of the current platform. Fold in the top and bottom ledges of the left scene to lower the final bridge.

Unfold everything, then walk over the first bridge. Fold the right side of the left scene all the way in, then climb up the ladder and go left before unfolding. Continue over the second bridge. Fold the right side of the right scene all the way in, then climb down the ladder and go left before unfolding. Now you can head east.

Pull the lever, then fold down the top-right corner of the left scene to lower a bridge. Unfold, then fold up the bottom-right corner of the left scene and head up the ladder then to the bottom of the right path. Unfold again, then fold in from the left side of the left scene and go through the door to appear on the right. Head to the left side of this path, then unfold again. Fold up the bottom-right corner of the right scene so you can climb up the ladder to the top. Unfold, then fold in the left side to lower the right bridge. Unfold, then make your way around to the statue. Pull the statue down so you can unfold the middle scene, then push the statue to the top right corner of the platform and stand to its left. Fold up the bottom edge of the middle scene to lower the last bridge, then head north.

Pull the lever. Fold the bottom scene in from the right side so the 2 doors line up vertically. Go through the door and stand to the right so you can unfold again. Climb down the ladder and stand beneath the open bridge. Fold the top scene in from the right to lower the bridge, then go north once more to reach a larger area.

Fold down the top edge of the middle scene so you can go left and pull the lever. Stand at the top of this path. Fold up the bottom edge of the middle scene to reflect the light through the orange portal. Fold in the right edge of the bottom-left scene to reflect through the purple portal and lower a bridge. Unfold everything. Fold in the left side of the top-left scene and the top edge of the bottom-left scene, then go through the door to your left. Fold the left side of the middle scene across as far as possible. Now pull the statue down and to the left. Fold the right side of the top-right scene further across, then go up and get the polar bear origami (5/5) Wrapping Up. You should have now found all origami throughout the game You and Who's Origami.

Return down over the bridge and push the statue right 1 space and up 1 space. Unfold everything. Now fold in the right side of the top-left scene and the left side of the bottom-left scene to reflect the light through the blue portal. Move out the way of the beam to allow it to also pass through the red portal and open the gate. Now fold up the bottom edge of the middle scene slightly so you can head through the gate.

Talk to the woman outside the university Brave New Fold.

Journal Entry 10

  1. Fold in all 4 corners, then fold them all out again.
  2. Fold down the top edge, and fold in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners, then fold them all out again.
  3. Reverse this picture Recycled Ideas. Fold in both the left and right sides, then fold them both out again.


You will find yourself outside the university Peer-Reviewed Paper. After talking to the thief and the woman, stand on the left side of the scene and fold in from the right edge, then walk south.

Fold in from the left side and head east. Fold in from the right side and head south. Fold in from the left side and continue south. Fold in from the left side and walk east. Fold in from the right so you can go west. From in from the left and head south. Walk down towards your family. You will now receive two achievements depending on your actions during the game:

  • For completing the game without using any hints A Clean Sheet
  • For completing the game in under 4 hours Folding Under Pressure

Watch through the credits, then continue the game again. Go left to find a deer on the bridge Deer Diary. By now you will have found all of the game's secrets Easier On Paper. There is a final achievement for getting all other achievements Master of Folds.