Game Details: Fantasy, 2012
Steam Achievements: Completed (21/21)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/18/2015
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Royal Train Station
Go forward and talk to Levi until he moves, then follow the path around and upstairs to the left to see a cutscene. Continue on to the main train station area, and proceed through the stacking tutorial to end up at size 3. Use your special ability "Make Way" to clear a path through the crowd, and go to talk to the guard at the locked gate. Unstack to size 2, then stack into Key Master Dawson, who is standing nearby with a large key on his head. Use his ability "Unlock" to open the gate, then continue up the stairs.
Stack into Luydmila Allendorf to learn about Matching Sets. Continue up one more set of stairs then straight across and down to the bathrooms. Quickly unstack and stack into Hans Allendorf, then Luydmila again, then go up both sets of stairs and find Ursula Allendorf to see a new cutscene. Now go towards the Royal Lounge to see another cutscene and get your first challenge.
Empty the Lounge
Stack into Clerk-of-the-Works Jasper, who is holding a wrench just to the right of the Royal Lounge. Use his ability "Maintain" on the fan to the right, then go through the secret passage and talk to the host.
Unauthorised Entry
Stack into The Widow Chastity, who is walking around swaying her hips and holding a fan. Walk up to the guard at the Royal Lounge and use your ability "Seduce" to lure him away. Quickly unstack and stack into Guard Perry, then use his ability "Open" on the door. Go through and talk to the host.
The Fug of War
Stack into Meriwether Malodor, who is dressed in white down near the bathrooms. Take him up to the Royal Lounge and use his ability "Flatulate" next to the fan just to the right.
Now there will be 3 guild members standing outside the Royal Lounge. Stack into Ticketeer Frederick, then Conductor Orville and finally Engineer Ulysses. Take all 3 down to the tracks to see a new cutscene. Run forward to reunite with Levi and be shown your secret hideout.
Leave the hideout and go back up from the train platform to the main concourse. Find Solicitor Barnabas smoking a pipe in a top hat near some seats. Go up the stairs on the left and along a narrow corridor beneath a sign to the coal workers. At the end you will locate Drummer Percy. Go back out to the concourse and up the opposite set of stairs. Go to the end and find Engineer Cross and Judge Meantal. Next head out and into the Royal Lounge, where you can stack into Lounge Host Demoreuille. Go back out of the lounge and go just right to the ticket counter, to find Strike Leader Chesley Strike Breaker.
The Gilded Steam Ship
Walk forward to the Safari to learn about Hi-Jinks, then see a cutscene and get another challenge.
Cause Chaos at the Safari
Stack into Field Commander Appleyard who is sitting next to the large cannon. Turn the cannon to the far left and use the "Fire Cannon" ability.
Stack into a size 4 doll wearing boxing gloves over near one of the lion cutouts. Use your "A Proper Uppercut" ability on all 3 lions.
Stack into a size 2 pelican (there is one just outside the safari). Use your "Fly to Nest" ability to fly up to a nearby window, then drop inside and stack into a Kodiak Bear. Go back out to the safari and use your "Growl" ability on the guests twice.
Penny Lane
Stack into a bald guy in the safari who has the "Make Way" ability and use this on the zebra cutout scenery to block the passage of the 4-person bicycle. Quickly stack into the lead rider and use the "Pedal Bike" ability to crash into the scenery.
Go to the safari entrance and find Safety Inspector Ludd. Go around this level of the boat to find the Argyle Ballroom, and head inside for your next challenge.
Sabotage the Exhibit
Mummy Dearest
Go down the stairs to your left and stack into Exhibit Guard Walter, who is holding a lantern. Use the "Escort Small Doll" ability to move the small children out of the way of the Mummy, then stack into the Mummy and head outside.
The Fighting Pharoah
Stack into a boxer (there is one just outside the exhibit), then head inside. Find a pharoah statue that is also wearing boxing gloves, and use your "A Proper Uppercut" on it.
Queen of Argyle
Stack into Ronaldo, the magician standing at the exhibit entrance. Go inside and down the stairs to the right. Use your "Perform Illusion" ability on the queen statue.
Relic Rustler
Stack into the Gilded Sarcophagus, then use your "Shine" ability to lure someone close so you can stack into them and walk outside.
Curd of the Ancients
Stack into a girl playing the violin (there is one just outside the exhibit). Go around to the far side of this level of the ship and play the violin near the flute player to get him to join you, then stack into the Pied Piper. Walk around this level playing your flute and you will attract some mice; lead them down into the exhibit and they will eat the cheese sphinx.
Outside the exhibit, you can now stack into Ferdinand Reginald. Go up to the next level to start another Matching Set. First find the dog Prestige. Continue through the hallway just near hear and stack into Gwendola, who is in a side room with starfish on the carpet. Go back down to the 1st level and go to the small rooms near the safari area to find Peatrice. Finally go back to Ronaldo at the entrance to the exhibit to complete the set. You will now see a new cutscene.
Go upstairs again and find the Caviar Buffet for another challenge.
Stop the Caviar Service
Caviar Porridge
Stack into Gruel Chef Hornsby who runs between the porridge buffet and the kitchen. Go into the kitchen and use the "Pour Gruel Thickener" ability on the caviar machine.
Sea of Gruel
Stack into Gruel Chef Hornsby again and this time use your ability on the caviar buffet itself (climb up the stairs on the end of the buffet first).
Eggs Overboard
Find any size 3 or 4 doll and barge into the kitchen from the outer door. Push the caviar machine along its track and over the side of the ship.
Rat Eggs
Go down to the 1st level and stack into the Pied Piper. Bring him upstairs and play your flute to bring rats into the kitchen and they will eat the caviar from the machine.
Summons to Appear
Stack into Buffet Host Yves and use his "Summon Caviar Chef" ability. Now stack into Caviar Chef Vladimir. Head into the kitchen and use your ability to "Dump Caviar".
Now head upstairs once more and enter the Map Room for your next challenge.
Muddle the Maps
A Near Mess
Stack into Mess Officer Morris who is cleaning the walls just to the right. Head into the map room and use your "Scrub" ability on the maps.
Crumby Maps
Stack into Hans Allendorf who is seasick out on the balcony. Head into the map room and use your "Toss Cookies" ability on the maps.
Slapped Clean
Stack into a size 2 doll with a wide-brimmed red, white & blue hat outside on the balcony. Head into the map room and use your "White Glove Slap" ability on the map assistant.
Color My World
Stack into one of the size 1 dolls who has lost their crayons. Go downstairs and talk to the artist on the floor below (on the starfish carpet, near where you found Gwendola previously). Head back upstairs into the map room and use your "Color" ability on the maps.
Now you can stack into Map Assistant Gilbert. Unstack fully, then go out of the map room and left past Mess Officer Morris, to find a small passage to go through. Stack into Doktor Exakt, Professor Ramses, The Hunter Darby and finally Madame Habitant. There are three guards to get past in this area, and each requires the ability of one of this group of 4 dolls. Use "Measure" on the first guard, "Mummify" on the second, and "Fire Cork" on the third. Go upstairs and over to the captain, where you should use the "Intimidate" ability on him.
After the cutscene, stack into Captain Swing. Walk around this level of the ship until you reach the club to receive another challenge.
Get the Gits a Gig
Fancy Facade
Stack into Billy Webb and Bobby Webb, both nearby wearing blue overalls. As one of them, stack into a well dressed size 3 doll and head into the club. Go to the stage and unstack.
Painted Black and White
Stack into one of the Webb brothers and go up to the next level. Go and talk to the artist to get a makeover. Switch to the other brother and talk to the artist to get a makeover as well. Go back downstairs and into the club, then up onto the stage.
Polly Got a Cracker
Stack into Hans Allendorf, who is nearby still being seasick. Use your "Toss Cookies" ability on the nearby pirate, who will then be stackable. Stack into a Webb brother then into Pirate Chuck, then use his "YAR!" ability to get into the club.
You have completed all the challenges on the ship Ship Solver, but there are still the Hi-Jinks available to complete Maritime Merriment, as outlined below.
Masquerade Ball
Go to the 2nd level and take a total of 5 badly dressed dolls to see the artist for makeovers.
Nesting Instinct
Stack into a pelican near the safari, and use their at 4 locations and use their "Fly to Nest" ability to get into nearby nests. They are near the Safari on the 1st level, outside the kitchen door on the 2nd level, inside the caviar buffet on the 2nd level, and near the kids with crayons on the 3rd level.
Animal Stack
Stack into Prestige (with the rest of his family on the 1st level), then into the pelican near the safari, then into the Kodiak Bear just inside from the safari.
Stack into Pirate Chuck outside the club on the 1st level and use his "YAR!" ability to scare 5 size 1 dolls.
A Mass Effect
Stack into Ronaldo (with the rest of his family on the 1st level), then use his "Perform Illusion" ability on 10 dolls.
Anchor of Love
Stack into Dropped Anchor Drew, who is in the room opposite the artist on the 2nd level. Use his "Drop Anchor" ability near 5 female dolls.
Steward Season
Stack into The Hunter Darby, who is near the ship's exit. Use his "Fire Cork" ability to shoot 10 stewards around the ship (small dolls dressed in white).
All Wrapped Up
Stack into Professor Ramses, who is near the ship's exit. Use his "Mummify" ability on a total of 5 size 1-2 dolls.
Lil' Stinky
Stack into a green size 1 doll from near the safari and use his "Toot" ability on 5 dolls.
Slap Happy
Stack into a size 2 doll with a wide-brimmed red, white & blue hat. Use his "White Glove Slap" ability on 10 adult dolls.
You should now have all unique dolls on the ship Doll Fancier. Talk to the conductor at the ship's exit to return to the train station and see a new cutscene Seasoned Swashbuckler.
Royal Train Station
Walk forward and Levi will take you to the hideout to show you the new improvements. Head into the coal cart and use it to get to the main concourse, where you will find out new Hi-Jinks are available. You can save these for later. Head to the ticket counter to receive a new challenge.
Sort the Lines
Line Assembly Production
Use Charlie to stack into each of the dolls in the queues and sort them so the size 1 dolls are in the outer queues, the size 3 dolls in the middle queue, and the size 2 dolls in the other queues.
Gust of Order
Stack into Meriweather Malodor again (somewhere near the toilets, dressed in white). Go to the ticket counter and use your "Flatulate" ability to clear the queues. Stack into Strike Leader Chesley nearby and use his "Organize" ability to sort the dolls.
Uppercut Shuffle
Stack into a nearby size 4 doll wearing boxing gloves. Use your "A Proper Uppercut" ability on all the dolls in the queues to get them to move.
Now stack into Judge Meantal and head back down to the train platform. Find the new train on the right line and talk to the conductor to head to your next destination.
The Zeppelin of Consequence
After the cutscene, go into the holding cell on the left and stack into Spice Girl Jane. Use your "Shake Pepper" ability to distract one of the guards, then quickly run to the other holding cell. Stack into Hans Allendorf here and use his "Mix Batter" ability to distract the other guard. This will now free the doll from the shelf behind where the guards were standing. Stack into Ambasssador Bon Appetite and use your "Rally Troops" ability to see a new cutscene.
Head upstairs to the dining room and stack into size 5 Prima Donna Wilhelmina. Look around and also find Meriwether Malodor and his female counterpart Felicity Fowler. Head through the nearby doorway to the Air Exchange Room for your next quest.
Get Rid of the Gas
A Blast of Sweet Air
Stack into Felicity Fowler and use your "Pass Potpourri" ability near the gas where the ambassador is trapped.
Opera Sucks
Stack into Prima Donna Wilhelmina and use your "Sing" ability near the gas where the ambassador is trapped.
Override Up High
As Charlie, go through the small doorway to the Fan Service Room next to where the ambassador is trapped. Stack up to the size 3 maintenance steward and use your "Maintain" ability on the switch next to the door to get back out. Now stack into the size 2 steward holding balloons nearby, go back into the fan service room, and use your "Fly to Station" ability on the open grate. Unstack to your size 1 maintenance steward and "Maintain" the switch up here to clear the gas.
Bun in the Oven
Out in the dining room area, stack into one of the ladies dressed in blue, then go to the Emergency Room opposite the Fan Service Room and stack into the Hazard Suit. Walk through the gas trapping the ambassador to the other size. Unstack and use your "Purse Smash" ability on the large switch.
Head down the nearby staircase to reach another quest.
Open the Gate
Gate Wedgie
Stack into a size 4 man and use "The Northern Kiss" ability on the bell next to the boxing ring. Now stack into Cromwell the Terrible and use "The Royal Wedgie" on the gate to open it.
Shaken Up
Stack into any maintenance steward and "Maintain" the switch to the right of the gate so that a white hand appears. Stack into a man in a red jacket nearby and use your "A Firm Handshake" ability on the hand to open the gate.
Inside Job
Go into the Crew Quarters next to the boxing ring and head upstairs. Stack into Thad who is a small child holding a teddy bear. Next stack into any size 2 doll, then into Portia Peacock who is also up here wearing a blue dress and hat. Go to the end of the walkway and use your ability "Fan Feathers" to get the peacock to come down. Unstack down to Thad and then stack into the Peacock. Use the ability "Fly to Nest", then drop down behind the gate. Stack into the maintenance steward down here and "Maintain" the switch to open the gate.
Stack into the Gate Keeper, now standing near the opened gate. Head down the nearby stairs to the Summit Room, where a meeting is taking place. Continue past here to the end of the corridor where there are two aquariums. Unstack all the way down so you can go through the hole in the door to the right. Here you will get captured and placed in the brig.
Break Out of the Brig
Out of the Frying Pan
Stack into Recreation Officer Chip and then Fire Chief Russell. Use your "Spray Hose" ability on the fireplace, then quickly unstack to Charlie and run through the hole to escape.
Birdman of Brig
Get captured again to return to the brig. Stack into all 3 dolls, then run into the dominoes to knock them down. Stack into the bird and use your "Fly to Nest" ability, then drop down through the nearby hole to escape.
Slip Up
Get captured again to return to the brig. Stack into all 3 dolls, then run into the rollerskate to push it in front of the door. Unstack to Charlie and use the bellows to make a sound; the guard will come in a fall over the rollerskate, and you will automatically escape.
Now head upstairs from the large aquarium area to see a cutscene. From now on you should stay stacked into at least a size 1 doll at all times to avoid capture. Continue until you see the racetrack and get a new quest.
Stop That Car
Photo Finish
Stack into a size 3 photographer and wait for the car to be nearby before using your "Flash Photo" ability to cause a crash and halt the race.
You need to continue with the story before returning to the rest of the solutions for the current quest. Stack into Ambassador Bon Appetite, then Ambassador Osman, Ambassador Log, Ambassador Chaka, and finally Ambassador Wroll. Follow Abigail and use your "Key to the City" ability twice to reach a room with a large set of bellows. Jump on to the largest pump, then unstack all the ambassadors on to their own sections. Finally as Charlie go down to a very small platform and repeatedly pump the bellows.
After another cutscene, go back through the aquarium and up to the racetrack. Find some stairs to the right and stack into Equipment Man Leander at the base of the stairs. Go to the direct opposite side of the room to find Trixie. Keep going all the way around this direction to find Camera Man Joe under a set of stairs. Backtrack a little to find Donald Capulet and finally stack into Cecil Dumheal back near where you started this set. This will trigger another cutscene. Now you can continue your previous quest.
Stop That Car (Continued)
Braking for Bananas
Use the banana vending machine near where you enter this area, and some size 4 banana vendors will arrive and pick them up. Stack into one of the vendors, then go next to the racetrack and use your "Toss Banana" ability to halt the race.
Call to Arms
Go up to the raised platform to the side of the track. Stack into the size 2 bugle boy, then the size 3 maintenance steward. Use your "Maintain" ability on the smoke stack behind the announcer, then unstack and use your "Play Bugle" ability into the megaphone.
Rabbit Takes Chimp
As Charlie, head up the small ramp at the end of the track and get ready to quickly stack into one of the dogs chasing the car. Use your "Fast Run" ability to catch up to the car. From here, stack into the dolls on the car until you reach the front and can use the "Apply Brakes" ability to stop it.
Action Flag
Stack into Cecil Dumheal, who is now at the far side of the track with the rest of the film crew. Go back to where you found the announcer previously and use your "Action!" ability on the nearby doll holding the checkered flag, who will stop the race.
Now that the race is finished, go back up and stack into Flag Bearer Goff. You should now have all unique dolls on the zeppelin Doll Connoisseur. Leave the racetrack area and go back to the Summit Room, then up the opposite stairs to find the last quest for this area.
Get Mr Ruffles!
Needle in a Doll Stack
Watch the position of the teddy bear and talk to the correct doll to retrieve it (if you get it wrong, you can keep trying until you get the right doll).
Stack into the nearby banana vendor and use your "Toss Banana" ability on each of the bullies; when they are open, look inside to see who has the teddy. Talk to this doll to get it back.
Marked Men
Stack into size 2 Ambassador Osman and use your "The Official Seal" ability on one of the bullies. Now talk to that bully to get the teddy back for good.
You have completed all the challenges on the zeppelin Blimp Buster, but there are still the Hi-Jinks available to complete Dirigible Daredevil, as outlined below.
Terrible Melvin
Stack into Cromwell the Terrible and use your "The Royal Wedgie" ability on 10 male adult dolls.
Scribble On
Stack into Ambassador Log and use your "The Pen is Mightier" ability on 5 dolls.
Flower Power
Stack into Felicity Fowler and use your "Pass Potpourri" ability on 10 dolls.
Zippity Do-Da
Talk to the zip line stewards to use the zip line a total of 3 times.
Stack into Prima Donna Wilhelmina and use your "Sing" ability to shatter 5 glasses in the dining room.
Steward Stack
Stack into any group of size 1 to size 4 stewards.
Say Cheese
Go to the far end of the racetrack area and stack into a size 3 flash film cameraman. Use your "Flash Photo" ability on 10 dolls.
Girls on Film
Stack into Camera Man Joe, who is on the stage at the far end of the racetrack area. Use your "Rolling!" ability on 10 female adult dolls.
Floating High
Go to the upper level of the dining room and stack into a balloon steward. Use your "Fly to Station" ability from two of the three launching pads here.
Mime Abuse
Stack into a size 3 female doll with a purse and use your "Purse Smash" ability to hit 5 mimes (there are plenty in the dining room and around the racetrack).
Talk to the conductor in the Summit Room to return to the train station and see a new cutscene Airship Adventurer.
Royal Train Station
Walk forward and Levi will take you to the hideout to show you some more improvements. Head back to the station and you will find a new quest.
Wind the Clock!
A Clockwork Pelican
Stack into the size 2 pelican nearby and use your "Fly to Nest" ability to head up to the clock. Unstack to Charlie and hop into the winding mechanism to wind up the clock.
A Gentleman's Solution
Find a small doorway just right of the gear doors. Go to the end and use the door override mechanism to open the gear doors. Head back out and stack into the handshake man right here, then go back inside and use your "A Firm Handshake" ability on the manual winder in the previous room.
Wind Under Your Wings
Stack into the balloon steward near the gear doors, then go out to the train platform and stack into Engineer Cross (in blue and white stripes). Go over near the small doorway you used in the previous solution. Use your "Blow Lid" ability, then quickly unstack and use your "Fly to Station" ability to float upwards. Unstack to Charlie and use the winding mechanism here.
You have completed all the challenges here Solution Sleuth, but now you can complete all of the Hi-Jinks Train Trickster, as outlined below.
Stack into Solicitor Barnabas, who is smoking his pipe and walking around the 1st level of the concourse. Talk to 10 adult female dolls.
Look Both Ways!
Stack into the size 5 Engineer Switch who is just outside on the platform near the clock. Use your "Crossing Guard" ability on 5 dolls.
You're IT!
Stack into a small blonde girl with pigtails and use your "Tag!" ability to 5 child dolls.
A Little Relieved!
Stack into Hans Allendorf, who is waiting with his family near the ticket counter. Go downstairs into the men's bathroom and use your "Go Potty" ability.
A Blast on the Past
Stack into Meriwether Malodor, who is wandering around near the ticket counter. Use his "Flatulate" ability on 5 elderly dolls.
The Black Widow
Stack into The Widow Chastity, also up near the ticket counter, and use your "Seduce" ability to attract 2 adult male dolls at the same time.
Stack into Lounge Host Demoreuille in the Royal Lounge, and use your "Insult Patron" ability on 5 dolls in the lounge.
Bathroom Chatterbox
Use any doll to talk to other dolls in both the male and female bathrooms.
Rule of Law
Stack into Judge Meantal, who is in the dark room at the end of one of the upper platforms. Use your "Deliver Justice" ability on 5 dolls.
An Uninvited Uppercut
Stack into a size 4 doll wearing boxing gloves. Enter the Royal Lounge and use your "A Proper Uppercut" ability on 5 dolls in the lounge.
You should now have all unique dolls in the train station Doll Hobbyist. Return to the train platform and talk to the clown standing in front of the tank engine to head to the next scene.
The Triple-Decker Tank Engine
After the cutscene, head around to the right through several tiny doorways, and you will see the children from the zeppelin locked up in cells. Keep going down a lit staircase and you will see a cutscene with a sleeping guard and his dog. Climb into the dog feeder and use it to produce a biscuit, then wait for the dog to come over. Hop out of the feeder and quickly stack into Guard Dog Biscuits. Go over to the gate and use your "Unlock Pen" ability to free the children.
After the next cutscene, stack into Spice Girl Jane and Thad, who are both standing nearby. As previously, you should stay stacked into at least a size 1 doll at all times to avoid capture. Go through the next couple of doors to receive your first quest.
Defeat Sickle the Sly
Fire and Ice
Ignore Sickle for now and head upstairs to level 2, where you will see a cutscene explaining Combo Abilities. Stack into Hans Allendorf and then Fire Chief Russell. Head down to Sickle and use your "Spray Hose" ability on him, then quickly unstack and use your "Blow Cold Air" ability.
Sneezing Wild Fire
Go upstairs to level 2 and stack into Sir Sully Taintwell, who is sneezing everywhere. Go back to Sickle's room and use your "Infectious Sneeze" ability on one of the smaller dolls. Stack into that doll and walk next to Sickle.
Pigeon Bisque
Go upstairs to level 2 and stack into a size 1 doll with a soup bowl on his head. Continue up to level 3 and walk forward until a pigeon poops into the soup bowl. Go back to Sickle's room and use your "Serve Soup" ability to make him sick.
Snot Soup
Go upstairs to level 2 and stack into Sir Sully Taintwell again. Use your "Infectious Sneeze" ability on one of the kids with a soup bowl on his head. Stack into that doll next and go down to Sickle's room. Use your "Serve Soup" ability to make him sick again.
Head upstairs to level 3 and turn left to find the dining room. Stack into Gustav who is just outside the room, and is the first in a set of piano players. Explore the corners of this room to find Sergei, Ludwig and Wolfgang. Stack into the size 5 woman next to Wolfgang, then go down the stairs here to level 2. Pass through the women-only lounge to the other side. Unstack down to size 3 and then stack into a man with a whistle on his head. Use his "Factory Whistle" ability on the sleeping man in the corner, then quickly stack back into Wolfgang and then into Franz. Continue down to level 1 where you will meet Tiberius; ignore him for now. Continue outside and around to the Piano Bar. Find the size 6 piano player and stack into Piano Lead Frederic to complete the set. Now head back to where you found Tiberius.
Tickle Tiberius the Terrible
Tickle Duster
Stack into a French maid (carrying a duster, found in the piano bar). Use your "Feather Dust" ability on Tiberius.
Feather Face
Stack into a size 1 doll with a soup bowl and walk to the right of Tiberius until a pigeon drops down to the floor. Stack into the pigeon and use your "Fly to Nest" ability on Tiberius.
Hairy A'mor
Go back upstairs and into the women-only lounge, then stack into The Widow Chastity. Continue through and up to level 3 again and stack into Gilliam the Furry (he is extremely hairy). Stack into a man with a whistle on his head and use your "Factory Whistle" ability on the sleeping tailor in the corner of this room. Now you can stack into The Tailor Wickens. Go back downstairs to the women-only lounge and use your "Measure for Fitting" ability on the guard woman, then quickly stack into Rosie. Use your "Disable Ladies' Gate" ability and go through to the other gate. Unstack, use "Measure for Fitting" on the other guard and stack into Gertie. Unstack to The Tailor Wickens again. Go downstairs to Tiberius and use your "Measure for Fitting" ability on him, then quickly unstack and use your "Man Hug" ability on him.
Head through the piano bar to find your next quest.
Illuminate the Shadow General
Stack into a man with an oil drum on his head, then into a man with a candle on his head. Use your "Flare" ability on the Shadow General, then unstack and use your "Oil Spill" ability on him.
Cookin' With Gas
Go back upstairs into the Gas Room and stack into Clerk-of-the-Works Jasper, who is holding a wrench. Use your "Maintain" ability on the machine at the end of the room, then stack into a man with a candle on his head and use your "Flare" ability beneath the pilot light.
Money Generator
Stack into a child with a money box on his head and use your "Serve Money" ability on the coin box opposite the Shadow General - this will lower a platform. Stack into a size 5 female doll and use your "Carbon Footprint" ability on the platform.
Go to the gas room, up over the platforms, down through a laundry, and back down to level 2 and then to level 1 to meet your next challenger.
Scare Simpleton the Strong
Masked Mirage
Go back up the ramp to level 2 and stack into Corporate Spy. Use your "Disguise" ability on a size 5 doll and then stack into him/her. Go back down to Simpleton and he will leave.
Sheet Spirit
Go up the ramp again and stack into a size 2 laundry doll. Use your "Fold Sheet" ability on a size 1 doll and stack into him/her. Go back down to Simpleton and he will run away.
Go up the ramp once more and stack into a size 2 hammer doll. Use your "Hammer Time" ability on the large doll in front of the Jack-in-the-Box repeatedly until the huge clown is released. Stack into Peck the Clown. Go back down to Simpleton and use your "Clown Scream" ability on him to scare him.
You have completed all the main challenges on the tank engine Loco Motivated, but there are still the Hi-Jinks available to complete Triple Train Trickster, as outlined below.
The Warm Embrace
Stack into Gilliam the Furry, a very hairy man in the level 3 dining room. Use his "Man Hug" ability on 5 adult female dolls.
Hallowed Sheets
Stack into a size 2 laundry doll and use your "Fold Sheet" ability on 5 size 1 dolls.
Clocked Out
Stack into a size 5 male doll in the Piano Bar and use your "Punch Clock" ability on 5 adult dolls.
Soup for the Sick
Stack into a size 1 doll with a soup bowl on his head (found above Sickle the Sly) and use your "Serve Soup" ability either on Sir Sully Taintwell (who is infecting people with his sneeze), or on somebody he has infected.
Tickle Gas
Stack into Meriwether Malodor, who is outside the Shadow General's room. Take him near to a lady with a feather duster. Stack into her and use her "Feather Dust" ability on him.
Stack into Peck the Clown and use your "Clown Scream" ability on 5 child dolls.
Belly Bumper
Stack into a size 3 bully (with a pot on his head) - there is one on the balcony outside the women-only lounge. Use his "Belly Bump" ability on 5 child dolls.
The Artful Dodger
Unstack down to Charlie near 4 of the large guards throughout the level and quickly stack back into safety before being caught.
Evil Stack
Stack into a size 3 doll with a gear or oil drum on their head. Next stack into a size 4 doll with a whistle or a top hat. Finally stack into a size 5 doll with a clock on his hat. You can find these dolls in the piano bar (among other places).
Masked Missus
Stack into the Corporate Spy and use your "Disguise" ability on 5 female dolls.
Now head outside and around to the Coal Car to reunite with your family and get another quest.
Cross the Coal Car
Stack into Albert Blackmore, Agatha Blackmore, Abigail Blackmore, Archibald Blackmore and Agnes Blackmore. Use your "Clean Out" ability on the locked door. Unstack to Archibald and use your "Chimney Climb" ability to climb up the chimney. Unstack to Abigail and go forward to find a fire, then use your "Snuff Out" ability. Unstack to Agatha and go up the platforms until you reach some falling rocks. Use your "Parasol Spin" to get past. Unstack to Albert and go forward to find some coal that you can clear with your "Shovel" ability. Unstack to Charlie and go forward to find your father.
You should now have all unique dolls in the tank engine Doll Antiquarian. After the cutscene you can commence the final series of quests Well Trained Traveler.
Stoke the Fire Ball
Stack into William Blackmore and use your "Pump Bellows" ability on the fireplace. Stack into a small doll with coal on his head and use the "Coal Dump" ability on the fire.
High Cleanout
Stack into Clerk-of-the-Works Jasper and use your "Maintain" ability on the Clean Out Access panel to the right of the fireplace. Now stack into Agnes Blackmore and use your "Clean Out" ability on the opening.
Climb Hither
Stack into The Widow Chastity and then into Archibald Blackmore. Use your "Climb Chimney" ability to climb up the chimney, then unstack and use your "Seduce" ability.
Lift for Dead
Stack into Abigail Blackmore and use your "Snuff Out" ability on the flames 3 times. Now stack into Cromwell the Terrible and use "The Royal Wedgie" ability on the gate.
Unleash the Cracking
Stack into Agatha Blackmore and use your "Parasol Spin" ability to stop the falling coal. Now stack into Ursula Allendorf and use your "Scream for Help" ability on the whistle.
Charcoal Rain
Stack into Albert Blackmore and then into the pelican, then use your "Fly to Nest" ability. Unstack and use your "Shovel" ability on the rock.
After the cutscene, stack into the 4 nearby dolls. Use your "Flare" ability to light matches on either side of the gate, then unstack and use your "Flatulate" ability to blow open the gate. In the game of RoShambo Rumble, you need to beat the Baron a total of 4 times. Quickly stack up to a size 2 doll and then run away from the Baron. When he is nearly upon you, stack into a size 3 doll to beat him (rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock) Blackmore Stack.
The Lost Hobo King
Stack into a boy running up and down the stairs with a fishing rod. Go back to the end of the jetty and use your "Go Fish" ability, then stack into Deep Sea Hans. Take the path to the left to find an old house and your first quest.
Get in the House
Accurate Pressure
Stack into an old man with a purple bandana and use your "Read Runes" ability on the runes in front of the house. Unstack your 3 dolls on to the 3 runes that light up, then as Charlie run inside.
Smoking out the Bandit
Stack into Cornelius Caboose, a man with a straw hat and a pipe standing near the house. Use your "Smoke Out" ability on the nearby hole in the wall, then stack into the Raccoon. Go through the nearby burrow and follow it around until you can enter the house.
Fishy Swallow
Stack into a hobo with a bag on a stick and use your "Bindle Bash" ability on the nearby large doll with a tuna can on his head. Stack into Gumps o' the Sea (the tuna fish). Go towards the house and use your "Fish Out of Water" near a pile of feather to lure down a seagull. Stack into the seagull and use your "Fly to Nest" ability, then follow the path along until you can drop down into the house.
Go back to the main square and directly across to the opposite area for your next challenge.
Open Excalican
Gone Fishin'
Enter the can that has been made into a house and stack into the seagull. Use your "Fly to Nest" ability, then walk over the bridge and use your ability again to reach a higher nest. Get on to the pump platform and lower the hook to open the sardine can.
Lanced a Lot
Stack into a man with a pallet on his head, and pick up a size 1 doll using your "Carry Small Load" ability. Put the doll down on the high pallets at the far end of the area. Quickly unstack and stack into this doll, then drop down into the opposite area and stack into the Suit of Armor. Use your "Joust" ability on the target on your gate to get out, then use it on the target on the sardine can to open it.
There Can Be Only One
Go back to the start of the path leading to this area and stack into Bucky Bedroll, who has a broken bucket for a hat. Go back to the challenge area and use your "Bucket Head" ability on the man wearing a purple cape, then stack into Tristam Tugboy. Go and talk to the gypsy in red to get a shield and become Sir Tristam Tugboy. Now use your "Grip of the Mighty" ability on the sardine can.
Go back to the main square and take the path straight opposite the docks going down, to reach a darker area with your final quest.
Get Past the Ghouls
Head Cheese
Stack into Silton Red Sticks, who has cheese on his head. Go into the first ghoul area and get the ghouls to run away by using your "Toss Cheese" ability. Make your way to the far left platform, unstack and use the platform to open the gate. Continue and repeat in the second area to find another platform at the far right. Go through the second gate.
Meat Head
Stack into a size 2 doll in the main square and talk to the meat vendor to get some rotting meat thrown on your head. Now head through the ghoul areas as before and you will be left alone due to the smell.
Jailed Bait
Stack into Betty Bufflehead, who has a cage on her head. Use your "Cage" ability on a small child, then stack into a man with a pallet on his head and use your "Carry Small Load" to pick up the child in a cage. Go to the ghoul area and drop the child to distract the ghouls, who will crowd around it. Pick up the cage again and the ghouls will remain distracted so you can continue on your way. Go through both ghoul areas as before.
The Artful Dodger
Just run and dodge your way through the ghoul areas as Charlie without getting caught.
Stack into Deep Sea Hans back out near the dock. Use your "Fish Hook" ability to attack the ghouls as you make your way through both areas.
You need to continue with the story before returning to the final solution for the current quest. Go up the stairs from the main courtyard and through the small hole in the middle of the gate. Stack into Wally Water-Belly and Pliny Pan-Pounder, then into the old man with the purple bandana. Use your "Read Runes" ability to see 3 symbols on the floor in front of the next door. Unstack and stack into Floyd Fire-Breather, then place Floyd on the far right spot, Pliny on the central spot, and Wally on the far left spot. Stack into all 3 blacksmiths again and head up the stairs. Use your "Fire Breath" ability on the symbol at the base of the forge until you see a flash of light. Quickly unstack and run up to the next symbol to use your "Pan Handle" ability on the crown until there is another flash of light. Unstack and go to the very top, where you should use your "Douse" ability to cool down the crown. This will trigger another cutscene King Maker. Now you can continue your previous quest.
Get Past the Ghouls (Continued)
Bake 'n' Break
Stack into the 3 blacksmiths, who are standing near the king statue in the courtyard. Go to the ghoul areas and use your "Fire Breath" ability, then quickly unstack and use your "Pan Handle" ability to blow up the ghouls. Continue doing this as you make your way through both areas.
You have completed all the main challenges Master Mendicant. Go back near the house and stack into the Raccoon. Head out to the main square and use your "Seek Burrow" ability, then enter the burrow out here to find a rabbit. Unstack and then stack into Mr Whiskers, then back into the Raccoon. Unstack and use your "Bunny Bounce" ability on the panda in the courtyard, then stack back into the Raccoon and finally into Gilliam the Panda. You should now have all unique dolls in this area Hobo Hustler. You can now complete all of the Hi-Jinks Super Tramp, as outlined below.
Stack into a hobo with a bag on a stick and use your "Bindle Bash" ability on 10 adult dolls.
Ten-Gallon Trawl
Stack into a boy with a fishing rod and use your "Go Fish" ability on 5 dolls with hats.
Bunny Train
Stack into Mr Whiskers and use your "Bunny Bounce" ability on a group of 5 dolls at the same time.
Patchy Behavior
Stack into a size 1 female doll with a bottle cap on her head. Use your "Slap Patch" ability on 5 dolls.
Pail Faced
Stack into Bucky Bedroll and use your "Bucket Head" ability on 5 ghouls in the crypt.
Stack into Cornelius Caboose and use your "Smoke Out" ability to find the Raccoon. Stack into the Raccoon and use your "Seek Burrow" ability to find and enter 3 burrows (2 near the house, and one in the main square.
Sir Splitter
Stack in the Suit of Armor and use your "Joust" ability on 10 dolls.
Pan Fried Combo
Stack into the 3 blacksmiths, who are standing near the king statue in the courtyard. Find a group of dolls standing close together and use your "Fire Breath" ability, then quickly unstack and use your "Pan Handle" ability to blow up at least 7 dolls at the same time.
Smoked Meat
Talk to the meat vendor in the courtyard with 5 dolls to get meat thrown on their heads. Stack into Cornelius Caboose and use your "Smoke Out" ability on these 5 dolls.
Rear Animal
Stack into Gilliam the Panda and use your "Unsavory Sniff" ability on 5 adult dolls.