Doors and Rooms
Game Details: Puzzle, 2019
Steam Achievements: Completed (5/5)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 7/21/2022
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Chapter 1: Rusty Key
Just click on the door to open it, then go through.
Open the latch at the base of the door, then open the door and go through.
Pick up the hammer from the ground and use it to break the glass box. Take the key from inside the box and use it to unlock the door. Open the door and go through.
Open the top drawer. Take out the plastic container and dismantle it, then use the key to unlock the door. Open the door and go through.
Pick up the remote control and the batteries, and combine them. Use the remote control on the hole in the wall, then take the key. Use the key to unlock the door, then open it and go through.
Take the note from the wall and observe it in your inventory. Examine the keypad and enter the code 2531. Take out the key and use it to unlock the door. Open the door and go through.
Pick up the side cutters from the floor. Notice the writing on the wall, then examine the bomb. As instructed, use the side cutters to cut the red, green and yellow wires. Now you can open the door and go through.
Notice the large E on the floor. Examine the keypad and draw this shape:
Now open the door and go through.
By trial and error, press the floor buttons in the correct order so they all stay lit:
Grab the key and use it to unlock the door. Open the door and go through.
Look at the board with strange playing cards on the left. Now examine the keypad on the right. You need to enter numbers matching the cards with the same symbols, so enter the code 7239. Now open the door and go through.
Grab the locked purse from the rubbish bin, the toilet paper from the holder, and the chain from the sink. Dismantle the toilet paper roll to see a code. Examine the combination look on the toilet stall, opening it with the code 217453. Now open the toilet stall and pick up the hammer. Use the hammer to smash the mirror. Pick up the mirror shard from the basin, and combine this with the purse. Now dismantle the purse to get a magnet. Combine the chain with the magnet, then use this on the grate in the floor, and take the key. Use the key on the door, then open it and go through.
By trial and error, press the floor buttons in the correct order so they all stay lit:
Take the jar that drops from the ceiling, and dismantle it to find a capsule and a handle. Dismantle the capsule, and examine the note that was hidden inside, which shows eight pairs of arrows. Insert the handle into the red panel on the wall, and the number panel will light up. Using the clue from the note, you can convert pairs of arrows to numbers, based on the positions of the blue lights that have appeared:
- Down and left = 7
- Up and up = 2
- Up and right = 3
- Down and right = 9
Enter the code 7239 on the keypad. Now open the door and go through.
Grab the side cutters from the open box on the bottom shelf. Look up at the vent to the right and use the side cutters to cut through the bottom-left corner of the mesh, so you can take the red key. Use the red key to open the red padlock, then take out the screwdriver.
Examine the locker with the yellow padlock. Use the screwdriver to remove the hinges, then take the yellow key and sponge from inside. Pick up the square object in the puddle of oil on the floor. Knock over the green bottle of liquid on the top shelf, then use the sponge on the liquid that fell from the green bottle. Now combine this with the dirty square object to clean it. Examine the die more closely to see the numbers on it. Next examine the safe on the floor beneath the shelves. Based on the numbers on the die, you can enter the correct values:
Open the safe and take the handle and blue key from inside. Now look at the small electrical box on the left side of the far wall. Use your screwdriver on it, then remove the cover. Insert your handle, then back out. Use the handle and the lights will go out. Take note of the sequence of glowing Xs and Ys on the wall, then use the handle again to turn the lights back on.
Combine your blue and yellow keys, then use your combined key to open the green padlock. Take out the metal disc. Examine the door and insert the metal disc to complete the mechanism. Now you need to rotate the disc using the arrow buttons to recreate the 4 letter sequences you saw glowing on the wall. From the starting position:
- Right 3 times, then press the middle button: YYXYXXXXYYYX
- Left 5 times, then press the middle button: XXXYYYXYYXYX
- Left 2 times, then press the middle button: XYYYXYYXYXXX
- Right 6 times, then press the middle button: YXYXXXXYYYXY
Now open the door and go through.
Examine the lock on the door to see that the green terminals connect to B, D and G.
Take the wooden object from next to the campfire, and dismantle it to reveal a blade. Grab the rope that is hanging from the pipe, and use it in the puddle of oil on the floor. Pick up the pot from the floor, and combine this with your oiled rope to make a lantern. Remove the broken light from the hook in the far corner of the room, and hang your lantern here. Take the lighter from the table, and use this to light the lantern.
Look at the puzzle on the wall - you need to add the individual digits from the pairs of numbers to get the linked number in the next row. Solve this to find that A=17. Click on the crumbling brick wall and examine another puzzle - this time you just need to count the number of circles in the large numbers. Solve this to find that B=24. Now look at the safe on the floor and open it with combination 1724. Take out the pick head. Take the metal handle leaning against the right wall and combine this with the pick head to create a pick axe.
Use your pick axe on the bottom part of the brick wall. Examine your lighter for a clue, then trace the matching pattern on the puzzle revealed behind the brick wall:
Use your knife to cut wires B, D and G. Now open the door and go through 1 Chapter Clear.
Chapter 2: Silent Hospital
Open the cardboard box and take out the degreaser spray, then use this on the license plate of the ambulance to see the numbers 5728. Open the combination lock on the back of the ambulance with the code 5728. Next open the back doors of the ambulance and pick up the crowbar from the bed.
Use the crowbar to force open the driver's door, then turn the key in the ignition. Note the colored lights on the back of the ambulance. Examine the panel next to the door and press the buttons until the colors match the ambulance lights: yellow, green, red, blue. Now open the door and go through.
Take the CD from the bottom shelf and dismantle it in your inventory, then use it on the computer. Look at the computer screen, which indicates the password uses the spreadsheet formula C4+A3+B1-E3. Look at the various items in the shelves that correspond to these spreadsheet cells:
- C4: Photoframe (1221)
- A3: Award (1983)
- B1: Encyclopedia (2485)
- E3: Award (2012)
Based on these values, open the safe in the top-right of the shelves with the code 3677 (1221+1983+2485-2012). Take the key from inside the safe. Use this to unlock the door, then open the door and go through.
Open the left drawer and take the ID card - examine this to see the last 4 digits of the number are 1485. Also take the patient chart from on top of the drawers. Open the briefcase with the code 1485, then take out the USB drive. Insert this into the projector, then look at the projected image. Combine the information from this image and the patient chart you picked up:
- 4.4, Aska, Liver
- 1.3, Ruly, Stomach
- 3.5, Uj, Lung
- 5.1, Sila, Brain
Examine the wall safe and complete it using this information:
Take the spine model from inside, and place this on the podium to the right. Notice the silhouette projected on to the right side of the screen, which shows the numbers 31371. Enter this code into the keypad to unlock the door, then open it and go through.
Take the piece of paper from the trash can and dismantle it to find a note and a cube. Pick up another 4 cubes from the sofa, the corner pocket of the pool table, on the floor to the right, and inside the microwave. Pick up the 2 pieces of cue stick on the pool table and on the floor to the left, and combine them in your inventory. Use the cue stick on the vent in the ceiling, then pick up the coin that falls to the floor. Use the coin in the vending machine, then take the can of soda and examine it. Combine the information from the can and from the 5 cubes you have collected:
- 5, Red, B
- 4, Purple, C
- 3, Blue, E
- 2, Orange, A
- 1, White, D
Open the panel on the wall and examine it, then make the connections based on the above information. Look at the colors on the TV screen, and the matching numbers in the same colors on the note from the trash can:
- Blue: 4
- Yellow: 3
- Red: 1
- Green: 5
- Purple: 8
Examine the keypad and enter the code 43158. Open the door and go through.
Grab the scalpel from the surgical tray. Look at the cardiac monitor screen on the left. You need to calculate the average of the 3 traces:
- Blue: 20+100+40+60+40+80+60+80 / 8 = 60
- Red: 20+120+80+120+100+140+60+80 / 8 = 90
- Yellow: 120+60+120+60+120+20+60+40 / 8 = 75
Remove the sheet from the body on the table, then use the scalpel on its chest. Examine the heart and enter the code 9075 (based on the red and yellow heart traces). Take the keycard from inside the heart once it opens. Use this in t he keycard reader to see 8888 displayed in red over the doors.
Pick up the x-ray film from the sink on the right, and use it on the light-box to the left - note the light segments, and mentally overlay them on the numbers over the door:
This spells out the word PUSH in red. Enter this on the keypad, then open the doors and go through.
Grab the curtain rope from the stand in the corner of the room, then attach it to the right end of the blinds and open the blinds. Look at the windows - if you combine the markings from both you will spell the word PLEDGE. Examine the laptop and enter the password PLEDGE. Now note the symbols shown: (^^) which corresponds with the number keys 9660 on the keyboard.
Pick up the bottle of cleaner from the floor, the cotton pad from on the right bed, and the rope beneath the right bed. Also take a small knife from the top drawer, and move the pillow on the left bed to reveal a note. Using the note as a hint, combine the cleaner with the cotton pad, and use this on the painting on the wall. Click on the red house. Now use your small knife on where the red house used to be. Examine the combination lock revealed here, and enter the code 9660. Take out the key and use it on the window. Use your rope on the heater on the floor, then climb out the window.
Open the small fridge on the bench and take out the blood samples. Take the Anti-A from the open high shelf. Open the high cupboard and take the Anti-D. Search all of the drawers to find some Anti-B and 2 microscope parts. Look to the right and take the small piece of paper. Examine the piece of paper in your inventory and work out the value of each of the symbols:
- Light Circle = 3
- Dark Circle = 2
- Dark Star = 1
Next look at the grid of blood samples on the main bench. Use your Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D on these samples. Now review the chart on the wall to work out everyone's blood type:
- Sila: AB+
- Uj: O-
- Ruly: A+
- Aska: A-
- Miro: B+
- Max: O+
Now use you 2 microscope parts to fix the microscope. Put your blood slide on the microscope, then look through the microscope and review the six samples, calculating a score for each based on the piece of paper. You need to also match these to the blood types from earlier:
- Sila: AB+, 6
- Uj: O-, 6
- Ruly: A+, 9
- Aska: A-, 9
- Miro: B+, 7
- Max: O+, 5
Examine the keypad on the door. You need to enter a 6-digit code in the order of the blood types listed, which is 697956. Open the door and go through.
Remove the sheet from the bed at the far right, then pick up the package. Dismantle this in your inventory to find a video tape. Examine the doctor's body and take the flashlight from his pocket. Use this just below the T in the Askari Hospital sign on the counter, then pick up the star screwdriver. Now dismantle the flashlight twice to get a battery.
Use the video tape in the TV to the bottom left, then turn on the TV. Note the logo is ELSI, which rotated reads 1573. Look at the teddy bear sitting against the counter and open its heart-shaped box with the code 1573, then take out a tool box. Dismantle this to get a set of tools.
Examine the wheelchair and use the flat screwdriver, then remove the panel and get 3 batteries. Examine the toy robot beneath the green chairs and use the cross screwdriver, then remove the panel and get 2 batteries. Examine the Christmas tree and insert all 6 batteries, then pay attention to the order of the flashing lights. Also look at the Guide Map to the right of the doors to see that each color is associated with a number shape:
- Yellow (5)
- Black (8)
- Light Blue (3)
- Orange (2)
- Pink (7)
- Dark Blue (1)
- Red (4)
- White (9)
- Green (6)
Look at the access panel to the left of the doors and use the star screwdriver, then remove the panel. Enter the code 583271496, then open the doors and go through 2 Chapter Clear.
Chapter 3: The Kingdom
Take the mace and sword from the far corner of the room. Open the top drawer and take out a small faucet. Use this on the spigot on the wine barrel, then turn it and pick up a figurine. Take the small music box key from on top of a crate here. Now look at the music box on the right. Open it using the small key, then place the figurine on top and take the piano key.
Use your sword to cut the rolled carpet on the left, then pick up the sheet music. Use your piano key on the piano, then play the music on the piano. If the playable keys are numbered 1-8 from left to right, play notes 1, 6, 4, 2, 4, 1. Take the emblem that is revealed.
Next use the sword on the loose board in the middle of the floor, and take the axe handle. Use the mace on the large wooden crate and take the axe blade. Combine this with the axe handle, then chop the wooden beam blocking the door. Examine the lock, and insert the emblem at the top. Now you need to swap the positions of the left and right arrows:
From the starting position, move the arrows in this order: C, DE, CBA, DEF, CBA, EF, A. Open the doors and go through.
Take the mace and helmet from the suit of armor. Use the mace to break the vase on the right, then collect the dirt using the helmet. Use the helmet of dirt on the fireplace and note the Roman numerals that are revealed.
Take the knife and wine bottle from the table. Use the knife on the turkey, then take the note from inside. Take the bottle opener from the top shelf on the right, and combine it with the wine bottle to open it. Also take the large plate and tall glass from the other shelves on the right. Look up at the painting above the fireplace. Using the relative positions of the items in the painting, and the Roman numerals from the fireplace, as well as the items you have collected in your inventory, you can put together the following:
- Turkey Note (3113)
- Large Plate (1327)
- Tall Glass (9958)
- Wine Cork (6354)
Look at the box above the fireplace and input digits from these four numbers (from top to bottom enter 3, 7, 9, 5). Take the pendant from the opened box. Now look at the puzzle on the doors, and insert the pendant on the left. You will see the following puzzle (starting position on the left, target position on the right):
From the starting position, make these moves:
- C (7 times)
- A (7 times)
- C
- A
- C (2 times)
- D (3 times)
- B (3 times)
- A (5 times)
Now open the doors and go through.
Look at the nearest bed pillar and rotate it several times to find a key. Use this key on the doors, and grab the mask.
Move the bedsheets and pick up a bull statue, then dismantle it to find half of a pair of scissors. Find the other half being held by the eagle on the wall, then combine the two halves in your inventory.
Open the small cupboard next to the bed and take the bottle of acid, then use this on the chain holding up the chandelier in the left corner of the room. Pick up the horse statue from the fallen chandelier. Dismantle this to find another key. Examine the mannequin, and use your scissors on it, then take the heart-shaped box. Unlock this using your key, and you will find a large ruby.
Combine the ruby and mask in your inventory, then use this on the stained glass window. Look at the projection of light on the floor to see a series of four symbols. Examine the chest at the foot of the bed and select these same four symbols. From left to right, you should click the starting symbols 7, 3, 0 and 4 times. Take out the wooden staff. Dismantle this in your inventory. Now look at the puzzle on the doors, and insert the head of the staff on the right. You will see the following puzzle, with the goal to turn all the squares red. Just click on the squares marked X:
Now open the doors and go through.
Take the teapot from the shelves on the left and dismantle it to find a chess piece. Look under the far corner of the rug for another chess piece, and grab another from the left pot plant on the chest of drawers. Also take the right fish from on the wall here. Put this in the bear's mouth, then open the drawer beneath it and take another chess piece.
Look at the grandfather clock and note the positions of the 6 weights. Now look at the harp, which has 5 playable strings. If these are numbered 1-5 from left to right, play them in this order: 5, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3. Take the key from the top of the harp. Use the key to open the middle drawer, and take out some chess rules and another chess piece.
Now look at the chess board. If you examine the chess pieces, they tell you where they belong on the board. You need to imagine putting them all in position, and then work out which of the few remaining squares on the board cannot be reached by any of the pieces:
Look at the locked box on the chest of drawers, and open it with the following combination based on the available safe squares from the chess board:
Take the knife and dismantle it in your inventory to remove it from its sheath. Now look at the puzzle on the doors, and insert the knife on the left. You will see the following puzzle, with the goal to open all of the slots. Just click on the squares marked X:
Now open the doors and go through.
Look through the telescope and notice the numbers formed by t he orange stars: 6479. Look at the low chest of drawers on the left and open the combination lock with the code 6479. Take out a package and dismantle this in your inventory to find a series of tiles with star signs on them.
Next you need to find 4 hidden notes around the room:
- Inside the book on the desk
- Inside the chair by the desk
- On the floor behind the ladder
- Inside the left suit of armor's helmet
Now look at the poster on the left part of the far wall, which shows a series of constellations and associated star signs. Look at the map on the left wall, then find the points on this corresponding to the 4 notes you collected:
- Aquarius
- Aries
- Libra
- Taurus
Examine the chest in the far corner of the room and insert the star sign tiles matching the 4 notes (Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Taurus). Take out the book and put it into the empty space in the right bookshelf. Now look at the puzzle that is revealed. This is a sliding tile puzzle with a series of buttons around the edge:
One solution involves these moves:
- 4, 4, 4
- A, A, A
- C, C, C
- D
- B, B, B
- 4, 4, 4
- A, A, A
- D
- B, B, B
- 1
- C
- 1
- D, D, D
- 2, 2, 2
- D
- 1
- A, A, A
- 2, 2, 2
- A
- 2
Solve the puzzle, then push the bookshelf and go through.
Pick up 3 round flasks from the shelves on the left. Also pick up a bundle of hay from the far corner of the room, a flint from the floor, and a flint from inside a drawer on the right. From the desk in the bottom-left corner, pick up a glass beaker, a mushroom and a blue gem. Finally, take the note from the left wall and some cherries hanging from the ceiling.
Put the blue gem, mushroom and cherries inside your 3 separate round flasks (each item will only go inside one of the flasks). Also combine your 2 flints together. Put the bundle of hay into the bottom of the stove, then light it with your flints. Now look at the top of the stove. Open the grate and place a round flask inside, then close the grate. Repeat with the other 2 flasks, so all 3 now contain a colored liquid.
Look at the puzzle box on the desk. You need to count the number of 4-sided and 3-sided shapes within the pentagram on the floor (20 and 35). Open the box with the code 2035, and take out the metal cover.
Now look at the large poster on the right wall and in particular at the symbols associated with each flask. Look at the animal skull and the note in your inventory, then use the red flask on the left eye socket, and the blue flask on the right eye socket. Take the purple rune stone from the animal's mouth.
Look at the small cauldron on the shelves. Pour in some liquid from each flask in this order: blue, red, green. Now collect some of the black liquid in your glass beaker, and add the purple rune stone to the beaker. Put this into the top of the stove and close the grate, then open the grate and take out the gold liquid. Pour this into the metal plate on the right, then add your metal cover - the cover will now have a gold disc on it. Dismantle this in your inventory to get a gold coin.
Examine the door and insert the gold coin to reveal a puzzle. You just need to click each piece of the puzzle to rotate it into its correct alignment. The starting position for this puzzle is variable, so you just have to solve it manually each time. Once you are done, open the door and go through 3 Chapter Clear.
Chapter 4: Weird Story
Open the curtains and take the small shovel, then use this in the pot plant on the floor and pick up a lever handle. Use this in the front of the table in the middle of the room, then pull the lever down. Look at the lock mechanism that is revealed in the center of the table.
Grab the note from under the door mat, and look at it in your inventory. Now examine the dart board on the right wall. Count up the values of the darts around the board:
- Green: 5 + 45 = 50
- Red: 2 + 7 + 18 = 27
- Yellow: 8 + 8 = 16
Go back to the table and enter the code based on the sum 5000 + 270 + 16 (5286). Take the key and use it on the door, then head outside.
Open the freezer and take out the frozen fish. Also pick up the knife from inside a drawer on the right, the pipe from the shelf over the door, and the pot from beneath the sink. Combine the frozen fish and pot in your inventory. Use your pipe in the missing pipe segment on the left.
Look at the stove and place your fish and pot here. Light the stove and wait for the fish to thaw, then pick it up. Combine your knife and fish, then dismantle the fish to find a key. Use this key in the locked box in the right corner of the room, and take out a plunger. Notice the 1.17 written on the mirror, then look at the calendar just to the left and find 17:
Use your plunger on the matching tile in the floor. Look down beneath here and grab another key. Use this key on the door, then go through.
Grab two pieces of cheese from the table and from the top of the shelves. Also take the tongs from the bucket on the right, and the blue thread from in the shelves. Look at the bunny toy in the shelves. Take the needle from its arm, then combine the needle with the thread and use this to repair the bunny. Now you can take another piece of cheese from the bunny.
Look at the pot over the fire, and add your 3 pieces of cheese. Now use your tongs to pick up the key from the fire. Turn on the tap on the far left, and use the tongs in the water to cool the key. Now dismantle the tongs to get the key. Use the key on the door, then go through.
Pick up the small robot parts from the floor (next to the green carpet) and in the toy cart. Pick up the sheet of paper in the open shelf and observe it in your inventory. Open the bottom cupboard and take the robot manual, observing it to see the serial number. Also look at the box at the bottom right to see the positions of the numbers on the robot's body. Look at the complete robot on the floor to the left and follow the instructions from the sheet of paper:
- Set the buttons to blue, green, green
- Move both arms down (head will rotate)
- Set the buttons to red, blue, green
- Move the left arm up (head will rotate)
- Set the buttons to blue, green, red
- Move the left arm down and right arm up (head will come off)
Take the robot's head. Now add both arms and the head to the robot body on the green carpet. Enter the serial number from the manual by pressing the buttons in this order:
Take out the key. Use the key on the door, then open the door and go through.
Take the saw from beneath the side table on the left. Pick up the note from the coffee table and examine it to see some TV channels. Now you need to adjust the antennae above the TV, then look at the screen for some information:
- Key Channel
Long Antenna: Left
Short Antenna: Right
Information: Red, green, yellow, blue
- Wood Channel
Long Antenna: Up
Short Antenna: Left
Information: Telephone 430-696
- Bug Channel
Long Antenna: Right
Short Antenna: Up-Left
Information : Telephone 570-990
Use the telephone to dial both numbers (430696 and 570990), retrieving the packages from the chimney after each phone call. Dismantle both packages, and you will end up with a plant tonic and some bug spray. Use the plant tonic on the roots bulging through the right wall, then use your saw to cut off the 3 new shoots. Use the bug spray to kill the insects on the ladder, then repair the ladder with your 3 shoots.
Look at the telephone and note the colors of the numbers. The matching colors from the Key Channel on the TV correspond to the numbers 2, 8, 6 and 4. Climb the ladder to reach the hatch, then open it with code 2864. Open the hatch and go outside.
Take the book from the open bag on the floor, and dismantle it to remove a piece of paper. Pick up the ink from the floor nearby, as well as the fork being held by the left statue. Look through the hole near the floor to the side of the door on the left, and use the fork to retrieve the pen from here. Combine this with your ink.
Next use your piece of paper on the stone tablet to the write. Use your pen on the paper and you will copy the numbers. Pick up the paper again. Look at the central table and place your paper in the depression, then move the stone tablet over the top. Paying attention to the shape of the holes, and the symbols at the top and left, note the following numbers:
Look at the stone shield on the back wall and enter the code 6831. Take the green gem and insert it into the middle of the left door, then open the door and go through.
Look at the green frog clock on top of the drawers to see the time is 1:30. Look at the tall yellow grandfather clock to see the time is 5:00.
Take the bacon from the plate on the table. Open the bottom drawer and get hypnotic powder, then combine this with the bacon. Give this to the dog, then take the blue pocket watch from around its neck and observe it to see the time is 8:00. Take the coat hanging on the rack to the left and dismantle it to find a red wrist watch. Observe this to see the time is 10:30.
Now look at the vault door with the series of dials. You need to convert the four times you have seen to numbers of minutes:
- Green: 1:30 = 90 minutes
- Yellow: 5:00 = 300 minutes
- Blue: 8:00 = 480 minutes
- Red: 10:30 = 630 minutes
Set the dials on the vault door according to these values. Now you can head through the open door.
Pick up the broken knife from the floor, and the dove drawing from inside the bird cage. Look at the jack-in-the-box and click on it to open it, then look at the order of colors. Back out and examine the locked chest to the left. Open this based on the jack-in-the-box colors:
Take the red wand and note from inside the chest. Put the broken knife into the star box in the middle of the room, then use your red wand on the box. Pick up the fixed knife. Use this knife on the rope to the far left of the room. Open the bag that drops on the right, and take out green wand and note. Put the dove drawing into the star box, then use your green wand on the box. Pick up the dove. Dismantle the dove to find a small key drawing. Put the key drawing into the star box, then use your green wand on the box. Pick up the small key. Use the key on the door, then open the door and go through.
Take the light bulb from the lower light fitting, the sheet music from the piano, and the fly swatter from the door mat. Look at the bread on the table. Use the fly swatter on the fly, then pick up the dead fly. Look at the spider web in the corner of the room. Place the fly in the web, then grab the cocoon while the spider is distracted. Dismantle the cocoon to find a key. Use this key on the trapdoor, and you will have access to the basement.
Pick up 2 light bulbs from the floor, then insert all 3 of your light bulbs in the missing slots. Now you need to use the controls in front of the panel of lights, and set them to match the notes on the sheet music you found. After setting each pattern, back out to see which light bulbs are on, and read the numbers you see:
Examine the keypad and enter the code 5749, then go through the round hatch.
Pick up the battery and gun part from the small rack near the bottom of the screen. Combine these in your inventory, then dismantle the gun to find a red gem. Next examine the white screen on the right. Press the down arrow several times to reduce the brightness, and you will see a code. Open the cylindrical capsule with the code 3852, and take out the round cover. Insert your red gem into the missing slot in the machine to the far left. Place your round cover on the platform just to the right. Now touch the different colored lasers and watch them overlap to reveal some numbers. Use this information and the colored balls image on the wall to work out these values:
- Blue: 4
- Yellow: 3
- White: 7
- Red: 1
- Pink: 5
- Cyan: 6
- Green: 2
Now look at the main keypad and enter the code based on these colors: 4371562. Open the door and go through 4 Chapter Clear.
Chapter 5: Claustrophobia
Look at the plaque on the far wall to see the numbers 1524334251. Each pair of numbers corresponds to a tile on the floor, so click on these tiles:
Now open the door and go through.
Pick up a skull from the far left corner of the room, and the hammer from the near left. Combine these two objects in your inventory to make a bone powder. Use this powder on the diagram on the left wall to see a path through a maze. Now examine the controls next to the door and press the buttons corresponding to this path: right, down, down, right, right, up, right, right, down, down, left, down, down, right, right. Now open the door and go through.
Collect purple and yellow gears from the skeleton, and a blue gear and a hammer from the floor on the left. Take the note from the skeleton's hand, and the metal bar leaning against the right wall. Combine the hammer with the metal bar, then use this on the hole in the ceiling. Remove the copper nut, then back out and pick up the black gear from the floor. Now knock the man over and pick up the final 2 gears.
Observe the note in your inventory. Combine the blue and yellow gears. Now examine the opening in the left wall. Based on the note, insert the red gear at the top left, the black gear at the top right, and the blue/yellow gears in the middle. Open the door and go through.
Press the buttons around the edge of the room, and take note of the binary numbers that are shown on the blades:
- 0011 = 3
- 0100 = 4
- 0101 = 5
- 1000 = 8
Examine the keypad and enter the code 3458 (in any order). Open the door and go through.
Take the box of matches from the table, and pick up the bottle of water, wrench and teddy bear from the floor. Dismantle the teddy bear until you end up finding a cotton ball and a gem. Combine the bottle of water with the cotton ball. Use your wrench on the horizontal pipe segment along the left wall, then plug the hole with your damp cotton ball.
Light the candle on the table using the box of matches. Place the pipe segment over the candle, then place the gem on the top. Look up at the ceiling to see the code 389465. Now examine the abacus on the wall and enter this code:
Open the door and go through.
Pick up the small bright object at the bottom right. Use the lighter you have found on the candle to the left. Pick up the side cutters and the wooden board from the floor. Also grab the 5 colored bottles from the shelf. Look at the pentagram drawn on the far wall, and notice that the symbols here match the 5 bottles. You need to now carefully place the 5 bottles in the circle on the floor in the correct order:
After the pentagram on the floor starts glowing, look at the mummy in the corner of the room. Use your side cutters to cut the wires holding its mouth shut, then take out the typewriter keys. Notice that the letters E and L are bloodstained. Look at the typewriter and you will see that the letters H and P are bloodstained. The wooden board you are holding says SOS, which also means HELP. The letters H, E, L and P are the 8th, 5th, 12th and 16th letters of the alphabet. Examine the combination lock on the trapdoor, and open it with the code 851216. Open the trapdoor and go down.
Pick up the shovel in the far corner, and use this to dig up all 4 graves, so you can pick up 4 puzzle pieces. Now look at the coffin and insert the pieces as follows:
Now notice the red symbols on the door and far wall, which indicate an algebraic statement relating to the skeletons. Look at each of the tombstones to see a series of times for each of the graves, and compare this to the arms and legs of the matching skeletons:
- 11:40 - Arms point to 11 o'clock, legs to 8 o'clock position
- 03:45 - Arms point to 3 o'clock, legs to 9 o'clock position
- 12:35 - Arms point to 12 o'clock, legs to 7 o'clock position
- 02:30 - Arms point to 2 o'clock, legs to 6 o'clock position
Based on these findings, the algebraic statement on the door reads 12:20 - 1:45 = 10:35. Enter the code 1035 in the panel, then open the doors and go through.
Take the pen from the desk. Open the desk drawer and take the screwdriver tip. In your inventory, dismantle the pen, then combine the base of the pen with the screwdriver tip to make a screwdriver. Use this to remove the screws on the electrical box on the back wall, then remove the panel and pull the lever down to the "Off" position. Now you can take the key from the pool of water.
Use the key in the metal box next to the desk. Open the box and take out the duct tape and the notepad. Look in the pool of water again and use the duct tape to repair the wire. Next look at the electrical box again and flip the lever back up to the "On" position.
Now look at the calendar on the back wall. Use the information on the notepad you picked up to trace from the circled number to a series of 3 target numbers:
- RRUL - 9
- DLLD - 27
- UURR - 3
Look at the keypad and enter the code 9273, then go through the door.
Take the note from the skeleton's hand and read it to see "A New Sense of Lady". Look at the 4 portraits on the walls, noting the necklaces, and the directions relative to the N on the left wall:
- North: 7
- South: 4
- East: 5
- West: 9
Using the phrase NEW SENSE, this equates to the code 75945745. Enter this code into the bomb and press the Enter key. Now open the door and go through.
Notice the XXIV (24) on the left wall. If you counter around the stars in a clockwise manner you will find a long beam of light (minute hand) at star number 3, and a short beam of light (hour hand) at star number 8. On a clock, this would equate to the time 8:15. Examine the control panel near the door and press the buttons to light them up in groups of 8, 1 and 5:
Now go through the open door.
Pick up the metal bar and screwdriver from the floor. Also take the note, gears and battery from the shelves on the left. Combine the gears with the metal bar. Use your screwdriver to open the left panel of the motor and insert the bar and gears here. Open the right panel and insert the battery.
Look at the symbol over the door, and look at your note. The note shows that numbers can be identified by a list of line segments to remove from the starting shape (as on a digital clock display). Look at the door, which has similar line segments listed:
- B-C = 6
- B-C, D-E = 5
- A-D, D-E = 3
- D-E = 9
Enter the code 6539 into the keypad and press the Start button. Now go through the open door Game Play.