So Blonde
Game Details: Comedy, 2008
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/19/2009
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Pick up a coconut from under the tree on the left, then use it to collect water from the rock (minigame). Next look at the rubble and try to pick it up to get a plastic tube. Head north along the beach to find a raft. Search the raft and a small furry animal will run off with your purse - you will also find some freeze-dried rations. Put the rations in the coconut and try to use this on the animal, but it won't be interested. Pick up the tropical fruit from the base of the tree and put this in the coconut, then offer it to the animal again. You will now meet Max, and collect your purse.
Open your purse to find a whole lot of personal items, then go east. Use your makeup kit on the puddle of water, then return north. Talk to Enrico (the boy sitting on the rock), then get another set of rations from the raft before heading north.
Look at the shark in the water, then head east to the jetty. Talk to Juan and Pablo, then pick up the funnel and cork and return west. Enter the small hut and look at the chest and the shelf. Try to reach the rope ladder, but it is too high. Throw your cork at the heavy weight, and you will break the shelf. Pick up the rope ladder and go back outside. Try using the rope ladder on the ship's entrance, but you need to secure it somehow. Use the ladder on Max, then use the combination on the ship's entrance. Climb up onboard.
The Winsome Maid
Head over to the right and try to turn the ship's wheel, then pick up the silver skull that falls to the ground. Head left into the crew's quarters. Take the leather purse from the wall, then talk to Razzo or Carlo to play strip arm wrestling (minigame). Whether you win or lose, Morgane will enter and stop the game. Talk to her and you will be locked in the hold.
Use your nailfile on the jail door and you will take control of Max. Head down the corridor, and open Morgane's bag, hanging on the wall. Pick up the bottle of rum that falls out, then continue outside. Go to the far left where a pirate is fishing. Put your rum bottle with the empty bottles near him, and he will leave. Pick up the fishing pole, then use it on the wooden grille in the middle of the ship to get a key (minigame). Go back down to the lower level and into the hold, and you will drop the key on the ground.
As Sunny again, pick up the jail key and use it on the door. Pick up your purse to get back all of your belongings. Use your leather purse to pick up the gunpowder from the floor near the cannon. Try to pick up the fuse beneath the cannon balls, then use your body oil on the fuse to slip it out. Head out to the corridor, then up to the main deck to be challenged to a duel. Just select the appropriate answers to complete each joke and you will win.
Talk to the pirates again, then head down to the lower level. Pick up the cookies next to the barrel. Put your silver skull beneath the gold skull on the wall near Morgane's quarters, then use the mechanism to unlock the door. Head into Morgane's quarters and look at everything you can, then head back up to the main deck. Go to the front of the ship again and get the square peg from near where you got the fishing rod earlier. Also clean your dirty funnel using the bucket near the edge of the ship. Get off the ship.
Head up the steps to go to the crossroads.
Look at the signpost and the locked wooden door. Put the funnel in the lock, then add your gunpowder and fuse. When Diablo appears, talk to him, then look at him to see he has some matches. Pretend to hit him and you will get them. Now use the matches on the fuse, pick up your funnel again, and head through the open door.
Go into the Inn and talk to Nacho then to Vasco, the innkeeper. He says you need a doubloon to rent the room for a week. Talk to Nacho again, who will give you the doubloon. Give this to Vasco in exchange for the room key, then use this on the door in the background to look inside (and see a pig-sty). Swap the room key back for the doubloon, as you won't be able to sleep in the room anyway. Take the bellows from next to the fire, and go back outside again.
Talk to the people standing in the courtyard, then to Enrico, who actually turns out to be his twin, Angelo. After Enrico is taken away, head to the far right to go to the Downtown area. Go behind the large Town Hall building to find the Colonial Park. Talk to the gardener, then look at the roses and talk to the gardener again - Juan will see you and tell you to go around the front of the building. Before doing so, take some gravel from the pond, and the pliers from the stall in the background. Back out the front, head into the Town Hall, where Miss Brown will allow you to pass. Go upstairs and talk to Juan, then pick up the cog wheel from the floor on the way out. Leave town.
Go right to the Golden Glade and talk to Maria, then return to the ship.
Winsome Maid
Go down to the lower level and into Morgane's cabin. Look at the right drawer of her desk - it is locked. Go down to the hold and talk to Amadeo, who will give you his awl in exchange for some polish. Leave the boat.
Head right to the jetty. Pick up the dry brush and use it in the white paint, then use the combination on the small boat to finish painting its name. Now pick up the painting equipment and you will find some polish. Go back to the ship.
Winsome Maid
Go down and see Amadeo, and give him the polish in exchange for the awl. Next go to Morgane's cabin, and use the awl to unlock the drawer. Look at the picture and the note, then sleep in Morgane's bed.
Chapter 2
Winsome Maid
After you leave Morgane's cabin, head upstairs to the front of the ship and take an empty bottle. Leave the ship and return to the town.
Enter the inn and talk to Miss Brown about her coffee, then talk to Vasco so you will write out a cappuccino recipe. Leave the inn and enter the bank. Talk to Guzman, who is the teller and manager. Look at the chocolates on the shelf behind him - you need them for your recipe. Look at the window, then use your pliers to open it. While Guzman is fixing the window, go and take some chocolates. Now leave the bank and enter Olivia's Fabric Shop (downtown). Talk to Olivia and she will give you some calico. Pull back the red curtain in the corner and pick up the large spool. Look at the beautiful white dress, then leave the shop. Go and talk to Sancha in the upper town (over to the left), then leave town and go to the Golden Glade.
Golden Glade
Talk to Maria about milk and sugar. Beat her at training (minigame) so you can take some sugar from her sugar box. Now return to town.
Enter the bank and talk to Guzman about his son. Now when you leave town, the Bajari guard will let you pass.
Bajari Camp
Talk to the first guard, who tells you about Chief Bajari's headache. Try talking to the drummer, but he doesn't know any other rhythms. Go right and you will see the prison - pick some of the yellow plant from the ground here. Continue right and use your empty bottle on the cow to get some milk.
Enter the inn and talk to Vasco to start making the cappuccino. Use your calico on the funnel, and then the funnel on the empty cup. Get the coffee from the bar, and pour it into the funnel. Give your bottle of milk to Vasco to get it warmed up. Combine the bellows with the plastic tube, then with the bottle of warm milk to froth it up. Pour the frothy milk on the coffee, then add the sugar cube. Finally use your nailfile on the chocolate, and put the chocolate gratings on the coffee. Give the finished product to Miss Brown, and you will be rewarded with a map and some rare rum. Leave the town and head south to enter the jungle.
Go right and pick some of the red native plant (near the iron plate on the ground). Go north from here.
Voodoo Village
Try to enter the template, but you are too scared and need a good reason to go inside. Leave the village, and go back through the jungle.
Talk to Angelo about a magical artifact, then head into the inn. Talk to Sancha about the artifact, then go back through the jungle to the Voodoo Village.
Voodoo Village
Enter the temple and talk to Chemi'n.Pick up the glowing artefact - it is your mp3 player. Try to leave the temple, but Chemi'n will stop you. Give him the rare rum and he will give you an ancient ring. Put the mp3 player back on the stone altar, then head out of the temple. Sit on the stone tablet and Max will arrive again. As Max, head back through the gap in the bushes, then pick up the fallen branch. Use this to clear the opening, then head inside. Beat the temple invaders (minigame) and you will get the mp3 player. Return to the Bajari camp.
Bajari Camp
Give your mp3 player to the drummer and teach him some new beats (minigame). After the chief comes out, follow him into his hut. Talk to the chief and his wife Tana - Tana will give you a gold coin to try to buy her husband a pendant. Head back outside and over to the right. Enter the stockade and talk to Miguel, who is sitting by himself. He wants you to find 6 turtles, then he will write a note to his father. Leave the Bajari camp.
Golden Glade
When you arrive here you will be taken prisoner to be used as a bargaining chip.
One-Eye's Galleon
Pick up the glass from the shelf behind you. Just near the door you will find a "carved relief". Move it and you will be able to see out through the hole in the door. Use the glass on the door and you will hear the conversation. Talk to One-Eye and Diablo, and then you will be locked back in the closet. Use your credit card to open the door, then leave the ship. Follow the path back through the jungle to the crossroads.
Talk to Juan, who gives you the key to his office.
Go into the town hall and upstairs to the Mayor's office. Pick up the pencil from the desk, then leave again.
Go to the jetty to see that the Titanic has sunk - talk to Pable about the tragedy. Next board the Winsome Maid and enter Morgane's cabin, but she won't talk to you. Leave the ship and head to the beach.
Pick up the turtle (minigame), then head back to the crossroads.
Talk to Razzo on your way into town.
Talk to Elvis, then pick up one of his posters.
Bajari Camp
Talk to the chief, who will let you in to see the prisoners again. In the stockade, give Miguel the poster and pencil, and give the turtle to the other prisoners. Talk to Miguel, and he will write you 2 notes, one for Carmen and one for Guzman. Head back to town.
Enter the bank and give the note to Guzman, who will reward you with 20 doubloons. Leave the bank and you will be captured. Again.
Volcano Rim
Talk to the crowd then to Chemi'n, then answer the questions with these answers:
- One of the triplets
- A palm
- The sea is blue
- Skin pigmentation
- Will she read my mind
Chapter 3
Talk to Dulce, then pick up the salt-cellar and head out of the inn. Go to Olivia's shop and give her the 20 doubloons - she will hold on to the dress for now. Next, head to town hall and talk to Juan, who will give you the key to his manor. Head into the jungle, and find the path to the Forgotten Cloister. From here, head east to find the manor.
Mayor's Manor
Use Juan's key to get inside, and talk to Juan when he arrives. After he leaves, pick up a sheet of paper from the desk on the right, and head back outside. Pick up the iron bar in the background on the left, and the privy will fall off the cliff. Put the iron bar in the pump near the water, and use the pump, but there is a section of bamboo missing. Pick up the bamboo tube from the ground on the other side of the stream, and use it on the pump - you need something to hold it up. Take the stick from the window, and use it on the pump, then use the bamboo tube on the pump again. Now use the pump again, and you will see water leaking out in the background. Use your spool on the bamboo pipe here to fix it. Use the pump three times and the water tank will be full.
Grab a log from the stack on the right of the house and use it on the axe (minigame). Put the chopped log beneath the water tank, then add the paper. Use your matches to light the paper on fire, and head inside to have your bath. Leave the Manor and go back to town.
Visit Olivia in her shop and ask her to deliver your dress to the Mayor's manor. Leave the shop and talk to Angelo in the town square. Enter the jungle, and go right to the dark crossroads, and right again to find the pit.
The Pit
Go down and talk to the guards, and look at the huge padlock on the door. Leave this area and return through the jungle to town.
Talk to Angelo, then head to Colonial Park (behind the town hall). Talk to Carmen and give her the note. Go into town hall to see Juan, but he is not there. Head out to the crossroads, and follow Max to the Bajari camp.
Bajari Camp
Talk to the chief about Miguel and Enrico, but he can't help you with either.
Enter town hall again, and this time Juan is there. Talk to him to get a marriage license, then you will end up attending the Tree Trial.
Golden Glade
Look at one of the small trees, then talk to Bajari.
Go to Colonial Park and talk to the gardener about the small trees - he suggests asking Javier instead. Go through the jungle to the forgotten cloister.
Forgotten Cloister
Head inside and try talking to Javier, but he won't help you. Look at the bible, which is chained to its stand. Pick up the fisherman's hat, then try to go upstairs, but you are scared of a seagull. Go back outside and throw gravel at the seagull, then go inside and up the staircase. Use the telescope, and while you are here, grab the coil of rope from right where you are standing. Go back downstairs and talk to Javier about everything. Look at his books, and use the library to find a book on trees. Now leave and return to the glade.
Golden Glade
Give the book to Bajari, and Juan will try to pull up a small tree, but the ground is too dry. Head back to the forgotten cloister.
Forgotten Cloister
Pick up the leaky bucket from next to the well and fix it with the hat. Now put the fixed bucket in the well, but the rope is broken so you can't lift it up again. Combine the coil of rope with the hook in your inventory, and use this combination on the well (minigame). Head back to the glade.
Golden Glade
Use the bucket on one of the small trees, and Juan will win the challenge. Return to town.
Enter the inn and talk to Dulce to have her sign the form. Next, go to the bank and get Guzman to sign the form. Visit Olivia in her shop and cancel your delivery, instead getting the dress delivered to Carmen. Go back to the inn and talk to Vasco to find out that Elvis is practising on the beach. Head down there now.
Talk to Elvis, and agree to fix his guitar and find a bible. Head to Javier's house again.
Forgotten Cloister
Look at the graffiti on the walls inside. Talk to Javier about Elvis and the graffiti. Now pick up the blue book from his library, and look again at the graffiti on the walls - make sure you look at all 6 of the carvings. Look at the bible again and you will check out all 6 references. If you have done it correctly you will now know a safe combination: 11-52-20-01. Look at the painting on the wall to the right of Javier. Move it to reveal a safe. Use the safe to look at it more closely. Put your cogwheel in the gap, then turn them to show the correct combination. Pick up the portrait and small key, then use the small key on the bible's padlock. Take the bible and return to the beach.
Give the bible and book to Elvis, and he will give you a semi-precious stone, and ask for some strings for his guitar. Return to Javier's house.
Forgotten Cloister
Look at the flying machine to the left of the house. Use your pliers on it, and you will end up with some piano strings. Go back to the beach.
Give the strings to Elvis, and you will end up at town hall.
Talk to Juan, and you will end up in the stockade.
Prison Stockade
Talk to Carmen, Miguel and then Juan, and as Juan, leave the camp.
Mayor's Manor
Try to open the door, then look at the window, to find you are locked out of the house. Use the pump to retrieve the iron bar. Try to use this on the door, but you need a fulcrum. Pick up a log from the stack of logs, then use the log on the door and use the iron bar again to break in. Inside, climb the ladder to get some clothes from your wardrobe. Use your key on the cabinet next to the bath, and collect the soap and razor. Now leave this area again.
Prison Stockade
Give any of the new items to Miguel, and you will go off to help him prepare. As Sunny again, talk to Carmen, then look into Miguel's hut. You will end up a prisoner again.
One-Eye's Galleon
Talk to One-Eye, then talk to Max when he appears. Talk to One-Eye again, and you will be released. Head back through the jungle into town.
Go to town hall, but it is closed for the night. Head around the back to Colonial Park, and climb the bamboo on the left to get inside. Talk to Juan about everything, then take the poem from his desk.
Chapter 4
Look at the panel of notices outside the inn, and you will take the one about raised taxes.
Take the fireflies from the bush (minigame).
Winsome Maid
Talk to Amadeo, who is guarding the entrance to the lower level. Put your fireflies in the skull above Amadeo, then talk to him again. Head downstairs, and into Morgane's cabin. Open the desk drawer and take the portrait. Use your poem with the sheet of paper in the drawer, and answer "One-Eye" to the question to take the note. Combine it with the tax notice in your inventory to turn it into evidence. Go back upstairs and show the evidence to Amadeo, then leave the ship to head to see Bajari.
Bajari Camp
Show the evidence to Chief Bajari then ask him some questions before returning to town.
Enter the inn and talk to Nacho, Vasco and Sancha. Go back outside and you will see Max is injured. Look at the blood on the ground, then head into the jungle.
Voodoo Village
Talk to Chemi'n, who is outside the temple. He will tell you about the ruins. To find them, head back into the jungle, and take a path south, then go east past the "Ruins" sign on the tree.
Old Ruins of Ku
Look at the flames inside the compound - they are purple. Pick some blue leaves from the plant here and put them in the dish. Add your red leaves, then use your matches to light a purple flame and the gate will open. Head inside and look at the volcanic boulder to make the Mabuya (ghosts) appear. Talk to them and you will pass their first task. You now need to find a missing bone to complete the second task.
Bajari Camp
Talk to the drummer and ask about the bone he is using as a drumstick.
Voodoo Village
Try to take the spoon Chemi'n is using, then talk to him and give him some cookies. While he is gone, pick up the spoon and leave.
Bajari Camp
Give the spoon to the drummer in exchange for the bone.
Old Ruins of Ku
Try to give the bone to the Mabuya, but they can't hold objects. Instead, put it in the grave behind the central Mabuya. Talk to them again to get your third task, which is to make a great sacrifice. Put your makeup kit on the sacrificial shrine. Talk to the Mabuya again, and you will be told there is a second stage. Talk to the next Mabuya, who gives you a riddle. Look at the large stone door and align the symbols matching the riddle: man, comb, moon and woman (these need to all be in a vertical line and in this order from top to bottom, with the man and comb in the 1st and 3rd circles from the top).
Go through the door into the Hall of Light. Try to pick up the sword, but it disintegrates. Pick up the metal disc and use it on the eye, but it needs polishing. Leave this area and return to the ship.
Winsome Maid
Give the disc to Amadeo and he will polish it for you.
Old Ruins of Ku
In the Hall of Light again, hold up the shiny metal disc in front of the eye, then walk across the platform. Look at the floor ahead, and you face another puzzle. You must cross using tiles in the correct order: man, comb, moon and woman. You will end up completing this order 3 times to get across correctly, and must finish on the woman tile. Inside the ancient tree, talk to Max, then pick up the makeup kit and the floating eye. Give Max the poem, then leave.
Talk to Sancha, who will arrange people to make offerings to Max.
Bajari Camp
Show the eye to the chief, who suggests you visit Chemi'n.
Voodoo Village
Show the eye to Chemi'n, who tells you to seek out the hermit in the evil marsh. To get there, go back to the jungle, head east to the dark crossroads, then go west.
Evil Marsh
Head over towards the fire and pick up the seashell and bamboo. Combine these to make a seashell knife. Walk over the stones to the second "island" and look at the first tree - it has a branch that you could use to swing across. Look at the other tree to see it is a vine tree. Use your seashell knife to cut some vines free. Combine the vines with your pliers, then use this combination on the first tree's branch to end up making a bridge. Cross it and look at the base of the tree on the right to find a branch to pick up. Go to the far southeast of this area and use the branch to move the boulder. Cross the boulder to enter the cave.
Talk to Jibaro the hermit, then give him the eye. He will tell you about 5 ingredients you need to collect to make the powder. Leave his cave, and go to the far northwest of the marsh to find the white lily. Try to pick it up, then use your shell knife to cut it free (ingredient 1).
Winsome Maid
Enter Morgane's cabin and take the empty wine bottle from her desk. Go out to the pier and fill it with sea water (ingredient 2).
Pick up the hammer from outside the town gates, then enter town.
Go to Colonial Park and talk to Nacho, then head to upper town and look at the fountain. Pick up the hair from the fountain (ingredient 3).
Old Ruins of Ku
Use the hammer on the volcanic boulder to get a fragment (ingredient 4).
Evil Marsh
Talk to Jibaro, who suggests asking Chemi'n about the Kabuya.
Voodoo Village
Talk to Chemi'n, who teaches you how to contact the Kabuya.
Old Ruins of Ku
Look at the grave in the entrance area and you will summon the Kabuya and find out about the heart of the island. Go through to the Hall of Light and take a bark sample from near the entrance to Max's tree.
Evil Marsh
Return to Jibaro and talk to him, then put all 5 ingredients in the pestle near the door. Pick it up and put it over the fire, then use it again and the powder will be complete. Talk to Jibaro to get a container to hold it, and you will sleep.
Mayor's Manor
Get up and head into town.
Look at the posters to see that One-Eye is marrying Morgane. Visit Juan in Town Hall and talk to him about the wedding.
Winsome Maid
Enter Morgane's cabin and talk to her about the wedding and Juan, then leave the boat. Outside on the pier, talk to Sancha, and swap your eye for the glass eye.
You will be captured by Diablo yet again and taken to the pit.
As Juan, talk to Amadeo, and you will automatically go to the Golden Glade.
Golden Glade
Talk to Maria, who will only help if you come up with a good plan. Head into the jungle and you will go to the pit.
The Pit
After watching Sunny and Diablo enter the pit, you will automatically go to Diablo's cave.
Diablo's Cave
Take the waistcoat and bandana from the skeleton then leave.
In Olivia's store, talk to Olivia but she is not much help. Try to pick up the beads and you will knock them on the floor. While Olivia is distracted picking them up, take the earrings from the counter. Now leave the shop.
Wait until Dulce is not looking, then take the grey shirt; if she catches you, talk to her and wait until she is not looking to try again.
Volcano Rim
Combine the shirt with the clothes pegs in your inventory, then use the combination on the rope. Use the sacrificial shrine to move the shirt out over the volcano, and it will dry very quickly.
Golden Glade
Talk to Maria, who agrees to your plan. Put the shirt on and you will go to the pit.
The Pit
Once One-Eye comes out, stand on the tree trunk just to the right. Talk to both of the pirates and you will be allowed inside. Talk to Sunny, Enrico and the guard, then talk to Maria to have her stand behind the guard. Talk to the guard again, and you will take control of Sunny again. Pick up the rope and use it on the guard. Pick up the metal bar from on top of the two boxes in the background, but it is too big to fit through the door. Use your hammer on the pipe, then use it on the door and ask Maria to open it. Once outside, you will comment that you need to get past Cerberus (One-Eye's dog).
Winsome Maid
Go to the lower level and pick up some more cookies (next to the barrel).
Head into Old Town (along the cliff face, after going downtown). Look at the dog here, then give it your freeze-dried rations. Pick up the blue collar.
Dark Beach
Give Cerberus the cookies and blue collar, then pick up the rope. Use the rope to tie up the pirates (minigame), then go to the Bajari camp.
Bajari Camp
Enter the prison stockade and use the hut door to borrow Carmen's wedding dress.
Enter the inn and talk to Elvis to get some black hair dye.
Mayor's Manor
Use the hair dye on the soap next to the bath to dye your hair.
Save your game here if you want to see the different endings. Walk right to the wedding and when the time comes, throw the powder on One-Eye and name who should take control of the island.