Within Skerry
Game Details: Horror, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (14/14)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 12/2/2024
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
The Island
Head forward along the path until you reach a closed gate - try to open it, but it is locked. Return all the way to the boat and take the lock picks. Go forward along the path again and use the lock picks to unlock the gate, then go through. Enter the wooden building to the left. Go through to the last room in here and you will find a locked box with a 5-digit combination, and a gray clock on the wall that is running backwards.
Open the desk drawer and take out the note (1/12), then run back to the boat to see that it has been stolen. Pick up another note (2/12) from the end of the jetty. Make your way back through the gate. Continue forward until you get knocked out.
The House
You will wake up inside the house. Pick up the flashlight from the floor. Head over towards the fireplace and pick up a gear (1/4) from on top of a cardboard box. There is a red clock on the wall over the fireplace.
Open the single blue door in the corridor and go in to find a laundry. Take another gear (2/4) from the bench. Leave this room and open the double doors straight across the corridor. Enter to find a study. Pick up the next gear (3/4) from one of the white chairs. Go around the desk so you can pick up a note (3/12).
Leave the study, then continue forward to the base of a spiral staircase. Open the single blue door in the corner of the room and walk between the boxes to find the last gear (4/4) on a wooden crate. Look in one of the corners of this room for a metal box on the wall - attach your 4 gears, then the box will open. Take out the small key.
Go back to the laundry and use the small key on the padlock so you can open the box. Take out the pair of door handles. Now go back to the spiral staircase and climb up. Use the pair of door handles on gate 0, then open the gate and head through.
Opened Gate 0
Walk around the upstairs landing - the first door is locked. Open the next blue door you find, and go through into a TV room. There is a safe here with 4 shapes, and there are two shapes on the wall containing numbers. Leave this and go through the next single blue door to find a bedroom. There is another shape with a number on the wall here. You can also collect a note (4/12) from the desk.
Try to open the next blue door, but it will be closed again. Head back around the landing, and you will see the previous blue door swing open. Go through it now, then continue through this bedroom into the bathroom beyond. Pick up part of a key (1/3) from the bench.
Head back out to the landing and around to the first door from this floor, which is now open. Go inside and make your way between the boxes to find the last shape with a number. Pick up another part of a key (2/3) from the crate next to the radio. Go back to the door where you entered and it will slam shut. Go to the far door with the spider lock and try to open it, but it is locked. Now head back through the room and the flashlight will go out.
Once the flashlight recovers, you can exit the room the same way you came in. Go to the TV room and open the safe with the 4-digit combination based on the numbers in shapes (these are random with each game). Take out the final part of a key (3/3). In your inventory, click on these to put them together.
Go back down the spiral staircase and use the key on gate 1, then head through.
Opened Gate 1
Pick up the video cassette (1/3) from the table. Go either way around the wall ahead to find a large kitchen and living area. Pick up a note (5/12) from one of the bar stools. There is a locked box on the kitchen counter. Further into the room there is a short corridor with 5 doors. The first single door on the right is locked. Go through the double doors on the right into a movie cinema. Make your way down to the front and pick up the spider lock key. Go back out of this room.
Open the single blue door diagonally opposite and enter to find a small bathroom. Use the TV to watch the first video cassette. Leave this room and open the spider lock door next to it, then go in and pick up a square magnetic key (1/4).
Go back through gate 1 and head up the spiral staircase, then go through the first blue door. Open the spider lock door in the far corner. Go through the door to a small balcony. Turn right and pick up the bolt cutters. Look over the ledge to see a wooden cross, but you can't reach it from here.
Head back down the spiral staircase, then use the bolt cutters on the red padlock on the locked door here. Go into a small bathroom and collect another square magnetic key (2/4). Make your way forward through gate 1 again.
Walk through to the short corridor with 5 doors and use your bolt cutters on the red padlock on the final door. Go through the door and down the stairs, through a tunnel, where there is a dead body on the ground. Continue up the other stairs. Open the door, then open the door straight ahead. Enter another bedroom here and pick up the camera. Leave this room and go past the next one where you hear screaming (it is locked for now). In the open area with a small kitchen, grab a note (6/12) and a square magnetic key (3/4) from the bench, and notice the green clock on the wall. Further out in the living room area, there is a barricaded door that you cannot open.
Enter another bathroom through the single blue door, then return and turn left. Go through the door on the left at the end of the hall (where you found the camera) and you will hear a loud bang. Go out to the living room and try to open the barricaded door - immediately run back towards the tunnel and quickly take 3 photographs (3/20) of the tall woman walking away. Enter the room on the left that was locked before and pick up the key for gate 2. Head back down the stairs to the tunnel and quickly take 1 photograph (4/20) of the body being dragged away. Go all the way back through gate 1.
Head up the spiral staircase and around the landing to gate 2. Use your key here, then head through.
Opened Gate 2
Open the first door on the right, which is an empty bathroom. Go back out and open the second door, which contains some empty cages. Return to the corridor and head around to the right, getting ready to walk backwards and take 2 photographs (6/20) of a woman coming towards you. Once you wake up again, look at the blue clock on the wall.
Continue out to be on the other side of the balcony from earlier. Look down at the big light, which will go out as you walk forward, and quickly take 3 photographs (9/20) of the dark figures running away to the left. There is a door up here with the number 20 written on it.
Go further forward along the balcony - there are some stairs down, but you should first go through an open door to the left. If you continue left here, there are double doors ahead that lead to a blocked corridor, and there is another set of double doors around to the right leading to a room with 2 chairs. There is nothing else to do here now, so go back and out into a larger open area, which is the master bedroom.
Pick up the video cassette (2/3) and the final square magnetic key (4/4). Collect another note (7/12) from the other side of the bed. Go through the side door. There is a black vault with 3 blue spinning handles - you need to stop each of the handles so they line up with the slot. Once 2 are in place, look right and take 2 photographs (11/20) of a woman walking past Rookie Photographer. Now finish opening the vault (1/3) and take out the red box from inside. There is a locked electrical box on the wall, and there are double red doors which are also locked.
Make your way back to the stairs leading down. Go down both flights, then out through the door at the bottom.
You will find yourself back in the kitchen with a locked box on the counter. Use your 4 square magnetic keys to open this. Take out the key for gate 3 and a crowbar. Return to the short corridor with 5 doors and go through the first door on the left. Watch the new video cassette using the TV. Now go through the door at the end of the short corridor again. Go down through the tunnel, and up the other side. Go out to the living room area and use your crowbar on the barricaded door. You can now head outside.
Follow the path to the right, past the hanging body. Keep going until you find gate 3 on the right. Use your key here and head through.
Opened Gate 3
Approach the wooden building and open the door. Walk forward and quickly take 3 photographs (14/20) of the large woman you can see between the wooden boards on the left. Walk around to the left and enter this room. Take a note (8/12) from the counter on the left, and another note (9/12) from the stove on the right. Leave this room and turn right, quickly taking a photograph (15/20) of the woman straight ahead.
Go straight along the corridor and the door on the right will open (you may have to wander around a bit until this happens). Enter here to find a nursery. Pick up another note (10/12) from one of the cribs. Look in the small bathroom here, but the door isn't open enough to enter. Go out and explore the dead end corridor, then come back and the door will be open more. Enter the small bathroom and take the lock picks from the basin.
Leave this room and use the lock picks to unlock the opposite door. Enter this room and look at the white clock on the wall. Also pick up the video cassette (3/3) I love movies!. Open the other door in here to find an empty bathroom.
Return to the main area and go across to the other side, quickly taking a photograph (16/20) of a dark figure coming towards you Expert Photographer. Continue forward, using the lock picks to open the door on the right. Pick up the EMF reader from next to the broken TV. Open the door with the number 10 on it - this means you must have at least 10 valid captures to be able to open it. Inside, open the vault (2/3) and take out the red box from inside.
Go back to the main corridor and turn left to see the creature - back away and take 3 photographs (19/20). There are 2 possible achievements here:
- Get captured by the creature Captured
- Back out of the building and escape Escape Artist
If you get captured, when you wake up again, leave the building. Go back out through gate 3 and turn right. Head back into the wooden building from near the start of the game. Go through to the back room and examine the locked box. The combination is based on the number of times each clock in the house completely spins within 1 minute:
- Blue Clock: 4 times
- Red Clock: 7 times
- Gray Clock: 1 time
- Green Clock: 4 times
- White Clock: 8 times
Enter the combination 47148 Code Cracker. Take out the key for gate 4. Turn around and quickly take a photograph (20/20) of the woman. Leave this building. Return towards the main part of the house to see a swimming pool. Open the large glass doors on the right and you will be back in the first room with the fireplace.
Go forward and find gate 4 at the base of the spiral staircase. Use your key to open it and head through.
Opened Gate 4
Pick up the note (11/12) from the barrel. Open the single blue door in here and enter a larger room. Pick up the final note (12/12) Bookworm. The large gate here is locked. Go back out through gate 4.
Head forward through gate 1 and go to the short corridor with 5 doors. Go through the first door on the left and watch your last video cassette on the TV. Leave this room and go straight across through the opposite door, then up both flights of stairs. Continue straight ahead along the balcony and open the door with the number 20 on it - this means you must have at least 20 valid captures to be able to open it. Inside, open the vault (3/3) Fast Reflexes. Take out the red box from inside.
Return to the top of the straight stairs and go through the doors on the right - there is a new red arrow on the wall here that points to the left.
First go right, through the master bedroom into the next room. You can now use your lock picks to open the electrical box. Open the double red doors and go through. Take the fuse from the stool in the middle of the room. Go back out and put this in the electrical box - turn around to see the stairs to the attic coming down from above. Go up the stairs and grab the small ladder. Go all the way back downstairs using the straight staircase.
Enter the kitchen and place the small ladder on the floor in front of the refrigerator. Climb up the ladder and take the cross Holy Artifact. Run from the top of the ladder on to the kitchen counter Cat Man.
From here, there are several ways to end the game. There is an achievement for reaching any of these within 25 minutes Speedrunner.
Suicide Ending
Go back up the straight stairs and right through the double doors. Follow the arrow to the left, then continue around into the room with 2 chairs on the right. Pick up the gun and sit in the chair Achieve Ending 1.
Explosion Ending
Go back up the straight stairs and right through the double doors. Go right through the master bedroom and continue right and up into the attic. Use the laptop Achieve Ending 2.
Escape Ending
Go back up the straight stairs and right through the double doors. Follow the arrow to the left, then continue around into the room with 2 chairs on the right. Pick up the gun and leave the room. Go back down the straight staircase, out through gate 1 and forward through gate 4. Enter the room on the right and use the gun to shoot open the large locked gate. Pick up the boat from the left. Make your way all the way out to the docks and use the boat in the water Achieve Ending 3.
Ritual Ending
Go back up the straight stairs and right through the double doors. Follow the arrow to the left, then continue around into the room with 2 chairs on the right. Pick up the gun and leave the room. Go back down the straight staircase, out through gate 1 and forward through gate 4. Enter the room on the right and use the gun to shoot open the large locked gate. Pick up the saucepan from the right. Make your way all the way out to the docks and use the saucepan in the water.
Go back through gate 3 and enter the wooden house. Enter the room on the left and use the saucepan and ingredients on the stove - the saucepan will now contain a strange red liquid. Return into the main house and go through gate 4. Head right and stand on the other side of the wooden crate, then use the saucepan on the pentagram in the floor. Walk into the saucepan and you will be transported into a cave. After the conversation, go through the blue door.