Is Simon There?
Game Details: Horror, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (8/8)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 12/6/2024
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
After you wake up, go over to the alarm clock in the shelves, but you can't reach it. Head out to the kitchen and take the dining chair. Carry this back to the living room and put it near the alarm clock, then climb up and turn it off. Go back to the kitchen and answer the phone.
Walk back towards the living room and you will hear 2 bangs. Continue there and close the opened window. Run out to the green front door and check that it is locked. Now enter the kitchen and answer the phone again.
Go out to the front door to see the door handle is turning. Now run to your bedroom, which is the other room coming off the living room. Open the door and turn on the light using the switch on the wall. There is a man hiding behind the cupboard door - go over towards the cupboard until you decide you need to phone the police. Run back to the kitchen and use the phone, but nobody answers.
Run back to the living room and the phone will start ringing, so head back to the kitchen and answer it.
Go to the bedroom and pick up the picture piece (1/4) from the bed. Walk out to the living room and the lights will all go out. Turn on your flashlight and make your way back to the kitchen. Grab the key from the window ledge, then go to the hallway and use it to unlock the door in the corner. Go inside and use the fuse box to restore power.
Look at the box on the washing machine - you need to stop the 3 arrows rotating while they are on the green marker. Take another picture piece (2/4). Make your way back out to the front door and try to leave, then walk around until the phone rings. Go to the kitchen and answer it.
Walk along the hallway and there will be blood near the closed door, and screaming coming from behind it. Walk out to the living room and wander around until the TV comes on. Go out to the kitchen and walk around, then come back to the hallway and the door will open. Go over and look into the darkness and wait - the man will close the door and the power will go out.
With your flashlight turned on, go into the laundry to hear scratching sounds. Now head back to the bedroom and hide in the corner behind the cupboard, then turn off your flashlight. Wait here for a few seconds, then turn your flashlight back on and go out to the kitchen - the power will come back on.
Go out to the hallway and the door will now fully open. Go in and turn on the lights, then look around. Pick up the odd shaped item from the stool in the corner. Also take the note from the wall. Go back to the bedroom and open the red box on the desk, then take out the jacket. Go to the front door and open it. Walk along the narrow hallway to a small room Checkpoint Unlocked!.
Pick up the note from the chair. Go back to the house and continue to the living room. Try to open the new door, but it is locked. Go back out to the kitchen and answer the phone.
Turn around to see a man on the chair. After the lights go out and come back on, head to the bedroom, and the power will go out again. Go to the laundry and approach the fuse box, but your path will be blocked. Go to the kitchen to see the rocking chair is moving. Next go to the living room, and the new door will open.
Go through the door and around the corridor, then down the stairs to the basement. Walk along a long narrow corridor and take the note from the chair at the end. Go back towards the door, but it will close. Keep turning around until you see the man in the corner, then back away and he will disappear again. Keep walking around until the door opens once more.
Head back along the long corridor, then up the stairs. The blue door is still locked, so return out to the living room. Head out to the kitchen and the power will come back on. Answer the phone. Make your way out to the living room, and the phone will start ringing again - ignore it for now.
Go into the back room beyond the living room and you will see a flashing lamp with the pattern 4-3-5-1. Go to the bathroom and open the red vault with the code 4351 Code Cracker. Drink the grapefruit juice and pick up the picture piece (3/4). Go back to the kitchen. Approach the oven, which now has 2 rows of 6 lights displayed on it, and 6 pictures. You need to toggle the lights in the rooms matching the pictures, to first turn the entire top row of lights green, then the entire bottom row of lights green Light master. Go out to the kitchen and eat the pills in the oven.
Now answer the phone. Head to the living room again, but the phone will ring once more. Go back to the kitchen to answer it, but it will already be off the hook. Return to the hallway and there will be men everywhere. Go through the house to reach the bedroom.
After you wake up, go out to the kitchen and take the picture piece (4/4) from the dining table Memory Hunter.
From here, there are several ways to end the game. There is an achievement for reaching any of these within 20 minutes (from the start of the game) Speed runner.
Phone Call Ending
Answer the phone, then watch as everything goes black Achieve Ending 1.
Graveyard Ending
Go back to the bedroom and put the 4 picture pieces in the photo frame on the window ledge. After the frame opens, take the key. Go and unlock the blue door beyond the living room. Make your way out to the gravestone and pray for Simon Achieve Ending 2.
Backrooms Ending
As long as you had both the grapefruit juice and the pills, there will be arrows on the floor pointing towards the front door. Go here and you will fall through the floor Lose your mind?. Now start running until you get caught.