Escape Memoirs: Mansion Heist
Game Details: Mystery, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (19/19)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 12/3/2022
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Main Hall
Head over towards the front doors on the left. Look inside a red shoe in the shoe rack to find collectible #1. Turn around towards the main hall and find a small safe on the floor to the right. Read the note from Miranda that mentions the code and a handbag. Look inside the curtains over the window here to get collectible #2. Search the 2 drawers of the side table near the next corridor to find a note from General Wayne, and a telephone book.
Go to the far corner of the room and search the drawers of a dressing table to find a note from Frank. Go around and look beneath the edge of the dressing screen to find collectible #3. Crouch down and look in the fireplace to get the next collectible #4. In the small round table here, you can find a book and another note from General Wayne. Examine the cryptography machine on the round table. You need to press the buttons to match the colored pattern shown on the note. This will result in the following numbers being displayed:
Based on the note, this gives you a code of 62454. Climb up the large harp until you can see on top of the nearby bookcase, and grab collectible #5 Novice Burglar. Crouch down and look in the bottom of the small wine cabinet over near the dressing screen to get collectible #6, which is the last in this area.
Head up the spiral staircase. Look at the locked glass cabinet to the left and unlock the padlock with the combination 62454 Cryptographer. Open this cabinet and move the vase, then read the note to Miranda. Carry this note downstairs to the locked safe on the floor, where you will also find 5 pedestals that will hold vases. Go back up the spiral staircase again. Look at the base of one of the wooden beams holding up the balcony railing right near the stairs to find collectible #7. Go around the balcony to the second candelabra and find collectible #8 at its base. Look at the base of the final wooden beam along the balcony railing to get collectible #9.
Now you need to start finding the 6 vases for the 5 pedestals, based on the note you just found, and the markings on the bases of the pedestals. From left to right, these are what you are looking for:
- Medium round silver vase from the first floor corridor
- Narrow white vase from the top of the dressing table near the dressing screen
- Narrow orange vase with handle from the wine cabinet and
Narrow grey vase from top-left of the dressing table near the dressing screen - Medium blue-green vase from the glass cabinet upstairs
- Large tan flask-shaped vase on the floor near the pedestals
Once all are correct, the safe will open Ceramics Expert. Read a note from Frank, and find the Project Wheatstone Booklet, which contains a series of codes inside. Search the bookcase to find a small electrical component. Examine this to see that it corresponds to the top-right image from the Project Wheatstone Booklet. Attach this to the side of the large machine on the wall to the right. Now you need to turn the dials on the machine to highlight the letters indicated in the booklet:
Once the correct letters are highlighted, a small panel will open below The Abandoned Project. Take the study key. Enter the corridor off the main hall.
1st Floor Corridor
Near the end, read the note from John that mentions needing a water pressure between 1.75 and 2.25. Look inside a pipe in the open low cupboard to find collectible #10 Apprentice Burglar.
Turn around and use your key in the lock next to the study door. Open the panel and examine the wiring inside. You need to slide the panels to connect any wire from the left to any wire on the right. There is only one working solution:
Once complete, the door will unlock Snooping Around. Open the door and enter the study.
1st Floor Study
Look inside the box in the near corner of the room (through the legs of the nearby chair) to find collectible #11. Look behind the books on the middle row of the middle bookcase for collectible #12, then beneath the typewriter on the desk for collectible #13 - for this one you need to crouch to the left of the chair by the desk and go close to the desk to be able to see it.
Search the drawers near the door to find a note to Miranda. Find another note from Miranda in the desk, and a letter from General Wayne in the letter holder on the desk. Pull down the light fitting on the wall and a painting on the opposite wall will slide to the side, revealing a locked hidden compartment.
Main Hall
Go back out to the door behind the dressing screen and take the bolt that is holding the panel closed. Open the panel. Now based on one of the notes from Frank, you need to make a pattern of alternating squares and triangles, following the wires:
Open the door but the room is really dark. Go back to the corridor that leads to the study and grab a flashlight from the box on the floor. Come back and use this as you enter the room.
1st Floor Storage Room
Look behind the paint tins on the crate in the right corner to find collectible #14. Look above the red pipes near the ceiling here for collectible #15 Expert Burglar. Next look beneath the sacks next to the sink to get collectible #16. Pick up the long iron bar, then go back out to the main hall.
Main Hall
Use the long iron bar on the open end of the high ducting in the opposite corner of the room, and a bag will drop down. Pick up the heist booklet from inside, noting the default safe combinations on the last page.
1st Floor Study
Crawl beneath the desk and look at the keypad which has the company name "Fyrgenhus". Based on the default safe combinations in the heist booklet, enter the code 9876543. Now you can open the right drawer and take out a note with some grid patterns on it. Based on the note to Miranda that mentioned Charlie Right and David Down, you need to work out the grid pattern for row C and column D. Looking at the repeating patterns, enter this code into the grid near the locked hidden compartment on the wall:
Inside, take the note from General Wayne about the security boxes.
Main Hall
Go up the spiral staircase again. Read the note to Mr Regesund on the green box, then examine the box, including the partial label on the back that says "Malirus". Based on the heist booklet and the note you just found from General Wayne, the code for the box is 5 (+3), 4 (+2), 3 (+1), 2 (+2), so open the box with the combination 8644. Take the 6 components from inside the box and put them on the nearby table. You need to now arrange these on the briefcase:
Inside, take a note from J, as well as a series of photographs, one of which remains covered in chemicals. Carry this down the stairs and into the storage room.
1st Floor Storage Room
Place the photo in the basin against the wall and try to turn on the faucet, but it doesn't work. Use your flashlight to look around the room - you need to adjust the levers on the pipes to end up with a pressure of between 1.75 and 2.25 at the faucet. Start by turning the lever to the left near the floor opposite - the gauge here should shoot up to 6. If you now turn all the levers to let flow through to the faucet, it will also show a pressure of 6. Reduce the pressure by letting some of the flow to other parts of the house until the gauge near the faucet shows 2. Now turn the faucet on to clean the photo. Pick up the photo and look at it to see a series of 5 symbols.
Main Hall
Go back upstairs and examine the lock next to the closed door here. You need to match the symbols to the ones seen in the photo. From the starting position:
- Change the first symbol 4 times
- Change the second symbol 3 times
- Change the third symbol 4 times
- Change the fourth symbol 2 times
- Change the fifth symbol 3 times
Once correct, the door will unlock Look at this Photograph. Open the doors and proceed.
2nd Floor Corridor
Head along the corridor and open the doors on the left, then go through.
2nd Floor Bedroom
Look up at the ceiling fan, between the 3 lights, to find collectible #17. Look at the left end of the small shelf over the desk for collectible #18, and look beneath a pillow on the bed to get collectible #19. Open the left drawer of the small entry table and read the letter from Frederick about the miniature knight statue weighing 220 grams. Go and pick up the broken knight statue from the bin next to the desk, and place it on the desk near the scales.
Read the note on the suitcase from Miranda, which gives you some hints about the presents. Look at the puzzle box on the bed. You need to rotate the dials so the number of colored beads in each row and column is correct:
Open the lid of the box Child's Play. Take out each of the 3 small cannon balls, and place them on the desk near the scales. Now open the box at the base of the bed, which contains 6 colored bells with buttons, and some information about a series of 6 stars. You need to match the pitch of the bells to the brightness in the description. Each bell makes a different pitched tone when you ring it, and this can be adjusted by turning the bell first. You need to play the bells in this order:
- Yellow, pointing up (Cleon)
- Red, pointing right (Breore)
- Green, pointing left (Lamdanus)
- Black, pointing left (Rento)
- Blue, pointing up (Lomulo)
- Purple, pointing right (Lemus)
Now press the middle button Sharp Ears. Pick up the 7 colored marbles, and place them on the desk near the scales. Examine the box on the left and open it by pressing the buttons on each side in the correct order, using trial and error:
Take out the 2 weights and place them on the desk near the scales. You now need to work out the relative weights of everything using the scales:
- red marble = 5g
- green marble = 10g
- orange marble = 15g
- blue marble = 35g
- cannon ball = 60g
Since you need to create a weight of 220g, go and place 3 cannon balls, 1 blue marble and 1 red marble on the pressure plate at the entrance to the room Tipping the Scales. Open the drawer and take out a key. Now you can leave the room.
2nd Floor Corridor
Go to the far end of the corridor and look behind the pillar in the left corner to find collectible #20 Master Burglar. Now use your key on the locked door opposite the bedroom. Open the door and head inside.
2nd Floor Workshop
Look between the long wooden beams on the desk to the left for collectible #21. Crouch and look beneath the surface of the bench straight ahead from the doorway to see collectible #22. Turn right and look beneath the separate piece of the workbench on its left edge to get collectible #23.
Look at the keypad to the right of this workbench - you need to slide the 3 red metal bars into the slots around the edge. Now you can open the barrier to the tools on the wall here. Inside you will find a symbol disc (1/7). Look in the small set of drawers to the right to find a note to Mr Regesund and another symbol disc (2/7). There is another symbol disc (3/7) on the desk near the doorway. Look in the document holder on the desk opposite the door to find a diagram with a note on the back.
Look in the drawers beneath the left desk to find a code sheet. Now examine the security storage box on top of the desk here - before opening it, there is another symbol disc behind it (4/7). You need to set the lights to match the note to Mr Regesund. If the buttons are labeled 1-10 and A-L, press them in this order:
- 1: GH
- 2: GL
- 3: B
- 4: IJ
- 5: BHJK
- 6: L
- 8: HJK
The security box will open Security Expert. Open it fully and take out the symbol booklet. Go over to the large safe on the wall. Based on the examples in the symbol booklet, the code shown here corresponds with GLU. Using the code sheet you found earlier, you know which buttons to press on the safe:
The safe will now open Solving the Symbols. Take out another 2 symbol discs (5/7) and (6/7). Now you need to search around the room and find 4 working light bulbs. Insert them in the sockets beneath the desk near the doorway. Using the diagram with the note on the back, you can see the code to enter here is 4635. Since the 3rd dial is stuck in the correct position at 3, rotate the others from the same position and you will find the correct code - the lights will turn on the the drawers will unlock. Inside you will find the final symbol disc (7/7).
2nd Floor Corridor
Take each of the 7 symbol discs to the panel at the far end of the corridor. Hang them around the edges for now, then examine the panel - you need to insert all of the discs so that adjacent symbols are matching. Follow these instructions to reach the solution:
- The fixed left disc should be rotated so the circle symbol is at the bottom-left
- The fixed right disc should be rotated so the cloud symbol is at the top-left
- Find a disc with 4 circle symbols, and place it at the far left
- Find a disc with a circle symbol and a diamond symbol, and place it at the bottom-left
- Find a disc with a straight line symbol, and place it at the far right
- Find a disc with a 5-pointed star symbol, and place it at the top right
- Find a disc with a diamond symbol and 2 square symbols, and place it at the mid-left
- Find a disc with a circle symbol and 2 cloud symbols, and place it at the mid-right
- Find a disc with a square symbol and 2 triangle symbols, and place it at the mid-bottom
- Insert the final disc at the mid-top
The final doors will now open Eyes on the Prize. Go through the doors.
2nd Floor Great Room
Look on the back of the wooden rocking chair (beneath the blanket) the find collectible #24. Examine the legs of the armchairs in the central part of the room to locate collectible #25. Finally, look in the vent beneath the gold discs on the wall to find collectible #26 Legendary Burglar.
Search the pot plants around the window sill and inside one of them you will find a wooden mouse.
2nd Floor Bedroom
Look on top of the wardrobe to see a cat - give it the wooden mouse The Cat Tax. Leave here and return to the final room.
2nd Floor Great Room
Go to the locked glass cabinet on the wall. Examine the keypad and read the note to Miranda. Find a book on constellations next to the armchairs in the central part of the room. Look up the constellations mentioned in the note to Miranda (Nebsat and Heliomond). Stand in the very middle of the room and look up through the ceiling to find the matching constellations (Heliomond is a small hexagon). Based on the note, the constellation to the left of a line between these is Vortelatum. Go and enter this into the keypad Stargazing.
Open the left side of the glass cabinet and take out the family book. You need to now press the buttons on the statues around the room based on the order of their deaths, using the Line of Succession pages in the family book:
- Percival Kadonberg (1814)
- Christopher Regesund (1877)
- William Arvonstein (1886)
- Joseph Regesund (1889)
- Margaret Arvonstein (1921)
Go to the wooden stand beneath the gold nugget, which will now be open. Examine the puzzle here - you need to rotate the panels to connect the yellow, blue and red symbols from left to right:
The glass display cover above will now unlock The Golden Prize. Remove this, then pick up the gold nugget.
2nd Floor Bedroom
Go through the door in this room.