The Rivers of Alice
Game Details: Fantasy, 2015
Steam Achievements: Completed (21/21)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 5/14/2019
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Pick up the cup from your bedside table before heading right. Try to talk to Sloth, then pick up the stick from the stream. Use the stick to wake up Sloth. Take the necklace from the tree and show it to Sloth. Talk to Sloth about everything You already know how to play.
Read the message within the book plant, then head to the right.
Flower Dragonfly
Talk to the lady with the harp about everything, then look at her and she will play a tune. Head right to find a cave, then continue left. Pick up the rock from the ground. Use your cup on the puddle of water to collect some from the dripping stalactite, then look in the puddle and the flower here will come to life. Return left and then right.
Use your cup of water on the dead flower to revive it. Look at the lady to hear her tune again, then click on the flowers in this order: 5, 3, 1, 2, 4 Great ear for music!.
Use your necklace on the dragonfly (1/4) to collect it. Read the message within the book plant, then head right again.
Cavern Dragonfly
Continue left and your dragonfly will automatically light the candles. Pick up a candle and continue right to enter a maze. Within this maze, always take the path not indicated by an arrow; if you take the wrong path too many times you will have to start the maze again. You will eventually reach a larger cavern Create your own road. Pick up the glasses from the ground. Read the message in the book plant, then continue right to head outside.
Talk to the boy on the jetty, then take some sand from the location on the beach indicated by the boy. Use your stick on the sand to find a floppy disk. Return right, then left and you will automatically return to the room with the candles. Head left once more to return to the room with the spider.
Throw your rock at the hive to the top left, then while Athena turns to the right, quickly use the stalagmite to her left to hide behind it. Wait for Athena to turn away again, and use your sand in her hourglass. Now talk to Athena. Click on the spider web, then quickly drag the strands together to fill in all the gaps in the web before the timer runs out Weaver spider.
Use your necklace on the dragonfly (2/4) to collect it. Read the message within the book plant, then head right to leave the cavern. Cross the bridge to reach a new area.
Apartment Dragonfly
Talk to the boy here, then give him your glasses to fix his spyglass, and he will give you a shell necklace. Open the windows in front of him, then read the message in the book plant. Next stand on the cliff to look out at 3 apartment buildings. You can turn the lights in the windows on and off using the antennae on the roofs of the buildings. You need to set the lights in the windows of the 3 buildings to match the 3 star patterns in the sky, which you will see occasionally between the clouds. Start by setting the windows in the left building as follows:
Now turn off the only light that is on in the second building, but the firefly inside will turn it back on. You can now go down and enter the second apartment building. Pull all the pages off the calendar hanging on the wall, then use the light switch to turn off the light has already been a year?. Go back up to the cliff, and now set the windows in the middle building as follows:
You should be able to now set the windows in the third and final building as follows Message in morse:
Head down and enter the third apartment building. Once inside, lift up the floor panel and take the small handle. Next turn the large pipe in the middle of the room, and pick up the small pipe that ends up on the floor. Use your small pipe on the other pipes on the right wall (there is a small hole to the right of the small gray valve). Use your handle on the gears on the left wall, then use the handle and head through the doors to the left. Pick up the red valve handle on the floor, but don't venture further to the left just yet as the robot will stop you. Instead, return right to the previous room.
Use your red valve handle on the small pipe you attached earlier, then turn both this and the adjacent blue valve handle - steam will appear from the vent in the floor. Now go over to the panel in the back right of the room to see a tangle of pipes and wires. If you go back to Sloth and talk to him you will receive the solution to this puzzle; you just need to slide pieces around in the right order to complete the pattern. Slide the pieces as shown below in order from their starting white position to their correct gray position It works!:
Now turn on the fan, and you will end up blowing steam into the pipes. You need to turn the valves to get the steam to flow into the room to the left. Turn each valve when the steam reaches it so that it flows in the following directions Bad smoke:
- Left
- Down
- Right
- Right
- Right
- Left
There will now be steam in the top of the room to the left. Use the handle on the left wall to close the doors and the room will fill completely. Turn the handle again, then go left to see that you are now hidden from the robot. Click on the steam and blow it to the left 3 times so you can walk across the room. Use your necklace on the dragonfly (3/4) hidden in the stack of tires. Read the message within the book plant.
Turn off the lamp, then pick up the small remote control from the floor here. Use this on the car door in the pile of junk to the right, then take the red mask that falls out. Return right and leave the apartment building. Back on the cliff, read the new book plant message, then go back into the second apartment building. Spin the doll on the right and you will see the message 10-2-100 appear on the wall briefly. Pick up the telephone and dial this number I quit my job!. This will create a shortcut that leads straight back to the beach. Use your floppy disk on the computer, then look at the computer Retro gamer. Now head through the shortcut to the right.
Watchtower Dragonfly
Talk to the boy on the jetty, and make note of the 5 shells in order that he wants on his necklace. Look at the patch of sand you picked up earlier, and you will see an array of shells in the sand. Pick up the 5 in order as indicated by the boy; the position of the shells is random each time Alphabets that man does not understand. Once you have made the correct necklace, give it to the boy. Talk to him again, and he will give you the code for a combination lock. Read the message within the book plant, then click on the gate and enter the correct code The doors of desire. Head through the gate.
Give your mask to the man and he will be able to see. Now talk to him. Walk over and look at each of the mirrors, and note the movements of the eyes. When you look at one of the mirrors, it will look directly down at you and will not look away - go through this mirror Reflections and Lies. If you chose the wrong one, just come back and try again.
In the next room, stand on the first tile - a monkey in the window will play a tune. Click on the tiles in front of you to attempt to recreate the tune. Start by clicking on these tiles Fever of Saturday Night:
Now go back and start again, correctly recreating each of the monkeys' tunes by following this path instead A band of monkeys:
A platform will now lower. Before stepping on it, give your stick to the dogs and take their bowl of food. Use your necklace on the dragonfly (4/4) above the gears I have all the pieces!. Read the message within the book plant. Now step on the platform.
Top of the Tower
You will see a grid of birds to the right. You need to slide them around so the light birds are standing on light squares and the dark birds on dark squares. From their starting position, and numbering the positions as on the grid below, click on the birds in these locations: 5, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 12, 8, 7, 11, 12, 8, 4, 3, 7, 11, 12, 16 Vultures in the watchtower:
The birds will now part to allow you through. Read the message within the book plant, then head right and give the bowl of food to the bird on the rope. Read the message on the new book plant. Walk on the rope and you will start crossing - just gently move your mouse left or right to help balance yourself as you cross Do not look down!.
Use your necklace in the statue, then look at it to see the final puzzle. From the starting position, turn the outer ring left, the middle ring left twice, and the inner ring right twice. This will align the patterns on the rings Love Giant.
Watch the final animation and you will have completed the game Light sleep. Play the game a second time to get the final achievement Deep dream.