Curious CasesCurious Cases

Game Details:  Mystery, 2019

Steam Achievements:  Completed (7/7)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  3/29/2020

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Curious Cases is a first person escape room puzzle game, which can be played on desktop or with VR, and as a solo, cooperative or competitive experience. You take the role of Detective Thomas Moore, on the trail of a missing scientist.

Chapter 1

The Missing Scientist

Look at the tall lockers on the left, and you will see a keypad and the symbol for an hourglass. On the back wall there are 4 clocks, currently showing the times 3 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock. Enter the code 3857 on the locker keypad, then pull open the door.

Read the note in the locker, which describes a path taken through the city. Go over to the large white-board and flip it over to see a map. Find each of the places mentioned in the note and the numbers on the map corresponding to them:

  • King's Road: 11
  • Hyde Park: 7
  • Edgware Road: 3
  • Baker Street: 5

Open the safe just to the right with the code 11735. Take the briefcase out of the bottom of the locker and flip it over to see another keypad. Flip the large white-board back over to view the series of mathematical triangle puzzles. The triangles on the left follow this pattern:

  • (bottom left x bottom right) - top = middle
  • (3 x 2) - 3 = 3
  • (5 x 6) - 2 = 28
  • (8 x 4) - 9 = 23
  • (7 x 3) - 2 = 19

The triangles on the right follow a different pattern:

  • top x bottom left / bottom right = middle
  • 4 x 9 / 3 = 12
  • 7 x 8 / 4 = 14
  • 9 x 8 / 2 = 36
  • 6 x 4 / 1 = 24

Open the briefcase with the code 1936. Take the USB stick from the briefcase and insert it into the USB reader attached to the laptop in the shelving. Now collect the 3 code wheels from the safe, suitcase and locker and place them into the circular device on the desk at the other end of the room. Line up the discs with the code containing 3 symbols that you found in the suitcase, then read which letters correspond to the note containing 4 symbols from inside the safe. Go and enter the code NOHT on the laptop Decoder.

You will probably now also receive the achievement for solving 4 consecutive puzzles without using the hint system Skilled Researcher.

You will now hear some Morse code being played from the laptop. Find the Morse code for numbers written on a piece of paper on the tall desk to help work out what is being played. Go and enter the code 1850 on the keypad next to the circular device Time is relative.

You will probably now also receive the achievement for solving an entire chapter without using the hint system Master Researcher.

Chapter 2

When To Go, When To Hide

Over by the window you will find a box with a keypad. Turn around and look at the bookcase with the glass doors. You should be able to make out four numbers constructed with colored books, a blue 5, yellow 4, red 8 and green 0. Enter the code 5480 into the keypad on the box to open it.

Read the note in the box (note that it has two sides). Open the large book on the desk and you will find 5 metal plaques with various symbols. You need to use the locations and descriptions in the note to place the plaques on the correct spots on large map over the fireplace:

  • Hyde Park: Butterfly
  • University of London: Sword with wings
  • Royal Academy: Bullet
  • Cleopatra's Needle: Anchor
  • Compass Symbol (Bottom Right): Compass

Now you can swing open the map to reveal a hidden compartment. Take the key and use it on the lock on the birdcage (on the floor). Take the coupon from inside and put it into the jukebox - a planet will roll out to the exit chute. Next look at the music on the back of the large map. There are 5 different colored notes. You just need to count the total beats of each color: red 3, blue 9, green 8, yellow 6 and purple 6. Enter code 39866 on the keypad on the gramophone. Open the small compartment and take the revealed coupon, then also use it on the jukebox.

You will now have access to a total of 6 planets (two in the jukebox, two in the box and two in the compartment behind the map). You need to place these in the large display at the end of the room:

  • Mercury: Already present
  • Venus: Red planet in jukebox
  • Earth: Blue planet in jukebox
  • Mars: Already present
  • Jupiter: Brown planet in box
  • Saturn: Ringed planet in box
  • Uranus: Already present
  • Neptune: Blue planet behind map
  • Pluto: Brown "planet" behind map

Now turn the handle on the side of the display I pack light.

Chapter 3

A Knock From The Past

Take the skull from the red armchair and place it on the scales - this will unlock the door at the other end of the room. Open it and go through to the next room. In here you will find a box containing 1 peg and 6 holes. Leave this for now, and pick up a black-light torch. Use this to examine the top of the large wooden box in the first room, and you will see an inscription: "The glass is full, half full, and empty". Now use the black-light torch to look at the calendar on the wall and you will see different phases of the moon: full 29, half full 4 and empty 8. Go back to the box and enter the code 2948 on the keypad.

Open the box and read the note inside. Take the key and use it on the padlock on the other door. Slide open the latch, then open the door and go through to find a body in a cell. Read the note in the cell door:

  • The first of Belladonna
  • The fourth of rosEmary
  • The first of Lavender
  • The last of mandrakE
  • The eighth of eucalypTus
  • The second of cHamomile

Enter the code BELETH on the keypad in the cell door. Enter the cell and take the handle from the tap, then use it on the tap back in the main room and turn it. Take the key you find and use this on the drawer beneath the sink. Open the drawer and read the note inside to find a recipe for an elixir. Open the cabinet just to the left of the stove to find another note.

You will now have access to a total of 6 pegs. You need to place these in the box in the second room so that they all end up the same height:

  1. In the sink inside the cell
  2. In the cabinet to the left of the stove
  3. In the bookshelves in the same room as the box
  4. In the large open box in the first room
  5. In the middle high cupboard over the stove
  6. On the sofa in the first room

Pull back the carpet on the floor in this room and you will see the message "I dare you" on a trapdoor. Convert the letters of the final word into their numeric values, Y = 25, O = 15, U = 21, and enter code 251521 into the keypad. Lift up the trapdoor and go down the stairs into a cellar. Find a note down here about a mirror, then use the symbols on this to work out the next code. Enter 810 into the keypad on the wooden chest, then open it.

Return up the stairs and go into the room with the cell, then approach the kitchen area. Using the recipe you found earlier, follow these instructions to create the elixir:

  1. Add 4 x Belladonna to the mortar
  2. Add 2 x Chamomile to the mortar
  3. Add 3 x Rosemary to the mortar
  4. Add 1 x Mandrake to the mortar
  5. Add 2 x Eucalyptus to the mortar
  6. Use the pestle (on top of the cabinet to the left) on the mortar

There is an achievement for doing this correctly on the first attempt Herbalist. Pick up the bowl and carry it down into the cellar, dropping it near the pentagram. Now you must collect the candles and put them on the points of the pentagram. The white candle is already in position, and you need to add the others in a clockwise order:

  • Green: In the drawer beneath the kitchen sink
  • Blue: In the cabinet to the left of the stove
  • Black: In the wooden box in the cellar
  • Yellow: In the big box in the first room
  • Red: In the box where you inserted the 6 knobs

Take the lighter from the wooden box in the cellar and use it on all 6 candles. Take the bowl with the elixir and place it in the middle of the pentagram. Now turn around Ruined the plans.