The 11th Hour
Game Details: Horror, 1995
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/1/2001
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
7th Hour
When the game starts, open your game book to get your first riddle: Winter coat worn for a mixer. From the house entrance, go forward to the right, then turn right and enter the library. Pick up the bottle of tonic water from on top of the fireplace.
The next riddle is: Rolling rock, bottle cap. Go back out of the library, then up the staircase. Turn left and go forward 3 times, then enter the door on the left. Look at the cash register (behind the post on the right) to see a puzzle. You need to get both sides of the register to show 81. Press 5, 25, 10 and 10 in the top row, and then the last four numbers on the bottom row (10, 10, 1 and 10). After solving this, turn around and look at the champagne bottle from the floor near the TV. Take the cork from the bottle.
You will now get the riddle: Artsy, excited lecher. Head back out of this room, turn right, go forward and down the stairs to the lobby. Head over to the left side of the staircase and look at the chess puzzle.
You need to swap the positions of the black and white knights. One solution is:
- Black 1, 4, 10, 2, 8
- White 7, 1, 4, 10, 2
- White 5, 7, 1, 4, 10
- Black 6, 4, 1, 7, 5
- White 10, 4, 1, 7
- White 2, 10, 4, 1
- Black 8, 2, 10, 4, 6
- White 1, 4, 10, 2
- White 7, 1, 4, 10
- Black 6, 4, 1, 7
- White 10, 4, 1
- White 2, 10, 4, 6
Now walk through a secret passage in the middle of the grandfather clock to reach the art gallery. Look at the painting on the left side of the far wall, then on the beast-man in the middle of the painting. Your next riddle says: A heart attack could put you into the ground. Turn around and go through the green picture on the left to leave the gallery again. Head around the lobby and back into the library on the other side of the stairs. Look at the bookcase to see another puzzle.
This puzzle only requires 4 steps to complete:
- Move books 2-3 to 9-10
- Move books 5-6 to 2-3
- Move books 8-9 to 5-6
- Move books 1-2 to 8-9
Now click on the globe in this room to solve the riddle, and get another riddle: BattleGround. Leave the library, go upstairs, left, forward 3 times, and through the door on the left (to the room with the cash register). Go through the door on the left to go through a secret passage into the chapel. Turn left and go through the open door into the laboratory. Look at the box on the table next to the green bottle to see a rat maze game. You need to get the mechanical rat to go to the top right, while Stauf tries to get it to go to the bottom left; on each move you can place a piece and then move the rat to any available space. After winning the game, look at the green bottle and pick up the pill bottle in front of it.
You will get your next riddle: Bars deter cuckoo bird. Go back out and down to the lobby and go to the grandfather clock. Turn around and look at the painting on the opposite wall, then click on the robin on the ground in the painting. The final riddle for this hour is: Modern art flourishes under the sun. Go through the clock into the art gallery again. Turn right and look at the modern art on the floor for another game. In this game you must choose the last piece of the painting; for the best chance start with the blue L-shaped piece near the middle.
8th Hour
The first riddle for this hour is: SkedAddled. Leave the gallery the same way as before and head to the library. Click on the desk, then on the desk drawers to solve this riddle and get another one: Part of the body examined in doctors office. Go back out to the lobby and through the clock to the art gallery again. Click on the white statue "torso" to solve this puzzle. The next puzzle is: Libation for an affectionate puppy called Sounder. Head out of the gallery, upstairs and into the same bedroom as before. Look at the champagne bottle itself this time instead of the cork.
Your next riddle is Animal sullied street. Leave this bedroom and turn right. Go all the way to the end of the corridor and straight through the door at the end. Turn right and look at the white pool balls for a puzzle.
Click on the pool balls in the order indicated. Turn around and look at the painting, then click on the "setter" dog on the right. The next riddle is encrypted, starting with: Jfcr vx qctf. Leave this room, go downstairs and around to the grandfather clock, and click on the face of the clock. The next riddle is again encrypted, starting with: Zu gotdy od mpy nrmy stpimf. Go upstairs and turn left. Go forward twice, then go through the door on the right into the bathroom. Turn right and look at the drain hole to see a spider puzzle.
You must swap the positions of the white and brown spiders. One solution is as follows:
- NE - S
- SE - W - NE
- SW - N - SE - W
- NW - E - SW - N - SE
- S - NW - E - SW
- NE - S - NW
- W - NE
Now click on the razor on the side of the bath to get another riddle: Fruit Loop on stove. Leave the bathroom and go downstairs. Turn right and go through the double doors into the dining room. Turn left and click on the orange in the picture of the bowl of fruit. Your next riddle is: Dreams abound of arming the rebels. What of nocturnal horses' schedules? Leave the dining room and go back upstairs again. Turn left and go forward once, then go through the door on the right into another bedroom. Turn around and look at the mirror next to the door to see a new puzzle. This is a simple sliding tiles puzzle where you must recreate the original mirror appearance. After you are done, click on the picture above the fireplace to solve the riddle.
The next riddle is: A distant, ancient Castle Keep. Go downstairs and into the library again, then click on the Great Dane in the picture next to the telescope. The last riddle for this hour is: A man-horse on the fly. Sounds like A wounded bull's eye. Head back upstairs, turn left, go forward 3 times and through the door on the left, then through the other door into the chapel. Turn left and zoom in to look at the stone with the triangle image to the left of the door. To win this game against Stauf, you need to create a red path that touches all 3 sides of the triangle.
9th Hour
Your first riddle this hour is: Put an olive in a stein, mix it up, and get the equivalent of a fool's London subway. Leave the chapel and return to the upstairs bedroom on the left again. Click on the broken TV to solve this puzzle and get the next one: A vital, instrumental part. Go through the left door here into the chapel and click on the pipe organ. Your next puzzle is: 22233642-736846873. Leave the chapel to return to the bedroom, then leave this bedroom and go straight ahead to go upstairs to the attic. Click on the toy trains to see a new puzzle, where you must spell out the word STAUF. Once you are done, turn left and look at the small table, then click on the rook.
The next riddle is: Light piece from great orchestra. Go through the door to leave the attic, then go straight ahead to the bedroom and through the left door to the chapel. Turn right and take the torch from the altar to get another riddle: Cheesy gadget that sounds larger. Leave the chapel and go downstairs and into the kitchen. Look at the table straight in front of you to see a plate puzzle.
You need to stack 2 plates on each point of the pentacle, by making the following moves:
- Plate 6 - 9
- Plate 4 - 1
- Plate 2 - 7
- Plate 8 - 5
- Plate 10 - 3
Now turn right and click on the grater. The next riddle is: 500 = 100 = 0. Leave the kitchen and go upstairs to the left bedroom, through to the chapel, then through the open door to the laboratory. Look at the cart in front of you and click on the 7th Guest disc. Now the riddle is: Blend a teapot shot and the pearlies won't rot. Leave the lab and the chapel, then leave the bedroom. Turn right and go forward, then enter the left door to the bathroom. Look at the sink and click on the toothpaste to get to the next riddle: Slyness holding shipment in choppe. Exit the bathroom and turn left. Go forward 3 times, then enter the door on the right. Turn right and examine the cube in the bedside table. You need to start from the bottom left corner and finish at the top right corner:
- Right to 4
- Right to 1
- Right/up to 3
- Right/down to 1
- Left/up to 2
- Up to 1
Click on the guillotine to solve the riddle and get another one: Poor drainage could still produce a flower. Leave this room through the door on the left. Turn left, then go forward once and turn right. Examine the painting and click on the large white flower on the bottom left. You will get the next riddle: Sounds like it got higher from wine.Turn left and go forward again, then go through the door on the left into another bedroom. Examine the pyramid puzzle on the small table, and spell out 2 words: UNINTENTIONALLY and STRAIGHTFORWARD. Turn right and click on the red rose, then get the next riddle: What kind of jewelry is angrier? Leave this room and turn right. Go forward twice and enter the room on the left. Examine the jewelry box in the far right corner of the room.
You must swap and turn the discs around so all adjacent sides have matching colors.
- Swap discs 3 and 4
- Swap discs 3 and 6
- Swap discs 3 and 5
- Leave disc 1 with green pointing in to the middle
- Rotate the other discs to match
Turn left and look at the vanity, then click on the earring. Now get the last riddle for this hour: You might hear a well-mannered Cockney with a 60's hairstyle. Leave this room and turn right. Go forward 4 times, then turn right and go forward up to the attic. Go up the next set of steps, then look at the beehive puzzle on the ground. This is another game against Stauf where you must end up with more honey than blood.
10th Hour
The first riddle for this hour is: Instrument is sharp, but missing its head. Go downstairs to the lobby, then to the right of the staircase and through the double doors to the music room. Turn left and look at the top of the fireplace, then solve the furniture puzzle - you need to move the pieces around to slide the piano off the board. Now turn right and click on the harp. The next riddle is: A defective truck with a crane makes for a ball-busting ballet. Leave this room and go upstairs, then turn right and go forward twice. Look down and click on the toy soldier outside the games room door.
Your next riddle is: Look at key missing first misprinted label. Enter the games room and click on the eyeball on the pool table to get the next riddle: Disabled cutting edge. Leave the games room and enter the door on the left. Turn right and click on the dagger in the bed's headboard, then you will get another riddle: Unreasonable reason. Leave this room through the left door, then go forward 4 times, turn right and go forward to the attic. Click on the train to solve this riddle and get another: Paper used in unusual theses. Go back down out of the attic, then turn left and go forward twice, and enter the door on the right. Turn left and click on the bed sheets to get the next riddle: Adroit holding a sharp instrument. Leave this room and go down the stairs and into the kitchen. Click on the cleaver embedded in the door.
Your last riddle for the hour is: A desserted Arthropod. Leave the kitchen, turn right and enter the dining room. Click on the dessert on the table for a game to play against Stauf. You need to get 4 of your bon bons in a straight line before your opponent.
11th Hour
The first riddle in this last segment is: 663 264625 46 2 6455466. Leave the dining room and go upstairs. Turn right and click on the white lion statue on the ground here to get your next riddle: Drink left at sea. Turn around and go forward, then enter the door on the right. Click on the glass of port on the right. The next riddle is: Snake, baby, trap. Leave this room and turn right. Go straight to the end of the corridor and through the door at the end into the doll room. Turn around and look at the dresser to see a bishop puzzle.
You need to swap the positions of the white and black bishops, while making sure they can't attack each other at any point. One solution is as follows:
- 10 - 7
- 1 - 8
- 2 - 3
- 7 - 4
- 3 - 5
- 8 - 10
- 9 - 6
- 6 - 1
- 4 - 6
- 5 - 2
- 10 - 5
- 6 - 8
- 5 - 7
- 2 - 4
- 8 - 3
- 7 - 10
- 4 - 9
- 3 - 2
Now examine the floorboards on the left to find a secret passage to the nursery. Turn right and pick up the pink baby rattle. The next riddle is: A letter from Greece is quite a number in Rome. Go downstairs to the lobby and click on the XI on the face of the grandfather clock. The last riddle is: This eight letter word has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end. Go over to the library and click on the inkstand on the desk. Now head back upstairs, turn left and go all the way to the end into the doll room. Go down through the floorboards into the nursery. Look at the doll's house on the floor. You now need to beat Stauf at one last game, where you must get 5 of your pieces in a row. After this you get to choose a girl to end up with; Samantha gives the best ending.