Voyeur 2Voyeur 2

Game Details:  Adult, 1996

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  3/23/2009

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Voyeur 2 is a FMV game where you again play as a private detective, much the same as in the first game, Voyeur. This time a group of people has gathered for the reading of the will of the director of a large research institute. You have been hired to try to protect the life of the new director, whose life is in danger.


Watch the introduction and listen carefully, because this determines which of the two available scenarios is going to unfold:

  • If Everett's death is reported as an apparent suicide, then Sylvio will be the murderer.
  • If Everett's death is reported as an accident, then Rachel will be the murderer.

Turn right to see the desk. Open the left drawer and take the bullet, then zoom back out again. Look at the metal "Solar Meter" box at the top right of this area. Open the panel and press the display button to turn it off. Zoom back out and turn right again. Look at the radio and press the power button to turn it off. Now turn left 3 times to see the gun cabinet. Set the combination to 2873 to open it (you can learn this code by watching the slideshow on your projector), then return right to the camera.

Follow one of the following two sets of instructions depending on who will be the murderer.

Sylvio Donato

Look through the camera at the house and look at these sites:

  • Great room: Elizabeth is named as the new boss at the end of a group meeting
  • Top left: Elizabeth receives a message from Everett, then Colin and Sylvio enter
  • Top right: Sylvio follows Elizabeth to her room to continue the conversation
  • Far right: Sylvio schemes with Rachel
  • Far left: Sylvio talks to Peter
  • Bottom left: Candice gets changed, then Sylvio comes in for a chat; after they both leave, there is a second scene, where Sylvio strangles Colin with a tie
  • Great room: Colin walks in and is followed by Sylvio
  • Bottom right: Sylvio picks up a knife from the desk

At this point you will have to swap disks. After this, continue watching these areas:

  • Great room: Peter and Candice have an argument with Sylvio in the background
  • Far left: Elizabeth goes looking for Sylvio, then Sylvio walks in after her and they talk
  • Great room: Peter talks to Rachel, then the others all enter
  • Far left: Sylvio schemes with Rachel again
  • Bottom left: Candice and Colin get caught by Peter, then Rachel comes in and takes Peter away, then finally Sylvio comes in a takes the tie (murder weapon)

Leave the camera and turn left to the gun cabinet. Open it and you will be looking through the telescopic lens. Look at the top right room and you will see Sylvio and Elizabeth. Load the gun (move the mouse to the right). Wait until the sight is not over either of them, and shoot.

Rachel Cussler

Look through the camera at the house and look at these sites:

  • Great room: Elizabeth is named as the new boss at the end of a group meeting
  • Top left: Rachel gets caught logging into Rachel's computer looking for information
  • Great room: Rachel walks along the top landing to the right
  • Top right: Rachel walks in while Colin is under the effects of a drug
  • Great room: Rachel sees Elizabeth in possession of a vial of the drug, then has an argument with Candice
  • Left (spa): Rachel gets into the spa with Candice

At this point you will have to swap disks. After this, continue watching these areas:

  • Great room: Peter and Candice have an argument with Rachel in the background; make sure you follow Rachel now
  • Far right: Colin enters and Rachel follows
  • Top right: Rachel picks up the drug vial
  • Top left: Rachel uses the computer to make it look like she will be the new chairman
  • Far right: Peter and Rachel have an argument
  • Top left: Peter reads the edited journal on the computer
  • Bottom left: Peter threatens Candice with the gun then kills himself
  • Great room: Candice meets up with Colin and Rachel
  • Bottom left: Rachel goes and sees Peter's body
  • Great room: Rachel picks up a bottle of alcohol (murder weapon)

Leave the camera and turn left to the gun cabinet. Open it and you will be looking through the telescopic lens. Look at the spa room and you will see Rachel and Elizabeth. Load the gun (move the mouse to the right). Wait until the sight is not over either of them, and shoot.