A Girls Fabric Face
Game Details: Horror, 2017
Steam Achievements: Completed (9/9)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 5/8/2022
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Part 1
Read the note on the entry table, which mentions Friday 8pm, June 2nd. Head upstairs and crouch down on the loose board to grab the key dangling from it. Look at this in your inventory to see it has "Bottom gathering" written on it. While you are up on the landing, place your first camera in position and set up your rest area. Go back downstairs and enter the kitchen. You can use the device on the bench here to charge your flashlight battery. Take the note from the bench along the far wall. Go along the side passage from the kitchen and open the door at the end to find a living room. Place your second camera in position in this room. While you are in the living room, notice the locked safe. Look in the fireplace and take the photo piece (1/5).
Go back upstairs and turn right and walk into the corridor, recording to get some paranormal findings from the corridor ahead. Enter the small bathroom off to the right. Look in the sink and pick up the handle. Go further along the corridor with the hanging dolls and open the door to find a bedroom. Notice the chart of letters in the open cupboard. You can open the right cupboard if you want. Return out of this corridor and continue exploring upstairs. There is nothing of use in the bathroom to the right, so open another door on the left to find another bedroom. Pick up the note from the bed here. Leave this room and try the last door upstairs, but it is locked.
Go back downstairs and walk into the kitchen, recording some more paranormal findings. Charge your battery in the kitchen, then go back up to your rest area and lie down.
During this rest period, you can focus on camera 2 and record a single event of paranormal findings.
Part 2
Go to the bedroom near the hanging dolls and look beneath the fallen armchair to find a crowbar. Head downstairs to the kitchen and take the note from the table. Now enter the living room near the kitchen, and use the crowbar on the wooden beams blocking the tunnel here. Crawl to the end of the tunnel and take the thin piece of metal. Crawl back out and record the ghost straight ahead as you exit to get some paranormal findings.
Go back out to the kitchen and charge your battery. Now head towards the stairs and record the paranormal findings as you near the front door. Pick up the small ladder once it comes to a rest. Go upstairs and turn left at the end of the hall. Place the ladder here and try to turn the red valve, but it is closed too tight. Next head to the start of the corridor with the hanging dolls and record some more paranormal findings. Place the thin piece of metal over the chart of letters in the open cupboard to see the message "He see you won't go".
Head downstairs and you will hear a loud bang, then record the paranormal findings of the cross falling off the wall over the entry table. Charge your battery in the kitchen, then go back up to your rest area and lie down.
During this rest period, start on camera 1 and record a very long set of paranormal findings of a ghost-like creature in the hallway. Once you hear the deep noise, switch to camera 2 and get ready to record another event of paranormal findings where the safe here will open by itself and someone will begin to climb out. You should aim to reach over 50% of your paranormal findings tally by the end of this rest period Rookie investigator.
Part 3
Go around to the start of the corridor with the hanging dolls to record some paranormal findings. Head downstairs and look inside the safe that opened in the living room near the kitchen. Pick up the bolt cutter. Go out towards the base of the stairs and use this to remove the padlock. Go through the new opening and down the stairs to the basement. Start to head up the opposite stairs and record as the lights go out to collect some more paranormal findings. If you continue up the stairs, you will find you can return through here to the living room.
For now, explore the basement some more. Follow the first path to the right and take the plumbers wrench from the pipes, then continue around to find a safe. Based on the note from the entry table at the start of the game, you can open this safe with the code 5862 Safecracker. Take the photo piece (2/5) from inside. Back out and take the next path to the right, where you will see a similar set of notes on what to do as it shown in your inventory. Explore the next part of the room to see a power box on the wall, and pick up a note from the table. Turn around and record a ceiling panel falling down to collect more paranormal findings.
Continue down some more stairs in the corner and use your handle to remove the heavy lock on the door. Crouch to go beneath an angled mattress, recording paranormal findings as you go, then explore a series of narrow passages to see a series of notes on the walls. There are 3 more short sets of paranormal findings as you explore. There is another battery charger in one of the small rooms here. Return back up the stairs and see a message saying to go back down. Go back down and see a series of coffins on the ground. Go back upstairs once more, then continue up to the living room. Make sure you record a long episode of paranormal findings as you enter this room.
Make your way to the kitchen, then go upstairs and record as you enter the corridor straight ahead for more paranormal findings. Use the plumbers wrench while on the small ladder at the end to get the red valve. Use this on the pipe in the nearby bathroom and you will hear something dropping. Go into the bedroom near the hanging dolls. Place your thin piece of metal over the chart of letters again to see the message "Not what it seems". Look at the note on the floor that mentions "Maybe 45?". As long as you have reached at least 45% paranormal findings, you can open the left cupboard to see another message. Go back down to the kitchen and pick up the key from the table. Charge your battery while you are here.
Head upstairs and go right at the end of the hall. The second key will let you enter the locked room here. Once inside, go straight ahead and crouch beneath the hanging sheet, taking the hexagon key from behind it. Now look further into the room to find a broken mirror and a note that mentions "Maybe 60?". As long as you have reached at least 60% paranormal findings, you can open the drawer here to get a photo piece (3/5). Look at the cot and pick up the note. Look on top of the TV on the floor here to get another photo piece (4/5).
Go back downstairs into the living room and down to the basement. Use the hexagon key on the power box on the wall here and turn on the power. Go back up to the kitchen and charge your battery again. Go upstairs into the last locked room you opened, and you will find a small opening in the back part of the room. Crawl inside and swallow the pill Risk taker.
During this rest period, start on camera 1 and record several sets of paranormal findings as the sheet moves towards you. Once it is upon you, switch to camera 2 and record several more sets of paranormal findings of the sofa moving around. You should aim to reach 100% of your paranormal findings tally by the end of this rest period Professional investigator.
Part 4
Go into the bedroom near the hanging dolls. Place your thin piece of metal over the chart of letters again to see the message "It's your turn now". Head downstairs and go through the front door of the house, starting what is known as the Hell's Loop. After you reach a segment where you go downstairs and reach a locked gate, go back up the stairs and just through the door. Turn around and go back down the stairs, and now you can open the gate. Pick up the final photo piece (5/5) Collector.
Turn around and follow the passage until you reach an area where you hear a chainsaw. Keep going around the corners until you can take the doll. Go out to the main red area and head through to find a second doll. Come back out and get a third doll from between the 3 hanging sheets. Make your way through a narrow winding passage now until you reach the final door. There are 4 possible endings you can now discover:
- Ending 1/4: Choose not to forgive (without the complete photo, without swallowing the pill). Head through the door and make your way down to the basement Grudge.
- Ending 2/4: Choose to forgive (nothing else matters). Head through the door, then wait in the dark void Forgiving.
- Ending 3/4: Choose not to forgive (after swallowing the pill). Head through the door and make your way down to the basement Drugged.
- Ending 4/4: Choose not to forgive (after completing the photo, without swallowing the pill). Head through the door and make your way down to the basement. Use the photo on the wall in the final room, then wait in the light void A true ending.