Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 1990

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  4/30/2004

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

BAT is a combination of role-playing and adventure game set in the future, on a planet called Selenia. The evil Vrangor is embroiled in a plot to detonate chemical weapons on the planet, and you are called in to investigate on behalf of the Bureau of Astral Troubleshooters.


From the starting screen, you can choose to create your own agent. Customise the statistics if you want, but the defaults are fine. Select the MOZ weapon by itself, as you won't need anything else.

Programming BOB

The first thing you should do after starting the game is set up your custom programming for BOB under the PROG 4 slot. Enter the following code:


Quit from the editing interface and save this program, then run it.

Survival Tips

  • Make sure throughout the game you keep an eye on whether you become thirsty or hungry.
  • You will need to carry some food with you, but just drink from the fountain at the park when you get thirsty.
  • Treat your injuries as soon as you have the opportunity.
  • To get more money, make sure your balance never goes below 5 credits, then play the game in the arcade.
  • Just escape all fights except with the main characters as outlined below.
  • Save your game regularly.


Head right into the WC, then enter the back stall. Talk to your contact and you will receive your weapon of choice, a Merigo hologram and a leaflet. Drop the leaflet, then exit the bathroom. From the hangar, go north twice to find Astroport Square. Enter the grey building here and use the machine to exchange 700 credits for Krells. Back out and enter the building just to the left of this (the Mecafood Center). Purchase some food here then go back outside.

Now go north twice to reach Central Junction. Enter the weapons shop on the right and purchase 2 or 3 clips of E-300 ammunition (or whatever ammo suits the weapon you chose when creating your agent). Leave the shop and go west to see where the medical center can be found later if you need it. Go south 3 times from here, then north and east. Enter the armor shop and purchase 2 Force 8 shields. Exit the shop and continue north, then enter the hotel. Talk to the man here and purchase a stay for 1 night, then use the elevator. Search the room to get an Access Card. Sleep for a while if you want, then return to the lobby and talk to the man to return your key. Leave the hotel and return to Central Junction by heading south twice, west, south, east and north twice.

You can find the Artificial Park by going north twice, west and north. Enter the park and go west to find a fountain. You can drink from here without paying, so do this regularly to quench your thirst. Return east and south to leave the park again, then go south and east so you are outside a bar.

Finding Merigo

Enter the bar and talk to the woman here, asking her about Merigo; pay her 46 Krells and she will tell you a certain racial group has been discussing him (this is different for each game). Now you need to wander around the city trying to find an alien of this type. Talk whenever you get the chance (not the speech bubble icon, the other one) and you will eventually find an alien of the right type who responds when you ask about Merigo - you will be given a time to meet this alien at the park museum.

Make sure you have at least 400 Krells, then go to Artificial Park. Head inside and go west, then have another drink and sleep here until your meeting is due to occur - you can check the time by talking to the alien here. When the time comes, go north twice, east and into the museum to find your contact; pay him 100 Krells to be told that Merigo can be found at the Xifo club - again note down the time that he can be found there. Buy an access pass from your contact for 300 Krells, before returning to the entrance to Artificial Park again.

From here, head north, east twice, north twice, and east into the club. Again you can check the time by talking to the short guy here, and can sleep until the next meeting is to occur. When Merigo arrives he will instantly attack, so be prepared to activate your force field and your weapon, and attack until he is defeated. Search the screen to find an electronic key that you will need later. Now you can leave the club.

Lydia and Sloan

Head south twice so you are at the entrance to the Hot Quarter. If you are injured, go back to see the doctor, otherwise you now need to meet up with two more important characters, both accessible from right here.

If the time is between 02:00 and 04:00, head east into the night club (you will have to pay 50 Krells to get inside). Lydia will ask you to dance with her. Agree to this, then quickly click the mouse buttons alternately until the dancing is done, and Lydia will join you in your travels.

If the time is between 13:00 and 14:00, head west into the games arcade (make sure you have at least 1000 Krells). When you approach the Bizzy game during these hours, Sloan will challenge you to a game. After Sloan plays first, make sure you at least beat his score by one level, then deliberately lose; when given the choice of reward, have Sloan act as your guide.

Arranging Transport

From the entrance to the Hot Quarter, go south twice to reach the airlock entrance, and go north to find the airlock itself. Try to go through, and Sloan will allow you access; try to go through again and you will make it through the airlock. Go to the top right and try to pay; you will be asked to pay 5900 Krells for a DRAG; say no and then write down the number that Lydia gives you. Head south 7 times, southwest and south to return to your starting location. Use the phone here on the left and dial the number Lydia told you. Make an appointment, then take your credit card back and leave the phone.

Go back to the Hot Quarter entrance by heading north 7 times and east twice, then continue north 3 times and into the building. Enter the elevator, then ask Kortakis for credits; you will receive 3000 credits and Lydia will receive a jewel. Now head south 10 times to reach Astroport Square. Head east behind the hotel and go north twice and east to find the MobyTrack. Save your game here, in case you get lost. Use the MobyTrack, then follow these directions:

  • Go forwards until you see open black doorways on one side or the other
  • Turn left at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the second doorway
  • Turn left at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Turn left at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the second doorway
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the second doorway
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you

Move ahead 5 screens until Lydia can insert her jewel into a hole - say Yes when prompted to do this. Search the screen here to find an access card. Now head back to the MobyTrack, and follow these directions:

  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Turn left at the first doorway
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Turn around 180 degrees
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Ignore the door immediately to your right, but turn right at the next doorway
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Turn left at the first doorway
  • Turn left at the first doorway
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Turn around 180 degrees
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Turn right at the first doorway
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Turn around 180 degrees
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you
  • Go straight through the door ahead of you

Leave this room, then go south, north and west to return to Astroport Square. Enter the money changer and use the machine so you have at least 5900 Krells. You should also have at least 1 full ammo clip and 1 full force field.

Finding Vrangor

Head to the airlock entrance again by going north 6 times. Instead of continuing north, head west to a technician's room. Talk to the guy on the left, who will let you use the computer since you have an appropriate access card (from your hotel room). Make a note of the access code (made of Ls and Rs). Go back and then north to the airlock. Go to the top right room again and agree to pay 5900 Krells for the DRAG. Get in the vehicle, which is to the lower left of the hangar.

Speed up by repeatedly left-clicking, and drive around until you see an orange dot on the radar (this only happens if you have the access card from the underground base). Drive to the orange base and slow right down by repeatedly right-clicking. Once inside the base, use the control panel and enter the code you just got from the computer. Go through the door and kill Vrangor the same way you killed Merigo before.