Undying Thoughts
Game Details: Fantasy, 2016
Steam Achievements: Missing (0/18)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 1/31/2017
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Read the letter on the wooden table, then pick up the stone next to it. Try to use this stone on the door, but it won't fit properly. Examine the back of the stone in your inventory and turn the triangles correctly to match the holes in the door. Now use the stone in the door and go through.
Main Square
There is a large stone monolith in the middle of this area. You can check the doors in this area, but they are all locked for now. Find a staircase up in the back of the area and follow it under an archway.
Hanging Platform
Pull the wooden lever on the right to lower the first half of a bridge. Continue forward and pick up the orange torch, then read the letter beneath it. Go back along the platforms.
Main Square
Find a house up a set of wooden stairs just to the left and you will see that its door contains a set of 5 concentric circles. Use the round symbols from the 2 letters you have obtained thus far to work out the combination for this door lock; use the mechanism to replicate the combination from the letters and the door will open. Head inside and open the chest, grabbing the double crank handle from inside. Go back outside and up a slope across the other side of the square, to find a large wooden structure. Insert your double crank handle and turn it to reveal a sliding block puzzle. Stand up on the platform and look down at the puzzle: the objective is to get the metal block to the top right. Once you have done this, turn the handle again, then go around and slide the metal block to the left to lower a platform. Climb up the platform into the building.
Crystal Lab
Read the letter on the round desk, then pick up the notebook. Read the book on the far table, and look at a piece of paper containing 5 symbols on the left. Go back to the entrance to the lab and you will find a large lever just to the right - pull it down to unlock 2 metal gates outside.
Main Square
Leave the lab and go to a table just to the right, where you can pick up a plate with some shells on it. Now go straight across the main square and open a metal gate opposite. Go through to a new area.
South Passage
Take the right passage initially, and continue along the right branches of the path to reach the next location.
Go around the outside stairs of the building to reach the top. Use your orange torch on the spotlight, then look through it and turn until you are pointed at the lens on the ground near the base of the stairs. Go back down the stairs and pull the lever just to the right of the lens, then push the button on the column that rises up - this should light up. Go back over the walkways.
South Passage
Find another column out on an octagonal jetty to the right and press its button - this should also light up. Head back towards the watchtower.
Go past the watchtower and up a passage to the right, where you will find another column to the right of a closed metal gate. Press its button - this should light up. Go back along the walkways and find a small alcove in the left with the 4th and final column. Press its button and the column will retract into the ground. Now return to the top of the watchtower. Look through the spotlight and aim it up and left through a metal ring inside the crystal lab. While you are still here, go into the room at the base of the watchtower and pick up the glass lens. Also read the letter here. Leave this area and return back to the main square.
Main Square
There should now be an open column in front of the large stone monolith. Take the metal plate. Turn left and you will see a door in the distance that has a circle in the middle and a panel to the right. Use your metal plate on this panel to the right - you can now press the buttons on it, but you don't yet know the correct order. Leave here and enter the crystal lab again.
Crystal Lab
Go and insert your lens in the metal ring, and if you have shone the spotlight correctly you will now be able to see some blue symbols projected on to the wall here. Using the piece of paper with 5 symbols from earlier (it is still there on the other side of this room) and the blue symbols on the wall, you can piece together a 5-symbol code. Enter this on the grid to the left of the entrance to this building (the symbols are in these locations):
Now head down the staircase that is revealed. Pick up the glass flask and blue torch. You can try to open the wooden door here, but it won't budge. Head back outside and return to the area through the archway on the other side of the square.
Hanging Platform
Attach your glass flask to the hook that is attached to the spool of rope, and place your plate of shells inside it. Now turn the handle to lower the flask, and turn it again to raise it. Collect your flask, which should now contain an electric eel. Go back to the crystal lab again.
Crystal Lab
Turn left when you enter, and pour the water and electric eel into the basin on the left. Put the blue torch in the holder just to the right, then take it back after it is charged. Leave the crystal lab and go back to the watchtower (you should be able to open a gate around to the right as a shortcut now).
Climb the tower and remove the orange torch from the spotlight, then insert your blue torch. Look through the spotlight and turn around to look at the rocky islands until you see a group of symbols. Retrieve the blue torch and go back to the main square.
Main Square
While you are holding the blue torch, you will see some symbols on the sliding block puzzle you solved earlier. Turn the handle on the side, then climb the stairs and look down at the puzzle. Arrange the 4 symbols here in a small square in the same orientation as those you just saw on the rock. Pick up the key from the box that rises up, then head inside.
Crystal Lab
Go down the stairs and use your key on the locked wooden door, then head inside. Read the letter, then open the book and take the key from inside. Also pick up the first brass key before heading outside again.
Main Square
Head towards the monolith, then turn left and approach a closed door with a pentagon inside a circle on it. Insert the knob in the pentagon. Now insert your rectangular metal plate on the right and hold the blue torch. Press the buttons on the metal plate, following the arrow indicated by your blue torch. Go through the open door into a new area.
North Shore
Follow the path to the right and read the letter on the anvil. Look at the cannister on the bench behind; you need to raise the lever on the right all the way to the top by pushing it in or out. Once the top opens, take the key from inside. Go further along the path to the right, beneath an archway into a new area. Take a second key from a work bench. Go back past the open oven to find a large chest on the ground, and use both keys to open it. Take the handle from inside, and make a note of the symbols on the inner aspect of the chest. Go back past the oven and you should see 4 more symbols on a poster with an arrow pointing to the right. Go beneath the archway again and insert your handle in the device with the light shining on it.
You now need to create the series of 4 symbols using the light projector, and after each one, you should pull the handle down - this will light up one of the indicators to the right of the handle if correct. The positions of the lights can be worked out using the poster and the inside of the chest:
Take the very large key that comes out from the right of the machine. Turn around and find a small boat. Insert the key and turn it until the boat starts, then hang on for the ride. Once you reach your destination, follow the path beneath an archway.
Crossing Island
Pick up 2 small vases from the area on the left, then proceed forward over a bridge.
Alchemy Lab
Pick up 3 more small vases from this area, as well as a black jug, a test tube and a small spoon. Read a letter on the central bench. Explore the other walkway leading away from the lab to discover one more small vase. Look at the poster on the wall of the alchemy lab - the points on the chart indicate the frequencies of musical notes. Go back to the first area on this island.
Crossing Island
You need to now place 5 of your 6 small vases on the turntable in the first area and then pull the lever to make music based on the poster in the alchemy lab. To help, start by putting the triangular vase on the far left, then the largest vase, the tall thin vase, the spherical vase with the long neck, and finally the vase with a waist in the middle. If you get it right, the nearby door will open so you can go through.
Go straight ahead through the first set of curtains. Look in a small wooden cupboard to the right and take some metal shears from inside. Search the other side of this room to find a scroll, and open it in your inventory to see a recipe. Go through the second set of curtains and turn left to find a desk. Read the letter on the desk, and pick up the key. Turn around and go back through the curtains and past the alchemy lab.
Alchemy Lab
Go to where you found the 6th small vase and use your new key on the locked door, then go through. Pull the lever to lower the second half of the bridge. You can now get back to the first part of the island. Go to the crystal lab.
Crystal Lab
Approach the controls that let you reveal the staircase earlier, and enter the new code from the letter you just found:
Go over to the panel that is revealed and click on the buttons until all lights are lit - a new doorway will open. Go inside and pick up the red crystal from the stand on the desk. Now head back through the main square, over the bridge to the other part of the island.
Alchemy Lab
Find the cauldron in the middle section of the room. Flip down the lighter to the left and insert your red crystal, then the water will all evaporate from the cauldron. Turn around and approach the lab bench, and click on the glass tube containing light green powder; it will dissolve the clear crystal. Now you are ready to create the recipe on the scroll you found in the gardens:
- collect 2 test tubes full of purple fluid from the large vat on the wall and pour them into the cauldron
- take 1 spoonful of orange powder and put it into the cauldron
- take 2 spoonfuls of red powder and put them into the cauldron
- take 1 spoonful of purple powder and put it into the cauldron
- take 2 spoonfuls of blue powder and put them into the cauldron
Place your black jug just to the right of the cauldron, then use the device above it to transfer your potion into the jug and pick it up again.
Before going through the first set of curtains, there is a large brass device on the right. Pour the potion from your black jug into the grating on the left of this device, then turn the valve; this will create a shower of fluid on to the flowers through the curtains. Go there and use your shears to get a large blue flower from the right of the flower area. Go through the second curtain and place the blue flower in the crusher, then turn the handle. While you are here, put your test tube in the holder in front of the crusher. Turn around and look at the painting on the easel whilst holding your blue torch and you will see a grid of recipe ingredients; you need to make the recipe in the 3rd column. Collect these flowers:
- 1 large blue flower from the right (already collected)
- 1 long red flower from the left
- 2 small red flowers from the right
- 1 dark pink flower from the left
- 1 long curved purple flower from the left
Now take the test tube which should contain red fluid. Head back to the alchemy lab again.
Alchemy Lab
You now need to make another potion, by using the recipe on the side table:
- pour your test tube of red fluid into the cauldron
- collect 1 test tube full of light blue fluid from the large vat on the wall and pour it into the cauldron
- collect 1 test tube full of purple fluid from the large vat on the wall and pour it into the cauldron
- collect 2 test tubes full of green fluid from the large vat on the wall and pour them into into the cauldron
- take 1 spoonful of green powder and put it into the cauldron
- take 2 spoonfuls of white powder and put them into the cauldron
- take 1 spoonful of yellow powder and put it into the cauldron
Place your black jug just to the right of the cauldron, then use the device above it to transfer your potion into the jug and pick it up again. Leave this area and head back to the first part of the island.
Enter the room at the base of the watchtower and pour your black jug over the large crystal to melt it. Take the second brass key, then open the cupboard and pick up the wooden sticks. Go back through the main square to the north shore region.
North Shore
Go straight ahead past the anvil and use your new wooden sticks to repair the ladder so you can climb up.
Northern Viewpoint
Pick up the gear key from the table ahead, then pick up the handle and read the letter on a second table. Turn around and leave this area, then go back through the main square to the hanging platform.
Hanging Platform
Use your new key on the small box on the table, and a staircase will rise up so you can head down to a new area. Pick up the battery from the ground, then go through the door to return to the main square.
Main Square
Go just left of the doorway towards the North Shore area, and insert your handle into the slot up on the small platform. Pull the handle to open the door and go inside. Pick up a wooden cup from the table on the left and read the letter. Put your battery in the converter in here (there will now be 3 lights turned on). Leave here and return to the gardens.
Go to the set of shelves on the right in the first section of the gardens, and take the glass. Collect a small red flower from just left of the next curtains. Go through the curtains and put your glass on the device straight ahead, then put your red flower above it and pull the handle down to extract the fluid. Pick up the glass again and return to the pipe machine.
Main Square
Drink the glass of red liquid and look at the red paint on the side table to see the numbers 3719. Turn the symbols on the combination lock to the left to create this code, then press the button on the right. Take the battery from inside the device and add it to the converter (there will now be 5 lights turned on). Go outside again and up the stairs into the crystal lab.
Crystal Lab
Look in the shelves over towards the right and you will find a sheet of paper with 2 codes, and a combination safe above with 2 buttons. Use the buttons to enter the top code (up, up, down, up, up, down, down, up, down, up). Take a brown metal device from inside, then examine it in your inventory and stretch it open - it will double in height. Return outside and make your way towards the watchtower via the original long route. Find a new jetty off to the left and you will discover a new area.
Enter the other code from the crystal lab on the door here (up, down, down, down, up, down, up, up, down, down). Inside the cave, read the letter on the desk to the right, and pick up the adjacent metal gear. Now you need to use the two diagrams of the large stone pattern on the wall to work out which order to press 8 of its segments. You need to press the segments that are shaded on the one diagram, in ascending numerical order on the other diagram - numerically these are segments 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15. This will open a stone doorway, but it will still be covered by a gate. Go back outside and make your way to the watchtower.
Climb to the top and use your stretched brown metal device on the spotlight, then sit your red crystal on it. Look through the spotlight and aim it at the red flag over the crystal lab to burn it away. Take note of the symbol on the rock face behind the burned flag, then retrieve the red crystal and brown metal device before returning to the cave.
When you look at the large stone pattern on the wall, the arrows now point downwards, so the paper version on the desk is upside down. You need to press the segments that were shaded on the rock face behind the flag (upside down), in ascending numerical order on the upside down version of the paper diagram - numerically these are segments 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16. This will open the gate, so head through. Try to pick up the battery, but the door closes; you need to put something of equal weight on the pedestal, so put the battery back down for now. Head outside and go to the main square.
Main Square
Go to the room with the converter and retrieve one of the batteries, then leave and head to the watchtower.
Enter the building on the left at the base of the tower. Place the battery on the right side of the scales, then use your spoon to put 4 spoonfuls of sand into the container on the left of the scales - the sides should match perfectly. Now put your wooden cup on the platform to the left. Put 3 spoonfuls of sand on to the red paper on the left, then turn the handle and the sand will fall into the wooden cup. Place the cup on the right of the scales and it should match perfectly. Now head back to the main square.
Main Square
Put the battery back in the converter slot to make sure the door in the cave is open.
Pick up the battery from the pedestal and replace it with your wooden cup - since they are the same weight you can leave again. You will be met by a glowing entity that will warn you to leave. Ignore this and return to the main square.
Main Square
Put your new battery in the converter (there will now be 7 lights turned on). Go outside and head to the left of the crystal lab into a new area.
Pull the lever on the left wall and you will see a bridge come down and quickly go back up before you can cross it. Further on, you will find a device with a colored gauge and two levers. Moving the large lever into one of its 4 positions will change the effect of the small lever, either increasing or decreasing the position of the gauge by 5 or 7 spaces. You need to get the gauge to the point between yellow and red, by having the large lever on the left twice, right twice, and left once more. Now go and pull the first lever on the left wall and the bridge will stay down long enough for you to cross over. Turn around and pull another lever to the side of the bridge and it will now stay down forever.
Turn to the side to find a desk. Read the letter and pick up the round metal device. Go to the tables opposite and collect another round metal device and a stone pot. Go to the wooden door and open it to find a shortcut back to the jetty area. Now head all the way back to the alchemy lab.
Alchemy Lab
Put your stone pot on the holder beneath the large clear gel vat. Turn the handle to fill the pot with the clear gel, then pick it up again. Head through the main square to the north shore.
North Shore
Open the large oven door just inside the entrance to this area. Put the pot of gel and the red crystal inside, then pull the lever. Wait until the oven opens again, then retrieve the pot and the red crystal. Go back to the mines.
Put the stone pot back where you found it and press the button to the left to tip out the solid gel so you can pick it up. Go back out to the main square.
Main Square
Go to the converter building and look to the left to see a brass device on the wall. Place one of your round metal devices into it, then the solid gel, then the other round metal device. Pick up a new battery and place it in the convert machine (now all 8 lights will be turned on). Leave the square and climb the ladder to get up to the northern viewpoint again.
Northern Viewpoint
Head right around until you see a desk with a dial and wires going across to the opposite building. You need to align the rings on the dial so their gaps are pointing right. You can do this by turning the dials with the central handle, and switching which rings are turned using the button on the right. Once they are all aligned, go back down to the north shore and enter the new building that you just opened.
The Mechanics
The Mechanics
Read the letter on the desk, then read a series of 6 rules governing a puzzle. Go over to the left corner of the room and set the positions of the puzzle pieces as follows:
Pull the lever on the right and a gear will extend from the left. Head outside and up the ladder again.
Northern Viewpoint
Head around to the desk and dial again. Now you need to align the rings on the dial so their gaps are pointing left. Go back down to the main square, and enter the opposite side of the mechanics building.
The Mechanics
Examine the device on the left. Press the bottom button and watch a sequence of lights - repeat the sequence correctly and one segment of a top light will turn on. Repeat this twice more (the longest sequence has 14 lights to remember), then open the gate. Place your metal gear on the empty knob here. Go back out and up the ladder again.
Northern Viewpoint
Return to the desk and pull the lever on the left - you will see a transformation occur in the building. Head back there now.
The Mechanics
Look on the curved desk and pick up the 4-pronged key from the velvet-lined box. Take this back to the mines.
Go to the back area of the mines where the desk was and look at the small device on the ground in front of the desk. If you insert your 4-pronged key, some of the white rods on the device will stick up - you need to get them all to stick up. Adjust the key in your inventory so the first prong is down, the third prong is up, and the second and fourth are in the middle position. Insert the key again and all 4 white rods will stick up.
Now you will see 4 cylinders on the wall with some lit segments. You need to get 10 lit segments in the 3rd cylinder, by moving them between the cylinders. To move segments, drag the bottom handle to the desired destination, push the button at the desired origin, then pull down the handle on the right side. From the starting position make these moves:
- Starting position (9, 0, 0, 4)
- Move 4 to 3 (9, 0, 4, 0)
- Move 1 to 3 (1, 0, 12, 0)
- Move 3 to 4 (1, 0, 3, 9)
- Move 3 to 2 (1, 3, 0, 9)
- Move 4 to 3 (1, 3, 9, 0)
- Move 1 to 3 (0, 3, 10, 0)
Open the cage just to the right, put your orange torch inside, and close the cage again. The puzzle will now reset and require 6 segments in the 3rd cylinder. From the starting position make these moves:
- Starting position (9, 0, 0, 4)
- Move 4 to 3 (9, 0, 4, 0)
- Move 1 to 3 (1, 0, 12, 0)
- Move 3 to 4 (1, 0, 3, 9)
- Move 1 to 2 (0, 1, 3, 9)
- Move 4 to 2 (0, 4, 3, 6)
- Move 3 to 1 (3, 4, 0, 6)
- Move 4 to 3 (3, 4, 6, 0)
The puzzle will reset once more and require 11 segments in the 3rd cylinder. From the starting position make these moves:
- Starting position (9, 0, 0, 4)
- Move 4 to 3 (9, 0, 4, 0)
- Move 1 to 3 (1, 0, 12, 0)
- Move 3 to 4 (1, 0, 3, 9)
- Move 4 to 2 (1, 4, 3, 5)
- Move 2 to 3 (1, 0, 7, 5)
- Move 4 to 2 (1, 4, 7, 1)
- Move 2 to 3 (1, 0, 11, 1)
The cage will explode, and you can now take a white torch from inside. Head back out of the cave (in the direction towards the crystal lab) and turn left, then immediately right.
Go along the walkway until there is a segment missing. Place your white torch in the holder on the wall and the walkway will continue. Retrieve the white torch, then continue forward.
Swamp Isles
Continue along the path and search the 2 cupboards to get a signal generator. Head over the bridge and you will see the glowing entity again. Crossing the bridge will take you to some doors you can't open yet, so return and go left. A large boulder will move aside to reveal a passage back to the north shore. Go back to the main square and into the mechanics.
The Mechanics
Place your white torch in the holder on the wall, and all the symbols around the edges of the room will light up. The positions of the symbols is determined by the order of the batteries you have inserted in the converter. You need to get the symbols in the correct order as indicated on the large diagram on the blackboard in the mechanics room. Head back to the converter room.
Main Square
Swap the positions of the batteries so that from left to right they are: diamond, hexagon, circle, rectangle, oval. Head back to the mechanics.
The Round Key
The Mechanics
The button on the middle pedestal will now be lit, so press it. Climb up the spiral staircase and read the letter here. Send a signal to the blue globe on the wall and it will turn white. Pull the lever down beneath the globe and the ceiling will open. Head back outside to the north shore.
North Shore
Go out towards the jetty with the chest and look up to see another blue globe on the side of a tall mountain. Send a signal up there and you should see a target open next to it. Now head back up to the mechanics.
The Mechanics
Climb up the spiral staircase again. Use the large white buttons near the window to guide the spotlight and point it directly at the target you just opened - if you check the compass you should be at 70 degrees. Zoom your view to look at the target and note the pattern you see (you may need to move the light aside to do this). Pull the large lever on the spotlight in the middle of the room and it will reveal its inner workings - a series of dials that when used together create a pattern; this pattern is lit up on the wall to the right. Spin the dials to recreate the pattern on the target, then close the controls and you will see a flash of light indicating you have set it correctly. Head outside again.
Swamp Isles
Go over the bridge, and the large doors will now be open. Go through to see a central glass sphere and a green laser. Turn the dial on the laser to point it at the sphere, then turn the sphere to direct the laser to another target on the next island. Now press the hand symbol next to the laser origin and you will teleport to the target. Pull the large lever here, and a pillar will rise up beneath the sphere back on the first isle. Continue along the path here to find a desk containing a diagram showing the direction you need to get the green lasers to go around the isles, a letter, and the first part of a round key.
There are 2 control panels present here. The first has 4 paddles and a lever on the left, and lets you light up some of its points. The second has a lever on the right (which turns on this panel and turns off the controls for the other) and lets you press the A button to rotate orbs at the points that were lit up on the first panel. You need to turn each of the orbs so the light flows in the direction shown on the diagram on the desk. Once they are all pointing correctly, use the first control panel to activate all the points, then activate the second and the orbs will all light up. Use the hand symbol to teleport back to the first isle.
Turn the laser origin up to aim at the raised sphere. Pull the lever here to lower the sphere again, and spin it around towards the lever. Pull the lever to raise it, and the laser should end up hitting a high target on another isle. Use the hand symbol to teleport there now. Open the large panel and solve the light routing puzzle to get light to go out through the bottom pipe. Now take the green crystal and new lens from the smaller panel. Use the hand symbol to teleport back down, then leave this area.
Climb up the watchtower and use your stretched brown metal device and green crystal on the spotlight. Look through it and find a target just up and right from the crystal lab. Use the hand symbol to teleport up there and climb up the steps.
The Summit
Read the book on the desk, then you will see the glowing entity again and learn its name is Gamana. Go all the way out on the tip of the rock and turn right to see another blue globe. Send a signal to it to create your next target. Teleport back to the watchtower.
Retrieve the green crystal and brown metal device, then go all the way back down to the mechanics.
The Mechanics
Climb up the spiral staircase again. Use the large white buttons near the window to guide the spotlight and point it directly at the new target - if you check the compass you should be at 347 degrees. Zoom your view to look at the target and note the pattern you see (you may need to move the light aside to do this). Pull the large lever on the spotlight in the middle of the room. Insert your new lens, and spin the dials to recreate the pattern on the target. Close the controls and make sure you have illuminated the target correctly. Head outside and travel to the alchemy lab.
Alchemy Lab
Use your green crystal on the device on the floor next to the large pot, then use the hand symbol to teleport up to the roof. Read another letter here, and grab the second part of a round key. Read the book on the desk to see a new flower recipe that you will soon make (2nd column), and also look at some flower pictures over to the left. Just left of the desk is a tall brass structure with a button on the front. Place the scroll from your inventory in the top of this device, press the button, and take it back. Open it in your inventory to see a new recipe. Use the hand symbol to teleport back down to the lab, then collect your green crystal and go to the watchtower.
Collect 1 spoonful of sand from the the building on the left at the base of the tower. Head to the gardens.
Go through the first set of curtains and go to the shelves on the right. Collect a glowing green flower from the left of the shelves. Go through the second curtain and place the blue flower in the crusher, then turn the handle. While you are here, put your test tube in the holder in front of the crusher. Now you need to complete another flower recipe from the book you just saw in the alchemy lab. Collect these flowers:
- 1 glowing green flower from the shelves (already collected)
- 1 glowing purple flower from the shelves
- 2 orange flowers from the shelves
- 1 large white flower from the left
- 1 large yellow flower from the right
Now take the test tube which should contain orange fluid. Head back to the alchemy lab again.
Alchemy Lab
Now you need to create the new recipe on your scroll:
- pour your test tube of orange fluid into the cauldron
- collect 1 test tube full of light blue fluid from the large vat on the wall and pour it into the cauldron
- put your 1 spoonful of sand into the cauldron
- take 2 spoonfuls of grey powder and put them into the cauldron
- take 1 spoonful of green powder and put it into the cauldron
Place your black jug just to the right of the cauldron, then use the device above it to transfer your potion into the jug and pick it up again. Go to the watchtower once more.
Climb up the watchtower and use your stretched brown metal device and green crystal on the spotlight. Aim at the target at the summit again (you may still be aiming at it). Use the hand symbol to teleport up there and climb up the steps.
Pour your potion into the funnel at the base of the plants covering the large panel and they will die. Open the panel and solve another light routing puzzle to get white light to go from top to right, and orange light to go from left to right. Now take the new lens from the smaller panel. Use the hand symbol to teleport back down, then leave this area.
Main Square
Go to the platforms just outside the main square heading towards the alchemy lab and you will see another blue sphere up on a small rock face. Send a signal here and a target will rise up next to it.
The Mechanics
Climb up the spiral staircase again. Use the large white buttons near the window to guide the spotlight and point it directly at the new target - if you check the compass you should be at 248 degrees. Zoom your view to look at the target and note the pattern you see (you may need to move the light aside to do this). Pull the large lever on the spotlight in the middle of the room. Insert your new lens, and spin the dials to recreate the pattern on the target. Close the controls and make sure you have illuminated the target correctly. Head outside and travel to the hanging platform.
Hanging Platform
Go around to the lower area and open the panel (its doors will fall off). Solve another light routing puzzle to get both beams of split light to converge and go out through the bottom pipe. Now take the magnet from the smaller panel. Go up to the well in the hanging platform area. Hang the magnet from the hook. Now turn the handle to lower the magnet, and turn it again to raise it. Open the safe and take the third part of a round key. Go to the watchtower.
Climb up the watchtower and use your white torch on the spotlight. Aim at the small target on the ground in front of the watchtower. Go down there and open the small panel, then take the fourth part of a round key. Go back up and grab the white torch again.
The Mechanics
Use the 4 parts of the round key to open the box on the desk, then take the third brass key from inside. Go out to the main square.
Main Square
Go to the small pillar in front of the stone monolith, and you will see the expected positions of the prongs of your brass keys. Insert all 3 keys, and the monolith will descend. Get inside and press the button to go up to the top, where you will get a great view of the island. Flip both levers to the down positions, then press the button again to descend to ground level. Flip both levers to the up positions, and press the button once more to go below ground.
The Cave
Start towards the tunnel and Gamana will talk to you again. Head down the tunnel and you will find a torch holder and a locked door. Keep going and read the letter up on the raised platform. Turn around and open the tin to find a programmable key to take. Read the nearby note, then look at the large panel of numbers; this is a puzzle that has a different solution every time you play. Place the key in front of the panel, then select 4 numbers and the key will be changed. Take the key and insert it in the box opposite, then a display will show you a number of white and yellow squares - this tells you how many numbers are correctly positioned, how many are incorrectly positioned, and how many are not there at all (a simple game of "Mastermind"). Change your numbers and try again up to 7 times, then the puzzle will reset to a new combination if you haven't solved it correctly. If you have, 2 panels will open. In the lower panel, take the small cross key and look at the engraved pattern here. Take the programmable key back from its slot and program the code 6213 into it (to match the engraved pattern). The top panel still requires some sort of key to open.
Go back to the previously locked door and first use your small cross key, then your programmable key to get through. Look in the small cupboard here and take a disc. Now turn around and examine the large steaming machine; turn the dials on the right to establish a power connection from the top to the semicircle on the second-bottom row (you need to come from beneath it), then open the drawer and take a large gear piece from inside. Go back to the raised area and up to the top panel. Insert the small disc, then use your small cross key to open the gate. Take the brick from inside. Now head to the torch holder and use the brick in its base, then insert your white torch. Head over the wooden platform that appears. Enter the lift and press the button to descend. Step forward out of the lift in a new area.
Underground Square
Go to the central platform and insert your gear piece to open the passage to the left. Go through the archway.
Left Tunnel
Follow the tunnel all the way to a round antechamber containing a central machine and surrounding ropes and ladders. Grab a small weight and a large weight from the round platform on the machine (beneath the main handle). Place both of these around the rope to the right and they will be gripped automatically. Pull the lever on this rope and the lowest ladder will move around the room. Climb up and take a medium weight, then go back to the machine. Pull the main handle, and retrieve the other 2 weights.
Now place the small weight on the rope to the lowest ladder, the medium weight on the rope to the middle ladder, and the large weight on the rope to the top ladder. Pull the levers above all the ropes and the ladders will move around the room. Climb up the two stacked ladders and collect yet another weight. Pull the main handle, and retrieve the other 3 weights.
Now place the second largest weight on the rope to the lowest ladder, the smallest and largest weights on the rope to the middle ladder, and the remaining weight on the rope to the top ladder. Pull the levers above all the ropes and the ladders will move around the room. Climb up all three stacked ladders to reach the room's exit. Climb up the stairs and press the button to find a new location.
The diagram on the wall describes how to open the next door. You are currently at point A and need to make it to point B, although it is easier to think of the solution with the diagram flipped horizontally. If you go into the next corridor you will see 4 dials on the wall. Turn them to the following positions to get from A to B:
- Right and up
- Right and left
- Right and down
- Down and left
Press the button to open the door, but there is still a grate in your way. Go back to the first room and put your green crystal in the stand. Use the hand symbol and you will teleport to the second room. Pull the hanging light switch above you and the scenery will change.
Underwater Corridor
The diagram on the wall here describes how to open the next door in 2 stages. Again it is easier to think of the solution with the diagram flipped horizontally. Set the dials in the second corridor as follows to get from C to E:
- Right and up
- Up-right and down-left
- Down-right and down-left
- Down-right and up-left
Use the hand symbol to teleport back to the first room, and switch the green crystal for your red crystal. Now set the dials in the first corridor as follows to get from A to C:
- Right and down
- Down-right and up-left
- Up and left
- Right and up
If you look through the grate and have set everything correctly, you should be able to make out a red beam in the far room, and it should have cut the rope holding the cover over point D. Now you need to change the first corridor dials back again to get from A to B:
- Right and up
- Right and left
- Right and down
- Down and left
Switch the red crystal for your green crystal and use the hand symbol to teleport to the second room. Set the dials in the second corridor as follows to get from C to D:
- Right and left
- Right and up
- Right and left
- Up and left
Go back and use the hand symbol to teleport to the first room. Adjust the dials in the first corridor to get from A to C again:
- Right and down
- Down-right and up-left
- Up and left
- Right and up
Use the hand symbol and you will teleport much further this time.
Underwater Hideaway
Take the large key from the wall, then read the letter on the desk. Go and find 3 levers to flip to the up position, then press the button near the diving suit and you will end up outside under water. Walk around here and find 4 round discs containing codes:
- 1 IH3
- 2 IIC8
- 3 IIF1
- 4 ID9
You also need to find 3 levers outside to flip to their up positions. Once you have done this, head back to the airlock and press the button to return inside. Hold your blue torch and look at the grids of numbers on each wall. Using the codes from the round discs out in the water, you can work out a 4-digit sequence 0835. Enter these as the top 4 digits of the combination on the central device, then try options for the final digit until you find out it is 3. Open the drawer and take another large gear piece from inside. Teleport back using the hand symbol.
Underwater Corridor
Take your green crystal, press the white button to open the door, and return all the way to the underground square.
Underground Square
Go to the central platform and insert your second gear piece to open the passage to the left. Go through the archway, and you will be stopped by Gamana. Walk towards Gamana over the void (you will not fall).
Spirit Corridor
Follow Gamana along the passage, picking up the blue crystals from a table near the end. Climb the stairs around the shrine and pick up a key from the top. Go back until you find a gate, then unlock it with the key. Proceed up the stairs and turn the handle on the right to lift a large rock. Go down and climb the opposite stairs, and put your blue crystals in the container. Go back up the first stairs and turn the handle on the left to drop the rock on to the crystals. Now go to the small platform beneath the crushed crystals and place your empty basket there, and it will fill up with blue powder. Pick up the basket of blue powder and take it towards the shrine. Go to the top of the stairs and put the powder in the tray. After a long display from Gamana, go back to the start of the spirit corridor.
Underground Square
Follow Gamana over the void again into a new area.
Right Tunnel
Pull the handle on the end of the device and a tray will come towards you. Pull the right lever twice, then put your green crystal on the tray. Pull the right lever once more, and your crystal will be taken away. Now use the hand symbol to teleport. Pick up your green crystal from the other end, then press the white button and go through the door.
Lower Mechanics
Go straight ahead and read the letter on the desk with the rainbow prism. Come back a bit and you will find a control area with 2 large consoles. The console on the left lets you spin concentric rings to open doorways labeled I and II; you spin the rings by entering numeric codes. Start by opening doorway I by entering the code 2, 0, 2, -1 and pressing the start button. Go over through doorway I. Find a small container on the desk and insert the large key you picked up in the underwater hideaway. Press the blue button inside the container.
Head back out to the consoles and now open doorway II by entering the code 1, -1, -3, 2 and pressing the reset button and then the start button. Now look at the console on the right side, which lets you move the rooms around. Move the orange room to position C (left lever to orange, right lever to C). Move the white room to position B (left lever to white, right lever to B). Go over and climb the spiral staircase, where you can pick up a small gear and flip a switch down.
Next head back down to the desk with the rainbow prism and go up the stairs beyond - the gate here is open because of the switch you just flipped. Insert the gear into the slot in the machine, but it looks like you will need 2 more to fill the gap. Turn around and enter doorway II behind you, where you will find another gear. Put that into the machine as well - now you only need one more. Return to the consoles and move the orange room to position A, then the white room to position C. Go up the stairs beyond the desk again and press the button on the right as you go through the gate - this will extend a large robotic arm. Climb up the stairs and grab the final gear from the arm, then insert it into the machine. Pull the lever 3 times and you will see the code to a safe. Open the drawer and take another large gear piece from inside.
Head back to the desk and go around the other side of the round room to find a large safe. Enter the combination you just learned: 46, 11, 37, 77 (press the button after entering each number). Go through the opening.
The Cave
Go along the passage again. Press the button to call the lift, then press the button once inside to descend.
Underground Square
Go to the central platform and insert your final gear piece. Enter the new doorway when it is available, and head down the long spiral staircase.
Reservoir Cave
Head along the longest path first, and look at the blackboard at the end; this shows the sound patterns associated with 8 different doorways. Backtrack a bit and play with the display on the side to see the types of crystals associated with 5 different targets. Now return to the base of the staircase and go to the opposite path to see a series of 5 dials, each with a different target symbol. You need to go alongside the locked doors and slide the microphone along to the appropriate crystal type for each target, listen to the sound from the microphone, and go back to set the dial to the appropriate number from the blackboard. Set the dials as follows:
- Target 1 = 4
- Target 2 = 2
- Target 3 = 7
- Target 4 = 8
- Target 5 = 1
Press the button in front of the doors, and they will all open. Approach the next door, spin the wheel on it and then pull it open. Go along the electrified corridor and repeat this process with the next door.
Go around to the main desk and read the letter. Place the extra vase you have been carrying around on the empty stand near the large desk. Now head to the projector on the other side of the room, and insert your blue torch - you will see a message "6-3-2 | multorum". Spin the dial on the projector to also see an icon, and then a grid of numbers. The grid of numbers refers to the Latin text on some of the letters you have found throughout the game (for example, the first line 12-3-3 means to look on letter 12, find the 3rd Latin word at the bottom, and select the 3rd letter). Repeat this for the whole grid to spell out the word "saeculum". Type this word on the nearby typewriter, and it will print 8 symbols. Go to the door with symbols printed on it. For each of the 8 symbols on the typed paged, you need to find 2 symbols on the door that when paired together make one typed symbol. Press the pair of symbols, and if the lights on the right look correct, press the white button - each time you get a symbol correct, a light above the door will turn on. Do this 8 times and the door will open. After Gamana speaks again, head through the doorway.
The Backstage
Look at the writing on the wall, then head through the round doorway and follow the path up on to a raised platform. Pull the lever down to activate a massive green portal. Take the key from the cabinet, then go back up to the backstage entrance and use the key to open the other large round door. Head over the raised walkway and press the button to open the opposite door. Enter the room and press the white button on the right to hear a message from the Professor. Walk out into the machine and pull the lever on the left, then take the stack of papers from the right. Walk back to the previous room and put the stack of papers in the cart, then add your white torch to the holder.
Save your game as you now need to decide whether to put your red crystal or green crystal on the end of the cart - this will determine the game's ending. Pull the 3 levers on the cart to send it on its way. Take the key from the cabinet here and go back down towards the green portal. Use the key on the small panel on the end of the walkway, and you will enter the portal.