Freaky TripFreaky Trip

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2023

Steam Achievements:  Completed (26/26)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/19/2024

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Freaky Trip is a surreal fantasy adventure. You play as Salcy, on a quest to save your pet chicken from a series of dangerous situations. Your journey will take you to multiple fantastic locations where a lot of trial and error is required to proceed.


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In this level, there are 3 layers of rotating objects, some corner decorations and the seat you are on. You can click on each of these to adjust them. Start by clicking on each of these items once, and they will all be space-themed Fortune teller?. Click on each of the items 2 more times so they are all chicken/egg-themed I had a dream....


Click on each of the 5 leafy branches to reveal what is beneath them. Click on yourself near the top of the tree Grumpy. Click on the frog twice so it is on the top-right branch, then click on the rubber duck and it will knock an hourglass down to the bottom-left branch. Click on the frog 3 times, and the sun with rise. Now click on the hole in the tree Wakey Wakey.


Pick up the box and put it over the chicken. Click on the oven to light a fire. Pick up a carrot from the left basket and place it in the oven, then leave it there until it burns Lousy chef. Pick up another carrot and place it in the oven, then take it out when it is cooked and you will eat it. Now click on the box again Bon Appetit.


Pick up and throw the rock, then the tree stump, the sign, the bicycle, and finally the mushroom. Push over the chicken portrait Breathless.


Open the blinds, then close them again Photophobia. Now open them once more. Kick the cushion off the sofa, then pick up the yo-yo. Use this on the pendulum of the clock, then click on the clock face and a feather quill will end up floating down to the floor. Jump up and examine the portrait on the wall above the drawers to reveal a safe. Use the feather quill on the safe, then open the safe and a magnifying glass will fall down to the floor.

Open the bottom right drawer, then use the paper inside to make a paper airplane. Throw the paper airplane at the lamp on the desk. Pick up the thumb tack and stick it on the pin-up board. Use your magnifying glass on the telephone cord to cut it. Pick up the cord and use it on the pin-up board to get the detective's attention. Now use the pendulum on the clock again. Pick up the photographs that fall down, then use these on the pin-up board. Click on the detective, then move the mouse cursor around to each of the photographs Salceson Noir.


Look beneath the paper on the floor to reveal a paintbrush. Pick this up and dip it in the paints to the left, then use it on the painter's artwork. Use your brush to adjust the top left part of the painting Top model.

Pick up the paintbrush and dip it in paint, then adjust the bottom right part of the painting. Climb up the broken floor to reach the top level. Click on the pot-plant, and a vine will extend down so you can now climb up and down here. Pick up the paintbrush and dip it in paint again, then adjust the top right part of the painting. Climb up and go over to the chicken, so it falls down. Climb back down and collect it so you leave together Underrated talent.


Press the button next to the left side of the scanner until there is a brown suitcase with white criss-crossing lines and a small handle to the right. Now use the crane controls to pick up this suitcase and drop it on the left. The penguin will come out and return to its family. Now you can take your chicken Family vacation.


Kick the soap bottle on the right, then click on the bowl of soapy water to make a bubble. Jump into the bubble and a crank handle will appear. Pick this up and insert it into the hole in the background, then turn the handle until a fishbowl appears on the line above. Kick the soap bottle, then click on the bowl and jump into the bubble again Big fish.

Turn the handle again until a traffic cone appears on the line above. Kick the soap bottle, then click on the bowl and jump into the bubble again. Turn the handle until the fishbowl appears on the line again. Kick the soap bottle, then click on the bowl and jump into the bubble once more. Once the rocket takes off, turn the handle and the line will start moving very fast. Kick the soap bottle, then click on the bowl and jump into the bubble one last time Up to your ears in foam.


Click on the elephant's trunk Then I'll huff, and I'll puff.

Climb up the shelving on the left and jump onto the elephant to make it drop a watering can. Pick this up and use it on the fork in the ground on the left. Put the watering can down again, then turn the dial to the left. Click on the elephant's trunk again and a handle will appear on its back. Climb up the shelving and jump onto the elephant again, then press the handle to make an umbrella appear. Climb back down again and turn the dial to the right. Climb up and press the handle on the elephant to make a teapot appear. Climb down and use the teapot to make a cloud appear, then pick up the umbrella and it will start raining.

Talk to the elephant (click near the top of the trunk) and it will start drinking water from the cloud. Pick up the umbrella again and the elephant will become inflated. Climb up the shelves and jump onto the elephant, then it will start flying around. Grab onto its trunk Variable weather.


Click on the astronomer's cloak In the number world.

Try to look through the telescope, but it is too high. Pick up the book from the left and place it near the table on the right. Now jump up and get the second book from the table. Place this near the drawers on the left. Pick up the right book and put it on top of the drawers. Now jump up and get the book from the high left shelf. Stack all 3 books next to the telescope.

Look through the telescope. Zoom out and scroll around until you find the pizza constellation, then rotate and zoom so that it matches your template. Look through the telescope again and repeat this process with the chicken constellation Written in the stars.


Pick all 3 flowers from the ground and you will make them into a wreath. Offer this to the yak, then pick up the skipping rope. Use this on the large pot to the right and you will pull it over. Pick up the newspaper and you will fold it into the shape of a hat. Offer this to the yak, then pick up the glove. Use the glove on the beehive and a candelabra will fall out. Offer this to the yak, then pick up the shovel. Use this on the mound of dirt. Pick up the crown and offer this to the yak. Solve the sliding puzzle The art of trade.


Use the toilet on the right Wash your hands!.

Talk to the alligator to receive a green pepper. While you are sweating, go and blow up the inflatable man in the background to reveal a hammer. Use this to break the case holding the red hot pepper. Talk to the alligator to get another green pepper. This time go and breath on the cactus on the left. Take the burnt stick and use it as a crowbar to open the car bonnet on the left.

Talk to the alligator to get yet another green pepper. Blow up the red balloon that appeared from the car, then tie the balloon to the engine on the right so it floats away. Pick up the pliers, then use these to get the red hot pepper. Use the toilet again It stings!.


Pick up a small rock from the bottom right and throw it at the corrugated metal at the bottom left - you will end up activating a blue portal. Throw another small rock through the blue portal, and a can of tomato soup will appear. Pick this up and throw it through the blue portal That's not how it was supposed to happen.

Throw a small rock through the blue portal again to get another can of tomato soup. Now head through the blue portal yourself, and you will come back through a yellow portal holding a trophy. Throw the trophy through the blue portal, and an umbrella will appear through a yellow portal. Now through the tomato soup through the blue portal - the umbrella will deflect the second portal generator and it will stay safely with you this time.

Throw this through the blue portal and a series of yellow portals will now start appearing. Click on the creatures holding your chicken and it will end up going through a portal. The chicken will then continue appearing briefly passing from one portal to another. Go through the blue portal, and you will be reunited. Use the spaceship Treacherous gravity.


Once you start falling, grab the steering wheel and the airbag will deploy. Click on the boot and only the lace will be left behind. Click on the wooden shelf twice and you will take out a toolbox. Use the toolbox on the seat. Search the round orange spaceship compartment to find some scissors. Use the scissors on the airbag, then use the airbag on the lace to make a parachute. Attach the parachute to the modified seat. Now use the seat At home, togather.