Her Story
Game Details: Mystery, 2015
Steam Achievements: Completed (13/13)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/31/2015
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Read the readme files on the left of the screen. The game commences when you click the search button using the pre-defined keyword "MURDER". This will show you 4 starting videos. Watch these to learn the early details of the case. The remainder of the game involves searching for more keywords that you discover along the way. You will only be shown a maximum of 5 videos for anything you enter, and these are the 5 earliest in chronological order.
If you move the main window to the right a bit you can see the "DB Checker" program - the green squares here are the videos you have seen (yellow is most recent), and the dark red squares are those you have yet to discover.
The following is one possible order of discovering keywords by watching the videos in an expected order (this is definitely not the most efficient way of seeing all of the videos). After each keyword is the number of total matches in the database for that word, and the number of new videos that the keyword lets you view if played through in this order.
- murder (4, 4)
- help (11, 5)
- February (2, 1)
- ticket (3, 3)
- Simon (61, 5)
- Friday (2, 1)
- Saturday (4, 3)
- Eric (14, 4)
- Diane (5, 3)
- Eric Simon (9, 3)
- The Rock (4, 2)
- parents (18, 4)
- pregnant (10, 4)
- Rapunzel (5, 4)
- birthday (9, 3)
- argument (9, 4)
- lawyer (4, 3)
- job (5, 4)
- Hannah (18, 5)
- Hannah Simon (9, 3)
- diary (5, 3)
- kids (4, 2)
- Eve (7, 3)
- Eve Hannah (2, 1)
- twin (4, 4)
- glazier (7, 3)
- bruise (5, 4)
- photo (3, 2)
- baby (17, 3)
- body (6, 3)
- princess (7, 2)
- crazy (3, 2)
- kill (4, 2)
- car (12, 2)
- mirror (11, 2)
- reflection (6, 4)
- Glasgow (10, 2)
- miscarriage (5, 2)
- fuck (5, 3)
- shit (2, 1)
- cup (7, 3)
- sugar (5, 4)
- coffee (5, 2)
- tattoo (4, 3)
- dream (2, 1)
- singing (3, 1)
- blonde (6, 2)
- cat flap (3, 2)
- dollhouse (5, 2)
- Doug (6, 3)
- secret (3, 2)
- Carl (5, 2)
- Florence (5, 1)
- date (3, 2)
- funeral (2, 1)
- blood (5, 4)
- wig (7, 2)
- kiss (4, 2)
- married (12, 2)
- ring (1, 1)
- dead (10, 3)
- lie (4, 3)
- "yes" (4, 4)
- "no" (4, 4)
- yep (2, 1)
- name (7, 2)
- mother (9, 2)
- rules (4, 2)
- life (12, 3)
- death (2, 2)
- cellar (4, 2)
- sister (4, 3)
- happy (8, 2)
- affair (3, 1)
- love (5, 3)
- police (7, 1)
- clothes (5, 1)
- camera (3, 1)
- sex (9, 1)
- husband (7, 4)
- hurt (6, 3)
- sad (7, 2)
- food (3, 2)
- work (12, 1)
- Oxford (3, 2)
- detective (3, 2)
- throat (4, 1)
- boy (8, 1)
- innocent (1, 1)
- cheat (1, 1)
- cheated (5, 3)
- bed (7, 1)
- bedroom (6, 2)
- hair (8, 1)
- money (7, 2)
- killed (2, 1)
- hospital (3, 1)
- suspect (4, 3)
- remember (11, 1)
- private (2, 1)
- arrest (5, 3)
- keys (7, 2)
- pay (4, 1)
- bar (5, 1)
- anyone (7, 4)
- three (5, 2)
- fingerprint (5, 5)
- wait (1, 1)
- garden (2, 1)
- weird (4, 1)
- lock (4, 1)
- special (3, 1)
- woman (6, 1)
- us (17, 1)
- black (6, 1)
- guitar (3, 2)
- nine (2, 1)
- house (19, 1)
- children (6, 2)
- hotel (3, 1)
- end (9, 1)
There are several achievements awarded for viewing a specific percentage of available videos:
- 50% of all videos Detective Sergeant
- 75% of all videos Detective Inspector
- 100% of all videos Detective Chief Inspector
Finding All Videos
The following is a complete list of all videos in the game, broken down by their date and internal order, along with a search term that can reliably be used to reach them.
Interview 1 (18/06/94)
- sugar
- Hannah
- Simon
- glazier
- Simon
- photo
- Eric
- help
- Simon
- argument
- argument
- argument
- married
- married
- hurt
- food
- Eric
- work
- help
- ticket
- Eric
- money
- Simon
- help
- Simon
- love
Interview 2 (25/06/94)
- cup
- husband
- bruise
- Doug
- Eric
- help
- remember
- argument
- birthday
- private
- birthday
- princess
- help
- us
- glazier
- job
- date
- parents
- happy
- baby
- Eric Simon
- parents
- parents
- food
- parents
- job
- hurt
- The Rock
- love
- fingerprint
- blood
Interview 3 (27/06/94)
- detective
- black
- blood
- bruise
- murder
- baby
- body
- cellar
- house
- Friday
- car
- Saturday
- pregnant
- pregnant
- baby
- Saturday
- car
- three
- husband
- suspect
- weird
- mother
- pregnant
- Rapunzel
- end
- sad
- husband
- rules
- Rapunzel
- dollhouse
- birthday
- Glasgow
- princess
- Diane
- nine
- Glasgow
- hospital
- pregnant
- suspect
- husband
- glazier
- anyone
- lock
- keys
- keys
- cat flap
- cat flap
- anyone
- police
- mirror
- sad
Interview 4 (30/06/94)
- cup
- date
- fingerprint
- The Rock
- bedroom
- Doug
- Saturday
- fingerprint
- fingerprint
- bedroom
- bed
- hair
- wig
- wig
- Rapunzel
- Eric Simon
- special
- mirror
- clothes
- throat
- affair
- woman
- happy
- anyone
- life
- life
- kids
- life
- cheated
- sex
- Diane Have you ever eaten fennel?
- hurt
- kids
- Eve
- Eve
- cup
- Hannah
- sugar
- Doug
- death
- miscarriage
- miscarriage
- name
- dead
- guitar
- guitar
Interview 5 (01/07/94)
- sugar
- Eric Simon
- fuck
- fuck
- tattoo Expressing My Individuality
- coffee
- children
- love
- detective
- photo
- shit
- Carl
- Carl
- job
- boy
- cheated
- anyone
- cheated
- dead
- kill
- blonde
- crazy
- coffee
- camera
- money
- murder
- February
- ticket
- arrest
- ticket
- Oxford
- Oxford
- hotel
- name
- secret
- blonde
- body A Traditional Ballad (must watch both this and the previous video)
- Diane
Interview 6 (02/07/94)
- sugar
- suspect
- killed
- dead
- twin
- twin
- fingerprint
- lawyer
- fuck
Interview 7 (03/07/94)
- arrest
- lawyer
- lawyer
- murder
- lie
- lie
- Hannah
- yep
- "yes"
- "yes"
- "no"
- "yes"
- "yes"
- "no"
- "no"
- "no"
- innocent
- lie
- Eve
- mother
- Hannah
- twin
- reflection
- reflection
- reflection
- children
- diary
- Florence
- diary
- reflection
- Hannah
- kill
- diary
- bruise
- Eve Hannah
- secret
- garden
- Rapunzel It's a happy ending (watch all clips involving Rapunzel)
- twin
- dream
- cheat
- Hannah Simon
- Hannah Simon
- body
- Hannah Simon
- job
- death
- funeral
- dollhouse
- rules
- tattoo
- tattoo
- ring
- singing Romantic
- kiss
- kiss
- three Spilt Coffee (watch all clips with the word "Fuck")
- bar
- wait
- sister
- sister
- bruise
- pay
- blood
- blood
- crazy
- cellar
- sister
- arrest
- murder
Chit Chat
Once you have found enough videos to satisfy your curiosity, click on the Chit Chat! icon and answer SB by saying "No". The second time you are asked, say "Yes" The Reflection. After viewing the credits, you can now enter the following special search queries:
- admin_unlock (provides up to 15 results instead of 5) More Than a Guest
- admin_random (to display a random video) Lucky Dip
Mirror Game
In the recycle bin on the desktop in the game you can find a game to play. Try to get a drawn score Score Draw.