The Fall of Lazarus
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2017
Steam Achievements: Completed (9/9)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/19/2018
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
The First Passenger
Walk towards the black cube, then you will end up waking up from your cryo sleep.
Walk forward and look at the computer to see your name: Caleb Rogers. Walk around this room, then approach the terminal on the back of the central pillar. Pass the test by correctly placing 5 images in order, then turn around and go through the new open doorway. Walk forward and the room will go black temporarily; after the light comes back on, proceed forward again.
Read the message on the wall in the next room. Now open the first locker on the left side of the room. Take your clothes, then take the MNEM/0z1n3 and play with it for a while (you can view this again by pressing Tab). Finally, pick up the piece of paper, spin it around and examine it to see the code 2615. Now go over to the next door and enter the code 2615, then press the green button. Head through.
After Hybris talks to you, look down at the floor to get your bearings. Go straight ahead to the Crew Hub.
Crew Hub
Walk around to the right of the central pillar and scan it to get the blueprints in your device. Go around to the other side and try to use the terminal, but you don't have your keycard. Go out through the opposite exit from the crew hub, then straight across the hallway to the opposite door.
Crew Cabin
Open the locker with your name on it, and take the keycard. You can look at the other items here if you want. Return to the Crew Hub.
Crew Hub
Use the terminal. Since you don't know your login details, you will automatically start hacking the system. Browse through the available information, and you will work out your username is CRogers and your password is related to your school. Keep searching and find your profile, then select St Thomas, and you will log in to the system. Browse the emails and news feeds, then leave the terminal. Go back to your cabin.
Crew Cabin
After you enter the room, you will be interrogated by Hybris. After this, return to the Crew Hub.
Crew Hub
The elevator within the central pillar will now be open, so head inside and press the button on the wall.
Level 1
Exit the elevator and go through 3 doors (which disappear behind you). Use the terminal in the next room and read the email messages. After you blackout again, open the next door.
Head across to the tree on the floating island - make sure you go in a straight line, or you will fall and have to start the journey again. Once you get there, examine the keypad. When you press numbers, a small display is shown; the numbers 2, 5, 7 and 9 show wiggly lines, and the others show straight lines with a dot at each end. With experimentation, the only sequence that shows a complete continuous line is 7925. Enter this code, then press the green button.
Take the coins from the cube, then open the hatch 80 82 79 76 79 71 85 69 (Prologue).
Chapter 1: Start
Walk towards the black cube, then you will end up waking up from your cryo sleep.
Walk forward and look at the computer, then continue around the back of the computer and through the opposite doorway. Walk forward and the room will go black temporarily; after the light comes back on, proceed forward again. Read the message on the wall in the next room. Now open the first locker on the left side of the room. Take your clothes, then go through the next door.
Chapter 2: Connected
After Hybris talks to you, look down at the floor to get your bearings. Go left, then enter the Crew Cabin.
Crew Cabin
Approach the locker on the left, and you will find a numeric lock. As in the prologue, you need to find a combination that gives you a continuous line; enter 2918, then press the green button. Pull the door open. Take some more clothes, then also collect a yellow flashlight. Leave here and return to the corridors. Head back towards the start, then turn left and find the Crew Hub.
Crew Hub
Walk around to the left of the central elevator and look up to see a countdown timer - you will find these around the ship. Before you finish the game, let this count all the way down to 00:00:00 83 85 68 79 32 72 65 76 84 (Sudo Halt). Now enter the elevator and press the button to go to level 2.
Social Hub
Look at the map on the side of the central hub, then head towards the medical bay.
Medical Bay
Once you are told that Dr Brooks isn't awake, follow Hybris into her office. Pick up the MNEM/0z1n3 from her desk. Try to use the terminal on the wall, but it isn't active. Go over and use the terminal on her desk, then keep trying and you will automatically start hacking the system. Browse through the available information, and you will work out your username is LBrooks and your password is related to your first job. Keep searching and find your profile, then select Sta Martha Hospital, and you will log in to the system. Browse the emails and news feeds, then make sure you activate the medical terminal.
Go over to the terminal on the wall again and use it. Pass the test by correctly placing 5 images in order. Hybris will now tell you that you have messages waiting in the Command Area.
Chapter 3: Stable
Head back towards Elevator 03.
Social Hub
Scan the blueprints on the map into your device. Continue through the other door on this level.
Dinner Area
After your brief hallucination, look at the table on the left: Earth Connection. There are 5 items missing from here that you need to bring back, so remember where this is. Now go out through one of the side doors and you will be out in an ocean. Make your way into the base of the lighthouse, then climb up the stairs. Keep climbing to reach the outside of the lighthouse, then go around the walkway and click on the cake at the end 80 65 82 68 79 78 (Pardon).
Go through the door to the left of the dinner area and follow the corridor straight ahead and through another door.
Storage (Bottom)
Look to the shelf immediately to the right as you enter, and pick up the dog tags (1/5). Head back out to the corridor and turn left, following this around to a new room.
Break Area
Look in the arm of the sofa and pick up the swan (2/5). Leave this room and go all the way back to Elevator 03.
Social Hub
Enter the elevator and press the button to go to level 3.
Cargo Bay Control Hub
Look at the map on the side of the central hub, and download the blueprints into your device. Head towards the docking airlock.
Docking Airlock
Ignore the airlock for now, but instead enter Elevator 02 and press the button to go to level 4.
Industrial Area
Head outside onto a rocky path and follow this until you reach a meadow. Follow the highlighted path until you reach a picnic blanket. Pick up the note and the spyglass. Look at the note to see 5 different constellations, and write down or take a screenshot of the lines making them up. Now use the spyglass and look at one of the constellations - click on each of the stars to draw the constellation in one consecutive path. Repeat this with all 5 of the constellations 76 79 86 69 (Love).
Chapter 4: Booting
Scan the blueprints on the map into your device, then head to the workshops. Look at the desk next to a computer terminal to find a beach photo (3/5). Now use the terminal here, and use your device to start hacking. The username this time is GWalker and the password relates to her promotion year. Browse the emails and news feeds, then leave the terminal. Backtrack a little to find Elevator 01 and use it to go to level 0.
Command Deck
Scan the blueprints on the wall once you get to level 0, then try to enter the Bridge - you need the captain's badge to gain access. Go through the opposite door.
Captain's Room
After another vision, read the documents on the desk, then use the terminal. Start hacking as usual with a username of DWright and a password relating to a crush. Read the emails and news feeds, then leave the terminal. Search the drawers beneath this terminal to find another letter and the captain's badge. Go to the door with the keypad and use the same method as before to work out the correct code: 1980. Go through the door and use the terminal here to read some more about the captain. Pick up the rangers patch (4/5) from the left of the terminal here.
Go back out of the Captain's Room and you will end up in another vision, in the tunnels on Venus. Head forward until there is a slightly more open area to the left, and pick up a device from on the rock to the left. Continue forward and you will reach a series of 3 branching tunnels heading forwards. Keep trying the branches until you end up reaching a body bag at the end. Click on this 70 69 65 82 (Fear).
Chapter 5: Denial
Go through the elevator and you can now head straight across through the opposite door.
Head down the walkways and try to use the terminal on the left, but the power will go out. Use your flashlight to help guide you through the darkness. While you are here, pick up the lighthouse postcard (5/5) from just left of this terminal. Go back out to the elevator.
Command Deck
Use Elevator E01 to return to level 4.
Industrial Area
Head through the workshops area and straight ahead through the next door.
Main Engine
Try pressing the red button at the end of the platform, but nothing will happen. Open the electrical panel to the left and read the instructions. Now turn the fuses to direct power to the main engine, then pull the lever at the top right.
Chapter 6: Anger
Return to the Command Deck and use Elevator E01 to get back to level 0. Head out to the Bridge.
Use the terminal to read your emails successfully this time. Your next task is to investigate the cargo bay area. Head out to Elevator E01 and take it to level 4 again.
Industrial Area
Head in the other direction from the elevator and go beyond Elevator E02 and through the next door.
Vac Suit Room
Look at the names on the floor until you find your suit - your name has been erased and replaced with P11T1S45D. Grab the vac suit here, then continue through the next door. Try to pull the red handle on the door, but it is blocked by something. Return to the nearby Elevator E02 and take it to level 3.
Cargo Bay Control Hub
Head past Elevator E03 and through the opposite door.
Cargo Control
Use the computer terminal here and select Container 1. Move the crates around to completely unblock the red door on the left. Make sure you are able to slide the large orange crate to the very top so that part of the right door is unblocked, and you will see a message "New Disposition Found" to let you know you have done it correctly. Look over the ledge behind the terminal to see the huge rotating cube. Leave here and go back to the elevator.
Cargo Bay Control Hub
Take the elevator back to level 2, then go to the dinner area.
Dinner Area
Go to the table on the left and place the 5 items you have collected here (just click on the empty space to do this). Hybris will now comment on your locker. Return to the elevator and go to level 1.
Social Hub
Leave the central hub and find your locker in one of the crew cabins again.
Crew Cabin
Open the safe and read the card and letter inside 80 65 83 84 (Past). Make your way back to Elevator 03 and go to level 3.
Cargo Bay Control Hub
Go to Elevator 02 and down to level 4. Head to the Vac Suit Room again.
Vac Suit Room
Go through the far door, and you will automatically put on your suit. Pull the handle on the red door.
Cargo Bays
Go through the room with the large crates, then pull the handle on 2 more red doors and go through to touch the large cube.
Run along the corridor until you reach a chess board. Move the white queen to be right in front of the black king. Now run through the burning corridor and grab the red queen at the end 68 69 83 80 65 73 82 (Despair).
Chapter 7: Bargaining
After waking up on level 1, head to Elevator 03 and take it down to level 3. Go straight over to Elevator 02 and take it to level 4. Continue to Elevator 01 and take it to level 0, then go to the bridge.
Descend the walkways and check for new messages on the terminal. Now approach the grid of floating blue hexagons - you need to move and rotate (middle mouse button) the hexagons to create a correct stellar chart (just make the colored lines match up - this is randomised with each game). Once correct, you will see the message "Coordinates: 21.89". Now return to Elevator 01 and go back to level 4. Head to the main engine.
Main Engine
Press the red button on the end of the platform, then continue forward to the main controls.
Examine the controls and read all of the notes stuck on them. Pull the middle lever at the bottom left down, then flip the middle red switch into the off position. Flip the 2 smaller metallic switches to the right. Enter the coordinates 21.89 using the keypad, then press the green button - the display will now show that your heading should change to H:17 and V:29. Flip the left and right red switches into the on position, then push the left and right levers up. Pull the joystick down until you have attained the correct vertical heading - it will turn yellow when correct. Now repeatedly flip the small metallic switches to adjust the horizontal heading - it will also turn yellow when correct.
Pull the left and right levers down again, then flip the left and right red switches off. Turn the middle red switch on and push the middle lever up. Turn around to see another vision. Go back and press the red button to raise the lift again.
Chapter 8: Depression
Head back to Elevator 02 and go back to level 3, then take Elevator 03 to level 2. Make your way around to the break room.
Break Room
After Hybris shows you the silent movie, the other storage room will be opened.
Storage (Top)
Enter the room and go around to see another vision, then come back to find the entry door is now locked. Go around to the back area and find a crate full of drugs. Go out through the entry door now, then head into the red light.
Turn around and read the card and news article in the back of the truck. Now turn around and follow the red lights until you find a white light and a recent grave. Pick up two of the white sticks and plant them in the soil to make a cross. Now pick up the shovel. Approach the glass that is revealed just to the side and smash it with the shovel 83 85 82 86 73 86 65 76 (Survival).
Chapter 9: Acceptance
Make your way to Elevator 03 and go to level 3, then go to Elevator 02 and down to level 4, then finally use Elevator 01 to get to level 0. Head to the bridge.
Go to the terminal and read your new messages, then Hybris will tell you the ship is screwed. Return to Elevator 01 to go to level 4, then Elevator 02 to level 3. Head past the other elevator.
Cargo Bay Control Room
Approach the red screen - you need confirmation from A Turner to be able to use the controls. Find another terminal on the right. Start hacking as usual with a username of ATurner and a password relating to the year 2183. After logging in, go to the Admin interface and enable the emergency protocol. Go to the red screen and now you can execute the protocol. Unfortunately it doesn't work completely.
Return to Elevator 02 and go to level 4. Head through the Vac Suit Room into the cargo bays.
Cargo Bays
Make your way through the cargo bays to reach the cube again. Click on it repeatedly to shrink it, then you can pick it up and carry it with you. Throw it out into space (use your middle mouse button). Leave the cargo bays and head past Elevator 02. In the next area you will need to get over a hole in the floor. Turn around and grab the fire extinguisher from the wall. Turn your back to the gap and use the fire extinguisher to float across. Continue into Elevator 01 and go to level 5.
Escape Pods
Enter the red doorway straight ahead, then use the terminal in here to launch the escape pod 71 79 79 68 66 89 69 (Goodbye).