Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisIndiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

Game Details:  Adventure, 1992

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  5/20/2004

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is a classic 3rd person licensed adventure game by LucasArts, using their SCUMM engine. This is the second Indiana Jones game, unrelated to the previous from LucasArts, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The story for this game is not based on any of the movies, based around the fabled city of Atlantis. At a certain point in the game you must choose 1 of 3 paths to follow for the remainder of the game; solutions for all 3 paths are included below.


The objective is to work your way down to the basement by falling through the floor several times. First, look at the peculiar statue on the left of the screen (note the trapdoor in the floor). Next, try to pick up the rope hanging through the hole, followed by a book on statues, from the bookshelf against the left wall. Look at any two of the cats sitting on the table, and then open all three lockers in the basement. Pick up the statue and watch the whole introductory sequence.

You will now be in New York, with the intent of meeting up with Sophia Hapgood. Pick up the last newspaper and talk to the ticket seller - looks like you'll need to find your own way in. Go around to the side entrance. There are three possibilities (do all three in turn if you want maximum IQ points):

  • Open the door and fight your way in (insult Biff).
  • Open the door and talk your way in (be kind!).
  • Push the crates out of the way and go to the fire escape.

Distract the stagehand by giving him the newspaper. Push the left and right levers, then press the red button. After talking to Sophia, you'll be in Iceland. Enter the cave and talk to the good doctor about things (make sure you talk to Sophia whenever possible as well, just in case she has a good idea).

Go to Tikal, and chase the rodent around with your whip until it gets eaten by the snake on the right. Go through the same dark jungle path to get over to where the snake was, and "walk" up the tree to get across. Try to pick up the lantern and you'll meet Sternhart. He will eventually ask you the name of the book - say you don't know the title. Talk to the parrot and ask about the title to find out that it is The Hermocrates. Talk to Sternhart again and he'll let you inside. Get Sophia to keep him busy, while you go and steal his lantern. Open it and use it on the spiral design in the pyramid. Pick up the spiral and put it in the animal head. Pull the nose and after Sternhart leaves, pick up the shiny bead.

Now travel to The Azores. Let Sophia talk to Costa and then try it yourself. Costa seems to want a rare artifact in exchange for information, so head back to Iceland. Put the orichalcum bead in the eel's head to free it from the ice. Go back and give the eel to Costa, for some info about the Lost Dialogue. You will now travel to the library. Get the gum from under the desk (upstairs), and an arrowhead from further upstairs. From downstairs, collect some coal and a dirty rag. Wrap the rag around the arrowhead. Go across to your office and get the mayonaise out of the icebox. Use the mayonaise with the totem pole (upstairs in the library) and pull it twice across the floor. Climb up and open the urn to get a key. There are now three possibilities for finding the book - again perform all three sets of actions for maximum IQ points:

  • Use the gum on the coal chute, and melt a wax cat in the furnace.
  • Use the wrapped arrowhead on the screws in the fallen bookcase and open it.
  • Push the large crate (totem pole room) and open the chest with the key.

Separate Paths

When you go back to your office, you'll need to decide on your "path". You should save your game at this point, so you can return and choose the other two paths. They all meet up at the end anyway, but to get maximum points, you'll need to go all three ways.

Team Path

Travel first to Algiers. Talk to the beggar, and then the knife-thrower. Try to get Sophia to volunteer, and when she walks close to him, push her forward (you'll get a souvenir knife). Talk to the grocer, but you'll have to come back for that squab. Go down the alley and talk to Omar, but you'll have to come back here too! While you are here though, pick up the ugly mask (don't worry, you don't have to pay for it). Head over to Monte Carlo and talk to people about Trottier until you meet him (brown suit). Convince him to come upstairs to the s?ance. Now you have two possible plans of action (again, do both):

  • During the seance, take the flashlight from the cabinet, and pick up the bedsheet. Open the fusebox and use the circuit breaker. Wear the bedsheet and the mask, and then use the flashlight to create a convincing ghost.
  • Transfer control to Sophia before the s?ance and answer his questions using information learned downstairs.

Afterwards, make sure you pick up the sunstone, before travelling back to Algiers. Talk to Omar again and show him the sunstone. After your uneventful camel trip, you need to start trading with Omar and the grocer (you'll eventually get the squab-on-a-stick). Give the squab to the beggar in exchange for balloon tickets, and then make your way up onto the roof (stairs on the right). Give the ticket to the balloon man and enter the balloon. Cut the rope with your knife.

Make your way to a nearby settlement, land, and get directions. Do this several times until the X appears on your map. Go there and get shot down, then make your way to the dig site. After you lose Sophia, climb down the ladder and stumble about in the dark. You'll need to pick up a hose, ship rib, clay jar and wooden peg. Go back to the truck and open the gas cap. Use the hose with the gas tank and the jar with the end of the hose. Now go back down the ladder and open the cap of the generator. Pour the gas in and press the "little metal thing" (start button). Now use the ship rib with the crumbling wall on the right, then put the peg in the hole in the mural and the sunstone on the peg, before looking at the stone. From the Lost Dialogue (3rd page) align the correct symbol with the horns and click on the peg. Sophia will give you some things. Open the generator and switch it off, before stealing the spark plug. Now head back to the truck, and insert the distributor cap and spark plug. Use the truck and head to Crete.

Go to the left, over the bridge, and pick up the surveyor's instrument. Search the rooms until you find a mural, and then look for two piles of stones that you can pick up to reveal statues. Use the surveyor's instrument (as indicated on the mural) on the head statue and look at the left horn, then on the tail statue and look at the right horn. This will give you at site to dig at with the ship's rib, so you can get the moonstone. Go back and put both stones on the stone dial where you arrived at Crete, and follow the next set of directions in the Lost Dialogue.

Walk through the secret passage. Pick up two of the stone heads and walk through the grate. Use your whip to flick the last one through before the gate closes forever! Find your way to a large stone minotaur and use your whip on its head. Go down and try to pick it up, and you'll be taken down. Pick up the worldstone and Sternhart's staff, and then examine the waterfall. Climb up the chain and find a room with a shelf and a closed grate. Put the three heads on the shelf and you'll eventually locate a room with a golden box on the right. Use the staff to push the chock (free the counterweight, then go to the bottom of the shaft and use the staff in the statue's mouth. Finally, pick up the golden box, put the two orichalcum beads in the box and close the lid. Go back down to Sophia and convince her to crawl through the hole in the next room. Use the fish and it will point at Sophia's necklace, so convince her to put it in the gold box. Keep using the fish in every room until it points at a wall. Use the ship rib to reveal a door, and continue to find the map room. Use all three disks with the spindle according to the Lost Dialogue, and Sophia will be kidnapped. Dig the rocks with the rib and return to the surface. Quickly board the sub and beat up the captain.

Use the intercom to order everyone to the bow, and then go downstairs. Fill the clay jar with battery acid (from the lowest deck) and talk to Sophia through the wall. Get her to distract the guard, and then walk around behind him. After she knocks him out, walk around to the other side of the room on your right and burn through the strongbox using the acid. Unlock the emergency rudder control with the small key and pick up the plunger. Walk around and pull each of the sub's controls and then guide the sub into the airlock. Here is where the paths converge.

Wits Path

Go to Monte Carlo and talk to Trottier (brown suit). Get his business card and then travel to Algiers. Go into the alley on the left and give the guy the business card. Follow him, but you'll lose him in the crowd - follow the guy in the red fez into the market and talk to him - he will give you his fez. Go back to the alley and give it to Paul, who you should follow to Omar's house. Walk into the closet and then close the door, trapping Omar. Pick up the two statues and use the piece of bamboo to get the map from amongst the hanging laundry. Use the camel to enter the desert. Try to dodge "trouble" and get directions from the nomad camps, but get stopped at least once, so you can bribe the soldiers with the statues. You will eventually locate the dig site.

Climb down the ladder and pick up a hose, ship rib and clay jar. Go back to the truck and open the gas cap. Use the hose with the gas tank and the jar with the end of the hose. Now go back down the ladder and open the cap of the generator. Pour the gas in and press the "little metal thing" (start button). Now use the ship rib with the crumbling wall on the right, then put the peg in the hole in the mural. Push the painting of the round object on the left of the cave, and pick up the statue. Open the generator and take out the spark plug (turn it off first though!). Go bar to the truck and open the hood. Put the spark plug in the engine, and the orichalcum bead in the statue. Now touch the statue to the spark plugs and you're away.

In Monte Carlo, tell Trottier that the Nazi's are after him, and then deliberately crash into their red car. Find the street corner that Trottier writes down on the telegram and get the sunstone out of the drain. Go back to the hotel and take the taxi to the airport. Fly to Thera. Walk up to the mountains and explore until you find an entrance into the mountains. Outside the entrance, close the crate and take the invoice. Inside, pick up the entrenching tool, and after the cave-in, close the door near the tool. Use the sunstone in the secret compartment, and turn it to the position indicated on the 3rd page of the Lost Dialogue. You can then open the door to get a carved sign. Close the door again and take your stone. Go back out to the blocked entrance and open the entrenching tool. After you read the note, dig your way out. Walk back to the docks and give the invoice to the guy who runs the shop. Also trade the sign for the basket. Build a balloon using the basket, balloon bladder (in the small crate), fish net and hose. Go back to the mountains and use the balloon on the vent. Fly to the sub and touch down.

Use the bread and cold cuts to make a sandwich to give to the guard. Open the locker to get the moonstone and torpedo instructions. The sub will now dock, and you need to somehow get off. Pick up the rag and clothesline. Go to the torpedo room in the aft section and use the rag with the wires. Use the instructions with the control panel and push the lever to start a fire. Now go to the front torpedo room and use the instructions with the control panel. Use the clothesline with the lever, then enter the torpedo tube and pull the line. Use the sunstone and moonstone to open the secret door.

Walk through the secret passage. Pick up two of the stone heads and walk through the grate. Use your whip to flick the last one through before the gate closes forever! Find your way to a large stone minotaur and use your whip on its head. Go down and try to pick it up, and you'll be taken down. Pick up the worldstone, Sternhart's staff and his scarf, and then examine the waterfall. Climb up the chain and find a room with a shelf and a closed grate. Put the three heads on the shelf and you'll eventually locate a room with a golden box on the right. Use the staff to push the chock (free the counterweight, then go to the bottom of the shaft and use the staff in the statue's mouth. Finally, pick up the golden box (and the two beads), before walking through the door. Place a bead inside your little statue, and put the statue in the open hatch of the microtaur. Go through the newly formed hole and use the three stones to open a door. You need to make an orichalcum detector by attaching the comb to the clothesline and then rubbing it on the scarf. It will point at you unless you put your remaining bead inside the gold box and close the lid. Use it in the next two rooms to find two beads on the bones. Go back to the waterfall room and use it again, then use the ship rib on the crumbling wall to reveal a door. Go through and use the bead you find with the subway car. You should end up in Atlantis.

Fists Path

Go to Monte Carlo and talk to Trottier (brown suit). Get his business card and then travel to Algiers. Go into the alley on the left and give the guy the business card. Follow him to Omar's house, and use your whip on the flowerpot above the Nazi's head (or beat him up). After the conversation, pick up the two statues and use the piece of bamboo to get the map from amongst the hanging laundry. Use the camel to enter the desert. Try to dodge "trouble" and get directions from the nomad camps, but if you have to, kill the nazis! You will eventually locate the dig site.

Turn on the generator (by pushing the little metal thing), and then pick up the ship's rib, clay jar and wooden peg. Use the ship rib with the crumbling wall on the right, then put the peg in the hole in the mural. Push the painting of the round object on the left of the cave, and pick up the sunstone. Put it on the peg and align the correct symbol as described on page 3 of the Lost Dialogue. Pick up the sunstone and then walk through the door. Use your whip on the nazi and then beat him up. Climb the rope ladder and fly the balloon off the top of the mainland (north).

Go to the left, over the bridge, and pick up the surveyor's instrument. Search the rooms until you find a mural, and then look for two piles of stones that you can pick up to reveal statues. Use the surveyor's instrument (as indicated on the mural) on the head statue and look at the left horn, then on the tail statue and look at the right horn. This will give you at site to dig at with the ship's rib, so you can get the moonstone. Go back and put both stones on the stone dial where you arrived at Crete, and follow the next set of directions in the Lost Dialogue.

Walk through the secret passage. Pick up two of the stone heads and walk through the grate. Use your whip to flick the last one through before the gate closes forever! Find your way to a large stone minotaur and use your whip on its head. Go down and try to pick it up, and you'll be taken down. Pick up Sternhart's staff, and then examine the waterfall. Climb up the chain and find a room with a door blocked by a big slab. Push it several times and then find a room with a shelf and a closed grate. Put the three heads on the shelf and you'll eventually locate a room with a golden box on the right. Use the staff to push the chock (free the counterweight, then go to the bottom of the shaft and use the staff in the statue's mouth. Finally, pick up the golden box, put the two orichalcum beads in the box and close the lid. Head back to the doorway you pushed open and use your whip on the stone outcropping (swing across the hole). To kill the first nazi, get his attention by walking past the doorway, then hide behind a stone slab and wait until he's in position before pushing it over. Walk through and beat up a series of guys, until you find one with a stalactite located suspiciously directly above him. Find a way to the level above and knock it loose (there's no way you'd beat him in a fist fight) and then pick it up off the dead guy's body. Keep going until you hear singing and walk past that doorway. Pry the boulder free with the ship's rib (well that plan certainly backfired!). Go into the big guy's room and run away from the fight. Now pry the boulder free using the stalactite. Search his squashed body for another bead and the orichalcum detector (amber fish). Walk back through the cave and use the detector in each room (put the bead in the gold box and close it to stop the detector from pointing at you). You will eventually find it points to a pit. Yell down the pit and find Sophia - get her out of the pit using your whip. Now go into the map room and use the three disks with the spindle (as in the Lost Dialogue).

Walk through the door and you'll end up leaving the labyrinth and going to Thera. Walk far to the left (into the mountains) and you'll eventually find a tyre repair kit. Head back to the port and talk to the guy on the boat. Guide him using Plato's Lost Dialogue, remembering the ten-fold error. On the boat, open the storage locker and repair the suit with the toolkit. Attach the air hose, pull the switch on the air pump and use the suit. Get Sophia to throw you overboard using the hoist, and you should walk around until you find Atlantis.

The Paths Meet

Pick up the ladder (wooden thing) and use it at the stone rubble. If Sophia is with you, she will be kidnapped again. Climb the ladder, open the stone thing and take the rod. Put a bead into the rod. Use the disks again, but reverse everything ("contrary minds"). The statue's mouth will open, and you should give it a bead. The door will open, so you should take the ladder and disks and keep moving. There are many rooms to explore in Atlantis - make sure you explore all shaded areas, and open and enter all grates. You must enter the following rooms (in pretty much any order):

Room with Robot Parts I

Take the bronze gear attached to the wall.

Room with Robot Parts II

Take the bronze spoked wheel lying in the broken machine.

Room with Eel Sculpture

Take the eel sculpture from the wall.


Get here by entering the outer rim of the circle and going to the base (south). Get the rib cage from the skeleton.


Fight one of the Nazi's and get the bratwurst. Bait the rib cage with the bratwurst (or sandwich).

Crab Room

Catch a crab from the pool using the baited rib cage.


If you get to the room where Sophia is imprisoned by the left vent, you can reach in and put an orichalcum bead in the statue - it will then kill the guard. Entering the room from the main entrance will allow you to take the statue part from the broken statue.

Statue Room I

Take the cup from the statue's hands (use the ladder to cross the hole, and don't forget to take it with you).

Statue Room II

Take the ugly statue's head (cross between a bull and a fish?).

Lava Room

Use the stone cup with the pedestal, and the statue head with the plaque, to get a cup full of lava.

Machine Room

Place the bronze gear on the peg and pour the lava into the funnel. Take the beads and the bronze wheel before you leave.

Sentry Room

Get rid of the water by using a bead in the eel sculpture. Place a second bead in the smallest statue's mouth to open the door.

You are now in the inner circle. Feed the crab to the octopus, and then enter the canal. Go to the other side and put a bead in the crab mouth - the raft will start to float. Go over to the left side and open the gates with one of the stones. Keep floating around until you find a room with a cupboard. Take the crescent-shaped gear from the cupboard and close the door. Look at the diagram and note the position of the pieces. Now go and find the other important room, containing a large bronze statue. Use the ladder with the statue and open the chest plate, before looking at it. Put the four pieces into their respective places to move the right arm down and put in a bead. Now attach one end of the chain to the right arm and the other to the door. Rearrange the statue pieces to move the arm up and put in another bead. After the door "opens", grab the hinge pin and head back to the dungeon. Give the pin to Sophia and convince her to use the hinge pin after you haul open the gate. Open the door a second time to get the pin back.

Go back through the huge door your just broke, then follow Sophia. Look at her, and feed a bead to the necklace. Use the box with the necklace and dispose of Nur-Ab-Sal in the lava pit. Climb the stairs and get the scepter. Walk outside again and find a huge machine with some graffiti on the floor - this shows the lever positions to start and stop the machine. Climb onto the machine and use the hinge pin and scepter as two levers. Feed a bead to the mouth to start the machine, and then change the positions to cause the machine to break through into a lava area. Find your way first through the passages and then across the lava pit (trial and error). Take note of the picture of three concentric circles in the background - you'll need this in the central room when you align the three disks on the spindle. When the German's invade the room, the first guy will kill himself no matter what. You now need to convince the mad scientist guy that you will kill him if he makes you a god - he then tries it himself and the game ends.