Happy GameHappy Game

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2021

Steam Achievements:  Completed (11/11)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/21/2023

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Happy Game is a psychedelic fantasy horror game from Amanita Design. After a boy falls asleep he finds himself trapped within a series of nightmares and you must do you best to help him escape so he can be happy.

First Nightmare

Level 1

Climb into bed, then once you are sleeping, click on the bed to get up. Walk to the left until you are stopped by a wall. Walk just to the right, then left to see the wall has changed. Keep doing this lots of times The Happy Wall. Walk right until there are 4 spotlights from the ceiling.

Level 2

Open the present, then drag the toy upwards to turn the 3rd spotlight red. Drag the clown downwards twice to turn the 2nd spotlight red. Open the nesting dolls on the right, then ring all 3 bells within them to turn the 4th spotlight red. Click on the ball, then run right after it.

Level 3

Click on the antenna of the first dome. Drag the second dome down and click on its antenna as well. Put the head on the teddy bear. Drag the first dome down. Drag the wooden head over to yourself. Click on the antenna on the first dome. Drag the second dome down again and click on its antenna as well. Put the wooden head on the wooden body. Drag the first and second domes down to reveal a monkey body.

Walk to the right and drag down the dome here, then click on its antenna. Return left and drag the first and second domes down again. Go right and take the monkey head. Walk left and put this on the monkey body. Click on all 3 toys to make them dance.

Click on the disc held by the middle dome repeatedly, until the toys are destroyed. Walk right until the ball appears again, then run right after it.

Level 4

Move the large red creature's left arm until its mouth is fully open. Now move its other arm until the white creature in its mouth has come fully forward. Click on this white creature's eye, then pull the eye apart to reveal a red being inside it. Drag this red being apart by stretching it sideways. Run to the right after the ball once more.

Level 5

Click each of the 3 glowing orbs beneath the ball. Move the horizontal arms to rotate the large doll's arms so the hands are pointing towards the cheeks. Move the vertical arms up so the hands link to the cheeks (when correct, the horizontal arms will disappear). Move the vertical arms fully up to lift the doll's head off - you will see the ball in the neck. Lift up the doll's leg so the ball falls down to the ground.

Click on the ball, then chase it to the right. Once the large doll glows red, keep heading to the right, and follow the ball until you reach a smiley face on the ground.

Level 6

Combine the 2 halves of the clown toy. Pull the clown apart (pull its head up) to reveal a man inside. Put the man on the rocking horse, then pull his cord until he drops a funnel. Put the funnel on the steam engine. Drag the steam engine down and release it, then quickly click on the bubbles that contain items. The second time, one of the items will be a book Bedtime Stories. The fifth time, one of the items will be a key. Use this on the car. Turn the key, then wait and a dog's head will come back on the car.

Turn the key again, then drag the dog's head to yourself so you grab it. Turn the key to detach the dog's head from the car. Now put the dog's head on the dog's body to the left. Drag the dog's head back to yourself so you can grab it. Rotate the drumstick, which is the nearest item to you hanging from the string, and it will fall off. Pick up the drumstick and use it on the drum. Click on the drum repeatedly, until a creature holding a bunny's head drops out. Pull the bunny's head to yourself and you will shake the creature free. Now put the bunny's head on the bunny's body to the right.

Keep pulling heads off the bunny's body until you get an achievement Heads Off!. Now keep going until you reach the ragdoll's head again. Put this on the ragdoll's body to the left. Drag one of the ragdoll's arms over to the dog, then the other to yourself. Now drag the block upwards and let it fall to the ground. Add this to the Rubik's cube. Lift up the top of the Rubik's cube to reveal a magician. You can watch his trick, but eventually need to lift u the hat and take the duck's head. Put the duck's head on the duck's body.

Drag the duck down several times to release 3 large blood droplets, then pull the large clown up out of the blood. Touch the clown's nose and it will spit out a wooden block. Drag this over to the other wooden blocks. Examine the wooden blocks. Click on the middle one to see a dancing monkey. Click on this again, then when the candle is over to the left, click on the left box. Repeat this, but this time click on the right box when the candle is over to the right. Click on the middle box once more, then when the flames are held out to the right and then the left, click on the right and left boxes - once you have done this, the scene will change. Walk right and get the ball Baller.

You will wake up and then go to sleep again.

Second Nightmare

Level 7

After an automatic scene at a jetty, your bed will appear in a green field. Click on yourself to wake up, then click on your bunny to get out of bed. Run right after the red bunny until it disappears down a hole. If you pull the rope on the bell now, you will have to start the level again. Instead, head just to the right and pull a carrot up out of the ground, giving it to yourself. 3 colored bunnies will now appear. Give a carrot to each of them - you need to make sure they are all to the left of the hole in the ground. The bell will change in color from red to yellow if the bunnies are in the right spot. Now pull the rope on the bell, and you will make it down the hole.

Level 8

Head left from your bed and go past a bunny trying to pull a massive carrot out of the ground. Go through a guillotine and pull a carrot out of the ground. Give this to yourself, then position the bunny in the guillotine and give it the carrot. Now jump on the pink button to the right, then walk off it. Repeat this a second time, and there will now be two bunnies. Pick up another carrot and repeat this process so there are 3 bunnies.

Go right to see the 3 bunnies pulling on the massive carrot. Grab onto the last bunny and the carrot will come free. Run to the right and pull the furthest bunny to the right back out of the ground. Shove the whole massive carrot into this bunny. Head right and pull the rope on the yellow bell. You will once again evade the monster and make it down the hole.

Level 9

You will be surrounded by small creatures with heart-shaped heads - you need to kill them all as follows:

  • Pick up and drop 3 of them that aren't holding anything
  • Stretch the one holding a teacup
  • Click to knock over the one holding a teapot 3 times
  • Steal the flower from the one holding a flower
  • Put the record on the record player, then click it until it explodes

Hang the large basket from the hook on the side of the guillotine, then put the fat creature holding the ice-cream in the basket.

Go right to find another guillotine. Put each of the creatures here on the yellow stage and they will perform, then move to the left. Pick up each of them and hold them until their heads fall off (apart from the strongman, who will grab onto the guillotine handle.

Continue further to the right to find yet another guillotine. You need to kill all the creatures here as well:

  • Steal the teddy bear from the creature on the left
  • Put one in the swimming pool, then click it until the water jumps up in the air
  • Put one on the yellow playground toy, then pull it far to the left
  • Put on on the hoop to the ring, then swing it around really fast
  • Give the yellow ball to one, then click on it several times until it explodes

Hang the hoop from the side of the guillotine, then put the final creature in the hoop. By now you should have killed as many heart-shaped creatures as possible Heart-Attack. Return to the left and pull the rope on the yellow bell. You will evade the monster and fall down again. Go right and take the yellow ball mask to put it on.

Level 10

Run to the right until you can pick up the knife that falls to the ground. Keep running right until you see a very large yellow ball that you can pull open. Once the three smaller creatures appear inside, give the knife to the top one, then click on the face at the top Licking the Blade.

Take the knife back and give it to the creature on the right. Run further to the right until you reach a purple lake. Try to step into the lake, then grab the fork that appears and it will stick into the ground to the left. Try to step into the lake again, then grab the salt shaker that appears. Grab the fork and go back to the left, giving it to the top creature. Go back and pick up the salt shaker, then give it to the left creature. Click on the face at the top, and it will fall asleep. Click on it again to kill the creatures.

Level 11

Pick up the dish and give it to yourself. Run to the right and push the dish into the purple lake. Drag one of the angels down to the right of the plate to blow it to the left, then click on the plate to jump inside. Drag one of the angels down to the left of the plate repeatedly, until you automatically get out at the far side of the lake.

Level 12

Run to the right and you will see another character that looks like you. Keep going right until the big guy tears your head off.

Level 13

As a head, roll to the right until the ball is revealed. Pick up the purple creature and drop it to the left, so that it runs and kicks the ball to the right. Pick up the purple creature and drop it to the left again, and it will kick the ball into the pink goalie. Keep doing this until the pink goalie is destroyed. Roll to the right through the goal.

Level 14

Roll further to the right to reclaim a body. Now go right until the big guy throws you over his shoulder. When you reach the next big guy, click on him, then pull his tongue. Once his eyes start bulging, click on the far one and pull it so it is hanging out. Keep pulling on it until both eyes fall completely out. Now close the mouth so the bubblegum gradually expands. Drag the bubble until it explodes. Walk to the right to comfort the creature, then keep going right.

Level 15

Go right to see your bunny, then try to pick it up several times, and you will be grabbed.

Level 16

Walk to the left and look through the hole in the large yellow sphere. When the small creatures carry the matchbox past, grab it and drag it to yourself, then pull off the creature. When you see the large spike, pick up a small creature and put it on the spike. Slide this down the spike and add more creatures until there are 4 in total. Once the large creature burns in the fire, try to steal its heart. Pull off the creature's skull, then drag the heart upwards. When it falls to the ground, click on the heart until it explodes.

Next walk to the right and look through the crack in the large yellow sphere. Drag the face up repeatedly from the floor until it comes free. Now pull the sides of the yellow ball outwards, then pull them completely off. Click on the heart until it explodes.

Now walk to the left and look through the eye in the large yellow sphere. Pick up a bunny and put it into the machine, then turn the handle. Repeat this another 6 times Delicious!. Now rotate the 2 round windows upwards. Put another bunny into the machine and turn the handle. When the yellow creature appears, grab him from the right window and put him on the ground. Put another bunny into the top of the machine and turn the handle so that it appears on the right. Pick up the yellow creature and put it in the machine, then turn the handle. Once the deformed creature appears, pull it apart. Click on the heart until it explodes Smile!.

You will wake up and then go to sleep again.

Third Nightmare

Level 17

Click on yourself to wake up. Run right after your dog.

Level 18

Go right until your dog is picked up by a mysterious force. Turn the pinwheel to bring a dark raincloud over your head, then drag lightning down to hit yourself 3 times Thunderstruck. Turn the pinwheel to bring the cloud to the right, revealing the creature holding your dog. Now hit the creature with lightning 4 times. Pull the red tooth towards yourself, then pull it out completely. After the scene in the forest, run right after your dog again.

Level 19

Go right and climb up the sign, which will block your path. Go over to your dog and pull up the curved object sticking out of the ground. Pull it up again to get the whole pumpkin to the surface. Roll to the left twice and the right twice, and objects will stick out of the pumpkin's eyes. Pull the broomsticks down twice and the creature inside the pumpkin will break free.

To get this creature to carry you to the right, pull the I lever, then the II lever and finally the III lever. Repeat this process until the creature starts moving automatically. You will eventually crash. Head right after your dog.

Level 20

Follow your dog into the field, until you are scared by a creature with antlers. Go right and click on the high platform to climb up. Drag one of the creatures to yourself so you grab its head, then pull the other creatures to the right and you will end up wearing its antlers. Now go right until you reach the stone circle. After the scene, continue right through the next field until you reach some stones.

Level 21

Starting with larger ones and getting smaller, create a stack of 7 stones on top of the largest orange one Seven Stones. Now just put one yellow, one orange and one gray stone on top of the largest orange one, then click on its face. When the trees start falling, run to the right until your dog is knocked beneath the ground. Keep going to the right.

Level 22

Go as far to the right as you can, then pick up the green ball with the hand and give it to yourself. Now wait and you will be picked up by a large green creature. Pull the creature's face off, then pull each of the threads out to the left. Pull yourself to the right into the face. Now head right again, jumping over the floating bodies.

Level 23

Walk right to the candles, and a green face will appear. Click on the face, and you will climb onto it before descending below.

Level 24

Pull each of the 3 small fish skeletons up out of the water, then repeat this with the larger skeleton. Click on the small head being held by the large dark creature. Drag one of the small dark creatures up to your feet, and you will catch the small skeleton above. Now drag the large creature up and you will throw the small skeleton at the big one. Repeat this process twice more, and you will return to the green face. Click on the face, and you will climb onto it before descending again.

Level 25

Drag each of the side rocks inwards to reveal eyeballs inside them. Pull the eyes out so they fall on the floor, then feed them to the middle rock. Repeat this again with both sides, then once more with the left side. Now pull the tail off the middle rock, and your body will appear (if you only get part of it, you didn't feed it all 5 eyeballs). Put your head on your body, and you will return to the green face. Click on the face, and you will climb onto it before descending once more.

Level 26

Drag the floating debris to the right until it starts orbiting by itself.

Level 27

Drag the white glow beneath the surface up into the sky, then drag it over the face in the middle of the screen. Next move it over yourself at the bottom of the screen (just to the right of the middle). Now drag yourself up to the face, and you will be trapped inside the mouth. Drag the mouth to the left and then the right, and you will be able to escape. You will return to the green face again.

Level 28

Click on the face, and you will climb onto it. Pull the legs of the green creature over so you can grab them. Run right to your dog, and you will end up falling into a red object filled with creatures.

Level 29

Spin the whole room upside down, then drag yourself away from the creature and you will fall down, this time being trapped by electricity.

Level 30

Drag all of the creatures around you as far away as possible, and you will break free again.

Level 31

Spin the whole room counter-clockwise until you break free of your final shackles. Now you will wake up one more time Happy End.