Koala Lumpur
Journey to the Edge
Game Details: Comedy, 1997
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 5/2/2023
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Dingo's Atoll
Enter the trailer. Open the bathroom door so Koala joins you. Open the roll-top desk to see 3 books. Read through the green book and take the elevator card from the back. Read through the yellow book and notice the password STEAMER on page 9. Read through the purple book and notice the letters on the corners of the pages, which read PEMEMEZ. Open the refrigerator to find a filing cabinet, then fly through the keyhole and click on Dingo. Go back outside.
Over the bridge to the left, open the small shed to reveal an elevator. Use the keycard on the reader, then press the button and go inside. Turn the crank on the left, then press the down button on the right.
Leave the elevator, then turn around and flip the red switch to turn on the lights. Pick up Dingo's yellow robe for later. Find the patch terminal (machine with red sockets and one red plug), and insert the plug into the intersection of the left red spiral and the top lock symbol. Now use the computer near the tape recorder and enter the password STEAMER.
Press the down arrow at the bottom left, then the infinity symbol at the top right. Enter the password PEMEMEZ, then press the left button to translate this to the password BANANAS. Press the page with feet symbol near the bottom right - this will transfer the password to the filing cabinet.
Return to the elevator again. Press the up button on the right. Leave the elevator and return to the trailer. Make sure you are holding Dingo's robe, then use the computer in the refrigerator. Press the purple button to free Dingo from the filing cabinet. Put the 2 marbles back in Dingo's brain, then close the brain.
Trans Temporal Recreation Vehicle
Look at the location display on the left, then click on the rotating dial symbol at the top right.
The Land of Lost Things
Pick up the bone from the ground just to the right of the TTRV. Enter the tail section of a warplane and make 2 right turns within the maze to reach the Lost Expedition Clearing. Just to the right, pick up the Logbook of Lost Expedition and read through it, then take it with you. Go back into the maze and make 1 right turn. Pick up the large wrench. Return to the maze and make 1 left turn, then enter it again and make 2 left turns to return to the TTRV.
Enter the other maze, where there are no turns to take. Pick up the broken TV. Use the large wrench in your inventory, and you will enter the next maze automatically - turn left and then right. If you move left or right you will be zapped. Use the bone on one of these areas, and a new maze will become available. Head in and make 1 left turn to arrive at an area with 3 different exits.
Go through the tunnel to the left (nearest to the animal skull on the ground) and make 1 right turn. Click on the bomb here to make it explode, sending you to a new location. Pick up the goblet here, then enter the tunnel with steps in front of it and make 2 left turns - you will returning to the zapping area. Pick up the bone again and use it, then enter the revealed maze and make 1 left turn again to return to the area with 3 exits.
Go through the left tunnel (with the animal skull) and make 1 right turn. You can now go through another entrance that was previously blocked by the bomb. Make 1 right turn here, then pick up the bone tool. Go back into the tunnel and make 1 right turn to arrive at an area with 4 different exits.
Go through the pipe with the tyre on the ground in front of it, and you will end up in a trap. Use the bone tool in the winch to the left, then turn it to open the trap. Continue through the other tunnel here, then go through the large doors.
Junk City
Open the door at the very top and go through to Immigration, but the guard dog will not let you through. Try again, and this time you will be able to control what Dingo says (the translations are in the logbook):
- Bow Wow (Hello)
- (Butt symbol)
- Woof, Bark, Arf, Bark (You good, me good)
- Arf, Yelp, Whine (Me leader want)
- (Fire hydrant symbol)
After the guard dog turns his back, put the goblet on the ground next to him, and you will be allowed up to Customs for an interview with another guard dog:
- Bow Wow (Hello)
- (Nose/butt symbol)
- Arf, Bark, Woof, Bark (Me good, you good)
- Arf, Yelp, Whine (Me leader want)
- (Fire hydrant symbol)
After the guard dog turns his back, put the goblet on the ground next to him, and you will end up in the throne room. After you regain control, use the jet-pack on the back of the right guard dog. Pick up a piece of meat from the dead guard dog (just left of the collar). Use this meat to slowly lure the other guard dog all the way to the right to the cannon, then put the meat inside the cannon. Now pull the light blue cord to the right to fire the cannon with the guard dog inside. Pull the lever where that dog dog was standing, then open the door beneath Koala and go through.
Trans Temporal Recreation Vehicle
Turn around and look at the location display, then click on the surfboard symbol at the bottom right.
The Stream of Consciousness
After arriving, go left and press the button on the fortune teller's head until you can take a train ticket. Board the train, and you will be prompted to make some word associations:
- Pretty: Please
- Underwear: Unpack
- Masculinity: My
- Ex-Girlfriend: Emotional
- Belongings: Baggage
After the train journey, turn around and open the wooden door, then go through. Answer the 8 questions by opening these doors: C, B, A, B, C, C, B, A. Click on the fortune teller's head until you can take another train ticket. Board the train, and you will be prompted to make some more word associations:
- Above: Beneath
- That: This
- Weak: Tough
- Koala: Dingo
- Interior: Exterior
- Brave: Scared
- Huge: Little
- Adult: Pup
After this train journey, click on the giant wooden teeth, then go through the doorway. Look at the stack of papers next to the couch.
Trans Temporal Recreation Vehicle
Turn around and look at the location display, then click on the orbiting symbol at the bottom left.
The Eye in the Sky
Click on all parts of the Dress machine (head, torso, legs, feet) so they turn green, then press the left arrow 5 times and press the Dress button. Now that Dingo is dressed appropriately, pick up Koala's clothes from the floor, then go through the large cat face door. Walk down along the corridor and go through the second door on the right. Give Koala his clothes back and he will leave the table. Pick up the puzzle piece from the ground, then go back through the large cat face door.
Walk down along the corridor and approach the door on the left. You have 10 chances to guess the correct 3-digit number, and each time you are told whether the answer is higher or lower. Start at 500, then each time you get a hint, you can narrow the range down to get to the answer. Now go through the door to the Captain's Bridge.
Scroll all the way to the bottom to find a red controller on a small pedestal - this is the Telepad Controller. Examine this and take note of the 4 symbols for the current location (doll, red hand, truck, house). Back out and go through the cat face door at the top of the stairs to return to the corridor.
Walk down along the corridor and use your puzzle piece on the door panel on the right. Pay close attention to the symbol at the bottom of the panel here (in particular the red segments of the circle closest to the X). Also watch the progress of the red symbols across the middle, noting that the 2 groups of red segments negate each other when they meet. Go through the door and make your way forward, avoiding the red segments. Go through the door at the far end. Now examine the control panel in the middle of the room. You need to adjust the segments based on the pattern you saw before entering the corridor. Segments turn red if there are adjacent stars or blank spaces. Starting from the 1 o'clock position, the 4 rings should be as follows (outer ring at top):
Go to the Telepad Controller on the left and note the 4 symbols for this location (fist, fist, fist, umbrella), then set the symbols to the Captain's Bridge (doll, red hand, truck, house). Back out and pull the lever next to the controller to teleport. Go up the stairs and leave the room.
Walk down to retrieve your puzzle piece from the door panel on the right. Continue down and use your puzzle piece on the second door on the right. Again notice the various symbols, then go through the door. Make your way forward, avoiding the red segments, and go through the door at the far end. Adjust the segments on the control panel in this room. Starting from the 1 o'clock position, the 4 rings should be as follows (outer ring at top):
Go to the Telepad Controller on the left and note the 4 symbols for this location (fist, fist, fist, flower), then set the symbols to the Captain's Bridge (doll, red hand, truck, house). Back out and pull the lever next to the controller to teleport. Go up the stairs and leave the room.
Walk down to retrieve your puzzle piece from the 3rd door panel on the right. Continue down and use your puzzle piece on the second door on the right. Again notice the various symbols, then go through the door. Make your way forward, avoiding the red segments, and go through the door at the far end. Adjust the segments on the control panel in this room. Starting from the 1 o'clock position, the 4 rings should be as follows (outer ring at top):
Go to the Telepad Controller on the left and note the 4 symbols for this location (fist, fist, fist, fish), then set the symbols to the Captain's Bridge (doll, red hand, truck, house). Back out and pull the lever next to the controller to teleport.
Go half way up the stairs and press the button to the right of the large screen. Now press the small red dot on the screen itself. This shows you a schematic, and a clue for some final coordinates based on the 3 codes at the ends of the corridors. Go down to the Telepad Controller and set this code (brown hand, flower, fish, umbrella). Back out and you will automatically leave.
Macho Mental
Using the location display, travel back to each of these locations:
- The Land of Lost Things
- The Stream of Consciousness
- The Eye in the Sky
You will now see inside Dingo's head again. You need to connect pairs of objects as follows:
- Connect Dingo/Koala to Annie (Space Station disconnects)
- Connect Annie to the Helmet (Dingo/Koala and Woody disconnect)
- Connect Woody to Tuff Luv (Mallet disconnects)
- Connect Dingo/Koala to the Mallet