Cube Escape: Paradox
Game Details: Mystery, 2018
Steam Achievements: Completed (28/28)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 5/12/2021
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Small Room
Look beneath the TV and plug in the right cable. Back out and turn right. Open the red curtain to find Harvey, then look in the mirror to see that you are a bit cold. Next examine the dresser and open the left box to find a key. Look at the puzzle box on the right and slide the tiles around until they match the engravings beneath them. Open this box and take out a photo piece (1/5).
Back out and turn right again. Look at the framed painting on the wall and take another photo piece (2/5). Look at the set of drawers on the left and take the cigar. Look at the set of drawers on the right and examine the flyer - flip it over to see the message "Not the blue vial".
Back out and turn right once more. Flip the light switch up. Take the jacket from the hanger, then look at the drawers on the left. Take the scissors, photo piece (3/5) and pencil from the unlocked drawers. Use your key on the bottom drawer, then open it and take out a wooden cube. Use your scissors on the plant to the right to get a twig.
Back out and turn right, then take the next photo piece (4/5) from the left light. Turn right and look in the mirror again. Give the jacket to your reflection, then give it the cigar. Look down at the dresser and put the wooden cube into the left slot Wooden Cube.
Back out and turn around twice, then pick up the final photo piece (5/5) from the floor. Turn left and insert all of these pieces into the photo frame on the left drawers. Slot them together, then look at the back to see an image of a typewriter and the phrase "the woman". Back out and turn right, then examine the typewriter and type "the woman". Use your pencil to color in the man, then the door, then the woman, the blade, and finally the key. Take the key.
Back out and turn right. Use the key on the tall dresser to the right. Look up and open the evidence folder, then take the cassette tape, slide and newspaper article. Take the grip from just below the evidence folder, and notice the books on this shelf. On the shelf below, turn on the slide projector and insert your slide.
Turn around twice. Attach the grip to the hook on the screen so you can pull it down. Take the photo from the top of the screen. Line up the outline of the mirror, and you will see a white circle around the Roman numeral IV, and a dot on the mirror. Next line up the outline of the left light, and you will see a white circle around the Roman numeral V, and a cross on a frame. Turn right and examine the small clock. Set the time to 4:25, then take the matches. Next examine the cassette player here. Press the eject button and insert the cassette tape. Close it and press play to hear "enin xis xis lennahc", which is "channel six six nine" backwards.
Back out and turn around twice. Look in the mirror and use your matches to light the cigar. Click on your reflection repeatedly to see a series of 5 symbols. Turn left and open the cupboard door beneath the projector, then enter the 5 symbols you have just seen (circle with dot, S, square with line, Z, spiral). Take out the tape.
Back out and look beneath the TV. Use the tape on the broken cable, then plug it in. Examine the TV and use the dials to change to channel 669, then press the square button. As per the instructions, view channel 012, then channel 067. You will see an image of the typewriter and the phrase "the lake". Back out and turn left, then examine the typewriter and type "the lake". Use your scissors on the paper, then drag the bottom up until you can read "call 14335".
Back out and turn left, then use the phone to dial the number 14335 (drag from each number clockwise). Go through the conversation until you are told to "look through the keyhole". Back out and turn right, then look through the keyhole and you will see an image on Laura's eye. Look at the clock and set the time to 12:45. Take the triangle key.
Main Path
Turn around twice and take the burning cigar from the mirror. Turn right and look at the left drawers. Unlock the drawers with the triangle key. Look for the following authors of the books from the shelf:
- Hill, Robert
- Gogh, Vincent Van
- Vanderboom, Aldous
- Eilander, Jacob
- Reiziger, Ida
- Eilander, Caroline
Also find the file for Laura Vanderboom and take the prescription. Back out and unlock the right drawers with the triangle key. Search these drawers to find slide 2 and a handkerchief. Turn around twice and look at the books in the shelf. Arrange them according to the order of the symbols on the files (as listed above). Now flip through the last book and take the glass eye and iron cube.
Put slide 2 into the slide projector. Turn right and insert the iron cube into the right slot on the dresser Iron Cube. Turn right and drag the projector screen upwards. You will see that the projector now gives you the message TV 588 on the left, and it also circles 5 objects in the image, with associated symbols. Turn around twice and view channel 588 on the TV, which shows these same 5 objects in a specific order. Look at the lower left cupboard and enter a new series of 5 symbols based on this order (upside-down T, Z, triangle with line, square with line, S). Take out the globe key. Use this on the globe to the left, then examine the globe.
Click on the images in the bottom right to see clues of the path you need to follow:
- From the start, go north and then east on Roots Island
- Cross the Sea of Roses by going southeast
- Continue south and east between Dark Town and the Theatre
- Cross the Corrupted Sea by going east
- Continue northeast, then east to a small island
- Go southeast so you are south of the Cabin
- Continue through the long channel to the northeast
- Go northeast and then east so you are near the mountains
- Continue to the end
Open the globe and take the newspaper article and glass cup. Examine the 3 bottles here. Put a match in the third bottle, then tap it until it breaks. Take out the hook. Next put your twig in the second bottle. Tap it until the moth flies away. Back out and look at the top of the cabinet on the right. Collect water in your glass cup. Turn around twice and examine the moth hovering over the couch. Look at the stitching in the couch and cut it with the scissors until you get the string.
Return to the bottles in the globe and pour water into the first bottle. Lift up the cork, then add the string and hook. Use this combination to hook the glass eye, then take it. Back out and examine the deer skull on the wall, then add both glass eyes. Back out, then drag the dark dots down over the deer skull so they change shape.
Turn left and drag the dots over the clock, then the typewriter. Turn right and drag the dots over the TV, then turn left and drag them over the door. Turn around and drag the dots over the mirror, then look in the mirror. Click on each of the black dots, then click on the darkness.
Mind Maze
Now you must solve a maze puzzle:
- Drag the yellow room to the right of your current room. Click the circle to zoom in. Run over and use the silhouette. Run right to the next room, then use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Drag the light pink room to the left of your current room, and the blue one is to the left of this. Click the circle to zoom in. Run left, use the elevator, continue left, use the elevator, go down, and use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Drag the hexagon room to the right of your current room, and the gear room above this. Click the circle to zoom in. Use the elevator, go right, use the elevator, then use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Keep the hexagon room below your current room, and drag the brown room with the short pipe to the left of this. Click the circle to zoom in. Use the elevator, then go left and tip over the glass. Use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Drag the gear room beneath your current room. Click the circle to zoom in. Pull the lever here to drain the water downwards, then use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Keep the hexagon room to the right of your current room, and drag the gear room above this. Drag the other brown room with the curved pipe to the right of this. Click the circle to zoom in. Run right and use the elevator. Pull the lever here to drain the water to the right. Use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Drag the brown room with the curved pipe beneath your current room, and the red room to the left of this. Click the circle to zoom in. Use the elevator, then use the water elevator and run left. Open the red curtains, then use the picture frame to zoom back out.
- Drag the red room to the bottom right. Click the circle to zoom in. Run right, use the elevator and run right again Escape The Mind.
Small Room Again
Use your handkerchief to clean up the blood on the floor. Lift up the loose board and take out the part of a flyer. Turn left and look at the telephone. Look at the back of the flyer here, and place your part of a flyer over it to reveal the word "burn".
Back out and turn right, then examine the typewriter and type "burn". Use your scissors on the paper, then drag the bottom half up over the top half. Now use your burning cigar on the dots in the middle of the dynamite, candle, cigar and matches. This will reveal the word "life".
Use the typewriter again and type "life". Use your scissors on the paper and drag the bottom half over the top half as before. This time use your burning cigar on the fish, insect and shrimp. This will reveal the word "red".
Use the typewriter again and type "red". Use your scissors on the paper and drag the bottom half over the top half as before. This time use your burning cigar on the rose, tomato, lips, strawberry and heart. This will reveal the word "TV910".
Turn right and view channel 910 on the TV. Turn right and move the screen aside to reveal Laura. Click on her, then drag her face away from the direction her eyes are looking. Keep doing this until she disappears. Back out and take the dress patch from the top of the screen.
Back out and turn left. Look at the Case 23 folder in the right cabinet. Insert the 2 newspaper articles, the dress patch, the prescription and the photo. Look at the symbols on each of these items, and note their order in the folder. Back out, then look at the lower left cupboard and enter a new series of 5 symbols based on this order (triangle with line, upside-down T, circle with dot, S, square with line). Take out the "Harvey's song" cassette tape.
Back out and turn left again. Examine the cassette player. Press the eject button and take out the cassette tape, then insert Harvey's song. Close the player and press play. Back out and turn around twice, then examine the cage and take the glass cube. Insert this into the middle slot on the dresser Glass Cube. Look in the cabinet below and take the red vial. Look up at the mirror and give the red vial to your reflection Red Vial. Drink the red vial, then click on your reflection's head and take the key. Turn around and use this on the door, then head outside.
Follow the crow until you meet Mr Crow (1). Talk to him, then take the map. You can look at this to see where you are in the forest:
Head towards the western X on the map - just before you reach it, click on the silhouette hiding behind the tree on the right (2). Go west to find a rock (3). Now follow the path indicated on the rock, and pick up the crow statue (4). Look at the map and make your way towards the southern X. Click on the silhouette again when you get close (5), then continue west to find another rock (6). Follow the path indicated on the rock here, and pick up the woman statue (7). Look at the map and make your way towards the northern X. When you find the deer head (8), repeatedly click on the spot on the silhouette until it disappears. Continue until you reach the rock (9). Follow the path indicated on the rock here, and pick up the man statue (10).
Now follow the map to the far north until you reach a closed gate (11). Insert the statues in the hollows here, then go forward until you reach Laura in the water. Click on Laura and the shadow until they disappear into the water. Click on the water, then take the black cube. Click on the black cube Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 Achievements
You will need to start a new game after completing Chapter 1 via the main path. Follow the walkthrough above until you reach the section called Main Path, then continue below.
Movie Achievements
Go to the achievements screen on the settings menu. You can click on each achievement box here for a hint. Start with the first hint, which gives a series of moments to examine in the companion film:
- On the TV screen
- Inside the fish drawer
- On the bar inside Harvey's cage
- In the ashtray next to the telephone
- In the movie credits
Go back to the bottom left cabinet and insert these symbols (spiral, envelope, S, triangle with line, hourglass). Take out slide 3. Put slide 3 into the slide projector. Turn around twice and see the message TV 566. View channel 566 on the TV The Chapel.
The second hint shows a picture of the clock. Examine this in the companion film to see it shows the time 8:05. Set the clock in the game to this time, and take the key. Use this to unlock the bottom right cabinet next to the TV. Take out the hat, then give this to your reflection in the mirror A New Hat.
The third hint shows some deer antlers over a television. Look for the deer in the forest in the companion film to see 3 numbers on the tree to the right (749). View channel 749 on the TV What happened to the deer?.
The fourth hint shows the credits and files in the drawer. Watch the Backers section of the credits and you will see a series of 5 names followed by Roman numerals. Look up each of these names in the files in the drawers:
- Weiler, Amy
- Echevarria, Isabel
- McShane, Mark
- Rafferty, Bob
- Werner, Jessica
Go back to the bottom left cabinet and insert the symbols from their files (circle with dot, triangle with line, square with line, upside-down T, S). Take out the green cassette tape, and play this in the cassette player. You will need to rewind the tape, then try playing it again to find the number 247. View channel 247 on the TV Bob's Story.
The fifth hint shows the middle book on the shelf. Find this in the companion film to see it is called "The Vanderbooms". Go to the typewriter and type "the vanderbooms" The Comic.
Alternate Ending
Now that you have collected all of the achievements in the game for this chapter, you can view their associated symbols on the achievements page. Go back to the bottom left cabinet and insert these symbols (upside-down T, square with line, S, triangle with line, spiral). Take out the green vial. Go to the mirror and give this to your reflection The Green Vial. Get him to drink it, then click on him several more times. You will now be presented with a series of short puzzles:
- She is waiting: Run to the right.
- Hold your memories: Click and hold on the cube until it disappears, then run to the left.
- Find another way: Run to the left.
- Take a deep breath in the right place: Run just a little to the left and wait for the cube to disappear, then run to the left.
- Lift your memory: Drag the cube up and over to the left, then run to the right.
- Take it easy: Run slowly to the left.
- Kill the crow: Click on the crow as it flies past, then run to the right.
- You cannot save her: Run to the left.
- Unless you sacrifice yourself: Run over the edge to the right.
- The lake will be grateful: Click on the small cube.
You will now see Laura standing in the lake Dale's Fate.
Chapter 2
Small Room
Look beneath the TV and plug in the cable. Next look at the windmill on top of the tall cabinet to the right. You need to turn the blades according to the number of lights in the middle and the direction of the light activated at the bottom:
- Blade with 1 square to the bottom right
- Blade with 4 squares to the bottom left
- Blade with 3 squares to the top right
- Blade with 2 squares to the bottom left
- Blade with 3 squares to the top right
Take the paper piece (1/4) from the middle of the windmill. Back out and turn right. Examine the dresser. Look at the puzzle box on the right and slide the tiles around until they match the engravings beneath them. Open this box and take out a paper piece (2/4).
Back out and turn right again. Look at the set of drawers on the left and take the burning cigar. Look at the set of drawers on the right and examine the flyer - flip it over to see the message "Not the red vial". Back out and turn right once more. Look at the drawers on the left. Take the screwdriver and paper piece (3/4) from the unlocked drawers. Examine the light switch and use your screwdriver on each of the screws so you can remove the cover. Rotate the wire pieces to complete the circuit, then replace the cover and flip the switch up.
Back out and turn right, then take the next paper piece (4/4) from the left light. Turn left and insert all of these pieces into the photo frame on the left drawers.�Slot them together, then look at the back to see an image of a TV and the number 945. Turn right and view channel 945 on the TV. Turn around twice and use the burning cigar on the silhouette in the picture, then take the key that is revealed. Turn around twice again and use the key to unlock the top part of the tall cabinet. Take the knife. Open the psychological evaluation folder and take out the painting label. Look up and take the eye from the jar. Just beneath this, stack the books from largest up to smallest, all on the right side. Read The Ultimate Guide to Mental Health, and take the photo from inside.
Back out and turn right. Look at the small painting on the wall and put the label across the bottom of the frame. Move all of the items around over their faint outlines, then take the ear. Next look in the mirror. Give the knife to your reflection then use it to cut the head open. Take out the brain. Now click on the red curtain to the left. Give the knife to the hand, then click several more times and take the heart followed by the knife.
Back out and turn left. Look at the jars in the tall cabinet. Get the water levels the same by placing the heart, eye, ear and brain in the jars in this order. Now you can read the label on the right jar. Back out and turn left. Open the second drawer here and examine the fish. Use the knife on the fish. Move the bones so the symbols on each segment match, then take the triangle key. Turn left and use the triangle key on both sets of drawers. Take a magnifying glass from one drawer, and find a telephone directory in another.
Main Path
Look through the directory to find the number for "Vanderboom A", which is 36772. Back out and use the phone to dial the number 36772 (drag from each number clockwise). Go through the conversation, then back out.
Turn around twice and view channel 412 on the TV. You will see a magnifying glass symbol over the flyer. Go back to the telephone and use the magnifying glass on the flyer to read "TV 492". Turn back to the TV and view channel 492. You will see a magnifying glass symbol over the changing screen. Turn right and use the magnifying glass on the screen to read "TV 879". Turn back to the TV and view channel 879. You will see a magnifying glass symbol over the red key box. Now turn right and look inside the red box on the dresser. Use your magnifying glass here to read "TV 278". Turn back to the TV and view 278. You will see a magnifying glass symbol over the fish drawer. Go back to the fish drawer and use the magnifying glass. Open the panel and take out the globe key. Turn right and use this on the globe, then examine the globe.
Click on the images in the bottom right to see clues of the path you need to follow:
- From the start, go southeast and then northeast on Birthday Island
- Cross the Gulf of Youth by going east twice
- Head through the long channel to the east
- Go southwest past the Theatre, then directly east
- Cross the Sea of Tears by going southeast
- Continue northeast past Police St
- Cross the water to the north, then continue east between the trees
- Cross the water to the east towards the windmill
- Go south past the Chapel, then east between the mountains
- Cross the water by going southeast, so you are next to the large building
- Continue to the end
Open the globe and poke the brain 3 times. Now you have to play a tower defense game; drag the circles onto the plus symbols so they can shoot the bugs before they reach the middle. Keep going until you kill enough bugs. Poke the brain until it shrinks, then click on the globe to pick it up Mind Of The Present.
Look in the mirror and put the present mind in your reflection's head. Back out and turn right, then talk to Mr Crow. Take the cup from him, then examine the psychological test on the floor here and take out the seed and cassette tape. Back out and turn right. Look at the tape player on the left drawers. Press the eject button, insert the cassette tape, then close it and press play (you will hear a list of things: moth, crow, murder, fear, my corrupted soul).
Back out and examine the projector on the right drawers. Open the bottom panel, then collect oil in your cup. Turn right again and use this in the bottom of the coffee maker. Next fill your cup with water from one of the jars here. Plant the seed in the pot to the left, then water it from your cup. Take the coffee beans that appear. Get more water from another jar. Grind the coffee beans using the windmill (put the beans in the middle, then spin the blades). Now put the ground coffee and water into the coffee maker. Light the oil in the bottom with your lit cigar. Pour coffee into the cup. Back out and turn around twice, then give the cup of coffee to Mr Crow A Cup Of Coffee.
Talk to him again, then examine the psychological test. Take note of the symbols for each of the things you heard on the cassette tape. Back out and turn around twice, then open the bottom left cabinet door. Enter the 5 symbols you have just seen (up arrow, square with line, upside-down T, I, S). Take out the light bulb. Insert this into the machine behind Mr Crow, then turn the dial and a picture will appear. You need to place each of the pictures into the appropriate slot below: love, confusion, confusion, fear, love, love, fear, confusion, fear, love, confusion, fear. Turn the dial once more to receive a psychological file, then also take the brain Mind Of The Past.
Go back to the mirror. Remove the present mind, and insert the mind of the past. Back out and turn right, then talk to your parents. Look at the flags above them and rearrange so adjacent pieces match. Turn right and rearrange the flags here so the numbers of dots go from 0 to 7. Turn around twice and rearrange the flags here so the number of segments goes from 0 to 7. Talk to your parents again. Look in the telephone directory and find "Eilander D", then use the phone to dial the number 57671. After the conversation, turn right and look through the keyhole; click several times until the rabbit disappears.
Turn around and look beneath the red curtain, then click until the rabbit disappears again. Repeat this with the mirror, then the globe. Click on him behind the deer skull on the wall, and he will hold up a number of fingers. Click on the antler with the same number of points. Repeat this until he disappears again. Talk to your parents again and you will be told to turn on channel 369. Back out and view channel 369 on the TV. Now look behind the changing screen. Click on the rabbit's head and a hand will appear. Now click where the hand is pointing (a pocket or the neck). Repeat this until he disappears again.
Go back to your parents and click on the present until you can look inside it. Take the newspaper article. Back out and look around the room to see writing in blood on each of the four walls. Look back in the present and solve the sliding puzzle, moving the blocks representing the 4 walls of the room next to the appropriate writing:
- Top: Cabinet
- Left: TV
- Right: Clock
- Bottom: Frame
Take out the brain Mind Of The Future.
Go back to the mirror. Remove the mind of the past, and insert the mind of the future. Turn right and look at the small table. Open the envelope and take out the key, flyer, seal and letter. Put the letter back, then use the seal on it. Burn the seal with your lit cigar, then pick up the sealed letter.
Return to the mirror and remove the brain. Now look at the red curtain and click on it. Give the letter to the hand, then take the owl statue. Turn around twice and use the key to unlock the bottom drawer, then take out the film tape. Use this on the film projector, then examine the piece of film in the middle of the projector. Reorder the film, then turn the two dials on the projector. Turn around twice and pull down the screen. You need to adjust the position of the screen so that part of the projected image matches up with the outline on the screen. This needs to be repeated multiple times, aligning these parts: wing, tie, corrupted soul, dressing table, Mr Crow, face, mountains, lips, face.
Move the screen up out of the way, then take the painting off the wall. Take the funeral card. Open the window to see 4 images on the shutters, then click again and take the corrupted statue. Turn around to the tall cabinet and open the psychological evaluation folder. Insert the photo, psychological file, newspaper article, funeral card and flyer. Note that the funeral card mentions 207 TV. Back out and view channel 207 on the TV.
Back out, and the eye will remain on the TV. Click and then turn in the direction the eye looks. Repeat this until Laura disappears, and pick up the woman statue. Now you must deal with the images on the window shutters. Review the pages in The Ultimate Guide to Mental Health and find the page with the clock. You need to assign times to the other images on the shutters based on their relative positions around the room:
- Door: 9 o'clock
- Globe: 11 o'clock
- Deer: 12 o'clock
- Cabinet: 3 o'clock
Go to the clock and set the time to 11:45 for the left shutter, then take the coin. Next set the time to 3:00 for the right shutter, then take the sugar cube. Go back to the past by putting the mind of the past in your reflection's head. Look at the table between your parents and unlock the small box with the coin. Take out the man statue.
Go back to the present mind, then put the sugar cube in Mr Crow's coffee. Get him to drink the coffee, then take the crow statue. Now head to the future by putting the mind of the future in your reflection's head. Talk to Laura, who is sitting in one of the chairs. Put the 5 statues on the board on the table here. Now you need to arrange them so there are no 2 pieces on the same row, column or diagonal:
Now look at the symbols down the right side of the board. Brose through The Ultimate Guide to Mental Health again and note the order of pages devoted to each figure. Open the safe in the bottom left cupboard with the 5 symbols in the correct order (triangle with dot, hourglass, S, upside-down T, I). Take out the "Harvey's song" cassette tape.
Back out and turn left again. Examine the cassette player. Press the eject button and take out the cassette tape, then insert Harvey's song. Close the player and press play. Look around, then go back to the cassette player. Press rewind, then press play again. Look at the window and tap on Harvey. Back out and tap on him again on Laura's shoulder, where he will say "Johnsson". Look in the telephone directory and find "Johnsson J D E", then use the phone to dial the number 54253.
Look at the window and take the bird food. Give this to Harvey, then tap him several times and take the egg. Return to the mirror and remove the brain. Now look at the red curtain and click on it. Give the egg to the hand, then click on the curtain until the man says he cannot think. Cut open his head and put the present mind inside, then tap him until he turns into Mr Owl. Talk to him, then take the wooden cube. Next put the mind of the past inside his head, talk to him, and take the iron cube. Now put the mind of the future inside his head, talk to him, and take the glass cube.
Look at the dresser and put the 3 cubes in their correct spots according to the companion film (wooden, glass, iron). Look in the cabinet below. Use your magnifying glass to read "TV 726", then take the blue vial. Look up at the mirror and give the blue vial to your reflection The Blue Vial. Drink the blue vial, then click on your reflection's head. Look around each wall of the room and click on the moth. Pick up the key and use it on the door, then head outside.
Follow the arrows on the trees until you discover your body (1). Pick up the map. You can look at this to see where you are in the forest:
Head towards the X on the map (2). Talk to Mr Crow, then take the knife from him. Make your way to the west, following a running man until you reach a stone (3). Talk to the man here, then follow the path indicated on the rock. Pick up the corrupted statue (4). Follow the path indicated by the tree here to get the next corrupted statue (5). Leave here and start following a running deer until you catch him (6). Talk to him and take another corrupted statue. Follow the path north and check out a small side branch to the west (7). Talk to the man here Movie Dale.
Now follow the map to the far north until you reach a closed gate (8). Insert the statues in the hollows here, then go forward until you reach Laura in the water. Kill her with the knife. Click on the water, then take the black cube Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 Achievements
You will need to start a new game after completing Chapter 2 via the main path. Follow the walkthrough above until you reach the section called Main Path, then continue below.
Movie Achievements
Go to the achievements screen on the settings menu. You can click on each achievement box here for a hint. Start with the first hint, which gives a series of moments to examine in the companion film:
- On the side of the TV
- The wooden block inside the drawer
- Second symbol inside the book
- On the painting with Mr Crow
- On the glass cube inside Harvey's cage
Open the bottom left cabinet door, and insert these symbols (triangle with dot, up arrow, spiral, up arrow, spiral). Take out the tie. Look in the mirror and give the tie to your reflection A new tie.
The second hint shows a picture of the clock. Examine this in the companion film to see it shows the time 8:05. Set the clock in the game to this time, and take the key. Use this to unlock the bottom right cabinet next to the TV. Take out the shrimp cocktail, then give this to the hand behind the red curtain. Click to bring the hand back out again A bit fishy.
The third hint asks you to count the number of coasters on the table (4), the number of glasses in the globe (6), and the number of jars on the shelf (5), all within the companion film. View channel 465 on the TV Another ending.
The fourth hint asks you to add the number on the back of the flyer (73298), the number on the book with the iron cube (2604), and the number on the jar with the J label (1870), all within the companion film. Use the phone to dial the number 77772, and you will told to call the director. Find the name of the director of the companion film, then look them up in the phone directory under "Leijenhorst van s". Now use the phone to dial the number 15334 A phone call.
The fifth hint leads you to examine a key-chain inside the globe in the companion film. This shows the number 315. View channel 315 on the TV The Great Northern Hotel.
Alternate Ending
Before proceeding, take this opportunity to view channel 726 on the TV, which you learned by using the magnifying glass when grabbing the blue vial back in the main Chapter 2 path The right place.
There is another secret achievement that requires information from the end of the related game, Rusty Lake Paradise. There are a series of 4 symbols shown in the final scene with the owl mask. You need these 4 plus the extra symbol from your psychological test with Mr Crow. Go to the bottom left cabinet door and enter these symbols (S, up arrow, envelope, spiral, circle with dot). Take out the owl mask. Put this on your reflection in the mirror Paradise.
Now that you have collected all of the achievements in the game for this chapter, you can view their associated symbols on the achievements page. Go back to the bottom left cabinet and insert these symbols (hourglass, envelope, I, triangle with dot, circle with dot).�Take out the golden cube and 2 diamond eyes. Insert these diamond eyes into the deer skull on the wall. Back out, then open the elevator and give the golden cube to Mr Bat Dale's Journey Continues.