Follow the MeaningFollow the Meaning

Game Details:  Mystery, 2024

Steam Achievements:  Completed (15/15)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  1/25/2025

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Follow the Meaning is a surreal mystery adventure set on a remote island. Taking the role of detective Paul Trilby, you are summoned to the island to investigate dark secrets surrounding the hospital on the island. You will need to play the game twice to see both endings.

The Town

Day Time

Search the mailbox to find a letter from Dr Susie. Talk to the man sitting on the edge of the island. Open the door of the lighthouse and grab the oars, then use them on the rowboat. After arriving at the dock, look back to the island and click on the man in the boat Gone Fishing.

Talk to the fisherman on the dock, and the man sitting on the shoreline. Pick up the bone from near the campfire site. Go to the small building and give the bone to the dog. Examine the door and rotate the 3 disc segments to create a picture of a man's face - the door will now open. Talk to the man here and take the axe. Back outside, use the axe on the tree near the stream, and you will form a bridge that you can cross.

Talk to the kid in the playground, and pick up the sign just to the right. Search the skip bin over to the right to find a club ticket, and look in the mailbox here to find another note from Dr Susie. Look at the advertising column to the right, and a small sign just behind the playground.

Enter the building on the right with the cat-shaped door and talk to the woman inside. Back out and you will now have the quest of locating 8 cats. Over to the left, click on a black cat (1/8) on the roof of a tall building near the bottom of the screen Gizmo. Back on the other side of the river, use your club ticket on the club to get inside.

Notice the sign near the security guard. Turn on the spotlight and then Use the sign from the playground on the hole in the middle of the floor. Click on the security guard and you will be allowed into the bar. Talk to the bartender, then turn the bottles to create a cohesive purple pattern - you will receive a bottle of wine. Give this to the man at the table, then take the coin. Back out of the bar and use your coin on the door to the WC. Enter the WC. Search the trash can and pick up a screwdriver, then use this on the vent and take the tape from inside. Use this on the sink, then turn the tap and you will get some worms. Flush the toilet several times Stinky job!.

Return outside and give the worms to the fisherman on the dock. Pick up the ID. Use this on the reader on the wall to the far right, but it won't work. Talk to the person just to your left, and you will receive a key. Head back into the club and go up the stairs. Use your key on the door here. Go through and you will end up on the roof. Pull the rope, then head back inside.

Night Time

Go through the door on the right and click on the dancing cat (2/8) you can see in the doorway Peanut. Take the hat from the left bar stool and give it to the bald man on the right. Examine the painting on the left, then click on the box in front of the bald man and adjust it so it matches the painting (but upside down). Take the wrench from the box.

Go back outside and click on the black cat (3/8) beneath the lamp post near the dock Shadow. Look at the glowing sign near the small steps up from the water at the bottom left. Now use your wrench on the electrical box at the base of the apartment building on the right, and click on these lights:

Click on the man on the balcony of the building to the right Greeting gone wrong?. Now enter the submarine in the water to the left.

The Submarine

Go through the door at the top, then look around for flashing lights to indicate the correct door to go through next:

  • left
  • middle
  • right
  • middle
  • left
  • left
  • right
  • right

Examine the rusty brown device on the right, then take out the battery from its small compartment. Now take the key hanging over the desk. Look at the boiler on the left, then look closely at the top of the boiler. Insert the battery in the slot here, then use your key on the keyhole that is revealed by the spotlight. Take the hole from the boiler. Use the hole on the tunnel opening to the right, then crawl through.

Click on the swimming cat (4/8) high up on the left Biscuit. Press the light switch on the wall, then go through the doorway. Remove the hat from the man, then take the eye button from the top of his head. Pay attention to the sign on the wall, and the scar on the man's head. Back out and use the eye button on the machine in the middle of the room, then pay attention to the images coming from the pipes.

Examine the controls on the tunnel to the right, then set the eyes as follows:

  • Top Left: All eyes closed
  • Top Right: All eyes closed
  • Middle: Middle and right eyes open
  • Bottom Left: Middle and right eyes open
  • Bottom Right: Middle eye open

Crawl through the next tunnel.

The Cave

Talk to the woman on the right, then go through the lit doorway into a small room. Talk to the man here, who needs you to get a bottle from the end of one of the hallways. Go back out to the tunnel and search at the top left to find the bottle, then return to the small room.

Click on the mouse in the cupboard, then on the gray cat (5/8) that peers out from the edge of the room Muffin. Read the newspaper on the desk. Look out the window and click on the sign, then also look at the cauldron. You need to click on the ingredients in the correct order:


Use your bottle on the cauldron. Leave the room and use the bottle on the woman. Go to the door at the bottom right and click on the 2 images that match the layout of the cave:

Go through the opened door at the top right.

Beyond the Wall

Click on the man in the lake to the bottom left, then fix the bridge after the pieces are jumbled. Cross over this bridge to the left and pick up a candy. Give this to the man with spiky hair in the middle of the area, and you will go through a strange portal.

Notice the 6 glowing points on the cactus, and click on the matching 6 circles in the floating disc:

Next look around for glowing symbol and click on the match 4 objects in the floating disc:

Now drag the symbols of hats into the correct positions as if you were looking at the main hat from different angles:


Once you are back out of the tree, click on it to set up a slingshot. Try to use this yourself, but you won't get very far. Talk to the woman sitting beneath a tree down to the right. Click on a brown cat (6/8) hiding in the trees to the bottom right Tigger. Now look at the 3 houses here. Click on each electrical box, with the goal being to activate all squares by clicking in the following order:


Pick up the black mushroom that grows on the small island, then give it to the woman beneath the tree - you will receive your ID. Use this on the reader on the wall to the top left.

The Town

Talk to the people over on the left, then to the woman that comes out and offer to help you. Go and talk to her there, and you will follow her to the right.

Beyond the Wall

Click on your friend twice and she will help you use the slingshot to get over the guard. Enter the small house on the right. Take the phone card from the table. Read the note from Susie in the bottom drawer. Also examine the book on the window ledge, and the photo on the left. Back out again and click on the black cat (7/8) near the edge of the water Whiskers.

Use your phone card on the phone and dial the number on the nearby ambulance (0623). Select the eyes and hair that match the image from the book inside the house:

After the ambulance leaves, approach the hospital building on the right.

The Hospital Grounds


Look inside the locker to see a group of 4 keys. Examine the door on the left and change the lock patterns to match the keys - the shortest key goes at the top and the longest key at the bottom. Use the computer in the left room - you will eventually be beamed up into space.


Click on each of the asteroids, then click on the space cat (8/8) that is hiding behind one of them Luna. Click on the cat quest icon at the bottom right of the screen to see all the cats back together Reunited.

Examine the left alien and take the cartridge from its mouth. Examine the middle alien and take the green light from its eye. Examine the right alien and take the antenna from its eye socket. Now focus on the machine to the left and insert all 3 of these missing parts.


Take the ID from the printer, then use it on the reader back in the right room. Inside the small compartment, read the patient file and take the disc. Go back outside, then approach the bunker in the lower left part of the hospital grounds. Insert your disc into the middle, and 4 symbols will be highlighted. Each of these dark symbols will be between two yellow symbols around the disc. Read from the top on the left side of the panel and insert the same dark symbols between the yellow symbols. Go through the door at the bottom of the stairs.

Talk to everyone and look at the information on the left wall and the two desks. Now look at the board on the right wall and drag the faces to the correct places:

  • Resistance: Susie (girl with long dark hair and glasses)
  • Hospital: Man with short brown hair, mustache and glasses
  • Run Transfer.exe: Cloud symbol
  • Patient 1: Woman with curly red hair
  • Patient 2: Man with red glasses, long gray hair and beard
  • We Need Him: Paul (detective with green hat)
  • Three-Eyed 1: Bald three-eyed man with no facial hair
  • Three-Eyed 1: Bald three-eyed man with mustache and goatee

Crawl through the tunnel to enter the hospital. Open the laptop on the desk to see a pattern - click on each of the eye symbols to reveal part of a code. Now examine the doctor and press the buttons in this order:


Go through the door to enter the hospital maze. Take a map from the door on the right here. The map is useful, but the perspective from which you view each room is different, so you must rely on the other objects in the room to help guide you. From the room where you find the map, go right, up, right and up 3 times. Examine the poster on the wall and lift up the corner twice Mind in the Maze. Continue up, left twice, up 3 times, right, up, left and up twice.

Look through the two closed doors. Enter the right open door. Read the note on the desk. Look at the picture on the right wall, then close the blinds. Examine the locked drawer and open it by pressing 4 buttons:

Take out a blue fob. Leave this room and enter the left open door. Talk to the patient, then use your blue fob on the machine to free the patient. After you are hooked up to the machine, there are two possible endings:

  • Run the transfer.exe program and let it complete The Cloud
  • Run the transfer.exe program but quickly cancel it, then click again and delete the program A New Beginning