Gobliiins 5
Game Details: Comedy, 2023
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 1/25/2024
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Part 1
Flatus Square
Cast a spell on the big earthworm to the right, then the little kid holding the balloon, and the pile of garbage where the rat is sitting. Also cast spells on each of the 5 sad looking flowers to cheer them up.
Go over to the right to hit the tool shed door 4 times to completely break it. Examine the stump to make a big mole appear.
Quickly take the glasses from the big mole. Also pick up the banana peel, can of food, empty bottle, old tin can and pick-up tool. Talk to the strange creature on the right that looks like a potato. Next talk to the Venerable Tree 3 times so he shows you his foot, then quickly use your hammer to remove the nail. Talk to the Venerable Tree again to find out that he lost his glasses. Give the mole's glasses to the Venerable Tree.
Collect the garbage bag from next to the Venerable Tree. Use your pick-up tool to get the old bottle and apple core from near the statue. Put all of your rubbish into the trash can on the far right. Examine the big anchor 3 times.
The Ship Palamede
Punch the nailed-down boards 3 times. Knock on the cabin door and talk to Blutt until he comes out to the main deck.
Enter the cabin to get a strengthener.
Knock on the cabin door and talk to Blutt again to get him outside.
Enter the cabin to get a flight suit. Use your pick-up tool on the fishing net to get a fish. Go up to the left and examine the chest behind the captain to get some dead flies. Next head up to the right and pick up the fish food.
Feed the fish food to each of the flying fish until you find 2 that like it and are full. Feed the dead flies to each of the remaining flying fish to find another 2 that like these and are full. Head back to the chest to get 2 more dead flies, and feed one to the remaining flying fish.
Talk to Ponpon. Use the strengthener on him - now you can talk to him whenever you want to switch behind the main deck and the sails. Head up to the sails and feed a dead fly to one of the flying fish, and a fish to the other one. Talk to Ponpon to return to the main deck.
Use your pick-up tool on the fishing net to get another fish. Talk to the captain 3 times, then pick up the big key. Get another 2 dead flies from the chest. Use your old nail on the padlock, then use the big key on the cabin door and enter the captain's cabin. Pick up the fish oil and look behind the right painting to get another key. Give a dead fly to the small green fish. Talk to Betadine 3 times. Go back outside and talk to Ponpon to head up to the sails.
Talk to Ponpon to head up to the sails then punch the balloon fish's eye so that it opens its mouth.
Use fish food on the small fish within the balloon fish's mouth. Use your small blue key on the old clock.
Punch the old clock to reveal a skeleton. Try to use the pedaling cockpit.
Examine the skeleton and take the portrait. Use your fish oil on the propeller shaft.
Use the pedaling cockpit.
Talk to Ponpon to return to the deck, then enter the captain's cabin. Show the portrait to the small green fish. Go back out to the deck and examine the barrel.
Cast a spell on the barrel to bring an old pot out to the top.
Use your hammer on the old pot. Examine the pot to get a skull. Return into the captain's cabin. Give the skull, portrait and fish to Betadine. After automatically leaving, go back into the captain's cabin and talk to Betadine. Go out and use your flight suit on the flight platform (with the red arrow).
The Doors of the Castle
Go down to the lower area and pick up the large stone. Go back over the bridge and use the large stone on the damaged crate, then pick up a four-leaf clover. Try to go through the open portcullis above, but the guard will stop you.
Examine the bulging eyes in the left part of the water, then pick up the horned helmet. Use this on the wooden panel in the small building behind you to reveal a window. Look through the window, then use the horned helmet on the window. Talk to Oscar Gault (the snail), who will give you a small wardrobe. Give this to the shady guy on the right, in exchange for a strengthener. Go back and use this on the window.
Punch both crates 3 times. Use the dungeon to get the prisoner to appear.
Talk to the prisoner. Pick up the flint candlestick from one of the broken crates. Go up the stairs and knock on the tavern door.
Knock on the tavern door. Go down and cast a spell on the big cactus.
Knock on the tavern door to get an old sock. Go down and pick up the very small cactus. Give this to Oscar Gault, in exchange for a golden beetle. Give this to the shady guy to get a hammer, then give this to the prisoner.
Walk up the new stone steps and punch the broken stepladder. Climb up to the waxed floor.
Cast a spell on the balanced crate.
Quickly punch the half-broken crate.
Climb up and collect the big hourglass. Use this on the waxed floor. Talk to the janitor 3 times. Go all the way back down and examine the bulging eyes in the water again. Give the sock to Oscar Gault. Now examine the bluish stone to the left to find a very small hanger.
Punch the new crate 3 times.
Pick up Tchamp the mushroom and give the mushroom to the janitor. Use your very small hanger on the air vent. Enter the passage.
The King's Chamber
Punch the bust of the king 4 times.
Pick up the crown and the mechanism key. Read the newspaper. Search the big vase (behind Ignatius) to find a clothespin. Head downstairs and pick up the magnifying glass. Go back upstairs and use the magnifying glass on the spider 3 times. Also use the magnifying glass on the newspaper. Search the hole in the glabonzz upstairs to find the king's sceptre
Go downstairs and give the crown and sceptre to King Angoulafre. Use your very small hanger on the serving hatch panel. Next use your clothespin with the porridge being transfused.
Cast a spell on the cracked floor slab to the left of the upstairs area. Head downstairs and cast spells on the pig's head, ham, roast, roast chicken, big cake, cheese and salami.
Go downstairs and punch each of the sets of bricks 3 times to reveal 3 windows. Also hit the folding screen.
Use your mechanism key on the phonograph to the left. Talk to King Angoulafre. Go upstairs and pick up the royal seal, then give it to the sleeping guy.
Part 2
The Snail
Go to the very top of the boat and talk to the potato lady.
Punch the lid off the coffin, then examine the coffin and talk to the "dead" one inside.
Talk to the walking potato 6 times to receive a sandwich. Pick up the fork and oil can (fish oil). Talk to Sleepwalker Bob on the right of the middle level; use your fork on the jar of fireflies, then talk to him again. Use your fish oil on the swinging coffin.
Talk to the sleepy looking potato in the middle level 4 times so he puts down a box set. Use you mechanism key on this to pick it up, then talk to the sleepy looking potato again. Go down to the bottom level and talk to the potato child. Use your jar on the little monster, then talk to the potato child twice more. Pick up the slingshot. Use the box set on the potato child.
Go up to the top level and talk to the potato with glasses. Examine the sleeping potato on the left, and give him the sandwich. Now use the box set on the potato lady. Return to the bottom level and use your slingshot on the gizmo to the far right. Go back up and talk to the tense potato on the left of the middle level.
Talk to the hearse driver 6 times, then go back and talk to the sleepy looking potato once more.
The Gold Giraffe
Go to the far left and cast a spell on the gizmo on the ground.
Go to the far left and pick up the gizmo. Use your monster in a jar on the cheeky young potato, then pick up the crown. Also use the monster in a jar on the guard to get a utensil (potato masher). Talk to the pretty mouse, then give her the coffee grinder, potato masher and box set, in exchange for a water bottle. Use your fish oil on the small empty jar next to the pretty mouse. Use your empty water bottle on the puddle; pick it up again and it will be filled with water.
Punch all 5 eyes with springs, then punch the statue 8 times to break it.
Pick up the crown that fell from the statue. Give both crowns to Mama Lanfrit to get 2 whiting. Try to enter the restaurant, but it is closed. Go over to the right and examine the doghouse. Use both whiting on the doghouse, then examine it again. Fill the water bowl from your water bottle, then pick up another crown.
Fill your bottle at the puddle again. Head right and turn off the faucet. Go back to Mama Lanfrit and give her the last crown so you can take the last whiting. After automatically going to the restaurant, talk to the cook 4 times.
Talk to the pretty mouse again. Go to the closed green gate to the right and use it. Talk to Gramolle the painter twice. Put the whiting on the pedestal table and water from your bottle into the bucket. Look at the white wall on the right, then use the bucket to reveal the sketch beneath. Now look at the painter's sketches on the wall. Return to the pretty mouse and give her back the water bottle.
Green Salad Street
Walk to the far right and talk to Ms Michoo 4 times. Go left and use your slingshot on the straw hat 4 times, then pick it up and give it to Ms Michoo. Take the pan from the lady's bag. Use your 4-leaf clover with the hole in the ground, and an earthworm will appear. Use your flint candlestick with the dead shrub.
Cast a spell on the earthworm.
Use your pan on the spot where the water fell.
Cast a spell on the earthworm.
Pick up the pan of water and use it on the dead shrub. Add the hat, then use the flint candlestick on the dead shrub again. Pick up the pan and use it on the spot where the water fell.
Cast a spell on the earthworm.
Pick up the pan of water and use it on the dead shrub to put out the fire.
Punch the piece of fence 4 times.
Go through the gap in the fence to the property.
The House of Obdule Meliaduc
Pick up the 3 stones (near the dead pig, near the bridge, near the potato flower). Use your pan in the creek to fill it with water. Throw one of your stones at the soap bar to force it further down the creek. Now throw the other 2 stones into the creek near the soap bar to create a bridge. Pick up the soap bar.
Cast a spell on the safe to the left.
Pick up the board from beneath the safe.
Stand on top of the safe.
Cast a spell on the safe again, and Asgard's head will knock down another board.
Pick up the second board from the ground. Cross over the creek and talk to the sprouted potato 3 times. Go right and talk to the potato tree. Pick up another board from here. Use your empty oil can on the root at the bottom right, then use the filled pan with the oil can. Use the soap bar with the rough bark over the oil can, then pick up the oil can (soapy water).
Use your magnifying glass on the spider hanging from the web on the right of the building. Use your 3 boards on the broken access ramps here. Try to walk left across the terrace, but it is too noisy. Use your soapy water on the terrace, then examine the terrace to see that it is safe.
Cast a spell on the stepladder.
Hit the stepladder so that it leans against the roof.
Open the door and use your pan on Obdule Meliaduc - you will read a serial number on the cane. Climb up and get the pigtail from the roof. Go all the way back across the creek and open the safe. Use the black key you find inside on the chains near the front door of the house.
Punch the cardboard box so it lands near the front door.
Climb up from the roof into the branches of the tree. Use the magic door and talk to elf Eralgan (do this twice). Cast spells on the spider, potato tree, potato mushroom and sprouted potato. Also cast spells on the 4 potato sparrows and 3 potato flowers.
Get into the cardboard box.
Wait for Asgard to appear to the left of the door then enter the cellar.
Part 3
Morglot's Kitchen
Down in the cellar, use your flint candlestick on the lamp, then eat 2 chium balls. Head up the ramps on the right and eat another chium ball. Pick up the broom and an old sock.
Down in the cellar, eat 4 sausages. Head up the ramps on the right and eat another sausage. Punch the cabinet to knock down a carrot.
Go up the ramps and eat 2 carrots. Return down to the cellar and eat another 2 carrots. Use the board just to the right of the trap door.
While Vigor is distracted, quickly pick up the final sausage from near the cabinet.
Use the old sock on the chair in the far left of the cellar to cure Asgard of his hiccups. Go back up the ramps on the right.
Use the board just to the right of the trap door again.
While Vigor is distracted, quickly use your pan on the water basin. Return to the cellar and use the pan of water to wake up Asgard. Go back up the ramps on the right.
Also head back up the ramps on the right.
Use the board just to the right of the trap door again.
While Vigor is distracted, quickly use your soapy water on his mug.
While Vigot's back is turned, hide behind the red screen, and you will end up going to the far left. Punch the loaded chair 3 times to unblock the trapdoor.
Go up through the trapdoor and eat the final carrot.
Go down through the cellar and up through the trapdoor. Use your broom to knock down the high chium ball, then eat the final 2 chium balls. Use your fork on the card that is stuck in the floor on the left. Head down to the cellar and pick up the fallen card. Now go right and get the key from behind the pillar. Use this on the door at the top left.
The Morglot Laboratory
Pick up the broken slingshot and examine the sand grain next to Asgard. Talk to Asgard. Pick up the dust ball and use it on the paper ball, then take the paper ball. Use this on the twig on top of the books, then take the twig. Use the twig on the band to the right, and you will fix the slingshot.
Use your slingshot with the oil can, then take the oil can (still filled with soapy water). Use the soapy water on the bars, then use the bars to escape. Next use the slingshot with the rolled up drawing. Take the soap and the magnifying glass. Use the magnifying glass on the stamp. Use the slingshot on the feather, then pick up the feather. Use your soap bar on the green jar below you.
Head down and use the feather on Asgard. While Morglot's back is turned, take the glued cookie from his back. Use this with the coffee drop on the left, and also pick up the jam from here. Go and put the coffee cookie into the green jar.
Use the feather on Asgard again. Put jam on Morglot's back. You can now walk around and collect the fork, pigtail and flint candlestick. Use the flint candlestick on Morglot's hand, then take the magic staff. Use your fork on the lid of the big jar where Ignatius is trapped. Use the magic staff on the big jar.
Cast a spell on Asgard, then on the plant on the desk.
Punch the plant.
Cast a spell on the bump in Morglot's pocket.
Quickly punch the monster coming out of Morglot's mask.
Cast a spell on the bump in Morglot's pocket again, and the Dragonus seal will fall to the floor.
Pick up the Dragonus seal. Use the Dragonus seal on the Dragonus book above Morglot.
Read the Dragonus book. Cast a spell on the mirror over to the right.
Use the mirror.
The Pictorial Dimension
Use your fork on the piece of paper behind the picture of grandmother, then pick it up to see that it is a piece of a picture. Use this on the torn portrait just above and to the left.
Try to cast a spell on the portrait of Obdule Meliaduc to reveal the path of a centipede. Cast spells on the painted house, the portrait that you repaired, and the picture of a man and a dog. Cast a spell on the picture of grandmother.
Quickly use your flint candlestick on the big spider.
Cast a spell on the picture of grandmother. Also cast spells on the child's drawing and the nearby doggie picture. Also cast a spell on the stain just above this, and the pencil at the bottom right.
Talk to the repaired portrait 3 times to learn about a hole and a secret code. Talk to the grandmother 5 times to get some dry cookies. Pick up the pencil. Talk to the stain 4 times. Use your pencil on the yellow reminder note, then pick it up (it becomes a drawn note).
Take the cat from the child's drawing. Use your pencil on the child's drawing, then talk to it twice to get a poem. Use your cat drawing on the doggie picture, then pick up the bone that it drops. Go up to the right and give this to the picture of a man and a dog. Take the sunflower from the changed picture.
Return left and put the drawn note in the path of the centipede. Open the door of the house at the top left. Talk to Melusine 3 times. Knock on the door again, and give her the sunflower, poem and dry cookies. The door will now open.
Cast a spell on the portrait of Obdule Meliaduc.
Talk to Obdule Meliaduc 4 times. Go through the door at the top left.
The Puppet Workshop
Pick up the flat vial. Use your feather on the hole and pick up the baby bird.
Hit the propeller thingy, then hit the vice on the right. Punch the eyeglass frames off the duck.
Pick up the eyeglass frames. Use your magnifying glass on the vice.
Hit the vice twice.
Pick up the magnifying glass lens and you will create a set of glasses. Use the glasses on the teddy bear. Use the glasses on the nearby fuzzy thing and pick up the corn. Use the glasses on the stuff on the table and take the round vial. Use the glasses on the blurred outline. Give the corn cob to the rat, in exchange for a cardboard disc. Use the glasses on the picture to the left, then read the picture. Use the stair-lift hole, and Morglot will come up the stairs. Use the cardboard disc on the propeller thingy.
Hit the propeller thingy 4 times to place it in front of Morglot.
Use the propeller thingy to hypnotize Morglot, then talk to him 4 times.
Go up the ramp and hit the big red nose.
Pick up the key that falls out of the big red nose. Use this on the grate to the right.
Go up to the top and cast a spell on the stove.
Use the stove to enter the memory. Talk to the teacher twice, then talk to Morglot 4 times. Examine the skeleton, then quickly take the metal hanger from behind the teacher. Talk to Ademard, then take the chest. Give the bird on a feather to Hectorine, and the pencil to Blugnon. Give the twig to Tricotin, then give the bone to him. Use your chewed twig on the pot of glue next to Cosette.
Pick up the mechanism key from the left. Look at the map, then use your glasses on the map. Talk to Ganelon, then use the round vial on Ganelon and talk to him again. Use the stove to exit the memory.
Go down the ramps and put the metal hanger in the vice.
Hit the vice 6 times.
Pick up the twisted hanger (you will automatically make a metal slingshot). Put the chest into the vice.
Hit the vice twice.
Take the open chest from the vice. Over to the left, use your mechanism key on the teddy bear, then pick it up. Use the stove to enter the memory again.
Give the open chest to Ademard. Give the teddy bear to Friponne, then use the mechanism key on the teddy bear again. Give the metl slingshot to Morglot. Talk to Morglot 5 times - all his problems should be solved. Use some glue on the hole in the wall near the fish, then put the cat drawing on the glue. Use the stove to exit the memory.
Head downstairs and talk to Morglot again.
Part 4
The Greenhouse
Cast a spell on the stepladder.
Punch the stepladder, then climb up and punch the safe.
Talk to Morglot 4 times. Pick up the coffee grounds. Examine the big flower. Climb the ramps and pick up the watering can, then search the left empty pot to get a seed. Put this into the good soil on the right, then use your watering can on it to start it growing. Search the safe to find a dry fly.
Cast spells on the small plant on the bottom level, and the good soil on the top level.
Take the machete from the left plant, and the green key from the key plant. Go down and use your green key on the "kind of door". Go outside and use your machete on all available branches. Pick up the board from the bottom left.
Cast a spell on the pile of leaves near Oups.
Quickly pick up the green key that was beneath the pile of leaves. Head back inside and up the ramps, and use your green key on the shutter on the left. Turn the water inlet valve. Return outside and use your watering can on the water inlet.
Punch the water inlet to fill the watering can.
Pick up the filled watering can. Approach the plant just to the right, and a head will appear from a hole. Use your watering can on the hole, then use the dry fly on the plant head. Put the watering can back near the water inlet.
Punch the water inlet to fill the watering can.
Pick up the filled watering can again. Pour water on the hole so the plant head appears.
Cast a spell on the fly that is on the ground here, and it will be eaten.
Now you can use your machete on the plant near the concrete blocks.
Cast a spell on the 2 large concrete blocks.
Punch the 2 large concrete blocks.
Examine the trap door, then the root leading up from here.
Cast a spell on the other pile of leaves.
Quickly look at the roots beneath this pile of leaves. Use your machete on an already cut branch, then pick up the fallen branch. Pick up the board just to the left. Use the root here to talk 3 times, then go back and open the trap door. Head down and pick up the banana peel. Put the watering can back near the water inlet.
Punch the water inlet to fill the watering can.
Pick up the filled watering can again. Go right and talk to Jo the Stem, in the ground behind the small hut. Use your filled watering can on Jo the Stem.
Cast a spell on Jo the Stem. Cast a spell on the 2 large concrete blocks.
Quickly put your branch on the spot where the concrete blocks land.
Cast another spell on the 2 large concrete blocks.
Pick up the green board. Put 2 boards on the bottom part of the broken ramp.
Go up the bottom part of the broken ramp and punch the board.
Pick up the fallen board, then use your 2 remaining boards to fix the top part of the broken ramp. Climb up to the top and use your machete on the branch, then pick up the eggshells. Examine the observatory and the grate.
Go back inside and get another dry fly from the safe. Come back out to the small container at the base of the tree. Put the coffee grounds, dry fly, banana peel and eggshells into the container. Put the watering can back near the water inlet.
Punch the water inlet to fill the watering can.
Pick up the filled watering can again. Use this on the container. Pick up the container, then use it on Jo the Stem. Talk to Jo the Stem, who will remove the grate and mention a hole in the tree. Search the biggest hole in the tree to find the last green key. Try to enter the observatory. Go down and use the hut.
Use the hut.
Use the hut.
Go down through the trap door and use the last green key on the big door, and you will automatically head through.
The Soldier Factory
Go up and around to the left to talk to the scientist.
Pick up the empty bucket and 3 empty bottles. Fill up all 3 bottles using the gizmo beneath the C412 tank on the left. Now place the 3 filled bottles in the 3 other gizmos.
Go up the ramps to the right and hit the right lever to open the shutters over the large window.
Go to the large window and press the top button followed by the bottom button - this will summon a potato, which will automatically leave again. Press the top button followed by the bottom button again.
Quickly hit the left lever to send the potato down to the chambers below. Now head down next to the potato and punch the lever.
Quickly press the button above the potato to place the denture.
When the potato is in the middle chamber, punch the lever next to it. When the potato reaches the left chamber, punch the left lever.
Quickly press the button above the potato to give the serum.
Go and examine the soldier - if successful it will be sent downstairs, but if not you can try again.
Go to the bottom right platform and put your empty bucket on the red circle. Press the top button and bottom button here, then pick up the full bucket. Head over to the left and use the full bucket on the machine opening.
Hit the lever next to the machine opening, which will feed the soldier with C412. Hit the lever down near the soldiers to open the shutters over their window, then hit the lever just above here to send them more serum.
Talk to Ignatius twice to learn about the heated raspberry juice. Go to the vials and search them to pick up the raspberry juice. Near the scientist, use the raspberry juice and the flint candlestick on the burner. Quickly go up the ramp to be near the top of the C412 tank.
Punch the C412 tank to open it.
Pour the hot raspberry juice into the C412 tank. Go around and collect the 3 filled bottles. Fill up all 3 bottles using the gizmo beneath the C412 tank. Return the 3 filled bottles (now pink instead of green) to the other 3 gizmos. Repeat all the steps you performed previously to create a new soldier, feed them and send them the serum.
Once done, you will automatically go down to the soldiers. Examine them through the window. Head up through the door at the top left.
The Observatory
Go up the ramps and search the military officer's pocket to get a key. Go back down and use this on the 3rd locker door, then take out the fishing line. Use the fishing line to lift up the garbage bag outside on the right, then search the garbage bag to see it contains potato peels. Next use the fishing line to get the key from beneath the pool table upstairs. Use this on the 2nd locker door, then take out the thread and needle. Use this on the garbage bag to create a potato suit.
Talk to Potato Jack, then give him your fork in exchange for some straw - Asgard will automatically wear the suit and freeze one of the military officers. Press the button, then use the elevator.
Press the button, then use the elevator.
Punch the button, then use the elevator. Hit the dart to knock it out of the dart board.
Pick up the dart. Go up the ramps and throw the pigtail to the potato dog to distract it. Go back down the ramps and press the button, then use the elevator to go up. Pick up a lozenge from next to Vigor. Go down 1 level and try to talk to the parrot. Give the lozenge to the parrot, then talk to it again to learn about the cap.
Punch the cap of the statue near the dart board.
Pick up the key from beneath the cap. Use this on the 1st locker door, then take out the screwdriver. Go up and stand next to the potatotizer.
Quickly use the screwdriver on the potatotizer.
Cast a spell on the bone, which is stuck outside to the right of the top level.
Go down to the middle level and pick up the fallen bone from the platform outside to the right. Go back up and give this to the potato dog.
Hit the metal plate that was near the potato dog.
Pick up the energy box. Use this on the frozen military officer. Pick up the key. Use this on the 5th locker door, then take out the toy gun.
Jump on the potatotizer.
Quickly use the potatotizer.
You will automatically turn your toy gun into an unpotatotizer. Use this on Potato Jack, the parrot, the potato dog and all of the military officers. Search Vigor's coat pocket at the very top right of the tower. Use this on the 4th locker door, then take out the dart.
Jump on the potatotizer.
Pick up the dart that was hidden behind the potatotizer.
Hit the dome at the very top.
Quickly cast a spell on the "What is it?" in the clouds up in the sky.
Quickly throw a dart at the balloon that is revealed. Repeat this a total of 3 times and you will hit the balloon on the third attempt. Talk to Vigor, the kid and all 4 officers.
The Wedding of the King
Go left and punch the brick that is sticking out.
Pick up the crushed helmet. Talk to the carny, and you will automatically use the unpotatotizer on him. Head left and pick up 2 crowns, then try to take the screwdriver further on the left.
Cast a spell on the stone below the screwdriver.
Pick up the fallen screwdriver. Talk to Gudrun the knight 4 times, then use the unpotatotizer on her before talking to her twice more. The wedding cake will now arrive. Use your 2 screwdrivers in the holes in the wall just to the right. Put the crushed helmet on the big rock here.
Talk to Gudrun the knight to tell her a joke.
While Gudrun is laughing, punch the clock.
Pick up the gear that falls from the clock. Give a crown/gear to the Carny, then have all 3 characters hit the punching ball. Repeat this a total of 3 times. Pick up the wooden structure that falls down to the left, and use this on the wedding cake.
Hit the meringue dripping on the wedding cake 3 times. Get inside the cake. Once you make it inside the castle, find all 7 gifts and punch them each 3 times. Also hit the tree moss near the painter.
Talk to Maxie. Pick up the nearest gift (wizard's head). Go left and examine the next gift (safe) which you won't pick up. Grab the nearby bolt from the ground. Use the unpotatotizer with the chatterbox here. Talk to him 3 times to get some tweezers. Go right near the kid and pick up the gift (kite). Also pick up the tree moss.
Cast a spell on the vase.
Pick up the mechanism key from beneath the vase. Examine the nearby gift (teddy bear). Use the mechanism key on it, then pick it up. Use your bolt with the jam on the table here.
Use the unpotatotizer with Gramolle the painter, then talk to him twice. Go right and pick up the gift (glomutch). Also grab the deflated balloon from behind the tree. Use the tent 4 times to get a portrait of the Princess, then give this to Gramolle the painter. Use your deflated balloon on the device to the right.
Pick up another gift over to the left (trophy), and a gift on the bridge (propeller machine). Also pick up the yogurt pot near the food on the left. Use your moss on the mayonnaise on this table. Go further left and use the unpotatotizer on the Weather Gnome.
Head right and talk to King Angoulafre 3 times, then use the unpotatotizer on him - it doesn't work. Go back and talk to the Weather Gnome twice. Give him the yogurt pot, and you will place it on the ground next to him. Put the energy box on the platform. Use the kite with the energy box, and the wizard's head on the spike.
Quickly cast a spell on the yogurt.
After the lightning strike, pick up the energy box. Use the unpotatotizer on King Angoulafre. Use the tent 2 times. Go back and talk to Maxie 2 times to get some toothpaste. Talk to the cook (next to the cake) 4 times to get some gas. Use this gas on the device to inflate the balloon. Use your flint candlestick on the device, then take the balloon.
Head back up to the tent. Use the tweezers, mayonnaise, toothpaste, bolt with jam, and teddy bear on the tent. The Princess will now come outside. Talk to King Angoulafre 3 times. Talk to the Princess until she marries the King.
Go back and talk to Maxie again. Talk to the kid 4 times. Use the propeller machine and the inflated balloon on the kid.
Cast a spell on the kid.