Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2015
Steam Achievements: Completed (16/16)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/12/2015
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Turn left to go to the corridor, and pick up the wrench from the ground. Search the cargo container (1/7) to find a doll, then use your wrench on the control panel so you can enter the cockpit. Talk to Captain Novak, then pick up the blue screwdriver and return to the corridor, then turn right. Use the doll on the control panel here, then go through the door to the engine room. Pick up the glue gun here, and search the space between the cabinets to get an adhesive compartment; put this in the glue gun. Use your screwdriver on the loose panel, then the wrench on the power conduit panel. Pick up the broken fuel cell, then return to the corridor and climb up the ladder to the medical room.
Approach the wall panel and open the first aid box, taking the syringe from inside. Climb down the ladder twice to reach the cargo bay. Examine the small red box here Something Smells Fishy. Search the bottom middle cargo container (2/7) to see it contains leather jackets. Search the other cargo container (3/7) to the left to find a firecracker. Use the syringe on the tub of industrial nanoglue. Climb back up the ladder and go to Captain Novak in the cockpit. Use the nanoglue on him and you will get a steel rod Novak-aine. Go back down to the cargo bay and use the steel rod on the cargo containers blocking the way. Now head through to the loading area.
Pick up the can of beer from the ground and search the cargo container (4/7) to get a gas mask. Return to the medical room and use the keyboard on the desk, then head back down to the corridor. Pour the beer into the drain, then search the drain to get an applicator head. Use this on the glue gun to complete its construction. Next use your wrench on the hibernation fluid tube, then take the adapter tube and electric wires. Return to the cargo bay and use the assembled glue gun on the tub of industrial nanoglue. Head up to the medical room and approach the wall panel again. Use your screwdriver on the service panel. Use your wrench on the steel pipe to get it, then also pick up the insulation from behind it. Now combine the adapter tube with the gas mask, before adding the insulation and then using the glue gun on it; you now have a makeshift filter.
Go back to the cockpit and look at the fancy screens on the right - click on the Ventilation label to turn it off. Go back to the medical room and look at the desk. Take the used carbon filter from the ventilator, then put your makeshift filter in its place. Pick up the glass container from the desk while you are here. Return to the cockpit and use the fancy screens to turn Ventilation back on. Examine the hull to the lower left of the cockpit, then use the glue gun on the hull breach that you find. Go up to the medical room and examine the hull behind the steel pipes to the left of the wall panel, then use the glue gun here. Next go down to the cargo bay loading area. Examine the hull to the lower right, then use the glue gun once more to seal the final breach Breach Contained.
Return to the corridor and collect some of the green hibernation fluid in your glass container. Go up to the medical room again and put the green fluid into the analyzer on the desk to the right. Head down to the cargo bay loading area and use your wires on the control panel to override it. Use the control panel, then exit the ship Away Party of One.
Examine the sand, then pick up the saltpeter from the sand before heading to the desert. Try to head to the Military Cruiser Wreck.
Go to the weird stone heads and search the cargo container (5/7) to get some insect repellent. Use this on your used carbon filter, then add the saltpeter to make gunpowder. Use the gunpowder on the huge stone pillar, then use your firecracker on it to form a bridge Blast It!. Cross the gorge and walk to the desert. Now you can really head to the wreck.
Military Cruiser Wreck
Enter the shipwreck and search the corpse to get Mendez's passcard. Take the energy cable, then go through to the hibernation room. Go to the lockers on the right and use the passcard to open Mendez's locker. Take the loaded rifle from inside, then go back to the cockpit. Climb down the ladder and use your rifle on the control panel, then your steel rod on the door. Go through the door and approach the engine. Search the corpse here to get Habib's log (1/3), and you will get a new location on your map. Use your wrench on the plasma coupling, and pick up the plasma injector. Look at the map in your inventory to travel again.
Use the energy cable on the top portable pylon then climb down to the ledge. Search the cargo container (6/7) to get some copper wire, and search the corpse to get a shovel head. Use your map once more.
Search both corpses to get a taser and Rosso's log (2/3), and you will get another new location on your map. Search the dead gunner in the background to get Coulter's passcard. Pick up the rope and tent pole. Look behind the boulder. Combine your steel pipe and shovel head, then use the shovel on the grave. Search the corpse to get a broken scanner. Return to the camp and use the shovel on the cargo container (7/7) to get a broken radio. There is an achievement for searching all 7 cargo containers Baggage Inspection.
Combine the broken scanner and broken radio, then add the tent pole to make a long range scanner. Open your map and use the long range scanner on the approximate source of distress beacon to get a proper source. Now travel to the source of the distress beacon Hole Full of Heads.
Walk to the ledge and search the dead gunner to get Dertl's passcard. Search the wreckage to get a breaching charge.
Military Cruiser Wreck
Enter the shipwreck and go to the Hibernation room, then approach the lockers on the left. Use your two new passes on the two card slots. There is an achievement for opening all 3 lockers Locker Check. Take the picture frame and empty plasma flare from inside the lockers. Use your plasma injector on the empty plasma flare.
Climb down to the ledge and use your rope on the boulder, then throw the charged plasma flare down to the bottom of the gorge. Climb down and search the corpse here to find a wrist-watch.
Go to the ledge and use your long range scanner on the massively huge door. Combine your taser and breaching charge, then add the wrist-watch. Use the armed charge on the door, then go back to the crater and the charge will explode the door. Go back to the ledge and through the hole in the door Where the Magic Happens.
Go through the door on the left to find a star chart room. You can click on the red symbols here to see details of various planets. Click on the one at the bottom right to see Earth Hooooome.... Take note of the alien markings displayed when viewing Earth, which are the symbols for "Solar System":
Return to the generator, then head through the door on the right. Go to the back of the right aisle. Look at the storage cylinder and the alien markings at its top, which are the symbols for "On".
Go back to storage. Now go to the back of the left aisle; look at the markings above the cylinders that are turned on and off, and note the symbols that refer to "Off":
Examine the device in the bottom of the cylinder that is turned off, and note the alien markings here, which are the symbols for "gravity":
Go back out to storage and approach the console. Enter the codes for "solar system" and "off", then press the X symbol in the middle. Go to the back of the right aisle. Search the skeleton and the disassembled suit to find a captain's log (3/3). There is an achievement for finding all 3 logs Recovering Data. There is another achievement for finding all 3 logs and all 3 passcards Remembering the Dead.
Return through storage to the star chart room and find the star system with a single planet; note the alien markings, which mean "single planet":
Go to the console in storage again and enter the codes for "single planet" and "off", then press the X symbol in the middle. Go to the back of the left aisle again and look in the open cylinder to see some green goo. Use your glass container on the green goo to collect some algae, then leave the storage area and return to the walkway. Walk to the end of the walkway (beneath the large generator). Combine your copper wire and picture frame to make a transformer. Use this on your broken fuel cell to fix it. Look more closely at the console here and note the alien markings on the cable, which mean "energy":
Enter the codes for "energy" and "off", then press the X. Go back and use your fixed fuel cell on the cable end. Now use the console again and enter the codes for "energy" and "on", then press the X. Enter the codes for "energy" and "off", then press the X to turn the power off again. Back out and pick up your charged fuel cell. Go to the console once more. Enter the codes for "gravity" and "off", then press the X. In your inventory, use the charged fuel cell on your depleted particle rifle, then use the rifle on the red crystal that has lowered from the ceiling Gravity Corrected.
Return to the walkway and try to exit to the crater. Use your rifle on the large stone head, then pick up the computer board that falls out. Head outside and go out to the crater rim. Walk down into the crater and examine the service panel to get some wires. Also examine the damaged automatic gun to find a servo controller. Go back inside and into the star chart room. Use your screwdriver on the wall panel to the left, then head through the vent. Look at the next panel and use your screwdriver to remove it. Disconnect the wires, then use your computer board on the circuit board. Use your green wires on the computer board, then use each of the two wires until the markings show the codes for "off". Back out and go through the ventilator now that it has turned off. Look behind the stone heads on the left, then go to the hidden room.
Examine the corpse Alien Life Sign. Take the energy cell on the left, then pick up the welding tool from the ground, and the diagnostics computer from the bench. Use this computer on the stone drone, then go back out to the hangar. Look at the damaged stone drone, then use your diagnostics computer on any part of it. Back out and use the energy cell on the empty slot near the bottom. Use your wrench on the weapons in the middle of the drone. Use two of your logs that you have collected on your servo controller, then use this on the main computer in the drone. Add your long range scanner to the main computer, then back out once more. Use your shovel on the pile of rocks, then use your welding tool and shovel on the door. Push your damaged drone outside, then use it to fly back to the ship Flight of the Stone Head.
Enter the ship, then use the control panel to close the loading door. Go up to the medical room and use your algae sample on the analyzer. Next head to the engine room. Use your charged fuel cell on the main reactor, then the plasma injector on the main engine, followed by the welding tool on the right engine. Go to the cockpit and look at the fancy screens. Use your screwdriver on the right touchscreen. Approach Captain Novak, then use your touchscreen on the console. Head to the engine room to complete your mission Morningstar Ascends.