Mata HariMata Hari

Betrayal is Only a Kiss Away

Game Details:  Adventure, 2008

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  5/31/2012

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Mata Hari is a 3rd person adventure game starring the titular character, a femme fatale and European spy during World War I. You play as Mata Hari, in a story of intrigue and deception that unfolds as you deal with people on both sides of the war.

Chapter 1: Dance Manager


Talk to the ticket collector and you will realize you have lost your ticket. Talk to the mysterious gentleman when he arrives and he will escort you inside. Next speak to Gabriel Astruc, who wants you to get him another drink. Head over to the bartender and order a drink, then pick up the glass of champagne. Give this to Astruc, but he still won't talk to you until you have an introduction.

Talk to the middle-aged lady (Elsbeth Schragmuller) who gives you pointers on small talk. Talk to the journalist who is standing with the mysterious gentleman, and he will tell you how to talk to Astruc. Go back and talk to Astruc, who next requires 2 compliments from people who have seen you dance.

Talk to the mysterious gentleman (Oscar Samsonet) about the city and other small-talk items first, then ask for a compliment. He first requires you to get one from the handsome gentleman on the other side of the room. Go and talk to him (Rupert Zollinger) about everything and finish by mentioning his mistress - you will get a compliment. Go and mention this to Samsonet, and he will also give you a compliment (a better one). Head out to the balcony and talk to the stylish young woman (Danielle Rouyer) and the married woman to get another compliment. Finally, talk to Astruc and he will give you his business card.

Leave the ballroom and you will have a conversation with Samsonet, then head back inside automatically. Talk briefly to Elsbeth, then head outside and give the note to Danielle. Head inside and get a pen from the young journalist, then go outside and give it to Danielle so she can write her reply. Give this reply to Rupert, then go and talk to Danielle. Tell Rupert her parting remarks, and he will thank you. Keep talking to him, and you will receive a bracelet and an invitation back to his hotel room.

Pick up the rod from next to the drawers, the whiskey from on top of them, and the pillow from the chest at the foot of the bed. Rupert's sigil is on a small table near the sofa - look at it, and Rupert will call you back to bed. Give him the bottle of whiskey, then look at the sigil again. Pick up the cigar lighter and soap from over on the left. Look at the wine glass in the foreground and you will find a scrap of paper. Try to use the cigar lighter on the sigil, but the wind will blow it out. When Rupert calls out again, give him the pillow. Use the rod to close the top window. Now use the cigar lighter on the sigil again. Use the soap on the sigil to get an imprint.

Chapter 2: Secret Papers


Go towards the door and you will answer it and have a quick chat with Marie Curie. Leave your hotel room talk to Elsbeth at the Cafe. Head left and take the taxi to the train station, then purchase a train ticket to Monaco.


Leave the train station and talk to Samsonet at the Cafe - he wants you to get a camera and take pictures of some important documents. Catch a taxi back to the train station and buy a ticket back to Paris.


At the station, you will be arrested by French counter-intelligence, and taken to a jail cell. Pick up the cup from the table in your cell. Use the cup on the bars to get Officer Ladoux down to see you. Give him the "stolen" bracelet when he asks for it, then you will agree to do some work for him in exchange for your freedom. Head upstairs and look at the cipher machine on the desk, then leave the police station. Head down the side road to the right and talk to Elsbeth, who will give you a camera. Return to the square and catch a taxi to the British Embassy.

Talk to the guard, who won't let you inside without a pass. Wait the embassy staffer to come outside and talk to him - he will give you a pass once he recognises you. Offer this to the guard, but now he won't let you take your camera inside. Walk left and hide your camera in the happy little bush, then head inside. Look at the big chest next to the desk, which has a combination lock. Pick up a note from the desk and you will see it has a faint imprint on it. Pick up the lump of coal near the fireplace and use this on the note to reveal some numbers. Use the numbers on the chest to open it, then look inside to get the ambassador's papers. Look on the desk again and you will find an intercepted communique. Search the coat near the fireplace to find another note, with a launch password. Now try to stick the papers to the window, but they just fall down. Pick up the bottle of whiskey from the table and try to use that on the notes, but you would leave a mark.

Head back outside and over to the right where there is a tap. Pour the whiskey into the sink beneath the tap, then fill the empty bottle with water. Head back inside again and pour some water on the papers - they will now stick to the window. Go outside, pick up your camera, and use it to photograph the papers. Hide your camera again and go back inside. Pick up the papers and return them to the chest, then go outside, grab your camera, and leave the Embassy.

Take a taxi to the train station. Talk to the spy on the right and give him the password note in exchange for submarine diagrams. Now buy a ticket to Monaco.


Leave the train station and give the camera to Samsonet. Head back to the train station, buy a ticket to Paris.


Leave the train station and enter your theatre. Talk to Astruc, who says you need to look for inspiration. Head back outside and look at the musician in the middle of the street. Talk to the spy outside your theatre, who tells you about the Paris Express route, which will avoid the need to evade agents. Head back inside and talk to Astruc; show him your new moves, then you will receive a letter from Marie Curie, and you will be allowed to perform. Complete the dance successfully, then afterwards you will meet a German gentleman (Major von Kalle) - he will give you an invitation to the Grenadiers Club in Berlin.

The next morning, leave your room and go to the train station. Catch the train to Berlin.


Talk to the spy over to the right, who tells you about a safe train route to Berlin. Leave the station and head left to the Grenadiers Club. Show your invitation to the guard, and you can head inside. Try to cross the room to talk to von Kalle, but you will be intercepted by a talkative man. After talking to him, another man will tell you about his wife calling him home. Head outside and across the street into the hotel. Use the telephone to call the Grenadiers Club and give the butler a message from the talkative man's wife. Cross the street, show your invitation, and head back into the club. Now talk to von Kalle - first you will overhear and conversation, then the next time you can join in. Mention the Jules Verne failure, then show your Marie Curie calling card and he will ask for your help. Leave the club, return to the station and catch the train back to Paris.


Leave the train station, then catch a taxi to Marie Curie's lab. Talk to Marie, then hand her the Epsom salts, sulfuric acid and finally the sodium nitrate to complete her experiment. Talk to Marie about the DuMolier process, and you will meet Jacques Brunel. Head back to the lab and pick up the foil pouch, then use this on the 3 reagents you gave Marie earlier - after the explosion, Brunel will leave the building. Go back into his office and pick up the photo plate, then use this on his notebook. Return to Marie's lab and pick up the radium salts, hydrobenzene and acetic acid. Head into Brunel's office once more. Put the radium salts on the notebook, then add hydrobenzene, and finally add acetic acid - you now have the correct formula. Leave the building, catch a cab to the train station, and head to Berlin.


Leave the station and return to the Grenadier club (show your invitation to the guard again). Listen to the two men over on the right, then talk to the attache about Marconi. Talk to von Kalle and give him the DuMolier detail notes.

Pick up the pencil from the large desk and a sheet of paper from the smaller desk. Take the two available books from the bookshelf on the far right. Also look at the blue folder beneath these books to get some radio frequencies. Now open the drawer beneath the right desk to find a strongbox - you cannot open it. Talk to Arnie about everything, and you will learn about page 102 and a big gun. Use page 102 on the "From Earth to Moon" book to get the combination, then use this on the strongbox to find some plans. Use your paper on the plans, then the pencil and you will make a copy. Show this copy to von Kalle, and he will ask you to find out about Boron.

The next morning, leave the hotel and go to the train station, then catch the train to Paris.


Leave the train station, then catch a taxi to Marie Curie's lab. After your brief chat with Zollinger, head inside and straight through to the lab. After Marie leaves, take the notebook from the desk. Talk to Ladoux and show him your sketch of the big gun. Pick up the fountain pen from the desk, and find a piece of paper under the drawers talking about crystals and frequencies. Use the fountain pen on the notebook to discover Brunel was using invisible ink. Go and talk to Marie about it, and she says to use iodine. Return to the lab and take the iodine from the bottom shelf on the right. Use this on the notebook to get the boron details. Take a taxi back to the train station, and head to Berlin.


Leave the station and return to the Grenadier club (show your invitation to the guard again). Talk to von Kalle and give him the boron details. Talk to Colonel Holz and he will reveal the size of the cannon. Leave the club and return to Paris.


Take a taxi to the police station. Talk to Ladoux about the cannon.

Chapter 3: Airline Plans


After your talk with Samsonet, talk to Emil Jellinek. Seduce him with dismissal and you will get his daughter's phone number. Talk to Samsonset again, then catch a taxi to the train station. Talk to the spy next to the pillar, and you will learn of the safe way to reach Monaco. Now catch a train to Berlin.


Leave the train station and enter the hotel on the right. Use the telephone to call Mercedes - she will help you if you can teach her a new dance move. Go outside and look at the man on the Penny Farthing (bicycle) to get some inspiration. Go back inside, call Mercedes again and show her your move.

In the factory, walk over to the workbench in the middle and pick up the Mercedes emblem. Show this to Mercedes, and she will take you into the office. Look at the bookshelf, and she will reveal a hidden safe, then ask you to wait outside. Go up towards the hangar. Look at the large window - it is too high. Take the metal pipe from the box on the right and the wrench from the box on the left. Combine these two tools to get improved pliers. Get some oil from the red barrel using your metal cup. Go back out to the main part of the factor and look at the smaller window. Pour oil on the window to loosen the latch, then open it using your pliers.

Now you will be back in the factory at night time. Walk over towards the hangar, but there is someone working here tonight. Open the electrical panel just to the left of the window you climbed through, and rearrange the wiring as instructed. Now you need to sneak around the factory avoiding rats that make noise and alert the workman. Go down then left between the first set of cars. Head down and left again, then up towards the workbench. Go right around to the other side of the workbench and take the metal strip. Now head over to the office door (you need to start by going right). Use the metal strip to get inside.

Pick up the scrap of paper from the desk. Now look at the bookcase - you need to arrange the books so that there is a large continuous scratch across the front of the top row books. Once you do this, you will realize there is a book missing. Pick up the book on the floor and use it on the bookcase, then arrange the books again - the titles will also spell out "Daimler". Use your fountain pen on the scrap of paper, then use this on the safe to copy down the details. The next morning, go to Paris.


Ladoux will meet you at the train station and take the plans, then Samsonet will give you a new assignment. Head back to Berlin.


Leave the station and you will be back in the factory. Head back into the office (get inside using the metal strip again). Take the screwdriver from the near shelf, then the coffee mug and moldy cheese sandwich from the desk. Also take the half diagram from the bookshelf. Go back out towards the window where you climbed in, and you will see an empty box. Use the sandwich on the box, and the worker will go home. Head up into the hangar and take another half diagram from the left box. Combine the two half diagrams in your inventory. Look at the engine to see its top is open. Go back to the factory and use your screwdriver to open the top left car's hood. Collect acid from the engine in your coffee cup, then go and pour this into the airplane engine.


After your talk with Samsonet, take a train to Paris.


Leave the station, then go into your theatre and talk to Astruc. Head outside and look at the clouds for inspiration. Head back inside, show your moves to Astruc, then complete the dance successfully. After your talk with von Kalle, take a train to Madrid.


Walk left and talk to the Embassy guard, then look through the window to see von Kalle on the phone. Head down the alley on the left. Take the German sausage from the bin and give it to Indiana (the dog). Look at the telephone box on the wall - you need some equipment. Take the train to Berlin.


Talk to the guy on the phone, but his train doesn't leave for 30 minutes. Use the clock control box on the pillar to the right to adjust the time, then talk to the train conductor and the man will leave. Look at the phone, then use your screwdriver on it. Take the train back to Madrid.


Go to the side alley and use the telephone receiver on the box to listen to the phone call. Do this a second time to hear about an assassination attempt. Head over to the juggler and get him to perform in the square. Look at the portrait of von Kalle and you will realize you need a portrait of yourself. Take a train to Monaco.


Talk to the street artist in the train station and he will draw your portrait. Take the train back to Madrid.


Place your portrait over von Kalle's, and an agent will provide you with the latest code wheel. Talk to the spy to the left of the fountain to learn the safe train to Madrid. Talk a train to Paris.


Leave the station and enter your theatre. Talk to Astruc, who says you need more inspiration. Take a taxi to the police station. Talk to Ladoux and give him the code wheel, then use it in the cipher machine. Decode the message "March thru low countries, war plan approved by GHQ". Talk to Ladoux again, but he needs help with another matter before letting you decode Zollinger's message.

Leave the station and take a taxi to Malbec's house. Look at the birds above the gate for some inspiration. Look at the telephone cable on the wall, but the box is below ground. Look at the manhole cover to see it is entrance #318. Find a small note stuffed in a downpipe on the left mentioning a possible aerial attack.

Return to the police station and talk to Ladoux, who gives you his sewer entrance key. Go down the stairs and use the key on the sewer door on the left. Find some replacement clothes in the small silver closet, then go through the door. Look at the small plaques on the left and right and make your way to entrance #318. Use your telephone earpiece on the telephone box to listen in. Now return to entrance #117 and climb up the stairs. Change back into your normal clothes, then go upstairs and talk to Ladoux. Put Zollinger's message on the cipher machine, and decode the message "Gas research goes well, factory production next". Look at the notepad on Ladoux's desk to see a message about an airship hangar. Leave and go to Berlin.


Leave the station and return to the Grenadier club (show your invitation to the guard again). Take the coded message from the fireplace, then return to Paris.


Head to the police station, and put your new coded message on the cipher machine. Decode the message "Beograd agent ready to stop archduke", and you will leave the decoded message for Ladoux to read. Now head for Monaco.


Talk to Jellinek first, particularly about the weather. Now talk to Samsonet and tell him about Malbec and Zollinger's message.

Chapter 4: Destroy Poison Gas Factory


After your meeting with Ladoux, talk to Elsbeth at the cafe to the right. Take a train to Monaco.


Talk to Zollinger, then return to Paris.


Take a cab to Marie Curie's lab. Head inside and talk to Marie, and she will give you an introduction to Haber. Take the train to Berlin.


Leave the station and ask the taxi driver to take you to Fritz Haber. Talk to Haber and he will eventually agree to help you, and give you a pass to Zollinger's factory, as well as instructions on how to sabotage it. Travel to Monaco.


Talk to Elsbeth, who is hiding behind a column in the train station - she says that Samsonet has been arrested in Paris. Return to Paris.


Go to the police station and talk to Ladoux, then head down to see Samsonet. Talk to him about your plans, and he says to return when you are ready. Leave here and go to your theatre. Show Astruc your new move and stage a performance. Go back and talk to Astruc again about the costume and voice. Keep shouting at him until your voice is hoarse. Now head to Berlin.


Leave the station and take a taxi to Haber's house. Haber's wife will lock you in the office. Take the paperweight and book from the desk, then look at the appointment schedule underneath. Take the blank paper and matchbox from the left, as well as some chemicals from near the window. Take the picture of Haber from the wall, then open the chimney door behind it. Put the paper and chemicals inside, then use the matches to start a fire. Haber will come to your rescue and allow you to leave.

Enter the Grenadier club - this time you can tell the gatekeeper that Holz is waiting for you. Talk to Holz and after you seduce him (flattery then yielding) you will learn that the factory is down a side street in Monaco. Travel to Monaco now.


Talk to Elsbeth in the station and she suggests asking Jellinek about a limousine. Head outside and talk to Jellinek at the cafe. He will loan you a car if you can convince his daughter to return to Monaco. Leave here and head to Berlin.


Leave the station and enter the hotel room. Use the phone to call Mercedes, who will come to see another performance. Return to Paris.


Enter your theatre and talk to Astruc - show him the portrait of Haber and he will create a perfect disguise for you. Talk to him again and he says you need more inspiration before another performance. Go to the train station and look at the woman with the umbrella. Return to Astruc and he agrees to let you perform - this time in Berlin.


After the show, you will talk to Mercedes, but she doesn't want to return to Monaco. Leave here and return to Paris.


Go to the police station and talk to Ladoux - he will write out an arrest warrant for Mercedes' boyfriend if you can get the full name. Return to Berlin.


Enter the hotel and use the telephone to speak to Mercedes. She will agree to come to Paris with her boyfriend, and gives you his name. Head back to Paris again.


Back in the police station, give Ladoux the full name and he will give you an "unofficial" arrest warrant. Find Mercedes and Ludwig at the cafe outside your theatre and show Mercedes the arrest warrant. She will now agree to return to Monaco. Go there as well.


Leave the station and talk to Jellinek at the cafe - Mercedes has returned and you can use the limousine when you need it. Go back to Paris.


Leave the station and head to the police station. Go downstairs and talk to Samsonet - he says that Elsbeth has one last thing for you to do. Return to Monaco.


In the train station, talk to Elsbeth about all of your plans, and she will reseal the envelope for you. You will now automatically enter the factory. When talking to Zollinger, seduce him with daring. Look at the note on the right which mentions changing a combination, then look at the displays to see the correct operating procedure. Back on the main screen, turn on the pump using the pump switch on the left. Now open the pump valve up the stairs on the left. Next, go and use your sabotage code on the gas adjust controls on the right.

The first part of the process involves changing the three indicators at the bottom left to solid green. This is achieved by turning the three dials the correct number of times to cycle through the colors. You can reset the puzzle using the switch in the middle.

The second part of the process is similar to the wiring diagram puzzles from earlier - just connect all the input pipes to the output pipes without any leaks.

The third part of the process involves adjusting the levels of each gas. You use the various wheels and levers to adjust the individual volumes. You need to end up with readings of 5, -3 and 2 on the three tubes (as indicated by the small embossed arrows next to the tubes). Zollinger will rush in, but it is too late.


The fate of Mata Hari rests on the levels of Wealth, Skill and Spycraft you achieved during the game.