
Game Details:  Adventure, 2023

Steam Achievements:  Completed (16/16)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  2/23/2024

Suggested Listening:  Give Up Now (Ash 25)

Conquistadorio is a third-person adventure with no dialogue. You play as a retired conquistador, ready to live out the remainder of your life in peace and solitude. After your eternal resting place is destroyed, you must venture out to find a new one.


Level 1

After emerging from the coffin with your flag, pick up the ring from the ground. Use both hands to receive the prisoner's shackles, then also take the friend's hand. Use the ring on the left end of the cannon, then pick up the cannonball. In your inventory, combine the cannonball with the prisoner's shackles, then with the friend's hand to create an extended pike. Use this on the alien beetle on the right, then pick up the golden galleon coin Lucky Investor.

Use this coin on the skeleton, then climb up using the skeleton to leave the area Remember Everything!.

Level 3

Pull the chain to the left of the doorway to get a harpoon. Talk to the blue creature on the right, then continue right and the bottom step will break. Use your harpoon on the hiding blue creature on the left, and you will drag it to the right. Move this creature again, then interact with the other one and it will fall down. Now you can climb up the steps and examine the skeleton here Mysterious Event. After your flag is stolen, head to the right.

Level 4

Move the wheel on the left twice, and you will attach it to the vehicle. Push the top of the vehicle, but it will roll back down to the left. Search the barrel that is revealed to get a lampwick and a powder sack. Pick up the brickford cord from the crack in the building, then combine this with your powder sack.

Click on a small button at the bottom left of the vehicle, then remove a plank from the right side of the vehicle. Click on the plank and you will attach it to the left side. Push the top of the vehicle again, and the vehicle will collect the wooden log. Use your powder and cord on the left end of the log, then use the lampwick on it Hive Invader.


Level 5

Open the left cupboard and take out the music box. Open the middle cupboard and take out the t-joint, trap, medical scissors and 2 nozzles. The right cupboard is empty. Go around to a platform on the left and pick up the hose.

Open both wooden storage containers just to the right. Further to the right, pull the lever to open the burner. Go back to the left and pick up the bucket, then put one bucket of coal into the burner, followed by one bucket of blue material (from the 2 storage containers). Push the lever to close the burner, then pull the other lever on the triangular device at the edge of the platform to start it Repair Specialist.

Go back down the stairs and attach your hose to the spigot. Now examine the leaking pipe. Open the top hatch and insert a nozzle, then turn the dial on the left. Go over and use the hose, and you will bring the elevator over towards you. Go back to the leaking pipe and turn the dial again. Now you can enter the elevator and pull the lever.

Level 6

Jump up and grab the man above, and you will end up with a boot. Talk to the man to convey your story to him. Use your t-joint just to the left of him to make a connection. Use the elevator here and you will appear at the bottom left. Use the vertical elevator just above you, and you will appear on the right. Try to use the top left elevator here, but a hose will burst.

Interact with the various hoses here to redirect around the burst section. Once everything is working, use the elevator to the bottom of the left side of the room. After you return to the top section, use the bottom elevator to travel to a new area.

Level 8

You will see a small jet coming out from near the bottom of the main tube here. Examine the opening here and insert your other nozzle - you will see some debris falling from above, then the whole tube will start vibrating - you will also end up with another nozzle. Use the pike that is standing in the ground near you, and you will pull an alien beetle nearer to you in the water. Pull the alien beetle up onto the shore, then use the medical scissors on it to get an alien chip The Experimenter.

Examine the opening in the bottom of the tube again, and put in the other nozzle you collected. Use the elevator to return back up.

Level 6

Use the elevator directly below the man to appear at the bottom left. Use the vertical elevator to appear on the right, then use the top left elevator to reach another new area.

Level 10

Click on the alien beetle in the middle of the area to get it to go away temporarily - quickly pick up the magnet next to where you are standing, and you will also get a stone. There are 3 cabinets over to the left - search these and take the wrench, cable and gunpowder. Use your music box on the alien beetle at the bottom right - adjust it so the arm on the left points up, and the arm on the right points straight out to the side Melomaniac.

Pick up the alien mechanism that is dropped by the alien beetle. Use your alien chip on the large round door and head through the glass tube.

Level 11

Go up the staircase within the orange tunnel to head up to a building in the distance.

Level 12

Open the coffin leaning against the side of the left building and take out the arquebus. Use your alien mechanism on the floating coffin in the water Master of Waves.

Level 17

Once you arrive at the flying saucer, touch the beach sand Flashbacker. Open the left container and take the lead bullets. Click on the alien beetle to make it leave. In your inventory, combine the arquebus, gunpowder and lead bullets, then use the loaded arquebus on the small glass device on the beach True Conquistador.

Pick up the flashing thermometer. Collect some water in your boot, then use it on the destroyed glass device. Now use the flashing device on the under-surface of the flying saucer and you will end up receiving a ticket. Use the alien mechanism on the floating coffin.

Level 12

Head between the buildings.

Level 11

Go right along the orange tunnel into a new area.

Level 13

Open the coffin at the left end of the top path. Once you get out again, put the trap inside the coffin. Click on the small alien beetle and it will get caught in the trap. Close the coffin again, then push it down the hill Family Psychologist. Now head down to the left.

Level 14

Look at the small panel on the far right - in the close-up, press the button at the bottom, then insert your the ticket in the hole Landscape Designer. Try to head back up the stairs on the left, but you will be washed away by the water.

Level 15

Walk back to the right.

Level 14

You will automatically climb up the stairs.

Level 13

Open the chest that is buried in the ground just to the right of the path, and take out the lamp (this will take a few goes). Go up the path and through the round tunnel.

Level 11

Go left along the orange tunnel.

Level 10

Use the vertical elevator to the right.

Level 6

Staying in the right part of this area, use the bottom left elevator to reach a new area.

Level 9

Pull the cable hanging from the ceiling Happy Misfortune. Once the power is off, take the small tablet from the left. Walk around to the right and plug in the cable that is coiled on the ground. Open the large device on the left. Insert your lamp at the top, then touch it twice to see a series of blue lines. Based on this press buttons 1, 3, 5 and 9 below the hatch. Take out the fuse. Get in the elevator to leave.

Level 6

Staying in the right part of this area, use the top left elevator.

Level 10

Head through the glass tube.

Level 11

Go up the staircase within the orange tunnel.

Level 12

Use your alien mechanism on the floating coffin in the water.

Level 17

Climb up inside the flying saucer.

Level 18

Pick up a mechanical leg (just right from where you are standing). Look at the box on the right and drag the slider to the bottom to lower the lantern. Pick up the small device on the ground near the middle of the area, and you will put it on top of the lantern. Next grab the skinny legs of the tall alien beetle on the left and it will explode. Move the skinny legs again, and a computer will drop to the ground - pick it up, and you will throw it away (because it is broken). Walk just to the right and you will end up with some slime. Combine this with the mechanical leg in your inventory, then use it on the box on the right.

Once the box and lantern are over on the left, use your wrench on the small device just to the left of them. You will end up with a threaded button. Insert this into the similar small device to the right. Examine the new large cabinet that arrives, and take out the computer and alien scissors. Use the computer on the large alien core hanging from the ceiling. Press the buttons so all 4 traces look the same (from the starting position, press the top button 3 times and third button twice).

Use the box on the left to lower the lantern again. Stand on the lantern, then press the buttons to maintain your balance so you can reattach a cable to the core Gravity Master. Go through the hatch on the right to leave the flying saucer.

Level 17

Use the alien mechanism on the floating coffin.

Level 12

Head between the buildings.

Level 11

Go left along the orange tunnel.

Level 10

Use the vertical elevator to the right.

Level 6

Staying in the right part of this area, use the bottom left elevator.

Level 9

Examine the small panel on the right to remove a broken fuse, then insert your other fuse here. Step on the foot pedal just below the large round area, then use the large machine on the right and you will move it onto the green floor.

Use the right side of the large machine. Open the panel on the round device to reveal an alien inside. Use the left side of the large machine to unfold a tube, then click on the tube to connect it to the alien. Use your alien scissors on the alien beetle at the bottom right, then click on it twice to place it on top of the large machine. Now use your cable on the alien Reanimator.

Pick up the key card that falls down. Get in the elevator to leave.

Returning Home

Level 6

Staying in the right part of this area, use the top left elevator.

Level 10

Head through the glass tube.

Level 11

Go up the staircase within the orange tunnel.

Level 12

Use your alien mechanism on the floating coffin in the water.

Level 17

Climb up inside the flying saucer.

Level 18

Examine the large cabinet on the left. Use your key card on the reader, then take the screwdriver from the opened hatch. Go through the hatch on the right to leave the flying saucer.

Level 17

Use the alien mechanism on the floating coffin.

Level 12

Head between the buildings.

Level 11

Go left along the orange tunnel.

Level 10

Use the horizontal elevator to the left.

Level 5

Use your magnet on the device directly below you, and the elevator mechanism will move down. Walk out through the bright opening.

Level 4

Continue to the left.

Level 3

Use your screwdriver on the device at the top of the right pillar, and you will take out an arrow. Now go through the large doors. There is a final achievement for not using a hint throughout the game Wunderkind.