Duck Detective: The Secret SalamiDuck Detective: The Secret Salami

Game Details:  Comedy, 2024

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/21/2024

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is a comedy detective adventure where you take the titular role of The Duck Detective. You must search for clues and interview suspects as you piece together information to help you solve a sausage-based conspiracy of epic proportions. There are 7 Steam Achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.

Detective Agency

Check for messages at your desk and knock over the bin. Now collect words from around your home:

  • Rent: You start the game with this one
  • The Duck Detective: Look at the badge on the filing cabinet
  • Ana: Look at the loose papers on the floor
  • Tulips: Look at the photo on the pin-up board
  • Bread: Look at the loaf of bread you use as a pillow on the bed

Now you can solve your first deducktion:

  • The Nest Egg: "The Duck Detective spent his/her last money on bread for The Duck Detective." Early Bird

Answer the phone that is ringing on your desk.

BearBus Office

The Entrance

Talk to the customer outside near the steps. Open the door and head inside to the reception area. Knock over 2 bins (2/9), then start collecting words:

  • Name, People: Talk to the giraffe
  • K-pop Fan, Sad, Wintheimer: Examine the giraffe
  • Today, Cute, Happy, Remembered: Examine the calendar on the wall
  • Sophie, Laura, Birthday, Mug, Stolen, Nobody: Examine the suggestion box on the side table

You can identify your first suspect:

  • Giraffe: Sophie Wintheimer

Now you can solve another deducktion:

  • The Entrance: "Sophie is feeling sad because nobody has remembered her birthday."

Talk to the receptionist and say "Happy Birthday!" to receive an office key card. Go through the door on the left to find the office.

Main Office

As you enter the main office you will remember a client note in your pocket. Knock over 4 bins (6/9), then start collecting words:

  • Frederson, Lunch: You get these when you enter the main office
  • Bus Driver, Petrovic: Look at the paper on the floor in the raised red section
  • Expensive, West Currency, Good Condition, Salami, High Quality: Examine the gym bag in the raised red section
  • Station, Brezel, Salsiccia, Escargot, Hollandaise, Buses: Examine the pin-up board in the raised red section
  • Operating Office: Talk to the crocodile
  • Custom Mug, Lame, Bad Eyesight: Examine the crocodile
  • Picked: Interrogate the crocodile about the client note
  • BearBus: Talk to the cat
  • Bad Habits, Insomniac, Dedicated: Examine the cat
  • Receptionist: Interrogate the cat about Sophie
  • Nothing, Email, Manfred: Interrogate the cat about the client note
  • Surprise: Look at the unattended computer
  • Whitlock, Accessible, Posing: Examine the unattended computer Fits the Bill
  • Lazy, Rufus, Sederis, Freddy: Sign outside the boss' office on the right

Go through the door to the boss' office on the right.

Boss' Office

Knock over 1 bin (7/9), then start collecting words:

  • Right: Talk to the bear
  • Tie, Branch Manager, Stern, Family Man: Examine the bear
  • Heard: Interrogate the bear about the client note
  • Ernst: Look at the nameplate on the desk
  • Customer Service, Angst: Look at the papers on the desk
  • Framed, High Quality, Secret Compartment, Identical Age, Twins: Examine the family portrait on the wall

Main Office

Go back out to the main office, then identify some more suspects:

  • Crocodile: Freddy Frederson
  • Cat: Laura Angst
  • Bear: Manfred Ernst

Interrogate each of the suspects in each available area, about all possible topics. Now you can solve another deducktion:

  • The Suspects: "Sophie the giraffe works as a receptionist. The bear is Manfred and he is the branch manager. Laura the cat works in customer service. The crocodile called Freddy works in the operating office."

Now head into the kitchen.


Knock over the last 2 bins (9/9) Rage Uncaged. Now start collecting words:

  • Margaret: You get this when you enter the kitchen
  • Seen: Talk to the sheep
  • Motherly, Divorced, Well-Groomed: Examine the sheep
  • Ex, Hardworking: Interrogate the sheep about everything
  • Wrong: Talk to the penguin
  • Sci-fi Fan, Practical Person, Janitor: Examine the penguin
  • Sharp Claws, Salami Bandit, Margaret: Examine the fridge
  • Party, Budget Cuts, Hungry: Examine the pin-up board on the wall

You can identify some more suspects:

  • Sheep: Margaret Whitlock
  • Penguin: Rufus Sederis

Interrogate each of the suspects in each available area, about all possible topics. Now head outside to the parking lot, by going through the door near the photocopier.

Parking Lot

Talk to the buffalo. Search the bus to get a duffel bag, then collect some words:

  • Boris, Bad Manners, Handsome: Examine the buffalo
  • Suspicious: Interrogate the buffalo about everything

.You can identify the last suspect:

  • Buffalo: Boris Petrovic Ducks in a Row

Now you can solve 2 existing deducktions and 2 more that will appear straight after:

  • The Client: Laura hired the Duck Detective because his/her lunch was stolen by a co-worker known as The Salami Bandit.
  • More Suspects: Margaret the sheep works in customer service. The penguin is Rufus and works as the janitor. Boris the buffalo is a bus driver. Poultry Case
  • The Kitchen: Margaret is planning a surprise birthday party for Sophie.
  • The Culprit: Freddy is being framed by The Salami Bandit because Freddy picked up the wrong bag.

Surprise Party


After every comes to the party, start collecting more words from all locations:

  • Letters, Silly: You get this after Sophie opens the presents.
  • Plushie, Necklace: Look at the presents on the left
  • Salami, Cocky Attitude, Weird Message: Examine the far right present (you also get a birthday letter)
  • Adult Novel, Author's Name, Long Book: Examine the present with the alien book
  • Nice: Talk to the sheep
  • Cry: Talk to the cat

Parking Lot

  • Romantic: Talk to the buffalo
  • Import, Scary, Brezel: Examine the sign

Boss' Office

  • Legally: Talk to the bear

Main Office

  • Cake: Talk to the penguin
  • Friends, Mystery Author, Message, Complainer: Laura's computer

Interrogate each of the suspects in each available area, about all possible topics. Examine the folder on Laura's desk, then examine Margaret's computer. From reading the book in the kitchen you can work out the password is "Purple Eyed Alien". Now examine this computer:

  • Planned Trip, Illegal Activity?, Accomplice, Lovers?: Margaret's computer

Now you can solve 3 more deducktions:

  • The Presents: Sophie received the following presents from her colleagues: Laura gave a plushie. Rufus gave a book. Boris gave a necklace. Nothing was stolen.
  • The Message: Sophie received a silly letter that contained a scary message.
  • The Business: Salamis are being illegally imported from Salsiccia. Beak Performance

Sophie's Missing

You will try to interrogate everyone, but they all leave. Start collecting more words:


  • Helped, Lonely: Talk to the crocodile
  • Band, Angry, Fight?, Nonsensical: Examine the phone on the table

Parking Lot

  • Cheap: Talk to the bear

Main Office

  • Recruited: Talk to the penguin
  • Murder, Kidnapping, Stalking: Examine Freddy's computer


  • Home: Talk to the buffalo
  • Leave: Talk to the cat
  • No Communication, High Expectations, Fight: Examine Sophie's computer
  • Dramatic, Quit Job, Sudden News, Letter Author: Examine the letter on Sophie's desk (you will take the resignation letter)
  • Friend: Interrogate the cat about the resignation letter
  • Different: Interrogate the buffalo about the resignation letter

Look at the phone on the floor in the reception area (the last number is 03051777). Interrogate each of the suspects in each available area, about all possible topics. Now head to the Boss' office again, since the boss is outside in the parking lot.

Boss' Office

Move the painting on the wall, then examine the safe. There is a clue "CS/OO/BD" on a sticky note here, which refers to the employees in each department (Customer Service 2, Operating Office 1, Bus Driver 4). Open the safe with the code 214. Now examine the safe again:

  • Blackmail, Enemy, Different Handwriting, Server Room Key?, Fear of Snitching: Examine the opened safe

Now that you have the key for the server room, go out to Reception and head through the door on the right.

Server Room

Collect more words:

  • Box: Look at the stack of boxes
  • Anxious, Shame, Poor: Examine the mirror on the wall
  • Bus, CCTV, Sale Listing, Voucher, Manipulate History, Computer Illiterate: Examine the server room computer

Now you can solve 2 existing deducktions and 4 more that will appear straight after:

  • The Receptionist: Sophie got kidnapped because Sophie wanted to snitch.
  • More Business: Rufus blackmailed Manfred to make him stay quiet about Rufus illegally selling vouchers. Margaret is the one that provides the vouchers to Rufus.
  • The Kidnapping: Sophie is at BearBus' office, in a bus.
  • The Salami Bandit: Manfred is the Salami Bandit, because The Salami Bandit’s and his/her handwriting are identical.
  • The Dirty Work: Boris is the Salami Bandit’s accomplice, because the Salami Bandit needed someone who could easily carry out the importing of the salamis.
  • The Infatuation: Sophie is the Salami Bandit’s accomplice because he/she used to date Boris and the Salami Bandit needed someone who could convince Boris into helping.

Now during the final scene you must choose at least one culprit to get arrested Quacked the Case.