A Guild Investigation
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 1990
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 6/12/2013
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Head up the ladder and take the bottle from the wall. Use the transmitter on the wall (on the large green panel), then climb back down. Walk east twice and fill your bottle from the valve. Return west twice and climb up the ladder again. Lie down on the bench on the left, then push the button to "Open Pod bay door". Stand up and walk east. Push the button on the left for "Cabinet open" then go over and take the helmet. Wear the helmet by pressing F9. Continue east and enter the pod. Sit down at the front and push the button for "Automated Flight".
Stand up and exit the pod, then go east and climb down the ladder. Remove the helmet by pressing F10. Continue through the door into an office. Push the "Black" button on the desk, then go south through the next door. Walk to the console in the middle and press the button for "Personnel". After the decontamination, look in the box on the right and take a badge. Continue south and along the corridor to reach the upper central hub.
Go east and all the way to the end of the corridor into the observatory. Take the glasses from the desk. Return west to the hub and go southwest to find the elevator. Push the "Down" button and exit to the lower central hub.
Head northeast to the gym and take the magnet from the bench. Wear the helmet, then go north and through the door right at the end of the corridor. In the crew quarters here, press the buttons on the walls to access the rooms and go inside to get these items:
- Room 1: take the comb from the bed
- Room 3: take the sock from the floor
- Room 6: take the hacksaw from the dresser
- Room 7: take the hammer from the dresser
- Room 8: open the case and take the gun
Return west through the crew quarters and back to the hub, then remove the helmet. Next go northwest to the mess hall. Pick up some cake and eat it, then pick up another piece of cake. Go north and take the knife from the table, then press the button and enter the pantry. Take the cylinder from in the pantry, then return to the hub.
Head south to the cryochamber, then press the button and head into the oxygen storage room. Look at your watch by pressing F8 to see that your oxygen is not unlimited. Get oxygen from the valve. Remember to keep checking your oxygen with your watch and come back here if you need more. Leave the storage room and wear the helmet, then go south again. Climb the ladder here out to the surface. Walk north and east and use your hammer on the skylight. Return west and south, and climb back down the ladder. Cut the chains (with your hacksaw) and take the ladder, then return to the lower central hub. Remove the helmet. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Up" button and exit to the upper central hub.
Head east, then go through the doorway to the south and wear the helmet before going through the next doorway. Continue to the east and cut the vine with your knife, then press the button and enter the shed. Take the lamp, then leave the shed and return to the upper central hub. Remove the helmet. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Down" button and exit to the lower central hub.
Head west to the lockers, then wear the helmet. Turn on the lamp, then continue west. Quickly shine the lamp at the Tymak to kill it. Push the button and go through the door to a storage room. Pick up the laser drill and cutters from the shelves. Exit this room and go back to the lower central hub. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Up" button and exit to the upper central hub.
Wear the helmet before heading south. Continue along the corridor, then quickly shoot the Karik with your laser drill. Turn around and return to the hub, then remove the helmet before going southeast to reach a laboratory. Look at the body on the ground here and read the note. Go to the right part of this room and read the notepad on the desk. Go and open the filing cabinet on the back wall (the one with the green light). Now head over and open the storage cabinet on the right, and take the jar from inside. Go back to the left of the room and head back to the hub. Wear the helmet and put the bee into the cylinder. Head south and continue through the next door, then put the bee back into the jar and remove the helmet. Go through the next door then quickly open the jar to kill the Zeld. Go left and through the bottom door by pushing the button next to it. In the office here, open the cabinet on the right and take the torch from inside. Leave the office and go back through the door to the right. Wear the helmet and put the bee into the cylinder. Head through the next door and return to the hub, then put the bee back into the jar and remove the helmet. Go southeast to the laboratory, and put the jar back in the storage cabinet. Return through the door back to the upper central hub. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Down" button and exit to the lower central hub.
Wear the helmet and go southeast. Put your ladder on the crack, then walk over it and go through the next door to the power plant. Remove the helmet and pick up the wrench from the top floor. Push the button next to the bottom doorway, then walk through to a tunnel. Keep going left until you see a broken cable, then fix the cable with your welding torch. Return right through the tunnel. Wear the helmet, then return left through the doorway back to the hub, and remove the helmet again. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Up" button and exit to the upper central hub.
Go northeast to the security room. Sit in the chair and use the terminal, typing the following:
- Biomed
- Brelt
- Glitten
- Karik
- Tymak
- Zeld
- Quit
- Quit
Stand up and walk to the top right of this room. Look at the board, then look at the board through your glasses to see a safe combination. Shoot the door with the laser, then shoot the panel with the laser through the hole. Leave this room and return to the upper central hub, then continue west and along the corridor into the communications room. Walk into the central console area and use the transmitter. Keep going west and wear the helmet, then climb the ladder out to the surface.
Walk south and get the nugget from the pile on the ground, and the screwdriver from the dead astronaut. Return north and climb up to the top of the tower. Remove the screw from the cover on the left, then press the "Open" button over on the right. Climb back down to the ground and walk over to the blue control box on the left. Now open the safe with the combination you saw earlier:
- Turn dial right 3
- Turn dial left 1
- Turn dial right 6
- Turn dial left 4
Now open the box and cut the wires. Climb up the ladder again and take the Phillips screwdriver. Climb back down the ladder until you are underground again, then remove the helmet. Return east to the hub, then wear the helmet before going northwest. Turn on your magnet, then continue left to confront the Brelt. Go through the next door to the left.
Walk west, south, south over the river and east through a hidden door into a control room. Open the panel at the bottom and cut the wire. Go back west, north twice and east through a hidden door again. Continue all the way back to the upper central hub. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Down" button and exit to the lower central hub.
Wear the helmet, then go east until you find a broken panel with some exposed pipes. Open the valve here, then continue east to see you have killed the Glitten. Keep going east through the engine control room to find the navigation control room. Go over to the right wall and strip the wire, then put your wire in the box. Return west to the engine control room and press the red button in the central control area. Go west until you reach the hub and remove the helmet. Go southwest to the elevator, press the "Up" button and exit to the upper central hub.
Go north through decontamination to the reception. Wear the helmet then continue north and go up the ladder. Walk west, but don't enter the pod yet. Throw your cake at the slime. Now get inside, sit down and push the button for "Automated Return".
Stand up and exit your pod, then go west. Remove the helmet and return it to the cabinet. Continue west and return the bottle. Lie down on the bench, then push the button to "Close Pod bay door". Next push the button for "Automated Return". Stand up and climb down the ladder, then lie down in the cryo unit on the left.