CSI: Crime Scene InvestigationCSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Game Details:  Mystery, 2003

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  9/25/2009

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is the first in a long series of games based on the CSI television series, created by a range of developers over the years. In this game, you have 5 unrelated crimes to solve in the Las Vegas area. The series continues with CSI: Dark Motives.

Inn and Out

Hotel (Crime Scene)

After meeting Grissom, travel to the hotel. Examine the body carefully. Use your UV light to examine the bruising on the victim's neck. Next look at the white cloth to the left of the body and scan it with your magnifying glass, then collect the hair with your tweezers. Turn around and talk to Bert Susten, the hotel owner, who will give you the check-in card that the victim filled out. Look at this in your evidence panel to get her address. Now speak to Grissom and get a hint on any piece of evidence. The tutorial is over at this stage and you can proceed on your own.

Look at the bracelet behind Grissom and collect it with the rubber gloves. Next look at the TV remote control beneath a chair to the right of the bed. Dust it for prints, then zoom back out. Look at the victim again and zoom in on her mouth. Use the gloves to get the $20 bill. Next head into the bathroom and look into the basin. Spray Luminol in there to identify blood, then use a swab to get a sample for the lab. Leave the crime scene and head to Jenny Strickland's apartment.

Jenny Strickland's Apartment

Meet Jenny at the door and ask her everything, then go and meet Brass.

Detective's Office

Visit Brass in his office and find out Kylie Yardstrum's address and anything else he'll tell you.


Talk to Al about the body and the skin under the fingernails, and he will give it to you.

Kylie Yardstrum's Apartment

First look at the coffee table and collect the medicine bottle. Next turn around and look at Kylie's computer. Open up her schedule to get some more info in the form of a computer printout. Turn left from the computer and listen to the message on the answering machine (you will automatically take the tape). On the counter, look at and take the stack of hotel receipts.


Give Greg all relevant items of evidence (swab from bathroom basin, skin sample, ligature (sheet), $20 bill, medicine bottle, answering machine tape, hotel receipts). Now access the computer in this room. Perform a search on all 3 sets of fingerprints, and on the computer printout - you will get a rap sheet on Devon Rodgers. Compare the rap sheet with the partial fingerprint from the remote and you will get a match.

Detective's Office

See Brass and get him to bring in both Bert Susten and Devon Rodgers. Talk to each of them in turn, then take DNA samples (using the swab and tweezers).


Have a look at all 3 hair samples under the microscope (place the crime scene sample on one side and compare it with the 2 samples you just collected on the other side). Now give the 2 mouth swabs to Greg, and finally give him the swab from the bathroom again. All evidence should now be gold-tagged.

Detective's Office

Bring Bert Susten back in for questioning, and finally get Devon Rodgers in to arrest him.

Light My Fire

Jason Gray's Home (Crime Scene)

Talk to the victim, Jason Gray. Start searching the scene, and you will see some broken glass on the floor near a broken window. You can't do anything with this, so zoom out again. On the desk is a phone - press the redial button. Also look at the piece of burned paper, and use your Ninhydrin to identify some prints. Down to the left of the desk is an antique lighter and a dirty rag - collect them both. Up on the wall behind Sara is an old painting, and she will comment that fires are often associated with traces of gas. Pull out your sniffer and sample the air to get a sample. Look at the floor beneath this painting. Zoom in on the glass and collect it, then zoom in on the wood; run your UV light over it to detect an accelerent, then collect the wood. Talk to Jason again, then head out through the door. Look down next to the window and you will see a print in the garden. Take a cast of the print. Zoom out and then back in to the broken glass, and collect a piece with the tweezers.


Give all of your evidence to Greg. Use the computer to analyse the prints and you will get a rap sheet on James Ritchie.

Detective's Office

Visit Brass and get him to look up some things about James Ritchie so you can pay him a visit.

James Ritchie's Office

Talk to James about everything, and he will reveal that Jason owns an airplane.

Detective's Office

Check out James Ritchie's alibi, and get the location of Jason Gray's plane.

Henderson Executive Airport

Have a look at the tail of the plane to confirm it belongs to Jason Gray. Take the oily rag from near the front of the plane. Look at the desk and take the letter from the dissatisfied client. Try to open the lockers to the left, but they are locked. Turn around to the right and you will see a fuel invoice on some boxes that you can take as further evidence.


Go back and see Greg, and give him the oily rag.

Detective's Office

Get Brass to bring Jason Gray in for questioning - he will confess to lighting the fire, and then give you permission to further investigate his property.

Jason Gray's Shed

Take casts of the two footprints out the front of the shed. Look at the handle on the shed door and dust for prints, then head inside. Swab the neck of the gas can on the floor. Take a wine bottle from the high shelf, and use your tweezers to grab a thread from a nail in the wall next to the ladder.


Give the thread and the swab to Greg for analysis, then fire up the computer. Analyse both footprints and you will find two different sized shoes. Next perform a search on the combined fingerprint and it will automatically separate into two. Search for both of these and a new name will turn up - Ginns.

Detective's Office

Talk to Jason Gray, who will deny knowing Ginns. Next talk to Ginns, who will incriminate Gray in drug activities. Talk to Gray once more, and then Ginns again to complete the investigation.

Garvey's Beat

Tropicana Avenue Roadside (Crime Scene)

First look at the body of the victim. Zoom in on the head and take a Mikrosil cast of the wound, then look at the chest to see 2 bullet wounds. Look at the blood on the ground and take a swab. Next look at the tire iron behind Nick - zoom in with your magnifying glass to find a red thread, and take it with the tweezers before picking up the entire weapon. Next dust the gun on the ground for fingerprints and collect it as well. Enter the patrol car and take the old police officer's ID from between the seats. Take the front page of the officer's notebook. Look at the stain on the driver's seat and spray it with Luminol to identify it as blood, then take a swab.


Talk to Al about everything and he will give you the bullets that killed Officer Garvey.


Give Greg everything you have collected, then go to the computer. Scan the prints from the gun (they turn about to be Garvey's as expected), and also scan the ID to get some more information.

Tropicana Avenue Roadside (Crime Scene)

Try to dust the old gun for prints but there aren't any so just pick it up.


Greg will tell you about a guy on a website chat room, so head straight to the computer and click on Web Chat. Send the two messages to the chat room and you will find out that "Sutherland" knows something about the case. Log off and give the gun to Greg to find it is a match for the murder weapon.

Detective's Office

Get Brass to look up the domain owner for CrimeChat.com, so you can pay him a visit.

Jack Riley's Home

Talk to Jack Riley at his front door, but he won't let you in without a warrant.

Detective's Office

Get a warrant from Brass to enter Jack Riley's house.

Jack Riley's Home

Now that you have a warrant you can go inside. Look at the drink cans on the right and get some prints. Also look at the crime books on the desk, the bulletin board on the wall, and the computer screen, which will give you Sutherland's IP address.


Run the prints from the can through the computer but you will come up empty.

Detective's Office

Speak to Brass, who will give you the location of the computer where Sutherland posted his last message.

UNLV Computer Laboratory

Talk to Professor Franklin about the computing facilities. While you are here, take some prints from the drink cans near the computers.


Check your new prints on the computer and again you get no new information.

Jack Riley's Home

Speak to Riley again (either inside or outside).

Detective's Office

Have Brass bring in John Laskin for questioning. While you are talking to him, make sure you take a thread sample from his sweater.


Give the new thread sample to Greg - it is similar but a slightly different color, perhaps indicating it is newer than the thread from the crime scene. Greg then tells you another post has been made on the website.

UNLV Computer Laboratory

The suspect has already left, but the sweater is still there. Zoom in on the sweater and you will see some dandruff flakes. Use the magnifying glass to get closer, then collect them with your adhesive lifting tape. Zoom back out and grab the sweater.


Give the dandruff flakes and the sweater to Greg, and he says you need DNA from the suspects.

Detective's Office

Arrange through Brass to collect DNA samples from each of your suspects, then go and do it.


Give the DNA samples to Greg, and he will identify Professor Franklin as the murderer.

Detective's Office

Get Brass to contact Professor Franklin and bring him in, then interview the Professor to make the arrest.

More Fun Than a Barrel of Corpses


Talk to Warrick, then use the computer and go to Audio Analysis. Listen to the entire waveform, then zoom in and listen to the 2 sections with background noises, then Warrick will identify a casino as the likely location. Use the Internet Directory and you will get your first potential location.

Casino (Crime Scene)

The first thing to do is click on the barrel to the right of Warrick, and you will note that it has been moved recently. Talk to the animal trainer, but he will not be of any use.

Detective's Office

Try to get a warrant to look in the mysterious barrel, but Brass won't help you at this stage.


Back at the casino, use your IR camera on the barrel and Warrick will open it. Look at the body, and take the casino chips from the mouth. Examine the victim's pants, and take 2 separate samples using your adhesive. Next look at the ground near Warrick and get a cast of the tire tread. Go to the payphone over behind the animal trainer and dust for prints. Talk to the trainer and talk to the elephant to complete your initial investigation.


Talk to Al and he will give you a swab from the victim's nose and some info.


Give Greg the stains from the pants and the pollen swab, then head to the computer and scan in the prints from the payphone and the tire tread.

Detective's Office

Talk to Brass, who wants this case to be over as quickly as possible, but will not give you a search warrant. He does, however, give you another location to investigation.

Desert Demonstration Gardens

Look at the ground to the right of Warrick, and you will see 3 areas of note. Notice the flattened grass in the top right of the area. Look at the rock to the left and collect some dirt with your tweezers. Finally, notice the tire tread and lift it using your electrostatic lifter. Zoom back out and look at the trash can. Zoom in to the tissue, and scan it with your magnifying glass until you see the hair. Get the hair with your tweezers, then collect the tissue. Zoom back out and check the door of the shed to find it is locked.


Give Greg the new evidence (dirt sample, tissue, hair). Use the computer to check your new tire tread and compare it to the earlier one to see it is a 70% match.


Visit Al once more and talk to him to get a DNA sample.


Give the DNA sample to Greg to complete your current investigation of the evidence.

Detective's Office

Visit Brass to find out some more about Maxamine and get the location of a pharmacy that has some in stock.


Talk to Leda Callisto, the pharmacist about Maxamine and any doctors who have ordered it to get a new address to visit.

Detective's Office

Just stop in here to find out if the victim was a patient of Dr Wilkinson before heading out to see him.

Doctor's Office

Ask Dr Wilkinson all of your questions, then head over to his house.

Wilkinson's Residence

Speak to Mrs Wilkinson about things, and she will let you have access to the truck.

Wilkinson's Garage

Examine the tires on the truck and get a print using your adhesive lifter. Next look in the bed of the truck. Examine the wood chips and collect them with your tweezers. Now look over to the right and get a sample of the sap with a swab. Finally collect the receipt using your rubber gloves.


Give your new evidence to Greg, and check out the new tread, comparing it with the one from the garden to see it is a perfect match.

Detective's Office

Talk to Brass about the firewood. Bring Leda Callisto in and get her DNA sample. Next call for Dr Wilkinson and get his sample, and finally get Mrs Wilkinson in for her sample. Talk to Leda Callisto again, and then talk to Dr Wilkinson again.


Have Greg analyse all the DNA samples in any order.

Detective's Office

Call Leda Callisto in one final time for interrogation.

Leda's Swan Song

Detective's Office

Talk to Brass about the current situation, and you will have 3 new locations to visit.

Holding Cell

Talk to Leda, but she does not provide much useful information.

Leda's Home

Examine at the bookcase on the right - get a swab from the greasy handprint on the right, then look at the mythology book on the left. Next look at the TV and collect the small bottle of liquid. Take the casino chips from the coffee table. Zoom in on the cellphone to Catherine's right and dust it for prints, then take the phone. Next look at the photo album on top of the cabinet. Dust the left side for prints, then take the page from the right. On the table to the left of the cabinet, take the car key and the other smaller key. Zoom in to the bottom half of the ashtray and spray Ninhydrin to get some prints, then take the scrap of paper. Zoom in on the top half and collect the other scrap of paper.

Desert Demonstration Gardens

Talk to the groundskeeper. Look left of Catherine and you will see a footprint that you can cast. Look on the ground near the group of birds and collect the insect larva. Turn a bit more to the left and you will see a mark on a light pole. Zoom in on this with your magnifying glass and collect the paint chip, then look at the ground and cast the tire marks.


Give Greg all of your evidence. Run both sets of prints through the computer and compare them. Also check the footprint, the tire tread, and the newspaper clipping.

Detective's Office

Talk to Brass and he will give you evidence from 2 of the previous cases (numbers 1 and 4).


Give Greg the new evidence, and run the prints and tire tread through the computer. Also compare all combinations of fingerprints and tire treads. You now should have gold tags on all evidence except the small key (silver tag).

Detective's Office

Now Brass will agree to give you access to past locations.

Hotel Room

Talk to Bert Susten until he has no more information, then look at the window. Climb out to the fire escape and swab the handprint on the window ledge.

Kylie Yardstrum's Apartment

Have a look at the computer and check out the schedular once more to get a printout.


Give the swab to Greg and run the printout through the computer.

Wilkinson's Residence

Talk to the doctor again, and go back to his garage to find the truck missing.

Detective's Office and Holding Cell

Visit Brass and ask him some questions, then go and visit Leda and do the same. Keep going back and forth between the two until they stop giving you information.

U-Keep Storage Facility

Go through the gate after it opens. Get the pipe from behind the dumpster, then get the barrel from the far wall, and you will save Grissom.